How to get out of name conflict in Excel

Hello there,

The below email has been sent to Microsoft 2 days ago and they advised to contact Dropbox.

Hope Dropbox experts are able to understand the cause of the issue.

"Having a couple of issues with an Excel file shared on Dropbox among colleagues of mine.

Everyday, either a colleague or myself will be editing the worksheet and saving it in a Dropbox for further use from other colleagues or myself.

Every time there is a modification in the file, a new copy of the file will be saved on the date of the day to have backups. Every week, the folder including different copies of the file at different dates will cleared up so old copies will be placed in an archive and the most recent file will be kept in the folder for further use.

All the users are on Excel 2016 Mac version 16.10

We have been using the file for one year + and recently my colleague is having a pop-up window whenever she needs to open the file: 

"Name conflict

Name cannot be the same as a built-in name.

Old name: _FilterDatabase

New name: 'field where I can write'


I have tried to fix the issue by following the below steps that I thought could fix the issue or that I found on the net:

- Copied/pasted the entire content of each tab in the file in a complete new file

- Removed all filters

- Tried to create a new name and the problem is fixed until we re-open the file

- Tried to press 'cancel' on the 'Name conflict' pop-up window. Another pop-up window will show


We found a problem with some content in the 'filename.xlsx'. Do you want us to try to recover as much as we can? If you trust the source of this workbook, click Yes."

I click 'Yes' and the Name conflict pop-up window shows up, I click 4 times on 'cancel' and finally the spreadsheet opens with

"Excel was able to open the file by repairing or removing the unreadable content" I then click Delete.

The file is usable UNTIL someone else saves a new version on top of it...

- Tried to send a copy of the file through email but the issue persists

Very disappointing issue and clearly avoids us to work properly.

Wish a Microsoft technician could help me with this issue which is extremely inconvenient.


Following to this message, I have created a copy of the file in .xls format and it is working without issue. However, I am willing to use .xlsx format as we used to.

Thank you in advance, regards,


How to get out of name conflict in Excel

When you use "Move and copy" function to  copy Sheet on Excel file. You receive a message from Microsoft Excel with content as below:
"A formula or sheet you want to move or copy contains the name "file name", which already exists on the destination worksheet.  Do you want to use this version of the name?
To use the name as defined in the destination sheet, click yes. To rename the range referred to in the formula or worksheet, click no, and enter a new name in the Nme Confilct dialog box."

How to get out of name conflict in Excel

When you choose "Yes", this message is still not lost. When you choose "No", a message windows with name "Name Conflict" that will aprrears:
"Name already exists on destination sheet.
Old Name:...
New name:...

How to get out of name conflict in Excel

You can not close this Name Conflict message, even if you fill any information at "Old name" & "New name" cell or choose Cancel.
This is a classic error in Excel. When this is the case, you can not open, modify & close to any Excel file.
Don't worry, QTit will help you fix this error with some basic step.

You can see video guide for fix error: Name conflict in Excel

How to Do:
Step 1: The first, you turn off this message by: Mouse right Taskbar > Task Manager > Process tab > Right mouse Microsoft Excel > End task.

How to get out of name conflict in Excel

How to get out of name conflict in Excel


Note that all Excel files you have open will be exit after Step 1 is done.

How to get out of name conflict in Excel

Step 2: Install and open the program XLStyles Tool (this program is only supported on Windows 10)

How to get out of name conflict in Excel


Step 3: Click Get File > find and select the path of the corrupted Excel file > select Remove All in Name Ranges With External References > Process File

How to get out of name conflict in Excel

How to get out of name conflict in Excel

How to get out of name conflict in Excel

Step 4:
Open the corrupted Excel file. Select the Formulas tab > Name Manager.

How to get out of name conflict in Excel


Step 5: Select all values in the Name Manager table. and Delete (delete them).

How to get out of name conflict in Excel


Step 6: Completed. Please open the error excel file and check it. I'm 100% successful for sure.
So you already fixed error: Name Conflict In Excel


This is a general formula that QTit has learned from experience to fix this classic Name Conflict error in Excel. Thank you for reading QTit's article.

In addition, if you have any problems with your computer, please contact us directly through the QTitHow fanpage. We will try to help and answer you as soon as possible. Thank you!

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How do you resolve a conflict name in Excel?

Resolve the Name Conflict.
Select two or more sheets in the workbook that contain range names that are identical in the destination workbook..
Right-click on the sheet tabs and select Move or Copy. The Name conflict box will appear..
Click Yes to use the existing version of the name..

How do I get rid of name conflict pop up in Excel?

This error generally arises when there are some erroneous names in the worksheet. Press Ctrl+F3 (the Excel name manager box will show up). On the right hand side there will be a filter button - select "Names with error" and once all of them show up, delete the erroneous names.

How do you bypass the name already exists in Excel?

Replies (6) .
Press Ctrl+Alt+Del to shut down Excel..
Open Excel and then open the workbook..
Press Ctrl+F3 and filter the named ranges on errors..
Delete all erroneous named ranges..
Click on OK..
Save the workbook..

How do you get rid of Excel warnings?

Hide error indicators in cells You can prevent these indicators from displaying. On the Excel menu, click Preferences. , and then clear the Enable background error checking check box.