Pivot table showing 1 instead of value

Why is my pivot table not showing values?

Right-click an item in the pivot table field, and in the pop-up menu, click Field Settings. In the Field Settings dialog box, click the Layout & Print tab. In the Layout section, check the box for 'Show items with no data' .

How do I fix a value in a pivot table?

To change the pivot table error setting, follow these steps:.
Right-click any cell in the pivot table, and click PivotTable Options..
On the Layout & Format tab, go down to the Format section..
Add a check mark to the setting, “For error values show”.
In the box, type the text that you want, instead of the errors..

How do I get a pivot table to show text instead of values?

To show text, you can combine conditional formatting with custom number formats..
If your pivot table only has a few numbers, you can apply the conditional formatting manually. ... .
If your pivot table has many numbers that you want to show a text, it will be easier to use a macro to apply the conditional formatting..

Why is my pivot table total wrong?

Cause. This problem occurs when you use a calculated field (a field that is based on other fields) in a PivotTable, and the calculated field is defined by performing a higher order arithmetic operation, such as exponentiation, multiplication, or division on other fields in the PivotTable.