What is an accelerated benefit?

An Accelerated Death Benefit (ADB) allows a life insurance policy owner to receive a portion of their death benefit from their insurance company in advance of their death. In most cases, the policyholder must be terminally ill, usually with a life expectancy of two years or less. They must continue to make their policy’s monthly payments while receiving benefits. Accelerated death benefits do not need to be re-paid. Instead, the loan amount is deducted from the face value when the death benefit becomes due. ADBs are also referred to as “living benefits”.

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Terminally ill, and sometimes chronically ill, seniors that have life insurance policies are able to receive a portion of their death benefit from their insurance company in advance of their death. This is referred to as accelerated death benefits or ADB. These benefits can be used for any purpose the senior chooses, including home care, nursing home care, assisted living, and hospice. ADB beneficiaries still receive a death benefit, although it is reduced by the amount of the accelerated death benefit.

ADBs are a relatively new option. As a result, elderly individuals who have had their policies for many years may find no mention of the ADB option in their policy. Interested individuals should ask their life insurance provider directly if this option is available. If one’s current insurance plan does not already provide this coverage, it can sometimes be added as a rider. This simply means the extra benefit can be added to the insurance policy, sometimes at a cost.

The major advantage to receiving an ADB is that they allow the policyholder to have a portion of their death benefit in advance of their death. There are no major drawbacks to this option. Its biggest limitation is that policyholders are required to be terminally ill, or in some cases, chronically ill. There are other options for policyholders who require care. Some for those who are terminally or chronically ill, and some for those who are not (more on these follow).

Potential candidates should be aware that generating a lump sum of cash through an accelerated death benefit may change their financial status and could possibly disqualify them from receiving Medicaid or Supplemental Social Security benefits.

A similar option for terminally ill seniors is a viatical settlement. Under a viatical, the policy is sold to a third party and the policyholder receives a lump sum settlement. The major difference between accelerated death benefits and viatical settlements is that with ADB the policy owner must continue to pay the monthly premiums. With a viatical settlement, the purchaser of the policy takes over the monthly payments. For this reason, seniors might consider a viatical settlement instead. Read more about the pros and cons.

Death benefit loans, also called life insurance loans, are another option. With this type of low interest loan, a policyholder borrows against the cash value of their insurance policy. Borrowers are able to pay the loan back on their own schedule, or if they so choose, they don’t have to make payments. At the time of the policyholder’s death, the loan amount, plus interest, will be subtracted from the death benefit. Learn more about death benefit loans.

The qualifying factors for accelerated death benefits varies with both the policy issuers (the insurance company) and with the policy itself. The information that follows is typical of what an insurance company requires, but not necessarily accurate for all policies

Life expectancy is the primary factor considered by insurance companies. 

The policyholder’s age does not impact their eligibility. Instead, the primary driver is their life expectancy. As mentioned before, generally speaking, policyholders must have life expectancies of less than two years. In some cases, individuals with longer life expectancies are eligible provided they have a terminal illness. Some policies also allow policyholders to collect ADB if they have a serious illness, for instance, cancer, and without considerable treatment have much shorter life expectancies, if they are unable to perform several activities of daily living (bathing, grooming, mobility, etc.) and require long-term care services, or if they are confined to a nursing home facility.

In addition to personal eligibility requirements, there are policy requirements. The greatest restriction is not the type of life insurance policy one has, but rather it’s face value. Simply put, policies with face values lower than $25,000 are not worth the effort for the policyholder or the insurance company to engage in accelerated death benefits.

Marital status, income and assets, veteran status, and geographic location are not factors in determining eligibility for accelerated death benefits.

There are no restrictions on how accelerated death benefits can be used. In most cases, families receiving ADB put those resources toward the cost of caring for their loved one but they are not required to do so. Benefits are most frequently paid out in a single lump sum. However, some insurance companies offer monthly installments. This is an important distinction in that while either option can impact the Medicaid eligibility of the policyholder or their spouse, a lump sum payment is much more likely to do so.

Accelerated death benefits can be as high as 95% of the death benefit. Typically, the insurance company sets a maximum benefit amount based on life expectancy, and the policyholder makes the final decision on how much of a financial advance they require. Accelerated death benefits are not taxed. 

Applications for accelerated death benefits typically require a release of medical information so the insurance company can independently evaluate the life expectancy of the insured. Benefits can be paid out in as few as 4-6 weeks. Insurance companies do not charge policyholders to receive death benefits.

Although some companies now include a small fee to allow for this option when purchasing their policy


Individuals wanting to receive accelerated death benefits should contact their life insurance provider directly.

An accelerated death benefit rider (ADB) is a living benefits rider that lets you withdraw from the life insurance death benefit when you have a terminal illness. The accelerated death benefit rider is usually included in your policy at no extra cost to you.

This money can be used toward medical expenses or anything that would alleviate any financial burden during your final years. However, withdrawing from the death benefit payment early will reduce the amount of money your beneficiaries get from your policy after you die, which is why it can be financially prudent for you to use your own savings instead of withdrawing from the death benefit. 

How does the accelerated death benefit work?

If you access life insurance money before you die using an accelerated death benefit rider, you receive a portion of the death benefit to pay for medical care, hospice, or anything else you may need. Some will let you withdraw up to 50% of the death benefit, but the exact amount you can take from the death benefit varies for each insurer. The remainder of your life insurance benefit still goes to your beneficiaries after you die. Any money you collect from the accelerated death benefits rider is not subject to federal income tax.

All of Policygenius’ partner life insurance companies offer the accelerated death benefit rider for free. However, the rider may not be available in certain states. 

Accelerated death benefit fees and restrictions

Accelerated death benefits come with some limitations. For example, if you have permanent life insurance and take out a loan against your policy, your accelerated benefit will be paid to you minus any outstanding loan amount. Additionally, not all illnesses qualify for the rider. 

Some life insurance providers charge a one-time processing fee of $150 to activate the accelerated death benefit rider and get the funds. Others treat the accelerated death benefit payment as a lien, which accrues interest. So when life insurances pay out the death benefit to your beneficiaries, they will deduct the amount you took plus interest.

Who qualifies for an accelerated death benefit?

Insurance companies will want to see a certification from a doctor or medical professional stating you are terminally ill and have a life expectancy of 12 to 24 months. However, some providers may require a life expectancy of six months or less

If you’re not terminally ill, you may still qualify for accelerated benefits. Some providers will pay out if you are critically ill, chronically ill, or need long-term care. You’ll want to work with your insurance provider to confirm what your eligibility for the rider is. 

What does the accelerated death benefit cover?

You will receive the accelerated death benefit as a lump-sum payment and it can be used however you want. You can use the money for:

  • Medical expenses 

  • Hospice

  • Nursing home

  • Private caretaker

The accelerated death benefit rider is worth adding to your policy because it’s free. But it shouldn’t replace your savings, because using the rider decreases how much money your beneficiaries receive. 

What does an accelerated death benefit do?

An accelerated death benefit provides money for end-of-life care if you are diagnosed with a terminal illness. It can be used to pay for hospice, medical bills, a nursing home, or a private caretaker.

How much does an accelerated death benefit cost?

An accelerated death benefit rider is a free add-on to a term life insurance policy. If you use the rider to withdraw money from your life insurance policy, it will not be taxed.

When would an insurer pay out an accelerated death benefit?

An insurer will pay out the accelerated death benefit if you are diagnosed with a terminal illness and have under two years to live. You may also be eligible if you have another limiting condition.