What does George say to Lennie before shooting him

How can you justify George’s actions at the end? How could you justify what he does to Lennie?


George’s actions in the end of the book results in him murdering Lennie. For example, in Of Mice and Men George tells Lennie, “No, Lennie. I ain’t mad, an’ I ain’t now. That’s a thing I want ya to know” (Steinbeck 106). This quote shows that George is killing Lennie for Lennie’s own good. George realizes that if the other men were to find Lennie alive they would have tortured him. Steinbeck states, “He looked at the back of Lennie’s head, at the place where the spine and skull were joined” (105). While George was thinking of the way to kill Lennie, he saw the most painless and fast way and took it.

What does George say to Lennie? What does George say to Lennie before shooting him? He tells Lennie that he is a bad man and that he deserves to die. He tells Lennie that he has no other choice but to shoot him since it’s the law.

What are some of George’s last words to Lennie?

What are some of George’s last words to Lennie? “No, Lennie, I ain’t mad. I never been mad, an I ain’t now.”

What George tells Lennie?

What does George say to Lennie about to distract him Chapter 6?

What were George’s first words Lennie?

What does George say after he kills Lennie?

However, after Lennie’s crime, George realizes that he has to kill Lennie. He also recognizes that he will not be so different from the ranchers he once derided: “’I’ll work my month an’ I’ll take my fifty bucks an’ I’ll stay all night in some lousy cat house. Or I’ll set in some poolroom till ever’body goes home.

What does George say to Lennie before he shoots him?

What does George say to Lennie before shooting him? He tells Lennie that he is a bad man and that he deserves to die. He tells Lennie that he has no other choice but to shoot him since it’s the law.

What does George say to Lennie when he is mad at him?

What does George say to Lennie? He asks him why he did it.

What does George do while telling Lennie the story?

What does he do while telling him this story? George shoots Lennie and kills him.

What is the last thing George tells Lennie and why?

George had said in chapter 5 that he always told the story of the ranch for Lennie’s sake, because it made him so happy to think of it. One of his last words were, I want to go there now. This symbolized that he was ready to die and that the ranch was his paradise.

What does George killing Lennie symbolize?

Why does George shoot Lennie?

What does George lie to Lennie about near the end of the book?

George speaks for Lennie, making the Boss suspicious. George lies, telling him that Lennie is his cousin and he looks after him because he was kicked in the head by a horse as a child. Although still mistrustful, the Boss tells George and Lennie that they will be working on Slim’s grain team.

What is Lennie’s disability?

61). Of Mice and Men is a story about an intellectually disabled man. Lennie’s disability is central to the plot; if he were not intellectually disabled, the story would simply not work.

How did George treat Lennie?

In fact, George acts as a parent toward Lennie: He treats Lennie as one would treat a child, he laughs a great deal at Lennie’s words, and because he knows how much Lennie likes soft things, he promises to try to get Lennie a puppy and to let him care for the rabbits when they finally get their own ranch.

What does George say he would do without Lennie?

What does George say his life would be like without Lennie? He’d be lonely and have no one to share his dreams with.

Is Lennie’s death justified?

Did Lennie know George was going to shoot him?

What does Lennie say when he kills Curley’s wife?

Did George do the right thing?

George saved him from an unforgiving society. George definitely did the right thing. If he did not kill Lennie, Curly would definitely have had him tortured and painfully killed. Shooting him was painless.

Why does Curley’s wife let Lennie touch her hair?

What does George say he’s scared he’ll do Why?

He’s scared that he’ll fight Curley instead of Lennie because he really dislikes Curley. George lies to the boss at the beginning of chapter 2.

How does George react when Slim calls Lennie a cuckoo?

Who finds Curley’s wife dead?

Candy goes into the barn and finds Curley’s wife’s body. He runs to get George and the two discuss what has happened and predict that Curley will want to kill Lennie.

What do Lennie’s hallucinations symbolize?

The visions that Lennie had was his self-conscience telling him that he’s a failure. They represent his fears coming true.

Is Lennie responsible for killing Curley’s wife?

In Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck, a scene occurs where Lennie, unintentionally, kills Curley’s wife. George is the most responsible for the death of Curley’s Wife because he is Lennie’s caretaker and has conditioned Lennie to hide his actions.

Why does Curley wear a Vaseline glove?

What foreshadowed Lennie’s death?

When Carlson kills the dog, Candy confides to George that he wishes he’d done it himself instead of letting Carlson do it. This comment foreshadows George’s decision to shoot Lennie himself, as he is Lennie’s closest companion. Lennie’s death at George’s hand is a heartbreaking moment for George and for the reader.

What do Lennie’s hands symbolize?

Is Of Mice and Men a true story?

How did slim react to Lennie’s death?

Lennie was trying to kill George, and George shot him in self defense. Which statement best describes Slim’s reaction Lennie’s death? He threatens to turn George in to the sheriff for murder.

Did Lennie and George have a true friendship?

Why does George warn Lennie to stay away from Curley?

How does George prepare himself to shoot Lennie?

Before he shoots Lennie, George also says that soon, “Ever’body gonna be nice to you. Ain’t gonna be no more trouble. Nobody gonna hurt nobody nor steal from ’em.” The most likely place George is referring to is… The insane asylum.

Why is George mad at Lennie after the boss leaves?

After the boss leaves, why is George angry with Lennie? He told Lennie to not say a word, but he did which almost lost them their jobs. Lennie said, “strong as a bull.”

What is the last thing George tells Lennie and why?

George had said in chapter 5 that he always told the story of the ranch for Lennie’s sake, because it made him so happy to think of it. One of his last words were, I want to go there now. This symbolized that he was ready to die and that the ranch was his paradise.

What does George say before he shoots Lennie? What does George say to Lennie before shooting him? He tells Lennie that he is a bad man and that he deserves to die. He tells Lennie that he has no other choice but to shoot him since it’s the law.

What does George say after he kills Lennie?

However, after Lennie’s crime, George realizes that he has to kill Lennie. He also recognizes that he will not be so different from the ranchers he once derided: “’I’ll work my month an’ I’ll take my fifty bucks an’ I’ll stay all night in some lousy cat house. Or I’ll set in some poolroom till ever’body goes home.

What are some of George’s last words to Lennie?

Why does George talk about the dream before he shoots Lennie?

What does George speak about as he kills Lennie where does he ask Lennie to look?

What does Lennie’s death symbolize?

Because George is forced to kill his friend himself, Lennie’s death is not only the death of a single vulnerable person, but also the destruction of a rare and idealized friendship.

Did Lennie know George was going to shoot him?

No. Lennie had no idea that George was going to shoot him. The two men were simply sharing the dream they’d talked about so many times.

Why does George shoot Lennie?

George killed Lennie, because Candy told George he wished he would have shot his own dog, Lennie killed Curley’s wife, the puppie, and the mouse, and the lynch mob would have done worse things to Lennie.

What is the last thing George tells Lennie and why?

George had said in chapter 5 that he always told the story of the ranch for Lennie’s sake, because it made him so happy to think of it. One of his last words were, I want to go there now. This symbolized that he was ready to die and that the ranch was his paradise.

What does Lennie remember that George has told him?

Why does George leave and then return to the barn with the others? What does Lennie remember that George has told him? irst, he sees his Aunt Clara. Her physical appearance is as his aunt, but her voice seems to be Lennie’s own.

What is Lennie’s disability?

What is George and Lennie’s dream quote?

What does George do while telling Lennie the story?

What does he do while telling him this story? George shoots Lennie and kills him.

What does George say to Lennie when he is mad at him?

What does George say to Lennie? He asks him why he did it.

Was Lennie’s death inevitable?

Lennie’s innocence and his inability to use his mind, secures his inevitable destruction. These factors all point, very obviously throughout the novel; hence Lennie’s death was inevitable. …read more.

How was Lennie’s death foreshadowed?

When Carlson kills the dog, Candy confides to George that he wishes he’d done it himself instead of letting Carlson do it. This comment foreshadows George’s decision to shoot Lennie himself, as he is Lennie’s closest companion. Lennie’s death at George’s hand is a heartbreaking moment for George and for the reader.

Is Of Mice and Men a true story?

How does George prepare himself to shoot Lennie?

Is George guilty of killing Lennie?

Who kills Curley’s wife?

Lennie kills Curley’s wife because of his inability to control his own strength and emotions. However, Lennie doesn’t simply kill her—several unfortunate events lead to her death.

Is Curley’s wife to blame for Lennie’s death?

How Lennie kills Curley’s wife?

Answers 1. Lennie kills Curley’s wife by shaking her so hard that her neck breaks — remember, he is a big strong man. He does not kill her on purpose. He is only shaking her like that because he wants her to stop yelling.

How does George shoot Lennie what gun does he use?

What do Lennie’s hallucinations symbolize?

The visions that Lennie had was his self-conscience telling him that he’s a failure. They represent his fears coming true.

What does George tell Lennie to calm him down?

What does George tell Lennie to calm him down before he shoots him? George tells Lennie the story of how they are going to get their farm and animals. He tells Lennie that he gets to tend the rabbits and this plan is gonna happen real soon.

What 3 things does George say he could do if he was alone what does that say about the time period of the setting and what does it say about George?

5. What does George say he could do if he is alone? p. 7 & 11 – He says that he could live and get along more easily; possibly get married; he could get a job and work without any trouble; do whatever he wanted, stay wherever he wanted.

What two embarrassing things does George tell Slim about?

What is Lennie’s mental age?

How would you estimate Lennie’s “mental” age? Lennie is like a child in that he constantly talks with slightly bad grammar, and exaggerates. He is either super happy or pouting. He behaves like a five or six-year-old.

What is Curley’s wife’s name?

Is Lennie Small a real person?

What is the last thing George tells Lennie and why?

George had said in chapter 5 that he always told the story of the ranch for Lennie’s sake, because it made him so happy to think of it. One of his last words were, I want to go there now. This symbolized that he was ready to die and that the ranch was his paradise.

How does George feel about Lennie’s death?

What is the significance of the last line in the novel?

What is George’s intention in telling Lennie the story again at this point?

What is George’s intention in telling Lennie the “story” again at this point? George tells Lennie the story to distract him and put him in his happy place before he dies. Why did George choose to shoot Lennie? He choose to shoot Lennie so that he doesn’t have to suffer from Curley.