How do I allow others to add a calendar event?


Outlook 2016

  1. Click Calendar Icon in lower left corner
  2. In the left side bar Right Click the calendar you want to share, then click Properties.
  3. Click the Permissions tab
  4. Click Add to add permissions for a new user, or click the name of the existing user in the list to change their current permissions.
  5. Either select a predefined set of permissions from the Permissions Level pull down or specify the permission in the checkboxes below.  Common options are:
    Free/Busy TimeAllow the user to view when you are busy or free, but not the information of any of the events on your calendarReviewerAllow the user to view all of the information on your calendar, but they cannot create or edit events.AuthorAllow the user to view all calendar information and can create new events, but they cannot edit or delete events they did not create.EditorAllow the user to view all calendar information, create new events, and edit and delete existing events.

Having a calendar that is shared across your team can be a great way to stay organized, communicate deadlines, plan vacations and days off, and make sure everyone knows when and where events are occurring. Let us help you plan your next meeting or event on Google Calendar!

In order to add an event (or make any other changes) to a shared calendar, you’ll need to make sure you have the correct permissions. If you’re not able to add an event, it’s likely that you don’t have editing permissions for that calendar. You can either request edit permission from whoever made the calendar, or create a new shared calendar and share that with all the involved people. If you have editing permissions, the calendar should show up under ‘My Calendars’ on the left-hand side of your Google Calendar.

Adding an event to a shared Google Calendar:

Step 1: Open your Google Calendar

Step 2: Click the ‘+ Create’ button in the upper left-hand corner 

Step 3: This will open a mini form where you can edit the title and time of your event. You can either add event details here or click the ‘More Options’ buttons for a full-screen event editor with more details. 

Step 4: In the new event form, make sure that you select the shared calendar, next to the calendar icon. To do so, click on the calendar that is currently selected, to see a drop down of all your calendar options. Then, click on the shared calendar you want to add your event to.

If you don’t see the calendar there, you’ll need to request editing access, or create your own shared calendar.

Step 5: Make sure the rest of the settings on your event are accurate. Include a location if applicable, a message in the description box if needed, and edit the date and time to reflect the event details. 

Step 6: After making sure your event details are correct, simply hit save! You’ll then see the event on your shared calendar, and everyone else with this calendar will be able to as well. 5 steps is do-able, but what if we told you there’s an even easier way? With Skedgit, you don’t need to worry about sending links or comparing shared calendars. Let us show you how it works.

Many people love using Teamup to allow others to contribute to a shared calendar. It’s less work for the calendar administrator (always a bonus).

Without Teamup, allowing others to add events to a calendar can be complex and risky. Granting full access to a calendar — so others can add events to it — risks data loss. What if someone accidentally deletes an event?

The alternative is to use a hodgepodge system of emails, messaging, and collecting information via a form or spreadsheet. The calendar administrator still ends up having to manually input all the even information; the workload is increased, rather than decreased.

By sharing calendars securely — with controlled, customized permissions — you avoid the back-and-forth, tedious process of collecting information and transferring that information to a calendar. All the calendar administrator has to do is review the events that people create, and make them visible to others as desired.

Here are a few scenarios where enabling multiple people or groups to add events to a calendar would be helpful:

  • When managing content, you could allow members of the editorial team add content ideas, scheduled interviews, and industry events to the calendar.
  • For community calendars, different community groups and organizations can add their events to the shared calendar.
  • In a team environment, members could request meetings, or note when they are “out of the office” on the calendar.
  • Nonprofit organizations can allow volunteers to add various tasks or needs related to an outreach or event.
  • A small business, or a department in a large corporation, could allow staff to request time off via the calendar.

These scenarios are easy to manage with a Teamup Calendar. You’ll still want to maintain some sort of control over the process. With the ‘Add-only’ and ‘Add-only, no details’ permissions, you can essentially use a Teamup Calendar as a pending event system.

Set Up a Sub-Calendar

First, add a sub-calendar for event submissions, meeting requests, appointments, and other items you want people to create on your calendar. It could be called ‘Event Submissions’ or ‘Pending Appointments’ — whatever makes sense for your use.

The top sub-calendar is designated for event submissions.

Choose the Right Permission

Next, decide whether to give calendar access through account-based users or with customized shareable calendar links.

In this post, we’ll focus primarily on how you could use a customized, shareable calendar link to allow others to safely add events to a shared or public calendar. If you are setting up a calendar for internal organizational use, we recommend using account-based user access. Learn more here.

First, create a link for the sub-calendar. You’ll want to customize the link so you’re sharing only your calendar for event submissions, with Add-only or Add-only, no-details permission.

Leave other calendars “Not Shared” to enable access only to the Event Submissions calendar.

The add-only permission enables users to open the shared sub-calendar, click on the calendar to add an event, enter the event details, and save the event. They can also see other events that have been added to the calendar, including details (such as description and location) but can not edit them.

Take a closer look at sharing and setting permissions.

By setting limited permissions, you reduce the risk of data loss or sharing information that’s sensitive. The people who use this link will only be able to add events to the shared sub-calendar, and edit the event they create within about 30 minutes from the same browser or device. If they try to edit an event after that time has elapsed, they’ll receive a message:

The add-only permission provides a 30 minute time to edit the event.

The Add-only, no-details permission does not allow a user to see the titles or details of other events. They will merely see other slots as Reserved.

Add-only, no-details permission will show other events as “Reserved.”

Make It Work for You

There are many ways you can adjust this concept to make it work for your particular use.

Add more calendars

What if someone needs to see what else has been scheduled, as a reference point when they add their own event? That’s easy, too. You can adjust the link to allow read-only access to any related sub-calendars.

Someone with this link can see all calendars, but only add an event to the Event Submission calendar.

A person with the link above can see all calendars, but can only add events to the event submission sub-calendar.

All calendar events shown with additional read-only views included.

When someone with this link adds an event to the calendar, they’ll only be able to put their event on the event submission calendar. Since it’s the only calendar with add-only permission, it’s the only one that will show up and can be selected in the event editor.

The read-only calendars will not be available in the event editor box.

Let users modify events

If you want to allow someone to edit the event they submitted any time later from any browser or device, you can create a link for that specific user (or group) and give it a modify-from-same-link permission.

A link which allows someone to modify an event they’ve created on the Event Submission calendar.

If you’re working with a specific community group, for example, that often creates recurring events and needs to update details and locations, you could create a specific link, like the one above. They can access the calendar, create their events, and modify events as needed from that link.

Use customized event fields

You can also customize event fields to get the right information for events that are submitted.

To customize event fields, go to Settings > Event Fields. Then click on the +New Field button in the top right. You can name the event field and make it single-line text entry or insert choices. You can also make it required, and choose to have it show in the event title, if desired.

Set options for your customized event field and make it single choice or multiple choice.

Here’s how the event field above would look for someone adding an event:

A customized event field with multiple choices.

Approve and Move Submitted Events

As the calendar administrator, you can log in and see all events that have been added to the calendar. You can also set up email notifications, if desired.

Use Scheduler view to easily work with events that have been submitted. Simply drag an approved event from the Event Submission calendar to the correct sub-calendar.

Drag-and-drop events from the event submission calendar to the right sub-calendar.

How much work could you save without having to manually add all those events from a spreadsheet, or track them down in emails? Try it out and see how it could work for you with our live demo calendar.

How can someone else add events to my iPhone calendar?

In the Calendar app , you can share an iCloud calendar with other iCloud users. When you share a calendar, others can see it, and you can let them add or change events. You can also share a read-only version that anyone can view but not change.

How can I share a calendar that everyone can edit?

You can share a calendar across your entire organization or with a specific person or group..
Open Google Calendar..
On the left, click the name of your new calendar..
Point to the shared calendar and click More. Settings and sharing..
Choose an option: ... .
In the permissions box, click the Down arrow. ... .
Click Send..

Can I add event to calendar that is shared with me?

To do so, click on the calendar that is currently selected, to see a drop down of all your calendar options. Then, click on the shared calendar you want to add your event to. If you don't see the calendar there, you'll need to request editing access, or create your own shared calendar.

Why can't I add invitees to iPhone calendar?

Before you can invite people to events you've scheduled, you need to make sure your calendar accounts are turned on. Go to Settings > Calendar > Accounts, then select an account. Check if Calendar is turned on. For more information on how to add calendars, see Set up multiple calendars on iPhone.

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