Cara menggunakan wordpress create text file

Watch video Full Tutorial of Read Text File Tutorial: How to Create an Ads.txt File for Wordpress Websites - Works with AdSense!
Allows you to display the contents of a text file within a post by adding a simple shortcode and including a path from the root folder.DownloadIf you have any question then, ask to us on Facebook PageGuide

  1. Upload read-txt.php to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. Upload your text file from your local computer into the Media Library
  4. Place [read-text path="path to text file"] in your post templates

Presented by: Wordpress/Youtube

Setelah anda selesai melakukan instalasi WordPress, langkah selanjutnya anda dapat membuat artikel melalui dashboard. Pada panduan ini, kami akan menjelaskan secara detail tentang cara membuat postingan di WordPress dengan Gutenberg.

Daftar Isi

Gutenberg merupakan post atau page editor baru di WordPress, yang mulai diperkenalkan pada versi 5.0. Gutenberg hadir dengan berbagai fitur yang lengkap, sehingga memudahkan anda dalam membuat artikel dan page layout yang menarik di WordPress. Mari kita kenal lebih dalam tentang apa itu Gutenberg dan cara membuat postingan di WordPress.

Apa itu Gutenberg?

Gutenberg adalah text editor pada WordPress yang mulai diperkenalkan sejak versi 5.0. Hadir dengan layout baru, Gutenberg juga dilengkapi dengan berbagai fitur seperti block pattern hingga visual editor yang lebih baik.

Informasi lebih detail tentang Gutenberg kami ulas melalui artikel berikut : Gutenberg Editor Andalan WordPress Versi 5.0

Cara Membuat Postingan di WordPress

Berikut adalah cara membuat postingan di WordPress;

  1. Login ke dashboard WordPress anda melalui namadomain/wp-admin
  2. Klik menu Posts > Add new
Cara menggunakan wordpress create text file
  1. Pada kolom Add title, silahkan isi judul postingan yang ingin anda buat.
Cara menggunakan wordpress create text file
  1. Anda dapat memanfaatkan fitur shortcut block yang disediakan oleh Gutenberg, untuk menambahkan detail pada artikel yang dibuat. Anda bisa menambahkan gambar, setting heading hingga menambahkan detail lainnya.

Cara menggunakan wordpress create text file

Setelah selesai menulis artikel, Anda bisa mengisi permalink, category, tag hingga menambahkan feature image. Berikut kami jelaskan masing-masing fungsinya.

Permalink digunakan untuk setting alamat URL artikel yang anda buat. secara otomatis, WordPress akan men-generate permalink sesuai dengan settingan permalink yang anda gunakan. Namun anda juga bisa melakukan editing url artikel melalui menu permalink, apabila ingin meringkas URL artikel anda.

Cara menggunakan wordpress create text file

Setting Categories

Menu categories digunakan untuk memberikan kategori pada artikel yang anda buat. Untuk membuat kategori baru, klik ‘add new categori’ lalu isikan nama kategori yang akan anda buat. Atau anda bisa memilih kategori yang sebelumnya telah anda buat.

Cara menggunakan wordpress create text file

Setting Tags

Tags adalah kata yang mendeskripsikan artikel yang kita buat. Kalau di Twitter atau Instagram, kita kenal dengan sebutan hashtag. Tag digunakan untuk mengelompokkan artikel sesuai dengan tema yang dibahas.

Cara menggunakan wordpress create text file

Feature image

Feature image adalah gambar utama yang akan dijadikan profile dari artikel yang kita buat. Dalam mengupload gambar di feature image, anda perlu memperhatikan ukuran gambar yang akan diupload. Berikut ukuran feature image yang direkomendasikan oleh Facebook;

  • 600×315 px
  • 1200×630 px (rekomendasi)

Selain ukuran, anda juga wajib memperhatikan size gambar yang diupload. Disarankan size file gambarnya tidak lebih dari 100kb.

Cara menggunakan wordpress create text file


Setelah penulisan artikel dan detail keterangan artikel selesai dibuat, selanjutnya Anda bisa menekan tombol ‘publish‘ untuk mempublikasi artikel yang anda buat.

Do you want to create and manage an ads.txt files in WordPress? Ads.txt file protects publishers from ad fraud, and it can potentially increase your ad revenue. In this article, we will show you how to easily create and manage ads.txt file in WordPress.

Cara menggunakan wordpress create text file

What is Ads.txt File?

Ads.txt file allows publishers to declare who can sell ads on their website. It is an initiative created by IAB Tech Lab, a non-profit focused on improving digital advertising standards.

The initiative is supported by Google’s advertising platforms like Google Adsense, Doubleclick, and Ad Exchange. It is also supported by many other leading digital advertising platforms.

Why is Ads.txt file important?

Ad fraud cost millions of dollars in damages to online advertisers and publishers each year. People with malicious intent continuously try to trick ad platforms with domain spoofing, fake clicks, fake impressions, and more.

Ads.txt file improves transparency in online advertisement by allowing publishers to declare who can sell their ad inventory. Here is how it works:

If you are an advertiser and someone tells you that they can display your ad on a particular website, then you can go and checkout that website’s ads.txt file. It will show you if the company you are dealing with has the permission to sell advertising space on that particular website or not.

Since this data is publicly available, it can be crawled, stored, and searched by advertisers, publishers, and resellers.

If you are displaying ads on your website using Google Adsense, DoubleClick, or Ad Exchange, then adding Ads.txt file is recommended.

Many other advertising platform and software also support or require ads.txt file to be declared.

How to Create and Manage Ads.txt Files in WordPress?

First thing you need to do is install and activate the Ads.txt Manager plugin. For more details, see our step by step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

Upon activation, you need to visit the Settings » Ads.txt page to configure plugin settings.

Cara menggunakan wordpress create text file

The plugin provides a simple text area where you can add lines to declare each individual platform or reseller. For example, you can add the following line to declare Google Adsense., pub-0000000000000000, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Don’t forget to replace pub-0000000000000000 with your own publisher ID.

As you can see, this line has four fields separated by comma. The first field is the domain of the company allowed to sell or resell your ad inventory. After that it has your publisher ID which corresponds to your account ID in the advertising platform.

The third field declares relationship type DIRECT or RESELLER. The last field is optional, and it represents an ID of the advertising platform. For all Google advertising programs, you’ll use the same unique ID.

Troubleshooting Earnings at risk Error in Adsense

A missing declaration in your ads.txt file may result in the following warning message in your Google Adsense account.

Earnings at risk – One or more of your ads.txt files doesn’t contain your AdSense publisher ID. Fix this now to avoid severe impact to your revenue.

This message indicates that your ads.txt file doesn’t have your publisher ID. To fix this message, simply go to Settings » Ads.txt page to make sure that you have correct publisher ID in plugin settings.

Note: Since ads.txt file is supposed to be in the root directory of a domain name, this plugin currently only works for root level domain like It does not work for WordPress installed in subdomain, subdirectory, or a single site in a multi-site network.

We hope this article helped you learn how to create and manage ads.txt file in WordPress. You may also want to see our guide on legit ways to make money online blogging with WordPress.

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