IELTS Band 9 essay on employment

This essay question was reported in April 2015. It is about the employment of older people and the problems this creates.

IELTS Essay Question

Nowadays, more and more younger people need to compete with older people for the same jobs.

What problems does this cause? What would you suggest as a solution?

This essay question focuses on younger people. The instructions ask for problems and solution. Always note whether you are asked to give the causes or the problems.

IELTS Essay Ideas

Problems caused by young and old people competing for work

  • young people will have to compete with older people who have more experience which might mean some young people fail to find work
  • with greater competition for jobs comes more unemployment
  • high unemployment in young people can cause unrest in society leading to problems such as crime
  • if old people are not able to compete with young people, they may not be able to get a job
    • without adequate financial means to support themselves, old people may be thrown into poverty
    • with a growing world population of elderly people, this can be a huge financial crisis

Solutions for young people competing for work

  • one effective solution could be to provide sufficient social benefits for older people to allow them to retire without loosing their standard of living
  • by fixing a clear retirement age over which no one can be employed, it will ensure that the young do not need to compete against older people for work
  • have a fixed quota of jobs set aside for people under a certain age and over a certain age to avoid so much competition
  • another possible answer is to offer a job share between elderly and young people so that both groups can gain some form of employment
  • alternatively, older people could be employed purely to pass on their knowledge and experience to the young rather than taking their positions at work

Alternative Essay Question

Nowadays, more and more older people compete with younger people for the same jobs.

What are the reasons for this? What would you suggest as a solution?

This essay question focuses on older people. You must provide the causes (reasons) why older people compete and also solutions for this situation.

Essay Ideas

Reasons why old people compete with young people for work

  • older people continue being fit for work for longer so wish to continue working
  • some older people do not have enough money put aside for their pensions so must work
  • some elderly people do not want such a long tedious retirement and wish to continue working
  • as older people work for longer, there are less jobs available for the younger generation
  • increased life expectancy raise the proportions of working elderly people

Solutions :

The solutions are the same as given above.


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While recruiting a new employee, the employer should pay more attention to their personal qualities, rather than qualifications and experience. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Give your opinion and include relevant examples.

NOTE – the following contains two sample essays from a recent real IELTS Academic exam. The first essay is written using vocabulary that an average IELTS test-taker should know and gives some tips on structure, vocabulary, task response, and grammar. The second essay is written at a Band 9 level and contains advanced grammar and vocabulary. Both essays are written with a similar structure.

IELTS Band 9 essay on employment


When hiring a new employee, their qualifications and experience are often said to be the most important. However, some believe that more focus should be given to their personality. From my perspective, it seems that qualifications and experience are important, but positive personal qualities require more attention.

COMMENTS – (1) think of some synonyms for words you will repeat e.g. “pay attention” –> “focus”, “recruiting” –> “hiring” (2) Make sure you present both sides and say to what extent you agree or disagree in the introduction (3) If you “kind of agree/disagree”, then you can mention each side, which will make it easier to write your essay.

To begin with, having suitable qualifications and experience are necessary because it shows that a person knows about the job and can perform it. Many jobs require a person to have advanced knowledge of a certain area and also a long time working in that field so that they will not make any errors that might lead to disastrous results, like lawsuits or even death. No one would go to a doctor to a lawyer who did not have some kind of degree in medicine or law, for instance.

COMMENTS – (1) Begin your body paragraph with a linking phrase like, “To begin with…” (2) Try to make your main idea clear e.g. “it shows a person knows about their job and can perform it” (3) Explain your main idea e.g “Many jobs require…” (3) Try to include an example e.g. “…for instance” (4) Keep aiming for synonyms if you can e.g. “area” vs. “field” (5) Try to add some topic-specific vocabulary if you can e.g “lawsuits” “degree”

However, although qualifications and experience can be the most important things, they can be less relevant if an employee has negative personal qualities. Many jobs require people to work in an office space nearby to many other people, and if someone causes problems because of their personality or attitude, it can affect other people’s work and the performance of the company. For example, I have a friend who is quite smart, but is really lazy, so I think if he was hired for a job, he could do it, but he would be too lazy and other colleagues would have to do his work for him, which would lead to bad feelings in the workplace.

COMMENTS – (1) Link your next paragraph with a suitable word or phrase e.g “However”, “Nevetheless”, etc. (2) Keep adding some topic-specific words if you can e.g. “colleagues” “the workplace” (3) Include an example from your experience (or make one up!)

Overall, I believe that a perfect employee has good qualification, experience, and personal characteristics. Employers should look at person’s qualifications and experience first, and then look at their personality to see if they will be more trouble than they are worth. (292 words)

COMMENTS – (1) Make sure your conclusion matches your view in the introduction and the ideas you included in your body (2) Paraphrase the ideas in the body to create your overall opinion (3) Try to finish with a memorable last sentence.

IELTS Band 9 essay on employment


While recruiting a new employee, the employer should pay more attention to their personal qualities, rather than qualifications and experience. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Give your opinion and include relevant examples.

During the recruitment process, employers often focus on an applicant’s relevant qualifications and experience and give less attention to their personal characteristics. While being well-qualified and having the requisite experience is important, or even essential, for some jobs, personality factors should be given more consideration.

It is undeniable that in some fields relevant qualifications and experience are crucial to performing a job. A patient who needed a life-saving operation or a defendant falsely charged with murder would both like to have a competent doctor or a talented lawyer to help them with their respective problems. Even if the particular doctor or lawyer did not possess desirable personal qualities, they would still be valued for their ability to perform highly-skilled tasks.

Nevertheless, outside the realm of specialists, it would seem that personality should be given greater attention. In an office environment, most people can get on-the-job training and do not necessarily need an advanced degree or extensive experience to perform their duties. Instead, what is more important is their ability to work as a team with their co-workers and avoid workplace disputes. In this case, it would make more sense to hire the sociable person who needs extra training rather than the skilled worker who is unpleasant to be around.

Broadly speaking, the key requirements for requiring new staff will depend on the job in question. In some fields, personality has to play second fiddle to competence, but in many if not most jobs, it is the ability to interact well with other employees that is the most important criterion when hiring new staff. (263 words)

IELTS Band 9 essay on employment


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