How to remove location on Instagram post Android

Send businesses related activities (for example purchase, add-to-cart, lead) on behalf of Pages owned by the people who use your app.

The pages_manage_ads permission allows your app to manage ads associated with the Page.

Allowed Usage

  • Create ads for your Page.

  • Manage ads for your Page.

The pages_manage_cta permission allows your app to carry out POST and DELETE functions on endpoints used to manage call-to-action buttons on a Facebook Page.

Allowed Usage

  • Provide API access to manage call-to-action buttons on Pages that you manage.

The pages_manage_instant_articles permission allows your app to manage Instant Articles on behalf of Facebook Pages administered by people using your app.

Allowed Usage

  • Create and update Instant Articles for Pages owned by the people who use your app.

The pages_manage_engagement permission allows your app to create, edit and delete comments posted on the Page.

Allowed Usage

  • Publish a comment on a Page post.

  • Update your comment on a Page post.

  • Delete a comment on a Page post.

  • Like a Page post or remove your Like from a Page post.

The pages_manage_metadata permission allows your app to subscribe and receive webhooks about activity on the Page, and to update settings on the Page.

Allowed Usage

  • Subscribe to receive webhooks of your Page.

  • Update settings of your Page.

The pages_manage_posts permission allows your app to create, edit and delete your Page posts.

Allowed Usage

  • Publish a post, photo, or video to your Page.

  • Update a post, photo, or video on your Page.

  • Delete a post, photo, or video on your Page.

The pages_messaging permission allows your app to manage and access Page conversations in Messenger.

Allowed Usage

  • Create interactive experiences initiated by a user.

  • Confirm customer interactions such as purchases, orders and bookings.

  • Send customer support messages.

The pages_read_engagement permission allows your app to read content (posts, photos, videos, events) posted by the Page, read followers data (including name, PSID), and profile picture, and read metadata and other insights about the Page.

Allowed Usage

  • Get content posted by your Page.

  • Get names, PSIDs, and profile pictures of your Page followers.

  • Get metadata about your Page.

The pages_read_user_content permission allows your app to read user generated content on the Page, such as posts, comments, and ratings by users or other Pages, and to delete user comments on Page posts.

Allowed Usage

  • Get user generated content on your Page.

  • Get posts that your Page is tagged in.

  • Delete comments posted by users on your Page.

pages_show_list The pages_show_list permission allows your app to access the list of Pages a person manages.

Allowed Usage

  • Show a person the list of Pages they manage.

  • Verify that a person manages a Page.

The pages_user_gender permission allows your app to access a user's gender through the Page your app is connected to.

Allowed Usage

  • Personalize experiences or recommendations based on gender.

  • Use gendered language such as correct pronouns and titles.

The pages_user_locale permission allows your app to access a user's locale through the Page your app is connected to.

Allowed Usage

  • Personalize experiences based on the locale of a person by surfacing locale specific content.

  • Send responses in the preferred language of the person.

  • Display numbers, times, and dates correctly for the locale of the person.

The pages_user_timezone permission grants your app access to a user's time zone through the Page your app is connected to.

Allowed Usage

  • Prevent messages from being sent at an inconvenient time.

  • Send time sensitive content or recurring news at a specific time.

  • Provide tailored content based on time.

  • Send time appropriate greetings.

The private_computation_access permission allows an app to access the Meta Private Computation products.

Allowed Usage

  • Monitor private attribution datasets for a business.

  • Monitor instances for private attribution datasets for a business.

  • Create and manage instances for private attribution datasets for a business.

Allows apps to read the Default Public Profile Fields on the User node. This permission is automatically granted to all apps.

Allowed Usage

  • Authenticate app users and provide them with a personalized in-app experience.

The publish_to_groups permission allows your app to post content into a Group on behalf of a person if they've granted your app access.

Allowed Usage

  • Allow people to publish content from your app to their Facebook group.

  • Help people manage the content published to their group.

The publish_video permission allows your app to publish live videos to an app user's timeline, group, event or Page.

Allowed Usage

  • Grants an app permission to live-video stream to an app user's timeline, group, event or Page.