Give two examples of how the american revolution affected other parts of the world.

Answer and Explanation: The American Revolution affected other nations by spreading the idea of a republican government as well as the idea of standing up to imperial European powers.


Which countries were affected by the American Revolution?

“The American Revolution: A World War” demonstrates with new scholarship how the 18th-century fight for independence fit into a larger international conflict that involved Great Britain France Spain the Dutch Republic Jamaica Gibraltar and even India.

How did the American Revolution affect Europe?

– The American Revolution had an impact in Europe through books newspapers and magazines. … – The Americans had created a new social contract and made concepts of liberty and representative government a reality. Europeans obtained most of their information of the Revolution from the returning French soldiers.

What are two examples of how the American Revolution affect other parts of the world?

3. Give two examples of how the American Revolution affected other parts of the world. The American Revolution helped inspire revolts against European rule throughout South America. The Americans also influenced the French Revolution.

How did the American Revolution impact other revolutions?

Impact of Revolution on Other Nations. The American Revolution had a profound effect on the European psyche. It demonstrated that the ideas of Enlightenment were not mere utterances and that it was possible to overthrow an oppressive government. “Be encouraged all ye friends of freedom and writers in its defense!

How did American Revolution impact the world?

The Revolution also unleashed powerful political social and economic forces that would transform the post-Revolution politics and society including increased participation in politics and governance the legal institutionalization of religious toleration and the growth and diffusion of the population.

What effect did the American Revolution have on other nations in the world quizlet?

answer: The American Revolution inspired other countries to declare independence. The ideas of the Enlightenment including the concept of the social contract influenced the American Revolution.

How did the Declaration of Independence affect other countries?

The Declaration helped unify the colonies so that they all fought together instead of trying to make separate peace agreements with Britain.

What changed after the American Revolution?

The period following the Revolutionary War was one of instability and change. The end of monarchical rule evolving governmental structures religious fragmentation challenges to the family system economic flux and massive population shifts all led to heightened uncertainty and insecurity.

Did the American Revolution have a revolutionary impact on American life?

Did the American Revolution have a revolutionary impact on American life? Viewpoint: Yes. The American Revolution transformed American society into a nation founded on what was regarded as radical principles that subordinated the function of government to natural law.

What was the most significant effect of the American Revolution quizlet?

The Treaty of Paris was signed in Paris France on September 3 1783. This ended the American Revolutionary War and gave the colonies their independence from Great Britain. They could now form their own government and make their own laws. This freedom was the most important effect of the American Revolution.

How did the American Revolution influence the French Revolution and how were other nations affected by it?

The French who had direct contact with the Americans were able to successfully implement Enlightenment ideas into a new political system. The National Assembly in France even used the American Declaration of Independence as a model when drafting the Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen in 1789.

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What changed after the American Revolution quizlet?

as the colonist were no longer port of the British mercantile system Key exports were lost ( Rice Tobacco). Southern States resorted to cotton which was profitable. war also produced huge debt with money owed to France.

What were the causes and effects of the Revolutionary War?

Cause: the Tea Act and Boston Tea Party angered Britain causing them to punish Boston and intimidate the other colonies with harsh rules passed by Parliament. Cause: the anger of the colonists when Parliament passed the Stamp Act. … Effect: Colonists are killed during a riot that eventually led to violence and shooting.

How did the Declaration of Independence changed the world?

America did not secede from the British Empire to be alone in the world. … America’s independence signaled a fundamental change: once-dependent British colonies became independent states that could make war create alliances with foreign nations and engage freely in commerce.

What was the impact of the Declaration of Independence on the Revolutionary war?

The Declaration summarized the colonists’ motivations for seeking independence. By declaring themselves an independent nation the American colonists were able to confirm an official alliance with the Government of France and obtain French assistance in the war against Great Britain.

What was the impact of the Declaration of Independence quizlet?

The effect of the Declaration of Independence was to clearly communicate to the British what the colonists believe were the basic principles of freedom and the rights they felt all people should have.

What are the effects of revolutions?

(a) Due to the revolution the length of days and nights varies at a place at different times of the year. (b) Revolution causes a change of seasons. (c) It helps in the location of Tropic of Cancer and Tropic of Capricorn due to the fact that Sun rays fall vertical here. (d) The altitude of the mid-day Sun changes.

How did the American Revolution affect people’s lives quizlet?

How did the American Revolution affect people’s lives? It divided friends and family. It created economic and personal hardships.

What were the social effects of the American Revolution?

The American Revolution produced a new outlook among its people that would have ramifications long into the future. Groups excluded from immediate equality such as slaves and women would draw their later inspirations from revolutionary sentiments. Americans began to feel that their fight for liberty was a global fight.

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What were two causes and effects of the American Revolution?

Cause: British leaders feared that more fighting would take place on the frontier if colonists kept moving onto American Indian lands. This Act required colonists to house British soldiers. … Effect: Increased people’s anger at Britain.

What was an immediate effect of the American Revolution?

The immediate effect of the American Revolution was that the American colonies became a free and independent country. This revolution did not bring about any other huge and immediate changes. This is why many historians argue that it was not a real revolution at all.

What was the outcome of the American Revolution quizlet?

Treaty of Paris (1783) marked the end of the war and gave the colonies independence from Great Britain.

How was America affected by the French Revolution?

The French Revolution also influenced U.S. politics as pro- and anti- Revolutionary factions sought to influence American domestic and foreign policy. … However with revolutionary change also came political instability violence and calls for radical social change in France that frightened many Americans.

What Revolution had the biggest impact?

The American Revolution had its most important impact within Britain on men of liberal or radical views who had sympathized with the American arguments during the 1760s and 1770s.

What effect did the American Revolution have on the French Revolution quizlet?

What effect did the American Revolution have on the French Revolution? It popularized the idea of democracy and also helped bankrupt the French government.

Why is the American Revolution important quizlet?

The American Revolution was important because it was the war fought against Britain that won America’s independence. … -They didn’t like how Great Britain was treating them and they thought that they should be able to govern themselves with the approval of Britain.

What was the greatest concern of the opponents to the constitution quizlet?

The Anti-Federalists opposed the ratification of the 1787 U.S. Constitution because they feared that the new national government would be too powerful and thus threaten individual liberties given the absence of a bill of rights.

What happened to the Articles of Confederation quizlet?

In 1781 Maryland became the last of the 13 states to ratify the Articles of Confederation and they went into effect. The Articles of Confederation lasted from 1781 until 1788. The Articles were replaced when the U.S. Constitution was officially ratified on June 21 1788.

How did the American Revolution affect the British?

Britain spent a huge amount of money fighting the Revolutionary War sending the national debt soaring and creating a yearly interest of nearly 10 million pounds. Taxes had to be raised as a result. The trade that Britain had relied on for wealth was severely interrupted. … The effects on trade were short term.

Why did people in other countries believe that the American Revolution or the Declaration of Independence was important to them or their own countries?

-people thought the Declaration of Independence was important to them and their countries because it inspired others to start their own declaration of independence. … And the Declaration of Independence was a symbol of success that the colonies against to their leader British government and fought for their rights.

How did the Declaration of Independence affect Great Britain?

Following the signing of the Declaration of Independence the document that established the United States as a new nation the thirteen colonies declared themselves free of the United Kingdom. … They were angry that the colonies were forced to follow British rule but were not allowed representation in Parliament.

How did the Declaration of Independence affect most colonists?

By issuing the Declaration of Independence adopted by the Continental Congress on July 4 1776 the 13 American colonies severed their political connections to Great Britain. The Declaration summarized the colonists’ motivations for seeking independence.

What effect did the Declaration of Independence have on slavery in the late 1700s?

The Declaration of Independence promised liberty for all men but failed to put an end to slavery and although they had proved themselves in battle the Continental Congress adopted a policy of excluding black soldiers from the army.

Conclusion and World Impact of the American Revolution War

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