What is Zen Buddhism quizlet?

What is Zen Buddhism quizlet?
Ryoanji Zen rock garden, Kyoto

Zen Buddhism is a mixture of Indian Mahayana Buddhism and Taoism. It began in China, spread to Korea and Japan, and became very popular in the West from the mid 20th century.

The essence of Zen is attempting to understand the meaning of life directly, without being misled by logical thought or language.

Zen techniques are compatible with other faiths and are often used, for example, by Christians seeking a mystical understanding of their faith.

Zen often seems paradoxical - it requires an intense discipline which, when practised properly, results in total spontaneity and ultimate freedom. This natural spontaneity should not be confused with impulsiveness.

Zen - the word

'Zen' is the way the Chinese word Ch'an is pronounced in Japan. 'Ch'an' is the Chinese pronunciation of the Sanskrit word Dhyana, which means (more or less) meditation.

Zen - the essence and the difficulty

Christmas Humphreys, one of the leading pioneers in the history of Buddhism in Britain, wrote that "Zen is a subject extremely easy to misunderstand." He was right.

Zen is something a person does. It's not a concept that can be described in words. Despite that, words on this site will help you get some idea of what Zen is about. But remember, Zen does not depend on words - it has to be experienced in order to 'understand'.

Enlightenment is inside

The essence of Zen Buddhism is that all human beings are Buddha, and that all they have to do is to discover that truth for themselves.

Zen sends us looking inside us for enlightenment. There's no need to search outside ourselves for the answers; we can find the answers in the same place that we found the questions.

Human beings can't learn this truth by philosophising or rational thought, nor by studying scriptures, taking part in worship rites and rituals or many of the other things that people think religious people do.

The first step is to control our minds through meditation and other techniques that involve mind and body; to give up logical thinking and avoid getting trapped in a spider's web of words.


Zen Buddhism was brought to China by the Indian monk Bodhidharma in the 6th century CE. It was called Ch'an in China.

Zen's golden age began with the Sixth Patriarch, Hui-neng (638-713), and ended with the persecution of Buddhism in China in the middle of the 9th century CE. Most of those we think of today as the great Zen masters came from this period. Zen Buddhism survived the persecution though it was never the same again in China.

Zen spread to Korea in the 7th century CE and to Japan in the 12th century CE. It was popularised in the West by the Japanese scholar Daisetz Teitaro Suzuki (1870 - 1966); although it was found in the West before that.

What is Zen Buddhism quizlet?

If you're a westerner you may find it hard to shake off the intellectual and dualist ways of thinking that dominate western culture: these can make it difficult for westerners to come to Zen.

Zen Buddhists pay less attention to scripture as a means of learning than they do to various methods of practising Zen. The most common way of teaching is for enlightenment to be communicated direct from master to pupil.

Zen practices are aimed at taking the rational and intellectual mind out of the mental loop, so that the student can become more aware and realise their own Buddha-nature. Sometimes even (mild) physical violence is used to stop the student intellectualising or getting stuck in some other way.

Students of Zen aim to achieve enlightenment by the way they live, and by mental actions that approach the truth without philosophical thought or intellectual endeavour.

Some schools of Zen work to achieve sudden moments of enlightenment, while others prefer a gradual process.

Clues to the meaning of Zen

Because Zen is so hard to explain here are some quotations that may help you get an idea of it:

  • The essence of Zen Buddhism is achieving enlightenment by seeing one's original mind (or original nature) directly; without the intervention of the intellect.
  • Zen is big on intuitive understanding, on just 'getting it', and not so hot on philosophising.
  • Zen is concerned with what actually is rather than what we think or feel about what is.
  • Zen is concerned with things as they are, without trying to interpret them.
  • Zen points to something before thinking, before all your ideas.
  • The key to Buddhahood in Zen is simply self-knowledge.
  • To be a human being is to be a Buddha. Buddha nature is just another name for human nature - true human nature.
  • Zen is simply to be completely alive.
  • Zen is short for Zen Buddhism. It is sometimes called a religion and sometimes called a philosophy. Choose whichever term you prefer; it simply doesn't matter.
  • Zen is not a philosophy or a religion.
  • Zen tries to free the mind from the slavery of words and the constriction of logic.
  • Zen in its essence is the art of seeing into the nature of one's own being, and it points the way from bondage to freedom.
  • Zen is meditation.

Asked By: Hunter Lopez Date: created: Apr 23 2022

Answered By: Dennis Hughes Date: created: Apr 25 2022

Zen is a school of thought that emerged from Mahayana Buddhism in the 11th century, emphasizing meditation, selflessness, and the unity of all things instead of traditional religious practices.

Asked By: Ashton Lopez Date: created: Mar 08 2022

What are the 3 characteristics of Zen

Answered By: Tyler Sanders Date: created: Mar 11 2022

The phrase “it is experiential” emphasizes the rejection of reality and the experience of enlightenment. The other two characteristics, “it is beyond words” and “it is beyond logical thinking,” are equally important.

Asked By: Cameron Brown Date: created: Jan 20 2022

What is the goal in Zen Buddhism

Answered By: Morgan Phillips Date: created: Jan 20 2022

Every person has the capacity to achieve this state, meaning that each of us is, potentially, a Buddha. Satori, the Japanese word for enlightenment, is the goal of Zen practice. 29 September 2017

Asked By: Robert Rogers Date: created: Dec 16 2021

What is the tempietto seen below

Answered By: Jake Flores Date: created: Dec 17 2021

An escape from the summer heat and a place to commune with nymphs and muses, the Tempietto is a small tomb created by Bramante that can be found in the courtyard of San Pietro in Montorio.

Asked By: Lewis Diaz Date: created: May 18 2021

What makes Zen unique

Answered By: Charles Nelson Date: created: May 21 2021

Zen techniques are compatible with other faiths and are frequently used, for example, by Christians seeking a mystical understanding of their faith.2 Oct 2002. The essence of Zen is trying to understand the meaning of life directly, without being misled by logical thought or language.

Asked By: Brandon Lewis Date: created: Feb 19 2022

What is a Tangka quizlet

Answered By: Francis Moore Date: created: Feb 19 2022

A Tibetan scroll-like painting of a vindictive deity is what is known as a tangka.

Asked By: Zachary Roberts Date: created: Nov 25 2021

What is a Quillwork quizlet

Answered By: Henry Hall Date: created: Nov 27 2021

Quillwork is the process of using porcupine and bird quills to create surface designs on various objects after soaking them in natural dyes.

Asked By: Francis Sanchez Date: created: Dec 18 2021

What is Silhak quizlet

Answered By: Brandon Collins Date: created: Dec 18 2021

Silhak is a distinctively Korean fashion that places a focus on learning about Korean culture.

Asked By: Brian Hernandez Date: created: Jun 15 2022

Why is it often said that a Zen Mind is a beginners mind

Answered By: Dylan Richardson Date: created: Jun 16 2022

The mind of the beginner is empty, free of the habits of the expert, ready to accept, to doubt, and open to all possibilities. This mind is needed throughout Zen practice. The practice of Zen mind is beginners mind.

Asked By: Jayden Campbell Date: created: Dec 15 2021

What means Satori

Answered By: Gregory Barnes Date: created: Dec 18 2021

Satori is a state of consciousness and sudden enlightenment attained through intuitive illumination, and it is the spiritual aspiration of Zen Buddhism.

Asked By: Martin Wood Date: created: Apr 23 2022

What is koan designed for

Answered By: Eric Allen Date: created: Apr 23 2022

During meditation, Zen Buddhists use koans, which are riddles or puzzles, to help them discover deeper truths about the world and about themselves. For centuries, Zen masters have used koans to test their students.

Asked By: Gregory Hall Date: created: Dec 25 2021

How does Zen foster the impulse to correct social injustice

Answered By: Malcolm Sanchez Date: created: Dec 26 2021

What is the general definition of kami? (It is anything they consider sacred.) Evoke wonder of the Japanese. How does Zen foster the impulse to correct social injustice? Zen fosters the natural impulse to alleviate all suffering by working to correct social injustices.

Asked By: Nathaniel Brooks Date: created: Oct 20 2021

What was the Momoyama period known for

Answered By: Sebastian Wood Date: created: Oct 20 2021

A section of Japanese history that lasted roughly from 1603 to 1868, the Momoyama Period is renowned for its depictions of fearless warriors and opulent palaces. The Edo Period was marked by a variety of schools of painting.

Asked By: Rodrigo Baker Date: created: Dec 31 2021

What is a koan designed to do quizlet

Answered By: Gavin Lewis Date: created: Jan 01 2022

A koan is a verbal puzzle that is intended to frustrate the thinking process and short circuit the rational, logical mind. Koans are particularly used in Rinzai Zen as a way to induce satori.

Asked By: Sean Perez Date: created: Feb 01 2022

What is the name of the Zen patriarch under whose influence Chinese Zen flourished

Answered By: Timothy Watson Date: created: Feb 02 2022

Hui-neng is the title of the Zen patriarch who enabled Chinese Zen to flourish.

Asked By: Hunter King Date: created: Jun 16 2022

What is the focus of Woodlands Art

Answered By: Kevin Nelson Date: created: Jun 18 2022

The Midewiwin birch bark scrolls and the imagery of Norval Morrisseau, the founder of Woodland Art, were combined to create the traditional style of Woodland Art, which explores the relationships between people, animals, and plants and is rich with spiritual imagery and symbolism.

Asked By: Miguel Peterson Date: created: Apr 27 2022

Why was tattooing such an important part of the culture in Oceania

Answered By: Sean Roberts Date: created: Apr 30 2022

Tattooing was so prevalent in Oceania because it served as a form of social stratification.

Asked By: Anthony Simmons Date: created: Mar 27 2022

What is the name of the building above early American modern architecture

Answered By: Fred Lopez Date: created: Mar 30 2022

Architect Frank Lloyd Wright
Architectural style(s) Modern architecture
Visitors about 135 000
Governing body Western Pennsylvania Conservancy

What is Zen Buddhism quizlet?

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