What was the Columbian Exchange What was the impact of the exchange on both Native American and European societies?

The Columbian Exchange was one of the most important events in history. It was the exchange of goods, people/animals, and ideas from the New World to the Old World and the Old World to the New World. It created an economic association between Europe and America. It connected the world. All in all, the Columbian exchange had a positive effect on history. When European explorers arrived in America they brought goods. Some of these goods are wheat, barley, turnips, sugar, grapes, bananas, rice, and olive oil. The Europeans were also introduced to maize (corn), potatoes, beans, peanuts, squash, peppers, tomatoes, and cocoa (chocolate). These goods are eaten every day and allow the world to maintain a healthy diet. So, the Columbian Exchange influenced the world in a positive way by transporting goods. The Columbian Exchange allowed animals to be moved from the Old World to the New World. At the time, the Native Americans had only dogs, alpaca, llamas, guinea pigs, and fowl. They had to do hard labor entirely on their own. Europeans showed them animals like horses, pigs, cows, goats, and chickens. All of the sudden, the natives had new means of transportation, labor, and food sources. The transportation of animals during the Columbian Exchange had a great impact on the New World. Last, the Columbian exchange moved technology and ideas forward in America. The European explorers brought a written alphabet, which the Native Americans did not have at the time. They brought new farming equipment and new ideas on how to better farm. They brought better weapons so the natives could hunt and find food. They also brought architecture to build better homes, ships, ports, ranches, and farms in America. So, the Columbian Exchange gave America new ideas and technology which led to a better life. Some people might argue that the Columbian Exchange had a negative effect because of all the disease that was spread. Sure disease was transported between the Old World and the New World. But that's not what we need to focus on. We need to pay more attention to the good things that came from the Columbian Exchange, not the bad things. If we will focus on the positive affects of the Columbian Exchange we will realize that it had a positive impact on the planet.

In conclusion, the Columbian Exchange had a good influence on the world. It allowed ideas, animals, and goods to be shared among Europe and America. Most of everything we enjoy here in America came because of the Columbian Exchange. If it weren't for the European explorers who brought all of this to America, we would not live the lives we do today. All in all, the Columbian Exchange changed the world for the better.

I don't completely agree with your essay. I think that we should focus on the disease, only because so many cultures and traditions died out. I do like how you gave a huge load of examples of what was brought over to the Americas. You must have put forth a lot effort to find all these examples. All in all, you did a great job. :)

i totally agree with Danielle, so many things were lost in the Columbian exchange, maybe more that was gained, oh and Ryan,the technology the Europeans brought wasn't necessarily better, just different, more advanced or just more dangerous.

Just wanna thank u for the inspiration that u put in your work and that it was great.

Very informative! If only mine could have been that good. Well written, and I love how you gave us the stories.

I like what you said about how the Columbian Exchange connected the world. You did a great job!

Ryan, I really liked the idea behind your essay, but one thing you forgot to mention was how the Americans were enslaved and the whole Taino nation went extinct. I mean sure we got a lot of new resources, but think of all the knowledge that was lost. Think of all the lives. Most importantly, think of how the Americans saw it. They saw a bunch of overdressed pale faced girly men killing their families with disease and slavery. Still, I think you made an excellent argument. ; )

Yes! The slave trade was one of the negatives from the Columbian Exchange.

Ryan, I think you made an excellent argument, but something on the flip side which I would like to point out is the fact that to the Americans it looked like a bunch of pale faced, overdressed, wussy men were taking there families away and killing or enslaving them. Either that or they just killed them by spreading their horrible diseases.

Ryan, I really liked the argument you presented, but let's take a look at the flip side. Yes, we received a lot of resources, but think of everything we had to lose in order to gain those resources. Practically the whole culture of the Native Americans was lost. Several civilizations who were approaching the peak of their existences were snuffed out. Imagine how this must have looked to them. They saw a bunch of pale faced, overdresses, girly men taking over their lands, forcing them into different religions, enslaving them, and spreading horrible diseases. We gained so much, but many of these people lost everything.

Not all of your info was entirely correct. Cocoa and tomatoes were not brought across with explorers. Other than that it was very informative and I agree with your thesis. Great Job :)

Bingo! that is amazing insight Ruthann!

I really like your essay Ryan. I think you did a great job at supporting your arguments. I agree with you that the Columbian exchange changed the would for the better. Your essay is very well written! Good Job!!!

Ryan you did an awesome job defending you opinion. I agree with your reasons even though I am conflicted with the topic myself. Overall amazing job.

I don't quite agree with all u have said I DON'T think that the positives over do the negatives but great job supporting your topic.

Your post was inspiring. I like how you looked at the positive side of things. These posts mainly depend on if you are an optimist or a pessimist.

Ryan! you're so popular. I like the points you make on how new technologies and ideas were created because of the Colombian exchange I agree with all of the points you make but I still think that the millions of natives that died outweigh the good things that resulted.

I agree with Ryan and his ways of proving that the exchange was better. By the way his essay was correct. He did not say that cocoa and tomatoes were brought by the Europeans, it says that they were introduced TO the Europeans, just clarifying. Oh and the technology the Europeans brought was better, because I think what Ryan is saying is that the technology was not nessasarily better for the natives, but it was more superior to the prior technology and worked better for its given purpose so that would help the natives. I do believe that they were better though, because the technology did nothing to cause the downfall of the Natives, it helped them in their daily lives. So yeah. Sorry I just didn't want people giving Ryan corrections when his essay was actually right. But I think it was very well written and I love the reasons for why he believes that the good outweighs the bad. He gives good facts that help support your claim and the way you worded it. Great job!

I like how you gave good reasons and facts to support your opinion. I totally agree.

Your essay was very informative. I love your educational way of writing your opinion without being blunt. although I disagree on some opinions, you did a very good job.

where is the expansion part ?!

So I really like this it helped a lot for my essay on the columbian exchange. I got an A plus . Thanks A lot!!!

More than fifty percent of the American Indians died from smallpox. The smallpox virus was brought over by the Europeans to the New World. This is one of many negative consequences of the Columbian exchange. Three negative consequences of the Columbian exchange are the plague of smallpox, the inequality between Europeans and American Indians, and the pollution of the New World. The plague of smallpox is a major negative consequence of the Columbian exchange. When the Europeans first arrived in the Americas, one man on the ship was recovering from smallpox. After the Europeans left, the epidemic went everywhere. The American Indians did not have the immunity for it. Many of them died. Several of them also got sick and died from malaria, typhus, and other European diseases. Because of this, many American Indian cultures have gone extinct. Take the California Native American tribe for example. We don't have any remains from their culture and their religion. We barely have evidence they even existed. The tribe was wiped out, along with many other tribes, because of smallpox. If the Europeans had come later, they could have saved lives. There could be descendants of those who have died alive today. The smallpox plague is a huge negative aftermath of the Columbian exchange. The inequality between the Europeans and the American Indians is a negative result of the Columbian exchange. Ever since the Europeans arrived, they believed that they were superior to the Natives. That the Native Americans bowed down to them. The Europeans wanted to take over the New World. They mainly cared about gold. Christopher Columbus says in his journal, " I discovered they might give me information in regard to what existed in these parts." He wanted to find gold, and he and the other Europeans did not care what they had to do to get it. The Europeans even made the Taino tribe to be their slaves. They had to work for the Europeans even when they could stand it no more. The upside would be that the American Indians were physically stronger then the Europeans, because of all the hard work they had to do. The inequality between the American Indians and the Europeans is a negative reaction to the Columbian exchange. Pollution of the New World is another negative result of the Columbian exchange. The New World did not have polluted waters until the Europeans brought animals over from the Old World. During the Columbian exchange, cows, horses, and other European animals began to pollute the rivers. The animals' drink from the river and their waste goes into it too. The rivers become polluted over time, just like the Jordan River here in Utah. Trees began to get cut down as soon as civilizations begin to form. Many animal species went extinct because the plants and water were polluted. The pollution of the New World is a not positive effect of the Columbian Exchange. Three negative results of the Columbian exchange are the spreading of smallpox, the inequality of American Indians, and the pollution of the Americas. There are many other unhappy results of the Columbian exchange, but there are good ones too. Even though the bringing of other animals to the Americas began pollution, it allowed the Native Americans a wide variety of food and clothes. It also allowed the Europeans to have food and goods from the Americas. It allowed them to have chocolate! ( I have no idea how they could live without the knowledge of chocolate.) Even though I believe there are more negative results of the Columbian exchange then positive, there are still positive consequences.

Good job Danielle! I didn't entirely agree with all of your comments but you made some really good points. Nice work!

Great job! I loved the examples you used.

I agree that the negatives outweigh the positives. I loved how your essay is very organized and easy to read.

I really loved all the points you made, and how you gave examples. You're essay was very organized and easy to read. I agree with it.

Danielle, oh my gosh! your essay is so organised and easy to read. It is so well written and your reasons are amazing! You had some really nice points and I also liked how you pointed out arguments for both sides

I feel the same about the chocolate.

great essay! although i might have a small correction, didn't malaria come from America?

Thanks for your input Amelia, but the first record we have of the malaria disease is actually in the Roman Empire area. The disease was spread throughout the Empire before it reached America. The disease that was given to the Europeans was Syphilis. My gratitude to you for commenting!

I think that your essay is really good. I think that the Columbian Exchange was a good thing but i think you make excellent points.

Danielle your essay was so polished and easy to read! I love how you pointed out how many cultures, plants, and animals were lost due to the Columbian exchange. I also loved how you used current examples like the Jordan River to get your point across. I also agree that there were positive and negative consequences of the Columbian Exchange. I think you did a wonderful job of clearly communicating your opinion.

I like how you got straight to the point in your first paragraph: Disease killed tons of Natives. I also like that you included that the animals polluted the water. Great job!

I agree with everything you said. I think you have really good examples. I think you could add more to the other paragraphs rather than the one on disease because you added so much for that one it seems out weighed.

Danielle, I really loved your essay. It was fun to read from somebody who had a different point of view than me. Your essay had a lot of detail and examples. Good Job!

You did fantastic, although I disagree on some of your opinions. Your essay was very educational and smart-sounding, and you supported your thesis very well in this essay.

I also TOTALLY agree with you on the chocolate:)

How did the effects of the Colombian exchange affect the new world? Let me answer that. The people of the new world got metals such as steel, and new tools that revolutionized their culture. Then there is a downside to all of this. The people of the old world brought disease, and death with them. the air they breathed was contaminated. Everything they touched was left with a remnant of disease. The worst disease they could have brought, was small pox. The people of the new world began to die in very large amounts. The people of the old world took advantage of this weakness to conquer new lands, when all they had to do was ask if they could be neighbors, and do their own work without enslaving and killing the natives. The Colombian Exchange helped with mapping, and trading, but in the long run I'm not sure if that was worth it. The new world gained much, but they lost more. I think the new world would have been better off if the people of the old world came when they had a better understanding of medicine for small pox, and how to be a good neighbor. The new world did gain pizza, which may upset the balance that I have been weaving, which is heavily in favor of the old world keeping to itself. Pizza, with its amazing gooey layers of heavenly cheese, topped with pepperoni a meat from the gods, and finalized by a thick fluffy crust to bring it all together. Can you tell I am writing this before lunch? Anyway, The old world bringing pizza to the new world was one of the greatest events in history, right next to when the United States became a free people, and when anti slavery laws were passed. So perhaps the Colombian Exchange wasn't all bad. It is more a matter of opinion, and my opinion relies heavily on pizza.

I think that a lot of good and bad things came from this time in history. I think that the Columbian Exchange was a great thing. The Native Americans dying from disease defiantly wasn’t a great thing but for the most part I think that the Columbian Exchange was a good thing. The Columbian Exchange brought good things to the Old and to the New Worlds. Like we talked about in class, Italians wouldn’t have pasta, the Swiss wouldn’t have chocolate, etc. I think that it is important that we mix cultures. When we mix culture we can combine the good things from each culture. The Columbian Exchange made people better understand the world around them. Because of the Columbian Exchange we know more about the world around us. Columbus thought that the Native Americans were Indians because he didn’t know a lot about the world he was living in. Because of the explorers we know about the different cultures around us. If it wasn’t for the Columbian Exchange, America would probably be a different place. Someone else probably would have found America and we probably wouldn’t have the different groups of people we have today. Because Columbus discovered America in the 1400’s, it changed the people living in that time. I think that it affects us today. America is such a diverse place and I think that the Columbian Exchange played a big role in that. What happened to the Natives was horrible. I wish that we could have had the benefits of the Columbian Exchange and still have the great things that the Natives had. But I think that the Columbian Exchange was necessary for what we have today.

Brooklyn I love your essay! I 100% agree with yours. Great examples!

I love how you send how if we mix cultures we get the good things from each culture. Disagree with what you said about how chocolate was a good effect. hate chocolate. ew ahah:)

I totally agree! :) I liked how you saw the good and the bad that came from the Columbian Exchange. Great job!

Brooklyn, you did a great job! I love all the examples you put and I definitely agree.

Brooklyn, I really liked how it felt so diplomatic. It was like you used the prompt but just danced around the concept. I totally agree with you, I think you hit the nail right on the head.

that sounds a little contradictory, but still a good point

wonderful essay!! I completely agree!!

I thought it was very good. I liked how you used the example of how Italians wouldn't have pasta and Switzerland wouldn't have chocolate. I used that, too

Bri, Your essay is very well written. And you supported your points. I don't necessarily agree with your thesis, but your essay was well written and very persuasive.

I really enjoyed your essay Brooklyn. I like how you said it was positive, but didn't continue on by only saying positive things and admitted that there were some negatives. Great essays!

Good essay, it gets right to the point. I like you counter argument in the conclusion and that you acknowledge what happened to the natives. I also believe that it was necessary too but not a good thing.

That was an amazing essay. I agreed with everything and I love the quote about Switzerland having chocolate because of the Colombian exchange.

I agree with the statement that the positive affects of the Columbian Exchange out weigh the negative. I believe that there was a lot of good coming from it. One of the affects was America itself. Another affect is the goods that were exchange. The last affect that really stood out to me was that everyone in our world gained contact. Some people may believe that the Columbian Exchange had an overall negative affect on everyone in the world, but I believe that from all the good things that came out of it, we were better off having it then not. The Columbian Exchange changed our world forever. Without America in our world, where would we stand today? I can’t help but ponder this over and over. Where would I be if Columbus hadn’t sailed the ocean blue in 1492? Of course we would have had to eventually discover it, but what if it hadn’t been so early? We also can’t help but wonder on what resources we would have missed out on if we had never discovered the continent that holds the Americas. Many things came from the Americas that a lot of people enjoy today. You also can’t help but notice how everyone on the earth finally made contact with one another. Without the Columbian Exchange we wouldn’t know about all the fascinating things that the Native Americans did. They are a wondrous people. You also can’t ignore that we killed many natives by coming here, but that was destine to happen. Our world was changed significantly when the King and Queen of Spain decided to find a new route to Asia. We found a new continent! This continent had many riches ripe for the plucking. It also had many people with fascinating cultures. Without the Columbian Exchange we never would’ve had any of this. This effected our world in a numerous amount of ways.

Nice work!! I agree with everything you said and it was very informative.

Bri, Your essay is very well written. And you supported your points very well. I agree with your thesis, and your essay was well written and very persuasive. You made very good points.

I like how you explained certain things, but disagree with some parts of your essay. "You also can't ignore that we killed many natives by coming here, but that was destined to happen". I don't think so. I believe the Europeans did not need to kill all the people they did, even if some deaths were unintentional. But overall good essay!

Good job Brianna! I really enjoyed your essay. You wrote your points in such a way that while it was educational, it was still quite enjoyable to read. Really good job!

I don't totally agree with you when you said the postive out way the negative, but you had an interesting idea that the Natives were destined to die with or without Europeans.

I so get what you are saying but I still don't think that so many natives should have died.

I don't really agree with what you're saying, but I can see what you're trying to say. overall, you have a really good argument.

Personally I believe that the negative effects, which were many, outweigh the positive effects. The Columbian Exchange most definitely had both wonderfully positive and devastatingly negative effects. Yes, it is a good thing that Columbus discovered America, but it most assuredly was not a good thing that he enslaved its people and treated them like animals. He said that they were a beautiful people even though they believed in no gods. He said they were kind, resourceful, intelligent, and advanced, but somehow they became viewed as savages who ran around naked for no reason and kissed the feet of the devil himself. Another thing that struck me as odd was that if he thought they were so smart, but worshipped no god, what made him think that they were brainless enough to believe that the Europeans were gods because of their skin color, and that the Natives wanted to be enslaved by the Europeans? Columbus discovering America did indeed lead to the freedom of many oppressed people, but at the same time it led to the oppression and sometimes extinction of a whole other independent race. Even if they had been seen as equals, many of the Native Americans still would have died from foreign disease brought not only by the Europeans, but also by the plants and animals they brought. Small pox was one of the main killers of Natives. It was diseases such as this that brought about the eventual extinction of the Taino who were the first to come in contact with Columbus. The Native Americans also gave the Europeans a new disease. It was called Venereal Syphilis. It was spread by sailors returning to Europe from the Americas. Of course there were positive effects of certain things being brought between America and Europe. Europe was where most of the domesticated animals came from. America mostly just had wild animals that could be hunted and eaten. One of the most influential animals would probably be the horse. Because it was able to be tamed and was strong enough to carry loads, some Natives were able to adopt a more nomadic lifestyle. They also were very fast and so it became easier to hunt larger, quicker prey. Another influential animal was the pig. It is able to reproduce very quickly, it will eat just about whatever it is given, and its meat is delicious. Something from the America that was very influential was tobacco. Tobacco has led to the deaths of thousand, maybe millions of people. I guess another name for tobacco could be, “American Revenge.” There were definitely some very culture changing things exported from the Americas. Potatoes changed life for the Irish people. Because of its high caloric value it greatly increased their population. The tomato also had a large impact. It enabled the Italian people to begin having tomato sauce and also led to the invention of many other things, such as ketchup, pizza, pasta sauce, and salsa. A few other profoundly impacting foods from America were corn, blueberries, peppers, peaches, beans, and squash. Unfortunately many of the things brought over by the Europeans were things that were not meant to be here and they changed the soil. Certain animals being here led to the extinction of many species of both plants and animals. In fact, more species and creatures went extinct during the time period of the Columbian Exchange than in about a million years of evolution. Think of all the things that we might never know about because of those few years. History, architecture, biology, wisdom, science, plants, religion, all gone. Like a stack of dominoes, the first of which fell the moment Columbus stepped foot onto America, and was welcomed by the very people he was about to destroy.

I liked the fact of how many animals went extinct, I agree that it was a huge loss. great job!:)

Ruthann I love the points that you made about how many animals went extinct. I disagree however. We would not be where we are today if not the exchange.

love the tobacco nickname!! it is so true though, even though the native americans used it.

good job ruthann very well written essay , also american revenge is epic name

I agree that there were some culture changing things, especially in food. It would help if you used tab when beginning a paragraph, it's a little hard to read when the text makes your head spin. You made it very clear what you were trying to say. I liked how you worded almost everything.

Sorry Ruthan, but I am going to have to disagree. I believe that if we had not found America and done what we did, we would not be where we are today. Honestly, there is a law called Competitive Exclusion. That means that some things are going to die out because they are in the way of growth. I am sorry, but if the Natives and those animals had not died out, we would not be where we are right now. I understand that the animals and the Natives were great cultures, but they were not able to survive because they were in a technologically advanced world and we needed the land for the US to survive. Sorry, but I disagree.

The Columbian Exchange influenced everything around us in America, for the better and for the worse. However, there were many good things brought to and from America (disease, sadly, included) and these things are what we have today. Along with gold, spices, corn, chocolate, and chili peppers were introduced into other countries. All these things were great and all, but the fact that the things that came with the exchange of good things, like disease and warfare made such a big impact (as big as the Exchange itself) make it hard to determine which one was the more profound. However, I believe that in the long run, the Columbian Exchange made the more profound impact on us today than the warfare that came through along with the good things because they so dramatically shape our world and Europe’s world. If Europe hadn’t wondered what was out there, we would not be on this continent right now. European expansion started the Columbian exchange and the resulting diseases, but also the new and wanted goods brought to Europe from America. Many people died during the time or European expansion and the Columbian Exchange and many cultures were lost. The Taino no longer exist because of the warfare that was going on in America once Columbus found it. All of these things were put to great use in starting a new civilization and new people. The Columbian exchange moved many new things to the Americas and to Europe. Even though the negative effects of the Columbian Exchange were very great, the positive effects, I believe, were more profound and were beneficial to what we are today. The ideas, foods, goods, and people moved by the Columbian Exchange were very profound and influential on this country and why there are people here.

I really liked yours Kaitlyn. Great Job! : )

I also loved what you said about us not being here without the European Exchange. However I disagree. I think that we still would have found America, but I think that if it had occurred a long time after the crusades both cultures would have been more understanding of each other and maybe the Europeans wouldn't have been carriers of certain diseases. Either that or the Americans could have built up an immunity already.

I don't agree with your thesis, but I think that your thesis is very well supported. And

I really liked your essay Kaitlyn. I suggest that you come right ouut with your point and stick to it like your thesis. Stick to whatever it says. I also really like how you didn't just forget about all the diseases and such. Overall great essay!

I thought the Columbian Exchange was negative, but I like how you said that we took the bad and made it good. I think that is pretty much the definition of America. We make the best out of what we've got.

I was a little worried that you would not support your thesis because it is kind of small but I was way wrong. I thought you supported it very well and I like how you mention what would happen if we did not find the Americas.

I was affraid about your essay because it is not very long but I thought you supported your thesis very well. I love how you were able to get through a lot in such few lines. Even though I did not completely agree. Good job!!!

The Columbian Exchange was the exchange of people, animals, plants, disease, and ideas between the old world and the new world. The effects of which have greatly changed the world. Some may say that it was a good thing, that the pros out way the cons. I disagree. The effects of The Columbian Exchange had more bad side effects than good. One of which was the exchange of plants and animals. When the explorers came they brought pigs and chicken for food. They greatly multiplied and now days it is not strange for America to have old world animals like horse, cows, sheep, chickens, and pigs. They also brought grains like barley and wheat and vegetables like potatoes. The old world got food and spices from the new world. The fruit they found here was very different from what they knew like pineapples and mangos. This may not seem like a bad thing but it drastically changed the ecosystem. The agriculture of the two worlds changed because of the spreading of plants and the multiplying of animals. They changed agriculture, so what? Well it didn’t just change the ecosystem it wiped out species. Thousands of plants and animals that we don’t even know about went extinct because of the invasive species that were brought to the America. Another example is the disease that was brought to the Americas. A lot of people believe that the Native Americans died because of inferior weapons but that isn’t the case. Small Pox, Measles, and Typhus were some of the major diseases that killed off thousands of Americans. These diseases destroyed many cultures and thousands of descendants of those cultures. If you think abut it though America would have to be “discovered” at one point in time. I don’t think we could go hundreds of years without the Americas knowing about the other continents and visa versa. So the exchange of disease probably wasn’t preventable but it was devastating. Even though there were many negative effects of The Columbian Exchange there were some good ideas that came out of it. One of those was the idea of global businesses. When explorers found desirable items in the America that they could import to Europe they did just that. An example of which is later when Europeans wanted beaver skin hats, they sent men into the west to hunt beavers then they would sell they pelts to England and get money. The exchange of ideas was a positive effect of The Columbian Exchange. I believe that the cons of The Columbian Exchange weigh out the pros. Some effects were change in agriculture though the exchange of plants and animals, the wiping out of thousands of Indians thought the exchange of disease, and finally the exchange of ideas. These effects have changed the world even though the people doing had no idea the Columbian Exchange would change the world tremendously.

Great job Rhiannon! :) I really liked your essay!

Great Job Rhianon! I totally agree with your essay's point of view.

I especially liked how you mentioned how it affected the environment. I agree with your position 100%

I really like your essay. I really like the points that you made.

Love how you came right out with your point. Your essay is very informative, very educational and I agree with your opinions.

Many things in our history have good and bad sides. The Columbian exchange was the exchange of plants, people, animals and ideas between the old and new worlds. Some bad things coming from that were disease was spread not only to the natives but to the Europeans too. On the other hand there are so many other good things that came from it too. I think overall the Columbian Exchange did more good than bad. The exchange of foods was and is a huge part of our world. Imagine Italy’s pasta and pizza without tomato sauce or Sweden without chocolate. What if cows never came to America? Our legendary hamburgers would never exist. What I’m saying is all of these counties well-known foods had one or more parts that came to them through the Columbian Exchange. If it had never happened our food would not be the same. Where would we be if Columbus didn’t discover and begin to populate America? Columbus did some pretty great things. I mean, he excided people to live in the place we now call home. What if he never did that? Where would we live? Would we even exist? Although he killed off whole tribes of natives, he discovered a new world for people to live on. No matter what we do, disease will happen. I don’t necessarily think the Europeans are to blame. Of course, they did spread the disease but they were so naïve to how it spreads and how to prevent it. They didn’t know that their sicknesses would kill off so many others. The Europeans were just as unaware to the situation as the Native Americans were. Although bad things came from exchanging things between two very different parts of the world, good things came too. Even if it hadn’t happened so early on, it would have happened, eventually. The outcome would probably stay the same. People are adventurous, and would want to see what lies beyond the deep, blue sea. Even if it happened later, the disease would still spread, and the Native Americans would not have the immunities. Though we got so many good things out of the Columbian Exchange, we can’t say it was for nothing. Columbus and his sailing changed the world. Whether your opinion says it was changed for good or bad, it was definitely changed.

I like the way you finished your essay. I agree with your thesis, but even if I didn't I would agree that there has definitely been a change.

I really like your essay Adi! I liked how you asked questions and supported your argument. I also liked how you called hamburgers legendary, but its true!!! Good job! :)

I like how you stated that it was not just the Natives getting the different diseases that it was also given to the Europeans. Even though I do not think more good came from it than bad I almost changed my mind on my essay because of your argument.

Adi! Great essay!! I like all the examples that you used and that you stuck to your thesis. I agree with it and agree that it changed our world tremendously. Great job!

I like how your essay gives both sides of the argument you are creating so you have a lot of control over the end result of the essay.

I liked how you pointed out food and how it goes with different countries in your essay. It is something to think about. But I also like what else you included. Even if I did disagree, this was a good essay!

I disagree with your point that there was more positive influences than negative. However you do come up with a good point that if Columbus didn't sail that someone else is bound to do it anyway. If someone else did sail later that Columbus though, how much later would someone have dared to do it? Could someone have sailed when there was medicine and knowledge sufficient enough to help the Native of the Americas? If they did, would they help the Natives or let them die off then take the gold and gems from them with no fighting at all? I think that they would. The conquest for gold and gems can override even the noblest of intentions. In all it was a great essay and made me really think on how Europeans should to some extent, be innocent.

Many people believe European exploration was a great thing, but I don’t think it was. I believe that European exploration had too many negative results of everything that happened. For one, much disease was brought, including small pox, which was the main cause of deaths among the people. Possibly even animals lost throughout it. Although land and goods were found, much was demolished. The lifestyles and tribes of these people were destroyed. Many were used as slaves, including children. Most crusades actually failed, and hurt many people. Populations were hurt with disease and warfare. A lot was lost in this time. Disease. It wiped out so much of the population where the European explored when they brought it over. Smallpox was the main cause of death back then; mothers, fathers, children, all family and friends. Honestly, if the Europeans didn’t come, this disease would never have been brought to all these people, and caused them to die. Think, so many people, little kids, all innocent, dead from this horrible disease. The lives of people in these countries where exploration was happening were being destroyed. Religions and everyday lives. Animals and plants could have gone extinct without us even knowing about them. We lost so much from all of this. And those who didn’t die were sold as slaves. Saying goodbye to any family they had left, working for someone else. So, where many things were brought forth during European exploration, more was destroyed. The lives of all these innocent people, suffering from disease. Possible animals, plants, and insects all gone with these cities and lifestyles; children’s games, and even religions. Gone from disease and warfare the Europeans brought. European exploration was not worth it.

i agree and i don't. the columbian exchange exchanged many benificial foods and goods, but it also ripped apart the americas. great essay overall though i love your commentary on the natives.

Even though I didn't agree with your essay, I see your point. You had good arguments and examples.

I really enjoyed your essays argument and I completely agree with it. I very much liked how you mentioned the possible extinction of undiscovered plants and animals. You rock! : ) 8 )

Very interesting thoughts. I loved how you gave your opinion quite a bit throughout it. It was pretty good, you did an amazing job!

The negative effects, I believe, outweigh the positive effects through three points. Though the Europeans thought they were doing the right thing, they also caused the death of many lives, they were very cruel to the Natives, and they did everything out of selfishness. First, the Europeans coming to America caused the deaths of many lives. I know the Europeans didn’t mean for this to happen, but it is still a negative affect. The natives didn’t know these diseases and could not cure them or become accustomed to them before the disease wiped out just about their entire race. If the Europeans had not come to America, the diseases would not have spread and the Native Americans would still be here today and we would still have many of their unique ways of life. Second, the Europeans were very cruel to the Native Americans. The stories I have heard throughout this unit of how they treated the Natives are sickening. Did the Europeans have to be so cruel? Why couldn’t they accept that the Natives believed in something different? Sure the Europeans can disagree, but violence is never the answer. The natives treated the Europeans nicely until the Europeans began to be violent. That is when the Native began to fight in self-defense. I think the Europeans should have been more accepting of the Natives’ beliefs. Third, though the Europeans said they were trying to convert the Natives to their church, we all know that the real reason they went to America was for two of the three G’s. Those two were “Gold” and “Glory”. They really only cared about the fame and fortune, not so much the “God”. Because of this they treated the Natives very poorly, making them slaves and such. It was very selfish of the Europeans to use the Natives as a means to get “Gold” and “Glory”.

As a final point, I’m not saying that the Europeans were bad, as they did not know they were spreading diseases that would wipe out most of the Native Americans. And they thought they were doing the right thing forcing conversion to the Natives because that is how they were taught in their religion. I am only saying that there were many (unintentional) negative effects taking part in the Colombian Exchange.

I really liked that you included in your essay that the Europeans did everything unintentionally. I totally agree with all the points you made, and I didn't even think about some of them. You were totally correct that they were treated so cruelly, when they were all innocent. Great essay overall!

Wow great essay. I agree the spanish were very selfish, and that disease and death came unintentionally.

Spencer, I agree that the Europeans did do some horrible things. I liked how you pointed out that they didn't have to be so cruel. I also liked how you said that they only came for 2 of the 3 G's. I never really thought about it that way. Great Job!

That is an awesome essay. I like how you said that not everything they did was intentional. I don't complete agree with everything you said but it was a very good essay.

the europeans couldn't be accepting of people who were different, it wasn't part of their nature.

In my opinion, we lost more things than we gained during the Columbian Exchange, but I also strongly believe that to really understand the Columbian Exchange you have to look at it from two different points of view, the Native's and the European's. Some of the most negative consequences (to the Natives) of the Columbian Exchange were disease, dehumanization, and starvation. All of these things were directly or indirectly caused by the Europeans. The first and probably most significant consequence was the destruction of the Natives through disease. This is indirectly caused by the Europeans. When the first explorers came to the Americas, at least one man had or would develop a deadly disease of which the Natives had no immunities too. The diseases swept through the New World like a wave. In only a few years as much as 90% of the Natives would be dead. We had just lost thousands of brave people and unique cultures to something preventable. But to the Natives it was devastating. Now let's look from the Europeans point of view. When the explores arrived in the Americas they did not have any idea that they would kill thousands of people. They also had no way of stopping the disease. They understood it only as much as the Natives did. Often we put them in the positions of the bad guys, people who stood on the sidelines and laughed as thousands of people died. Really they had no ideawhat they had done nor any idea of how they could stop it. The second one is dehumanization. When the Taino met Columbus they had no idea what was in store for them. In the years to come the mighty Taino nation would totally be wiped out. The Europeans forced the Taino to work for them and used them for gain. Many were worked to death by these cruel people. Eventually some of the Taino started killing themselves and their children. They would rather die than be dehumanized, tortured, and abused by the men they had so willing let into their land. Now, the Europeans saw this very differently. They were familiar to the torture of heretics in the rooms inquisitions. These new people were also heretics and therefore needed to be punished. They also saw them as a way to get gain. Just as we see cars as a way to get from one place to another they saw the Taino as a way to get from where ever they were to a state of happiness, glory, and riches. Enriche is one example. He was raised and converted to their religion by wonderful priest. Eventually the others forced him to work with the Taino to mine gold. It did not matter that he was one of them, he looked different and worked hard and that is all they needed to know. The third one is starvation. Many of the Natives died because all the game was killed or scattered or nonnative plants and animals took over the native ones. When the Natives first settled in the Americas there were tons of Native species. The Columbian Exchange change all that. Soon cattle had taken over the territories of the native deer and bison. Other old world plants had taken over native ones that the Natives used for food. They also killed more animals than necessary for sport. Something the Natives would never imagine doing. On the other had the Europeans were just doing the same things they used to do, just in a new home. They let their animals graze where they wanted, killed for sport, and grew gardens with plants that were not native. They were not trying to directly hurt the natives, but were rather practicing the only way of life they new.

I believe the Columbian Exchange was bad because of the diseases, dehumanization, and famine the destroyed thousands of Natives, but it depends on how you look at it because many people, things, and ideas benefited from the Columbian Exchange. It all depends on how you look at it.

I agree that we have to look at it from both points of view to really understand what happened during the Colombian Exchange.

Great essay. I agree it was bad, but it was also good because of pizza.

I really like the points you made about dehumanization. If I were Mrs. Ness, I would say you took what we learned in class and put it in your essay. But, I'm not, so I'll just say you took what we learned in class and made it connect to your essay. :) I completely agree with you, but I like the counterarguments that you made. From what you said made me want to think about the decision to disagree with the prompt might be false. You used lots of details, and I enjoyed reading your essay.

Brentley, I think that it was a great essay, however I don't completely agree with you. I agree that we should look at both points of view, but I also think that we should look at the long stretch of time and how it affected us. Overall great essay. I like how detailed you were. Good job!

Was the Colombian Exchange good or bad? Let me answer that for you. When the old world came to the new world, they brought all kinds of good things like spices, and horses, but they also brought disease. The Natives gained much, but I think they lost more. Their people died in huge amounts, and cows can't make up for that. The natives suffered great losses that i believe were more than their gains. Then the old world people brought over pizza and everything pretty much balanced out. Pizza with it's thick fluffy crust, layer upon layer of yummy cheese, and topped with the most heavenly meat bestowed as a gift on the world, pepperoni and sausage. Wow. Can you tell I am writing this before lunch? Pizza gives a lot of good weight to the old world on the scales of good or bad for the answer to your question. Was the Colombian exchange good or bad? I honestly can't tell. the scales are perfectly balanced at this point. if you like pizza more than people, go with the way history tells it. Good. If you like people more than pizza, then go with bad. I am still not sure. An opinion question still needs an opinion answer from me, so here goes nothing. Neither. We need pizza and people so my opinion is to let history run it's course. Unless it is in the favor of no pizza for the new world.

I do like pizza but the whole essay was about pizza. Not a bad thing just a little confusing

well you did good job pointing out the fact that pizza wouldn't have existed because of the columbian exchange but that is the only thing you talked about. honestly the world wouldn't be that different if there wasn't pizza. i wish you would have talked about more effects of the exchange.

European Exploration has always played a huge part in the history of America. Christopher Columbus was the person who first found America. Without his discovery we would not be here. The Explorers and conquistadors brought dieses and death to the natives but they also brought supplies, food, and animals that were not be found in the America’s that are now found here today. Some of these things were horses, pepper (the spice), and wheat. There were many good and bad things that happened because of European exploration. I think that the positive effects outweighed the negatives because the Europeans found the Americas, Europe and America both gained resources and information, and they made it possible for country’s to grow and develop. European exploration was more honorable than it was corrupt is because America was discovered in the process. Columbus originally went sailing to find a sea route to Asia. He and his men, first set foot in the America’s in 1492. They thought that they were in India for the first little while because the Native peoples, the Tiano spoke a different language. Later they found out that they had discovered a new continent and settlers were sent over to live here. Without out Christopher Columbus’ discovery, people would not have settled in America and we would not be here today. Another reason European Exploration was more profitable than it was disastrous is that countries gained supplies that they both wanted and needed. The English started to settle in America shortly after Columbus sailed the ocean blue (in 1492). They brought beads, cloth, horses, honeybees and many other items with them. The natives gave them things like chocolate, and corn which they brought back home to England. Because of European exploration all of the things mentioned above were traded to other continents and countries. We know this as the Columbian Exchange. The Columbian Exchange made it possible for countries to gain supplies, food, animals, and information. Because of these newly gained supplies we have pizza in Italy, chocolate in Switzerland and wheat in the United States of America. One last reason why European exploration was more helpful than hurtful is that countries were able to grow and develop. Without European exploration there would have been no Treaty of Tordesillas, which means Portugal and Spain would not have gained a monopoly and been able to expanded and grow. If Columbus didn’t land in America then America would not have been able to develop and become the place that we all know and love today. European explorations has helped countries gain money, power and peace. European exploration was more beneficial than destructive because it gave countries the opportunities to grow and develop, made it possible for Europe and American to gain powerful resources, and we discovered new continents like America. Products that we now use today would not be here if not for European exploration. There would be no horses, or wheat. We would also not live here because America would not be discovered yet. So many things would be different without European exploration. It is sad that so many Native Americans died, but we all gained powerful resources, information and civilizations because of their sacrifice.

I don't agree with all u say but I do agree that there were a few good things that came from the exchange and the exploration.

The Columbian Exchange is one of the most important events in history. Historians also agree that without it the world we know today would not exist. However something that historians can not agree on is if the exchange was a good or bad thing. This of course is a matter of opinion, and highly debatable. See the Columbian Exchange is the exchange of plants, animals, ideas, and humans from the new world to the old world and back again. So, the world today would not exist if it weren’t for this global exchange. However the exchange also killed many natives, and everything that went along with them. So what do you think? Was the Columbian exchange a good or bad thing? I believe that the Columbian exchange, though it had a very negative impact on native culture, was a good thing. For one thing it diversified the plant and animal life, it also gave Europeans and Natives alike resources. Lastly The Columbian Exchange gave both cultures new ideas. First, The Columbian Exchange diversified plants and animals. This gave more options to Europeans and Natives alike. The old world offered things such as wheat and sugar cane. While the new world boasted a stunning array of plants. Including corn, chocolate, and many other plants. Many of these foods are now staples, though they were not originally from that part of the world. The new world also had many animals that the Europeans had never seen before. including buffalo. The old world also brought many animals to North America, including horses and cows.. This also diversified the diets of both cultures. Many Europeans loved corn and it became a staple of life. Many Natives took to horses which was a faster way to travel, as upposed to walking. These are some ways how The Columbian Exchange, diversified both plants and animals. Another reason that The Columbian exchange was a positive thing is the resources it made open to everybody. The Europeans had steel, a resource which the Natives did not. This helped the natives create more effective weapons such as the spear. Among the many things introduced to Europeans was fresh water. It is a resource that we sometimes take for granted. Many European rivers and lakes where polluted. This caused many problems in the European diet. Mostly they drank a lot of alchol and not much water because it had to be purified and that was a long process that they felt was unessacary. The Europeans became healthier in general, because the Natives taught them how to live on the land. The last reason is the exchange of ideas that took place. With all the new resources, animals and plants the possbilities for technology became greater. They had the coal and precious metal in the new world. The clean water and renewable resources. The Europeans brought with them the ideas of the old world. Though some of these such as Reconquista where not such a good idea. However the weapons and technology of the Europeans made life easier for the Natives. In turn the Natives taught the Europeans how to live off the land. Which lead to longer life spans, and less illness. In conclusion, though The Columbian exchange did not have such a good impact on some aspects of society, the good that it did outweighed the bad. The world today would not exist as we know it. The Columbian Exchange was an enormus event that was and still is today a extremely important event in history. It brought new ideas, new plants and animals and brought a sort of “big leap” into the future. Modernizing the world in many ways. Including diversifing plants animals and cultures. Sharing resources between the continents and exchanging ideas and modernizing the world.

I really like your essay Alora! it is very well written and has some great insights on the Colombian Exchange. I definitely agree with you about how the Columbian Exchange was a good thing. You have a great format and a good thesis. Nice work!!!

Bravo Alora! Even though I don't agree with your thesis statement you did have many excellent ideas that got your point across very efficiently. I also didn't realize how much the Columbian Exchange changed the diet of all people. All in all great job.

This essay is incredibly well written. As I read this, I felt like you made your point in a very excellent manner. Very well done.

To me the positive effects do not out way the negative effects of the European exploration and the Colombian exchange. I think that the negative effects have a way bigger part in history. So many people died that did not deserve to die, because of the Columbian exchange and the explorations they did die. So many people were just living their own lives died for it. Even though good things came out of the exchange and exploration people died. I think that it could have been handled better by the explorers and the people that did the exchange. They did not have to drive the people out of their homes they could have just used what they were offered but they got power hungry and took over. Columbus and his men drove the Taino people out of their land. Some of the Taino died of starvation and disease. Soon they got tired of suffering and killed their children and themselves. That would not have happened if Columbus didn’t travel to that land. I think it was wrong that so many people had to die so that we could get to where we are today. A ton of people died even the people that were on the explorations and were part of the Columbian exchange, not only the Native Americans died. A lot of Ferdinand Magellan’s crew died, the Taino died, lots of Natives were in slaved, and abused. It wasn’t right for the people to treat the natives that way they should have been treated the same way as everyone else. I definitely don’t think that the positives of the exchange and the exploration do not out do the negative effects of the exchange.

You wrote a great essay! Even though I don't totally agree with your thesis, I think you did a good job at supporting your arguments and expressing your thoughts on this topic. Overall I think you wrote a fantastic essay. Good Job Alexis! :)

I think that the good that came from the Columbian exchange does not outweigh the good. I think more bad came from the Columbian exchange than good. People look at it and would say well the Americas got a better immune system and we got animals and on top of that all they might be like we got pizza from the Columbian exchange. Well yes that did happen but does it make all of the bad that came from this okay? The answer is no. Even though good came from this, the bad makes the Columbian exchange a bad thing. I thought the main ways that the Columbian exchange is bad is because the water went bad, people lived shorter lives, and it killed a lot of people. The water was not good once the animals came from Europe. The animals from Europe drink from the water and sometimes they would even stand in the water to drink in the middle or cool off. The animals were not clean and so all that dirt from the animals polluted the water. Since the water was not good for anyone to consume everyone had to fight for where there was fresh water. This could all only ended bad. People fought and people died. It was not a good thing to come from something that was not a problem until the Europeans came. In U.S. history we learn that the natives live about five to ten more years longer than the Europeans. This is all because of the three sisters, corn, beans, and squash. The Native Americans were eating healthier than the Europeans. When the Europeans brought over there unhealthier foods that they ate in Europe the natives started to eat those foods too. That causes the natives to not live as long as they used to. All of the Native Americans lived less than they used to. The Columbian exchange brought disease to the New World. The disease was the main reason why the Native Americans died. This was most likely the worst thing that came from the Columbian exchange. We lost languages and religions. The loss of these things is a big deal. Think of all the knowledge we would have had if the Columbian exchange did not happen. The Europeans also tried to slave the natives and put them under their control. All of what we lost was just from the Columbian exchange. The Columbian exchange caused the water to become unhealthy, the natives lived shorter lives, and kill off all of the Native Americans. These are just a few of the reasons why the Columbian exchange was bad. The good does not hide the bad. It also does not even equal the bad. More bad came from the Columbian exchange than good. People who think the Columbian exchange is good well they are completely wrong.

Kirsten, I agree with you except for one part. People that think the Columbian exchange is good are not completely wrong. There is some good that came from the Columbian exchange, it just might not outweigh the Columbian exchange. From the Columbian exchange, we began to unite the countries of the world. So Kirsten, I loved your essay format and details, I just think that the Columbian exchange is not entirely a bad thing. It was an event in time that was bound to happen.

The Columbian Exchange was the exchanging of goods, plants, animals, and ideas between the New World and the Old World and vice versa. The Columbian Exchange had a very good impact, but also a very bad effect. The Native Americans were given horses and metal tools to make their lives easier. The Europeans also got things like cocoa, corn, and tobacco. There were also bad affects that came through the Columbian Exchange. The Natives were killed by diseases that they had never been exposed to. The Europeans also got hold of tobacco, which will become a very bad problem in years to come. I think that the Columbian Exchange was a good thing overall. The Columbian Exchange gave our world access to many more resources, helped to develop a strong and free country, and gave the Old world important resources. The Columbian Exchange gave our world access to a mass of resources. America was the place to go during the Age of Exploration. It was the most popular place to go because of its natural resources. The Americas were a place of gold and other treasured metals. The Americas also had important crops, including cocoa, and corn. The Americas being discovered gave the Old World many important crops, and other resources. Through the discovery of the Americas, a country was created. The US is a strong, influential country throughout history. The US is also a place of freedom of ideas and religious. The US helped to win the second world war. The US gave people a place to practice whatever religion that they wanted. The US is a very positive effect of the Columbian Exchange. The Columbian Exchange also gave the Old World important resources that will be influential throughout the course of history. The Americas had tobacco, which is a very highly used resource in the world today. Although this may not be a good resource, it has influenced our history nonetheless, and we may not have what we have today without it. The Americas also had bees and honey that the Old World did not have. The Columbian Exchange gave the Old World many resources that they did not have.

The Columbian exchange was a good thing that gave the Old World more resources to replenish what they had already, it also created the great country of the USA, and gave the Old World great resources that they didn't have. The Columbian Exchange is what made our world the way it is today.

nice job andy, your a boss i like how your reference world war 2

I agree with Andy with both feet. I especially liked your mentioning America. I am a huge patriot and I liked that A LOT.

I disagree. I think the negative effects outweigh the positive effects for at least the Americas. The Columbian Exchange hurried the extinction of plants, animals and cultures that could have been extremely helpful today. We don’t know how many species went extinct because of disease or invasive species between when Columbus first came to when the explorers, settlers and conquistadors came. Also the Europeans brought new, devastating diseases and invasive species of plants and animals such as crabgrass and horses. These drastically changed the lives of Native Americans, and not always in a good way. For the Europeans it was almost completely positive discovery. They gained new foods and flavors to compliment their current diet. Many of the popular foods that we eat today are a result of the Columbian exchange. Although there are many positive effects, I believe the massive extinction of countless species outweighs almost all positive effects of the Columbian exchange. Smallpox alone wiped out entire populations, like the Aztecs and the Incas. Not only diseases wiped out the Native Americans, the early Europeans and conquistadors enslaved and brutally mistreated them. The Taino are a great example. The conquistadors that came after Columbus enslaved the Taino and put them to work mining. The harsh treatment and the devastating disease only killed the Taino faster. I believe that most of the effects of the Columbian exchange were negative. Though there were some positive effects, most of the effects to the American continents were negative.

if you want to reply on mine USE YOUR REAL NAME!!!!!

I totally agree with your disagreement! The negative outweigh the positive. I would love to have seen all those now extinct plants and animals. Great Essay!

I like how you bring up how "it hurried the extinction of plants and animals." I would do anything to see even one of those plants or animals that have gone extinct. And I agree with you on the fact that almost all of the effects on the Europeans were completely positive. However you did not give and negative effects that happened to the Europeans. Overall, great essay. I really enjoyed the points that you made.

The Columbian exchange is defined as the transfer of goods, peoples/animals, and ideas from the Old World to the New World, and the New World to the Old World. Every one of these things changed to life of the natives and Europeans alike. I think “ It is arguably the most important event in the history of life since the death of the dinosaurs.” It changed the world for both the better and the worse, but I think that it did a lot more good than bad. Like I said earlier, the Columbian exchange brought goods to the Americas and Europe, some of these goods were things like corn, potatoes, tomatoes, and chocolate from the New World and horses, cattle, pigs, and sheep from the Old World. These things changed the world, as the Natives knew it. The Columbian exchange also brought peoples/ animals between continents. These also changed the lives of every living thing. For the natives, now having pigs meant they could eat BACON, though they probably didn’t, they still could of. The pig was also a good source of food for the natives. The natives also now had horses; these creatures play a huge part in shaping American history. That is where we get the American Indian icon. The natives could now move around a lot easier, witch meant they could raid villages easier and a lot of other stuff. With the Columbian exchange, the Europeans now had slaves, and a lot of them. Even though it’s not good for the Natives, it’s good for the Europeans. One of the biggest things transferred in the Columbian exchange was ideas. Some of these were the idea of Christianity. Even though it was forced upon the natives, research shows that there are more Christians in the Americas than in Europe. One of the things that was form the New World was the idea of liberty. Way before Thomas Jefferson or George Washington came along; the Natives here were practicing an equal society where everybody voted on leaders and what should happen in their little village. The Columbian exchange was the transfer of goods, peoples/animals, and ideas from the Americas to Europe, and Europe to the Americas. Some of the goods were things like corn, tomatoes, lettuce, and olives. All these and many more things made the life of natives easier. With all those goods came animals and people. The Old World gave us animals like horse, cattle pigs, and sheep, and they got (more like stole) slaves. The Columbian exchange also transferred ideas between continents. Some of these ideas were Christianity, and freedom. Both of these ideas changed the Americas and Europe.

I like how you used the quote about it being the most important part of history as if they were your words. It is a very important part of history. However, I don't believe that this was important for the better, but for the worse. Overall great essay. It was very informative and gave a lot of supporting reasons.

I like the bacon reference. Its one of the miracles of life. The reference to the horse is also spot on, it did indeed provide many opportunities, both good and bad for natives.

I thought the Columbian Exchange did more bad than good but I like how you said it improved everyone's lives, not just the Europeans.

I like how you listed the positive effects that the Colombian exchange had on the world. I like how you put bacon in its rightful place as BIG letters. But I would like to point out how you left out some of the big negative effects such as the diseases that were brought to the natives. Even if it was unintentionally, it is still a negative impact.

The Columbian exchange was a very important event for the history of America. The Columbian exchange was the trade of diseases, animals, people, and plants. It was very good for some people and bad for others. It also completely changed the world we live in today. If it had not happened then you would probably not be anywhere on the Central, north, or south Americas. The Columbian exchange was very good for the Europeans. They got a lot of wealth from the gold and other minerals they brought back to their countries. They also had more space to live and investigate. The Europeans got spices to make food actually taste good. The pizza was created because of the different foods discovered. The bad things that resulted from the Columbian exchange were the diseases. Over a million Native Americans died from smallpox and other diseases. The Native Americans land was being stolen for European communities. The Europeans animals contaminated the water with their fertilizers. Also tobacco was widespread which led to a lot of deaths. It changed the world because pizza was created. You take the cheese from the cows, the tomato sauce from tomatoes, and the dough from the wheat. The Caucasian race lives on America because of the trade of people. Which means if the exchange hadn't of happened you probably wouldn't be here or you would look totally different. The Columbian exchange changed the world as we know it. The Columbian exchange was a very important event in history. It killed a lot of people but created new foods and ideas. I think it is a very critical role in world history. Without it I would not be here on this America. I am glad it took place.

I agree that there are good and bad things that came from the Colombian Exchange. I agree with most of what you have said. Great Job!

That was a good essay Jake, but I feel like you didn't really pick a side. I do agree that there were definitely good and bad things about the exchange, but I didn't really understand if you thought it was good or bad until the end, but you did mention what you felt in there so that was good. I also like the pointed you made. Great job.

The Colombian Exchange brought about many good and bad things. Though I believe that the good things do outweigh the bad. So many positive things were brought about by the Colombian Exchange. When Native Americans and Europeans first met they started to trade ideas. So many new ideas were brought from the Europeans that lead to new technology. these new technologies were iron, horses, glass, and many others. After the Natives gained this technology they began to change the way they lived. The exchange also let us trade goods. We now have sweet chocolate, pizza, bacon, steak, corn on the cob, mashed potatoes, french fries, and many other necessities all on one continent. We were able to combine our foods and create many new delicious things with what we were given. The most important thing brought on by the Colombian Exchange, I think would be the history. By this event we have learned that we must be understanding and compassionate and learn how to understand people and be humble.We have learned that we must be able to understand someone before we assume anything. The Native Americans were amazing, good, kind people, but the Europeans assumed that they were stupid and savage, so they took them for granted and enslaved them. We have to remember this so that we never repeat these mistakes that have already been made. There were bad things that happened from the Colombian Exchange but we got so much good out of it too. This is why I believe that the good things do outweigh the bad, because even through the bad we still gain good. Many new technologies were introduced to the Native Americans. They now used iron kettles to cook their food instead of the clay pots that would burst in the fire. They were also able to use iron to make new and better weapons that were much stronger the stone they used. Another use for iron was needles, this was very useful to the Natives because they would have to whittle bone to make needles to sew, and the iron was much sharper and lasted longer. They Natives also found that the cotton cloth that the Europeans had was much softer than the animal skin that they would normally have used. Another technology that the Europeans gave to them was glass. At first the glass was just used in beads that the Natives found very beautiful, but eventually it would lead to windows and other necessities. One of the most common misconceptions is that the Natives always rode horses, but this did not occur until the Europeans came and brought horses with them. They traded them and gave them as gifts to each other. Before that the Natives had never seen a horse, because they were not native to the American continent, north or south. Another major technology that the Native Americans adapted from the Europeans was writing, the alphabet, and reading. This is one of the most amazing phenomenoms of the human race and the Europeans were able to pass it on and teach a whole culture the art of reading and writing. These are not even all of the technologies given by the Natives, but it wasn't just one way, the Natives a taught the Europeans how to hunt and find food, and to build shelters. This was one of the most vital things that Europeans did for the Natives. The greatest thing to come out of the Colobian exchange was the trade of foods and the creation of new and delicious recipes. One of the most amazing things created by this trade was the invention of sweet chocolate. The Natives had the chocolate and the cocoa bean, but the Europeans had the sugar cane and the milk. If these two cultures had not come together and traded their foods chocolate would not exist today. This is the best thing to come from trading throughout history. Though chocolate wasn't the only amazing thing we have. Because the Europeans landed here and conversed with Natives we now have one of the most amazing breakfast foods found throughout the world, bacon. In the mornings we can say that we had bacon and eggs because the Europeans traded pigs to the native Americans. They also traded chickens and cows, which means we have also received fried chicken, hamburgers, chicken nuggets, and steak. Though one of the most amazing things created ( besides chocolate ) is pizza. The Natives had the tomatoes, while the Europeans had the means to make the dough and the cheese. We would not have pizza today if these cultures had not met. Though one of the first things that was gotten out of this food trade was bread. Imagine where we would be without bread, no toast, and no sandwiches. What is life without sandwiches. The Colombian Echange was one of the best things to happen to the world sense they discovered America. I for one do not know what I would do if all of these wonderful things had not been traded or invented. The Colombian Exchange was a major historical event.

One of the saddest but greatest things we can learn from the Colombian Exchange is that we have the power to change the past. We have to learn from the mistakes that self

okay for some reason my essay gets cut of right in the middle of it so here is the rest. One of the saddest but greatest things we can learn from the Colombian Exchange is that we have the power to change the past. We have to learn from the mistakes that selfish people made and make sure that they never happen again. We have found out that many of the Native Americans that explorers met were brought into captivity and enslaved. This is cruel and horrible. The Natives took these strangers in and helped them learn how to adapt to the new environment, and let them live in their villages and respected them. Though all that the Europeans did were capture them and make them work. Even worse they would capture them and force them to become Christian and leave behind Their own religion and faith. We can learn from these horrible mistakes to never do this to anyone. We must learn to understand people and never treat them as less than us just because we don't understand them or they are different from us. We can learn compassion and how to be humble. The Europeans didn't understand that the Natives respected them and mistook it as a sign that they thought they were gods. Out of their own selfishness and arrogance they thought that they were smarter and better than these Native Americans and treated them like dirt. When in reality the Indians were smart and brave and much less savage than the Europeans. This is one of the greatest lessons we can learn from these people, and even though it was a terrible thing. That the Europeans did to the Natives we can still get a moral out of the story. Learn to be humble and compassionate so that history will not repeat itself. Even through the bad we can still get good out of it.

When America was discovered by European explorers one of the best things we got out of it was the Colombian Exchange. We received new technologies that helped advance our way of life and still does today. America gained iron, cotton cloth, glass, horses, and other items of great value and use. But the exchange went both ways and the Natives taught the Europeans great skills to use in the wilderness. The taught them how to hunt animals, scavenge for food, find water in the woods and mountains, and how to build shelters for themselves. Another amazing trade that took place was the bartering of food and animals. We received cows, chickens and pigs. In return the Narives gave the Europeans chocolate, tomatoes, potatoes, corn, beans, squash, and other amazing foods. By switching and buying these things we were able to create sweetened chocolate, one of the most sought out delicacies in America, and pizza. You cannot define America today without chocolate or pizza. W also got bread and milk and butter. By trading these things we have created so many new and delicious things, we would not have food ( well at least good food) without this trade.we have also learned compassion, humbleness, and that we must not repeat the mistakes of the past. We cannot discriminate against a culture just because we do not act like them, or understand them, or they do not look like us. We learn moral and what is right from this event. The event of the Colombian Exchange changed the way we live forever, so even though there we bad things that came from it the good will always outweigh the bad.

okay yeah that's all of it

Kennedee, I loved how you mentioned the creation of chocolate and pizza came from the Colombian exchange. Even if I don't agree with your position, I still liked many of the things that you pointed out.

Kennedee, You wrote a beautiful essay! I love how you went above and beyond to find out the technologies that the American Indians obtained through the Columbian exchange. Your essay gave me a new perspective of the effects of the Columbian exchange. I love how in depth you went in this essay. I do disagree about one thing though. I don't think that the creation of bacon, chocolate, hamburgers, fried chicken, chicken nuggets, steak, or pizza was a good thing. I will agree, they are delicious, but not very nutritious. It is probably the reason why America has the highest obesity rate. Other than that, it was a wonderful essay. Bravo to you Kennedee!! :-)

100% essay in my opinion. You did a great job explaining that we can't change the past, but we can use the past to change the future. I agree that the Natives were treated very poorly. I do have to agree with Danielle though. We have become a very fat nation because of the Colombian Exchange. :)

Thanks so much Spencer! I love the way you worded that. Wonderful quote in my opinion. I'll have to write it down. "We can't change the past, but we can use the past to change the future." ~ Spencer Laudie
Thank to everyone else who commented too.

The Columbian exchange affected many people in many ways. I believe that it affected them for the better, for the most part. It affected people by exposing them to new cultures, goods, and ideas. This may have seemed to be a negative thing at the time, especially for certain cultures such as the Taino, but it had an outstanding effect that we benefit from today. The exchange and mix of these two different cultures created many great things and deepened the idea of unity as a human race. Here are some examples how. First, the Columbian exchange exposed and educated people about new, different cultures. Sometimes, the two cultures clashed, but that was necessary for the two to learn about each other and become tolerable to each other. Also, it gave us a chance to learn from their mistakes as cultures in not accepting each other and using communication instead of war to get what you want. This could help us in similar disputes with different countries, or in our everyday interactions with other people. One thing I thought it was terrible that people thought that racial tolerance was the equivalent to accepting evil. We can see were that got us, because so many native American civilizations were wiped out and thousands of languages and customs were lost. I’m glad it is considered a good trait today, and that’s an example of how we learned from our ancestors of the Columbian exchange and their faults. Next, it exposed people to new goods and ideas. I remember in class we talked about an article on how the Columbian exchange was the reason for chocolate in Switzerland and chili peppers in Thailand, and of course, pizza. We see how through interaction, these explorers brought home all these goods, and some of the things the people did with these goods are famous, useful, or even delicious! Some other ideas of food or tools exchanged were the caravan made by Prince Henry’s team, muskets and metal work, and also corn and other great spices from the new world. It was a great time of mixing old things and new things into brilliant things. In conclusion, I believe the Columbian exchange had an overall positive effect on the world by exposing people to new cultures, goods, and ideas. We can learn from the mistakes, ideas, people, and individual paradigms of the era. The Columbian exchange had an amazing effect on us today, in countless ways, and I think it was a positive thing.

Nice essay, I really liked the quote from national geographic. It really shows how it effected not only the natives, but also the Europeans.

Aaaaaah!! I had such a good comment for you but it wouldn't submit. Oh we'll. to summarize what I wrote for you, I think you should be more confident in your writing, because you say in there ' for the most part' and that tells me that you aren't really sure, so just make sure you are telling me what you think and that you truly believe that what you're saying is the truth. It will make people want to side with your point of the argument. Though I did like the way you worded many of your sentences. Very intellectual. It was very good and I overall liked it.

Oh wow I was having trouble typing. In my comment it says oh we'll, this is meant to be oh well. Sorry, my iPad likes to autocorrect things. :P sorry about that, you all have permission to think I'm an idiot now.

I think that the positive outweighed the negative. Such culture was lost, but out of the loss we as a people found gain. We learned from our mistakes and have made a better more advanced life for ourselves. There was such an upbringing of society thanks to the Colombian Exchange. The old world society was enriched by what explorers learned and brought from the new world. New goods, ideas, and animals were spread throughout from old to new. Also many great aspects of discovery came about because of it. So many good things came out of the Americas being discovered. Some scientific, religious, and monetary. Spain and Portugal were made so powerful and wealthy because of it and that is a monetary development. A religious blessing was that now there was more land for religions to spread to and live in peace. A scientific discovery was that it was decided that the earth was round. A third reason that the Colombian Exchange has had a positive impact on the world is the world united together. There were outlets so that European society had room to expand. They were very close together and the Americas gave them land to live on. Europe and Asia didn't have amazing things such as chocolate and tomatoes. In conclusion, the Colombian Exchange had more good outcomes than bad. There was an upbringing of society, many discoveries were made, and the world was united. We wouldn't be where we are today otherwise.

Though I thought that the negative outweighed the positive, I agree that we did learn from our mistakes, or at least many people did, and we realize now that we did such a terrible thing. I loved your essay! Great Job!

While I don't think the positive outweighed the negative Normandy, I do like the points you listed and their supports. Great essay!

I disagree that the positive effects of the European expansion and exploration outweigh the negative effects that it had on a lot of people in this time period. I also believe that it is the most extraordinary event it a long time. I believe that the Europeans could have done better in giving the Natives of this land some respect and honor as the first people on this land. After all, they did ensure the survival of the Europeans in more ways than one... They taught them how to raise corn and beans. Almost everything that the Europeans needed to survive was given to them by Natives because they thought that the Europeans descended from the heavens. I think that because of all of this respect that the Natives gave to the Europeans, that the Natives should have been treated with the highest esteem. Even if the Natives were really wealthy like the Aztecs or the Incas. I don't think that Europeans should have the right to take it. I mean the Natives worked for that wealth and they dominated over it. Now I would like to make the point that if the Europeans hadn't come over to the Americas by 1492. What if Columbus was born a hundred years later when the conquest for gold hadn't overrun the society in Spain and Portugal could we have gotten to preserve the Ancient civilizations and get to see them today? Could we have been able to get power from befriending them and be able to have a much more advanced civilization today? Today we even know that the Aztecs did brain surgery and that the person that they operated on actually survived! Isn’t that crazy! What if the Europeans were able to acquire that knowledge and be able to carry the surgical process themselves? I think that that knowledge would be extremely more profitable than gold or riches in the Americas. Sure there was a lot of gold and gems and precious materials throughout the various Empires and lands. However what if Europeans learned and were able to cure a lot of mind diseases because of it? Everybody would be begging for a chance to have a mind-borne illness cured even the Kings and Queens would be begging for it. We talked about how because of the thought that nobles in England were only able to marry other nobles there was a really bad mix between the families of Europe that there was a time when cousins were married to cousins and their genetic makeup matched up to much that their society started to crumble. Even if we did find a way from the Aztecs to perform brain surgery before modern days like today, would that have stopped Europe in its tracks and make them say to themselves maybe they have technology or knowledge that we would like later on? Would that have stopped them from treating the Natives in such a brutal way? I think that the Europeans would have stopped and made friends with the Natives to get at any other ideas or healing techniques that Europe would like and get more money off of them. Then they would take the precious things and history would continue the same way but the Europeans would benefit more from it than they are recognized for today. So in other words I believe that the Europeans negative acts are like molten lead compared to the feather-weight impacts that are considered as positive effects did on the world. If we had given the Natives their rights and our partnership we could have had most agreeably a bigger, and stronger country than we have right now.

Yes, what if we had joined forces rather than killing each other. With so much knowledge coming from both races, who knows what we could be doing now! We could be Settling on the Moon! But the Europeans were not that way, so we're still stuck here on planet Earth. Why did we have to kill them? :|

The Columbian Exchange was probably the most influential event in the history of the world on all cultures. Some positive things came out of it, some bad things came out of it. I’m currently on the fence on the Columbian Exchange and I would have just let history take it’s course. Let’s talk about some of those things though. Some of the positive things about it were the spreading of goods, peoples, and animals throughout the world. It’s crazy to think that this literally connected two completely different worlds at the time. It’d be the same thing as if we met aliens on a different planet and traded for all their stuff and brought it back here! Then accidentally killing all of the aliens because of all our nasty diseases. Silly humans. Of course, not all of this is positive though. Instead of the world being made up of many, many different cultures and lifestyles, they all sort of merged into one. Suddenly it wasn’t English or Dutch or French or German, it became European. They all sort of merged into a big country, just with lots and lots of different states. It makes you wonder, though. Knowing that stuff like potatoes and chocolate were brought from the New World to the Old World, what were the country’s “famous” foods? If someone were to ask you: “Where are potatoes grown?” You’d probably reply: “Idaho.” Then if they said: “Ugh, Ashton, you idiot. Everyone knows that potatoes are grown in Idaho. Name somewhere ELSE!” First, you’d probably lay on the ground and cry, then you’d reply “Ireland.” It just makes you wonder how Ireland was without potatoes, or how Switzerland was without chocolate. I can tell you this though, if Switzerland didn’t have chocolate, here would be no point in having a Switzerland. Obviously, the greatest negative is probably the fact that almost all of the Native American culture died. Just image North America. No cities filled with crime and pollution, just nature and nature and nature populated with Native Americans. How cool would that be? Well, of course we say that, but who actually knows how life would have been if that never happened? Nobody knows. Another one of the negatives is the extinction of plants and animals. Like the crazy man from the crazy video said: “More things have gone extinct in the past 400 years than nature could probably do in a million.” I mean, think of all the wonderful things we could have had today! The possibilities are endless.

All in all, I personally believe that the positives of the Columbian Exchange don’t outweigh the negatives, but that doesn't necessarily mean I’d change the history of it, if you catch my drift. I’m just glad that we still have our wonderful Swiss chocolate to enjoy.

I liked your essay a lot. I thought it was funny and it made me laugh. But there was one thing. You did not seem like you picked sides. You said positives and negatives but you did not say if you were on the positive side or the negative side... I still think that it was an excellent essay.

I would like to say that the Colombian exchange was an all around good thing but I just can’t. I believe that the Colombian exchange was a good thing that should have happened, but the bad effects leave too much of a bad taste in my mouth. Columbus did not mean to kill thousands upon thousands of natives, but it still happened. He did not mean to mix to agriculturally different worlds and make a brand new type of flora and fauna, but he did all the same. Columbus did not mean for these things to happen yet they did, another side effect was the Spanish brutality towards native peoples. Massacres, the Inquisition, and other such horrors bled through the white sheet the Spanish had hidden behind. I believe that the Colombian exchange was not a good thing because thousands of natives died, perhaps millions of species died, and the Europeans were hostile and rude towards new ideas and cultures. During pre-Columbian America, it is estimated that over 30 million natives lived throughout the Americas, historians estimate that around (historians never completely agree) 90% of them died out from diseases, wars and other such things. That is about 2.7 million dead people (big graveyard). I believe that even though Europeans did not want diseases to kill off everybody, conquistadors such as Cortés a Pizarro saw it as a helping hand in conquering these unfortunate people. Some diseases that Europeans donated to the natives small pox, typhus, measles, influenza, bubonic plague, cholera, malaria, tuberculosis, mumps, yellow fever, and whooping cough. Another side effect of the Colombian exchange is that perhaps millions of species died. It is sad to think that millions of different types of flora and fauna would be amazing. I think that the colombian exchange was not good because of the millions of types of plants and animals that died out because of all of the invasive and intrusive species. Another reason why I think it was a bad thing was because of the Spanish Inquisition. They did many horrible things to natives. One of the most horrible things in world history was the killing of heretics. I believe that finding the new world does not make up for the horrible things that Europeans have done to the world. I believe that the Colombian exchange was not a good thing because thousands of natives died, perhaps millions of species died, and the Europeans were hostile and rude towards new ideas and cultures. No matter what I owe to the Colombian exchange I will still regret what Europeans did to the Native people of this continent.

don't know why its formatted like this won't change format in word or open office

I completely agree with what you're saying. I love you wording,"…but the bad effects leave took much of a bad taste in my mouth." I totally agree that the Europeans not on the neighborly side of things.

Many things happened as a result of the Columbian Exchange as well as other European explorations. Some were bad, some were good. Whatever your argument is these explorations changed history for the better or for the worse. I think the negative consequences of the Columbian Exchange and European Exploration outweigh the positive ones. Because of European exploration, many Natives died. Some died fighing, but most died from new diseases. These diseases came from across the Atlantic. One of the diseases that killed the most was small pox. It spread very quickly and none of the Natives had encountered it before so they had no immunities against it. Natives wouldn’t have died in such great numbers if European explorers hadn’t brought diseases. Another negative consequence of the Columbian Exchange was that most Naitves that were alive, were enslaved. The natives were cruelly treated like they weren't even human beings. In one case, other than being treated unfairly, one of the Europeans raped a man's wife. This led to rebellion. Some rebellions actually led to the downfall of Europeans. If they hadn't enslaved the natives, they could have had many valuable allies. Europeans also died as a result of exploration. Magellan and most of his crew didn't make it around the world. Some Europeans probably died fighting Natives too. But I think the main cause of death was unpreparedness for exploring. Many explorers, like Columbus, underestimated the distance to travel and didn't bring enough supplies. If they had tried to learn a little bit more before exploring, most of them probably wouldn't have died. I think European exploration and the Columbian Exchange are more bad than good. I think exploration is good, but how they did it was bad. The Europeans should have planned better just in case the distance was wrong and not treated Natives so poorly. If they thought ahead, they might have been able to prevent disease form spreading too. If the Europeans had done these things, we might know more about the past and have more different cultures.

The Columbian Exchange had a lot of positive effects, but do they really outweigh the negatives? I would say no, because there were a lot of negatives coming from the Colombian Exchange and other European explorations. What contributed a lot was that the Europeans weren’t very nice to the Native Americans. Basically there were positive effects, but there weren’t enough to outweigh the negatives First of all, there are the Natives. Columbus did not treat the Natives very well. When Columbus saw they had gold, it was all he wanted. He didn’t even treat them like humans, even though the Natives were very kind and welcoming at first. Columbus killed Natives, sold them into slavery, and did whatever it took to get their gold and more. Hardly any Natives survived compared to the large numbers they had before. Other explorers treated Natives similar to how Columbus did. Then there were all those people. Magellan tried to sail around the world; only one third made it and that was not including him. The people he was working for executed Vasco Núñez de Balboa for his discoveries. A lot of Natives died. The Europeans were so harsh, that the Natives kill their children and themselves, just so they didn’t have to bear all the horrors. Europeans brought diseases to America and caused a lot of animals and plants to go extinct. The diseases were also a big cause for Native deaths because there didn’t have immunities. Now we won’t see some plants and animals ever again. Overall, I would say it was pretty bad. How the Europeans were exploring was wrong. They shouldn’t have treated Natives the way they did or abuse the land. Sure they found America, but that shouldn’t excuse them for all the wrongs they did. The Europeans should have had a different approach to America, instead of being greedy little snobs.

During the European invasion in the Americas, the Indians gave much hospitality to the intruders. They gave them shelter, food, and traded them for better supplies. In the transfer between countries, many Americans were lost, due to the deathly diseases transferred between the groups. Most Indians died of small pox, and others simply took their own lives. The Spanish had enslaved the people that they crossed, knowing that gold, god, and glory was all that mattered. These people did terrible things to our ancestors, torturing them, taking their clothes, and not realizing the bad effects there were. They seemed to have not even realized of the bad they were doing. In their religion, they believed in doing good, in this world they were meant to do God’s work and they weren’t doing it, or they did not know how to do it right. The Spanish explorers discovered the Americas and they brought many of us here today. Our great, great, great grandparents, were very likely to have sailed with the Spanish and brought their religion and people here. As descendants of these beings, we see the horrors that they performed. Nobody likes the chance to here of the pernicious acts of the Christians, we like to find their advantages, and because they brought us to our good lives here I have come to believe that their good does overweigh the bad. It’s not that they did not know what they were doing, and nobody likes to take their side. From the Indians’ perspective, we pale faces are the wicked ones. In the past we looked at them for what they did, not realizing what they were really saying or doing. We never took the time to understand their ways and what they really wanted and what their customs were. Now we can simply look back at that, and produce our laws and discover our freedoms and rights in government. No matter what on earth the Europeans thought that they were doing, their mistakes brought us the fortunes we have across the nations today.

The European Exchange is largely recognized as one of the most important events or effects of European exploration, and many would argue that its negative effects are more abundant than its positive effects, but the truth its positive effects are much better in many ways including the facts that if certain people like William Bradford hadn't been the ones to reach the Americas and create successfull settlements then other people would have, and the results would have been much worse. Another thing people talk about that makes it seem so negative is how many Indians (politically correct term is Native Americans) were killed by deadly illnesses or a few swords and muskets. Well what if we had not discovered America that would leave the jewish colonies in eurpoe resulting in more slaughter by Adolph Hitler, or no freedom of religeon which would have put the United Kingdoms up as the world power. What would have happened if we didn't have Americas resources either? Well lets just say China would be a very unhappy collection of people. As much as we hate to admit it the Native Americans slaughter was quite unpreventable considering A: Avion (birds) can get infected so the illnesses would have spread anyways, and B: Do you really think if we didn't find it nobody else would and with modern warfare (as in modern technological advances in tactical conquest not the game) we would have torn everything to bits without the Native Americans standing a chance. Imagine instead of illness shrouding the land and killing them off slowly while they still felt like they could do something one guy with a nonnuclear warhead could destroy entire congregations of Natives, and if in the event Native Americans become industrial then would that make them any better then us in the slaughter? What would happen without America and its resources anyways? Well China would be in deep with no lifeline for bail, the United Kingdoms would probably make it to the world power and Russia would be the most advanced in ICBMs(InterContinentalBallisticMissiles) in otherwords bombs (or just plain rods of steel) flying at above the speed of sound out of space right on top of your home. And what do you think would happen to the jews or religeon if America wasn't discovered? The Jewish population would have been obliterated! Nobody would have survived Hitlers infamous legacy I can tell you that for sure. Death rates would have been much further then the millions recognized deaths. Deaths estimated to have been more then the United States population in the five and higher millions.

In conclusion lets take a look at what happened because of the exchange; Bad news we lost animal species killed a lot of people pushed slavery up to the top, and discovered tabacco (thats bad in my opinion). Now lets look at what would happen without the exchange: Millions more dead, no America, very angry China, A very large world war once they discovered America (because it would still happen), no religeos freedom, and less resources. When you look at it The Exchange was helping much more then hurting so ask yourself what you think!

Great job Nathan! I like this essay a lot. One thing you could do is not mention China so much. You seemed to be China crazy. Other than that I liked this essay a lot.

Throughout history, there have been colossal events that have changed the course of our everyday lives. Some were incredibly small. Some we regard in the highest respect. But none compare to the certain explorer who tried to reach the Middle east. Christopher Columbus was an imaginative man. He had dreams of making a sea route to Asia. Every dream that he had was of him reaching China. Each dream was so real that one day he could not stay one more minute in his Italian home. He sailed all over, trying to find somebody to fund his voyage. After several months of trying, he got King Ferdinand and Queen Isabel to allow him to travel to Asia in the name of Spain. He set out on his voyage to Asia. Sooner than Columbus realized, he had gone the wrong way. Columbus was at the American continent before he realized that he had veered off course and had discovered a new land. He was so shocked to find a whole new group of people. Columbus (having not realized where he was yet) dubbed them Indians. Little did anybody know that they had just started something incredible. The two different worlds were colliding and were about to struggle to keep the New World. They were trading animals, people, plants, ideas and of course disease. Nobody can fathom how much the Europeans gained from discovering this new world. They were able to gain the ideas of a free country. That set off the American Revolution in 1775. It also gave the idea of making larger and more substantial products. Think of this, corn used to be the size of an eraser. Now, because of the Native American people, we have corn at the size we have it today. Last, it gave birth to several new races. The Hispanic Race was born as well as the American. These are two of the largest races in the world.Although there were hundreds of Native Americans who died due to the spreading of disease or the search for gold. The gain and the grandeur of the new world and its ideas have changed the world for the better in so many ways that the horrible consequences are not as horrendous any longer. In the Eastern Woodland native region, there was a confederacy known as the Iroquois Confederacy. This was a system of government where the people rule but have elected representatives. Nobody was higher than anyone else. The leaders were elected by the women. The men were the leaders but could be removed from office if they were too harsh or were did not go with the laws of the land. The colonists (especially when England began taxing them to no end) observed with great interest. They saw this system of government and believed it just. So, they made their own. They sent the Declaration of Independence to the English leaders and began their own Constitution. They set about laws and amendments. In their government, the people ruled. The government could only do basic and simple things. Not too much or too little. The American’s had all the greatest things from any government and some of their own. And the Founding fathers owed it all the Iroquois League. This was amazing, but they had nothing to create products. Then they looked to natives again for advice. They showed them the business of man- made production. The Native American people long before Columbus had a dilemma. Corn was not large enough. It was an essential nutrient in their diet and they did not have enough of it. So, in order to make them larger, they breed the largest of the large and made the corn larger. After several years, they had a new type of plant. They had a larger species of Corn that was more efficient. This was an idea that had never occurred to the colonists. They had no idea that they could change their own food products to make them better. So, they started. They began the industrial age. Americans started to make larger and larger and better and better products. They made wheat larger and made it so it would produce more. They saw this as an incredible opportunity for business for the rest of the world to receive. This business had an incredibly vile side effect. The new creations of the new wheat and new corn created incredibly unhealthy food. This was not good and started to make people more and more fat. They started to make the new obesity rush of today that is still making our Americans more and more unhealthy. This is not good for our future. Nobody would be able to run the country if we had no people. And more than half of our population is made of Americans and Mexicans.

The Spaniards were the first European people to come to America. They brought with them religion and language. When they found the Inca and Aztec people, they saw them as people who had not seen the light of the Spanish. They believed that they were doing good for their people by converting them to their religion and Spanish. Spanish is now the national language of Mexico and South America. They also are a pretty religious country. Also, the American people were born and made into a large nation. They were formed from sever

Throughout history, there have been colossal events that have changed the course of our everyday lives. Some were incredibly small. Some we regard in the highest respect. But none compare to the certain explorer who tried to reach the Middle east. Christopher Columbus was an imaginative man. He had dreams of making a sea route to Asia. Every dream that he had was of him reaching China. Each dream was so real that one day he could not stay one more minute in his Italian home. He sailed all over, trying to find somebody to fund his voyage. After several months of trying, he got King Ferdinand and Queen Isabel to allow him to travel to Asia in the name of Spain. He set out on his voyage to Asia. Sooner than Columbus realized, he had gone the wrong way. Columbus was at the American continent before he realized that he had veered off course and had discovered a new land. He was so shocked to find a whole new group of people. Columbus (having not realized where he was yet) dubbed them Indians. Little did anybody know that they had just started something incredible. The two different worlds were colliding and were about to struggle to keep the New World. They were trading animals, people, plants, ideas and of course disease. Nobody can fathom how much the Europeans gained from discovering this new world. They were able to gain the ideas of a free country. That set off the American Revolution in 1775. It also gave the idea of making larger and more substantial products. Think of this, corn used to be the size of an eraser. Now, because of the Native American people, we have corn at the size we have it today. Last, it gave birth to several new races. The Hispanic Race was born as well as the American. These are two of the largest races in the world.Although there were hundreds of Native Americans who died due to the spreading of disease or the search for gold. The gain and the grandeur of the new world and its ideas have changed the world for the better in so many ways that the horrible consequences are not as horrendous any longer. In the Eastern Woodland native region, there was a confederacy known as the Iroquois Confederacy. This was a system of government where the people rule but have elected representatives. Nobody was higher than anyone else. The leaders were elected by the women. The men were the leaders but could be removed from office if they were too harsh or were did not go with the laws of the land. The colonists (especially when England began taxing them to no end) observed with great interest. They saw this system of government and believed it just. So, they made their own. They sent the Declaration of Independence to the English leaders and began their own Constitution. They set about laws and amendments. In their government, the people ruled. The government could only do basic and simple things. Not too much or too little. The American’s had all the greatest things from any government and some of their own. And the Founding fathers owed it all the Iroquois League. This was amazing, but they had nothing to create products. Then they looked to natives again for advice. They showed them the business of man- made production. The Native American people long before Columbus had a dilemma. Corn was not large enough. It was an essential nutrient in their diet and they did not have enough of it. So, in order to make them larger, they breed the largest of the large and made the corn larger. After several years, they had a new type of plant. They had a larger species of Corn that was more efficient. This was an idea that had never occurred to the colonists. They had no idea that they could change their own food products to make them better. So, they started. They began the industrial age. Americans started to make larger and larger and better and better products. They made wheat larger and made it so it would produce more. They saw this as an incredible opportunity for business for the rest of the world to receive. This business had an incredibly bad side effect. The new creations of the new wheat and new corn created incredibly unhealthy food. This was not good and started to make people more and more fat. They started to make the new obesity rush of today that is still making our Americans more and more unhealthy. This is not good for our future. Nobody would be able to run the country if we had no people. And more than half of our population is made of Americans and Mexicans.

The Spaniards were the first European people to come to America. They brought with them religion and language. When they found the Inca and Aztec people, they saw them as people who had not seen the light of the Spanish. They believed that they were doing good for their people by converting them to their religion and Spanish. Spanish is now the national language of Mexico and South America. They also are a pretty religious country. Also, the American people were born and made into a large nation. They were formed from severa

Sorry, I did not know that this was not finished..... I guess it just did get compleatly put in. Sorry to who is grading me! Just give me whatever!

I think what is wrong ( because it happened to me too) is that if your essay is too long it gets cut off, I'm not sure but I think that might be it.

Very Imformentive but i just need to know about pineapple

We commend you on your effort, however, your essay is biased and does not pass the CRAAP test. You're "whitewashing" out all the Native Americans who died from the diseases brought over from the Columbian exchange.

Wild how I happened to stumble upon a post made by a young Ryan Raff - member of the NAU national cross country championship squad in 2020* and 2021.