How to stop dog digging under fence

Dogs love to dig – it’s in their nature. 

Whether you’re getting a new puppy and are looking to take some precautions, or you have a seasoned escape artist on your hands, you may be interested in learning more about how to stop dogs from digging under the fence.

There are a number of different methods you can implement to deter your dog from digging under the fence and escaping – from providing added stimulation in the yard, to ensuring pooch gets plenty of exercise, and changing the physical structure of the fence itself. 

Below, we explain a little about why dogs dig and cover some methods you can employ to help stop them from digging.

Why do dogs dig?

There are many different reasons why your dog may be digging under the fence. 


Some dogs may use digging as a form of stress relief. Maybe they’re panicking about the fireworks going off nearby or are suffering from separation anxiety while you’re away at work.


If your pet is bored, they may be using digging as a way to entertain themselves. This could particularly be the case if you have an intelligent dog in a yard without toys or other stimulation.

Mating impulses 

Dogs that aren’t neutered may be trying to escape to find a mate. Once they’ve picked up the scent of another dog in heat, their primal instincts may take over and they’ll do whatever it takes to get to them.

To escape

Your dog could simply be trying to escape because they’re not getting enough attention from you or because they want to explore the great outdoors. This ties back into the boredom point.

Looking for food

If your dog is the greedy type, they may be trying to get to the food in your neighbour’s yard. It may not even be that they’re hungry, they could just be after a particular treat!


Dogs have a strong prey drive, so if they see an animal on the other side of the fence, they may be trying to get to it.

How to stop dogs from digging

Now that we’ve covered some of the reasons why your dog is trying to escape, let’s look at some solutions.

Ease their nerves

Knowing your dog’s stress triggers means you can either remove your pooch from stressful situations or implement methods to ease their nerves. For example, if you know your dog is triggered by thunder and lightning, you can bring them inside when a storm’s approaching. This can also apply to fireworks. If your dog has separation anxiety which contributes to their digging, consider taking them to specific separation anxiety classes to help them get through their issues.

Provide stimulation

If you have an intelligent dog that’s digging holes as a form of stimulation, consider adding toys or other exciting things to your yard. This could include chew toys, puzzles with treats, a bubble machine, or even an agility course. You could also set up a treasure hunt with treats for your dog to sniff out and discover throughout the day. 

Exercise your pooch more

Your pet may be trying to escape to run about and get some exercise. This could be particularly true if you have a smaller yard and have been falling behind on pup’s walking schedule. To combat this, try to up the number of walks you’re taking them on and make sure they’re getting at least an hour of exercise every day. If you don’t want to take them on frequent walks, try playing fetch and chasing games in the yard, instead.

Consider desexing 

If your pet isn’t desexed, this could be contributing to their digging as they try to escape to find a mate. Once your dog is desexed, their hormones should settle and the urge to escape will hopefully subside. Desexing your dog also means you won’t end up with any unexpected pregnancies or puppies!

Fill in current holes

Having already-existing holes within a yard can inspire your dog to keep digging at them. If you have holes in your yard (dog-created or otherwise), be sure to regularly fill them in to discourage additional digging. This can also help you keep track of whether your dog is still digging or if it was a past issue, as you can see if the holes reappear over time. 

Add a dog-safe spray to problem areas

There are several dog-safe dig deterrent sprays on the market. These can be added to problem areas or sprayed around the perimeter of your yard to stop Fido from digging in these spots. Just keep in mind that some sprays can cause discolouration of fences, so if this is a deal breaker, be sure to check this isn’t the case before making your purchase. An alternative to deterrent sprays is simple vinegar, which can sometimes work to keep dogs away from an area.

Assign a digging spot

Build a specific digging space in your garden and train your dog to only dig there. This is a great option for allowing your dog to still get their digging urges out, without causing havoc in the rest of your yard. You can create a simple digging pit with some sand or dirt, or make it more fun by adding toys, treat, or bones for your pup to find. Training your dog to only dig in their designated spot may take some time and effort, but it will be worth it in the end!

Only allow your dog outside when supervised

When your pet won’t stop digging and you’re unable to make changes to the landscape of the yard, it may be time to only let them out when they can be supervised. By doing this, you can put a stop to any digging before it gets out of hand. This could either be a temporary solution while you train your dog not to dig, or a more permanent option if you’re unable to get them to stop.

Preventing an escape

If you’ve tried a bunch of digging prevention techniques to no avail, it could be time to make a few changes to your yard to prevent your pet from making a run for it. 

Bury your fence deep

By burying your fence deep under the ground, you’ll make it harder for pup to dig underneath it. You can either do this yourself or call in your local landscaper to lend a hand. It’s recommended that you extend your fence at least two feet under the ground to help prevent your pet from making an escape. There are also specific dog-proof fencing options available that have been specially designed to make it harder for your furry friend to dig their way out.

Place wire at the bottom of the fence

If you’re wondering, what can I put under my dog’s fence to deter them from digging, one affordable solution is chicken wire. Attaching a small amount of chicken wire under your fence can help stop your pup from getting out. Adding barriers such as this to your fence is a good method for those wanting to try out a solution without spending a lot of money.

Concrete in the fence

Homeowners with curious pooches may want to consider laying concrete under their fences to stop their pets from making a run for it. This is a more involved solution, but can be effective in preventing determined dogs from getting out. Dogs can’t dig through concrete, so by placing cement along the entire length of your fence, you can be sure your pet won’t be able to make an escape. 

Add rocks or large gravel stones

Rocks and large gravel stones placed at the fence’s base can also help to prevent your furry friend from making a run for it. By doing this, you’ll make it harder for them to dig underneath. This is also a simpler method than trying to bury the fence or adding concrete underneath, as you can just add the rocks or stones on top of the ground. Find gravel or stones that complement your yard, and transform the space while also keeping your pet safe and sound.

There are many methods you can adopt when it comes to finding ways to stop dogs from digging under the fence. From preventative measures such as gravel, wire, and concrete, through to providing more stimulation and removing stressors for pooch, there’s sure to be a solution that eases the situation.

Whether you’re looking for a long-term solution to your problem, trying to figure out how to keep your dog from digging for a short period of time, or are about to get a new dog and want to be educated on options, we hope you’ve found this article informative.

Remember, if you’d like a hand implementing the preventative landscaping options, you can always get in touch with your local Jim’s group. Our teams would be more than happy to assist

If your dog is leaving craters all over your yard, it's important to know your dog isn't doing it out of spite or a desire to destroy your landscaping; more likely they're seeking entertainment, attention, comfort, escape, prey or protection.

Your dog isn’t just a pet. He or she’s a member of the family.

You love them, and their love for you is unquestionable. This characteristic defines dogs as a species.

Letting them have time outside is a necessity for many reason—especially for those dogs who aren’t used to puppy training pads or DoggieLawns—but you likely also want to give them time in the yard just to enjoy himself.

As much as it can lower his stress levels with fun, though, it can raise yours. How do you keep your dog from digging up the yard? Even more importantly, how do you keep your dog from digging under the fence?

We answer all of these questions and more in this blog post. If you prefer video, you can watch that here too:

Why Dog Digging Is an Issue

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You might actually wonder if you even need to stop your dog from digging spots along the fence. In some cases, it might be totally harmless, but most of the time a digging zone on your side of the fence can be a problem. Dogs digging up holes in the yard, especially along the fence, can be an issue for many reasons:

  • Unsightly outdoor space
  • Possibility of dog escape
  • Other animals might get in under fencing
  • Holes can be tripping hazards for people
  • Can antagonize other dogs
  • HOA violations

Why Dogs Dig

Digging is something that can be very instinctive for most dogs, although some breeds are more enthusiastic about it than others. While you want to keep your yard from being turned into a lunar landscape full of craters, you shouldn’t totally stop your dog from doing this. Many dogs need to actually do it, just as some dogs love sniffing dog treats and chewing dog toys.

How to stop dog digging under fence

Having said all that, while dog digging is often natural, it can also be symptomatic of psychological issues, including but not limited to:

  • Needing attention
  • Anxiety
  • Boredom
  • Hiding something
  • Hunting
  • Nesting, especially with pregnant dogs

Your dog might have learned to dig before you even owned him, as he needed a way to hide their possessions from their fellow littermates. Digging might also be a behavior a dog picks up from another dog in the same house that likes to do it. Knowing the cause can help you manage the problem.

Anxious Dogs

If your dog is suffering from anxiety, then they aren’t going to only display it just through digging. Other triggers and circumstances will present themselves. If your dog digs when left alone in the yard, then it could be symptomatic of separation anxiety. Your fence would have holes underneath it across a wide area, perhaps the entire yard. Other signs of an anxious dog include excessive elimination, barking, pacing, depression, aggression, and destructive behavior. In cases like these, digging happens when left at home alone because your dog wants to get out of the yard and back to you promptly. Dealing with separation anxiety should take care of the digging.

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Dogs Are Descendants of Hunters

Varying dog breeds come with their own level of drive for prey, but every dog has it to some degree. Dogs with high levels of prey drive include hounds, terriers, and hunting breeds, such as the Weimaraner. A dog with hunting instincts is similar to one with anxiety, in that they won’t just display it in the backyard. You’ll also see hunting behavior during play and on walks. Hunting dogs dig in more concentrated points where they suspect animals might be, so the resulting holes are structured like paths. It’s up to you to decide on accepting the hunting as-is and dealing with it or trying to minimize your pup’s prey drive.

Boredom Can Set In Fast

Dogs tend to get bored quickly if they’re left alone in your yard without much to do. Puppies and breeds with higher energy levels are especially susceptible to this. You’ll see holes everywhere, but they won’t be very deep. Exercising high-energy dogs can help alleviate boredom.

Preventing Dog Digging

When it comes to dog digging, you can either focus on medical issues and underlying behaviors, or you can just redirect or prevent the digging. If dealing with medical and psychological matters fails, then you have to focus on prevention and redirection.

Supervise Your Dog

Most dogs should be continuously supervised when in the yard. Being alone out there bores most dogs. If your dog has a passion for escape artistry or fence fighting, then supervision is even more essential. Better yet, have some fun and get some exercise by spending time bonding with your dog. You can even hire a part-time pet sitter via one of today’s best dog walking apps. Keep their focus on you (or another human), and they’ll never think about digging.

Use an Invisible Dog Fence

You can confine your dog to particular boundaries within your yard using an invisible dog fence, thus keeping them away from the physical fence that they are digging under. The best invisible dog fences are app-enabled and use dog GPS tracker collars to set the boundaries, although more traditional designs utilize a wireless signal or a buried wire to set where your dog can or cannot go within your yard.

How to stop dog digging under fence

Redirecting to a Sandbox

If your dog just loves digging, then they’re going to need an outlet. This behavior is natural to many dogs. Devoid of a good outlet, they’ll keep terrorizing your yard’s soil. They might even get out. A safe zone for digging can maintain your yard while keeping your dog content. A basic sandbox can work wonders, although try not to use a plastic one since some dogs will chew parts off and choke on them. Anything solid and waterproof, such as wood, is a good material for this option. Put the sandbox in the shade and fill it with loose soil or sand. Keep the sandbox engaging to keep your dog’s attention here instead of the rest of the yard. Hide some of your dog’s toys somewhere in the sand, and use treats to reward them for being in the box.

Landscaping Solutions

If there are particular spots your dog is digging up over and over, then decorate them to prevent the behavior. Consult your local nursery for dog-friendly bushes you can put along the fence. Also, consider xeriscaping with various sizes of stones and rocks [1] . Stone features can look great, and water features also add a new dimension to your landscape.

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Bury Chicken Wire

When you bury chicken wire below your fence, your dog is going to get discouraged from doing any digging there. Make sure your fence measurements are accurate so you can get just enough chicken wire. Bury it down there with one side facing into the yard. The trench you dig for this should be the same width as the holes your dog digs. Cover the chicken wire entirely with dirt.

Put a Fence Underneath the Fence

Similar to buried chicken wire, you can hammer some Dig Defence or another suitable fence design into your ground horizontally, rather than a standing fence’s normal 90-degree angle. This works wonders for dogs who eagerly dig tunnels because they want out of jail. You really only need the top section of wired fencing pushed down into the ground. Pair it up with a chicken wire for strong underground security.

A chain-link fence is an affordable and easy solution. However, it’s not foolproof on its own. Look for the soil around the fence with dips or bald spots. These are easier places for dogs to dig. Connect tent stakes to the fence’s bottom wires and then drive them into the ground. Spaced several inches apart, these should make digging efforts far from worth it.

Neighbor Dogs Who Dig Under Your Fence

Sometimes, the dog you don’t want digging under your fence is the one on the other side. When two dogs start riling each other up, things can get tense. One answer is putting up a fence inside a fence. It might sound redundant, but if there’s walking space for people between the two fences, then neither dog will feel threatened or see a need to dig. Hopefully, your neighbor is amenable to solutions, but document incidents and dug holes if things take a legal direction.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you stop a dog from digging under the fence?

There are four steps to take here. First, consult your vet to make sure there aren’t any medical issues causing the digging, as it can sometimes be a nesting sign indicating pregnancy or other medical conditions. Second, address any psychological issues your dog might have, be it anxiety, depression, or something else. Third, look into dog training to prevent the behavior. Fourth and finally, make physical alterations to the yard as described in the previous paragraphs.

Chain link fencing, chicken wire, and hardware cloth are all viable options on the bottom of most fences to keep your dogs inside your yard.

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Will vinegar stop a dog from digging?

Very possibly! Dogs don’t like how vinegar smells, which means it can deter digging. Formulate a 50/50 mixture of water and vinegar in a spray bottle, and then spray it on common dig spots. Watch to see how effective it is. Some dogs won’t dig there anymore, but others will just dig past the vinegar smell.

While there are things you can put on the bottom of your fence to keep dogs in, such as chicken wire and chain links, they can be unsightly. Cover them up with mulch, planters, stones, or even gravel.

What dog breeds are known for digging?

Any dog can turn into a digger, especially for medical or psychological reasons. However, certain breeds are more typically enthusiastic about digging than others. Keep an eye out if you own any of these:

  • Alaskan Malamute
  • Australian Terrier
  • Basset Hound
  • Beagle
  • Bedlington Terrier
  • Bloodhound
  • Border Terrier
  • Cairn Terrier
  • Chow Chow
  • Dachshund
  • Jack Russell Terrier
  • Miniature Schnauzer
  • Siberian Husky
  • West Highland White Terrier
  • Wirehaired Pointing Griffon

Of course, if you have a mixed breed of unknown origins you can always use a dog DNA test to help determine if your pet will have digging tendencies.

Can dog training help with this?

Dog training can help with most canine issues, but it’s especially effective if you put a sandbox out. If you spot your dog near the fence, order them away with a firm ‘No’ and direct him to the sandbox. Have a treat and affection ready for him there.


You and most people will recognize your fence line as a space where your property ends and the next lot begins. However, your dog might see it as a prison wall he needs to escape. Use these methods to keep your dog away from the fence.

No matter how well you train your dog or domesticate him inside the home, they still get a little wild at times. Even when dogs are trained to handle their business outside, they might feel like it’s okay to dig up the yard as much as they soil it. This can cause issues near your fence by making your yard look ugly, creating openings or escapes for various animals, and possibly being a chance for your dog to make a break for it.

Consult your vet and trainer for solutions and remedies, but also think about making physical alterations to your landscape that makes dog digging not worth it and escape even impossible. Effective additions to your fencing beneath the soil can help your dog learn that digging leads to nothing but frustration. You’ll keep your yard looking amazing at the same time, and it might even be the motivation you needed to improve your landscape in the first place.

Create a backyard you and your dog both love, and you’ll have a shared space that neither of you ever want to leave. A dog play yard perfect as a play area will keep Fido happy and active, and his mind away from digging.

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