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Page 2

From: The anchoring bias reflects rational use of cognitive resources

Anchoring effect Simulated results Resource-rational explanation
Insufficient adjustment from provided anchors Jacowitz and Kahneman (1974), Tversky and Kahneman (1995) Rational speed-accuracy tradeoff.
Insufficient adjustment from self-generated anchors Epley and Gilovich (2006), Study 1 Rational speed-accuracy tradeoff.
Cognitive load, time pressure, and alcohol reduce adjustment. Epley and Gilovich (2006), Study 2 Increased cost of adjustment reduces the resource-rational number of adjustments.
Anchoring bias increases with anchor extremity. Russo and Schoemaker (1989) Each adjustment reduces the bias by a constant factor (3). Since the resource-rational number of adjustments is insufficient, the bias is proportional to the distance from anchor to correct value.
Uncertainty increases anchoring. Jacowitz and Kahneman (1995) The expected change per adjustment is small when nearby values have similar plausibility.
Knowledge can reduce the anchoring bias. Wilson et al. (1996), Study 1 High knowledge means low uncertainty. Low uncertainty leads to high adjustment (see above).
Accuracy motivation reduces anchoring bias when the anchor is self-generated but not when it is provided. Tversky and Kahneman (1974), Epley and Gilovich (2005) 1. People are less uncertain about the quantities for which they generate their own anchors.
   2. Accuracy motivation increases the number of adjustments but change per adjustment is lower when people are uncertain.
Telling people whether the correct value is larger or smaller than the anchor makes financial incentives more effective. Simmons et al. (2010), Study 2 Being told the direction of adjustments makes adjustments more effective, because adjustments in the wrong direction will almost always be rejected.
Financial incentives are more effective when the anchor is extreme. Simmons et al. (2010), Study 3 Values on the wrong side of an extreme anchor are much less plausible than values on the correct side. Therefore proposed adjustments in the wrong direction will almost always be rejected.