Cara menggunakan mysql delayed replication

Delayed replication allows a replication slave to deliberately lag behind the master by at least a specified amount of time. Before executing an event, the slave will first wait, if necessary, until the given time has passed since the event was created on the master. The result is that the slave will reflect the state of the master some time back in the past. This feature is supported since MySQL 5.6 and MariaDB 10.2.3. It can come in handy in case of accidental data deletion, and should be part of your disaster recovery plan.

The problem when setting up a delayed replication slave is how much delay we should put on. Too short of time and you risk the bad query getting to your delayed slave before you can get to it, thus wasting the point of having the delayed slave. Optionally, you can have your delayed time to be so long that it take hours for your delayed slave to catch up to where the master was at the time of the error.

Luckily with Docker, process isolation is its strength. Running multiple MySQL instances is pretty convenient with Docker. It allows us to have multiple delayed slaves within a single physical host to improve our recovery time and save hardware resources. If you think a 15-minute delay is too short, we can have another instance with 1-hour delay or 6-hour for an even older snapshot of our database.

In this blog post, we are going to deploy multiple MySQL delayed slaves on one single physical host with Docker, and show some recovery scenarios. The following diagram illustrates our final architecture that we want to build:

Cara menggunakan mysql delayed replication

Our architecture consists of an already deployed 2-node MySQL Replication running on physical servers (blue) and we would like to set up another three MySQL slaves (green) with following behaviour:

  • 15 minutes delay
  • 1 hour delay
  • 6 hours delay

Take note that we are going to have 3 copies of the exact same data on the same physical server. Ensure our Docker host has the storage required, so do allocate sufficient disk space beforehand.

MySQL Master Preparation

Firstly, login to the master server and create the replication user:

mysql> GRANT REPLICATION SLAVE ON *.* TO [email protected]'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'YlgSH6bLLy';

Then, create a PITR-compatible backup on the master:

$ mysqldump -uroot -p --flush-privileges --hex-blob --opt --master-data=1 --single-transaction --skip-lock-tables --skip-lock-tables --triggers --routines --events --all-databases | gzip -6 -c > mysqldump_complete.sql.gz

If you are using ClusterControl, you can make a PITR-compatible backup easily. Go to Backups -> Create Backup and pick “Complete PITR-compatible” under the “Dump Type” dropdown:

Cara menggunakan mysql delayed replication

Finally, transfer this backup to the Docker host:

$ scp mysqldump_complete.sql.gz [email protected]:~

This backup file will be used by the MySQL slave containers during the slave bootstrapping process, as shown in the next section.

Delayed Slave Deployment

Prepare our Docker container directories. Create 3 directories (mysql.conf.d, datadir and sql) for every MySQL container that we are going to launch (you can use loop to simplify the commands below):

$ mkdir -p /storage/mysql-slave-15m/mysql.conf.d
$ mkdir -p /storage/mysql-slave-15m/datadir
$ mkdir -p /storage/mysql-slave-15m/sql
$ mkdir -p /storage/mysql-slave-1h/mysql.conf.d
$ mkdir -p /storage/mysql-slave-1h/datadir
$ mkdir -p /storage/mysql-slave-1h/sql
$ mkdir -p /storage/mysql-slave-6h/mysql.conf.d
$ mkdir -p /storage/mysql-slave-6h/datadir
$ mkdir -p /storage/mysql-slave-6h/sql

“mysql.conf.d” directory will store our custom MySQL configuration file and will be mapped into the container under /etc/mysql.conf.d. “datadir” is where we want Docker to store the MySQL data directory, which maps to /var/lib/mysql of the container and “sql” directory stores our SQL files – backup files in .sql or .sql.gz format to stage the slave before replicating and also .sql files to automate the replication configuration and startup.

15-minute Delayed Slave

Prepare the MySQL configuration file for our 15-minute delayed slave:

$ vim /storage/mysql-slave-15m/mysql.conf.d/my.cnf

And add the following lines:


** The server-id value we used for this slave is 10015.

Next, under /storage/mysql-slave-15m/sql directory, create two SQL files, one to RESET MASTER (1reset_master.sql) and another one to establish the replication link using CHANGE MASTER statement (3setup_slave.sql).

Create a text file 1reset_master.sql and add the following line:


Create a text file 3setup_slave.sql and add the following lines:


MASTER_DELAY=900 is equal to 15 minutes (in seconds). Then copy the backup file taken from our master (that has been transferred into our Docker host) to the “sql” directory and renamed it as 2mysqldump_complete.sql.gz:

$ cp ~/mysqldump_complete.tar.gz /storage/mysql-slave-15m/sql/2mysqldump_complete.tar.gz

The final look of our “sql” directory should be something like this:

$ pwd
$ ls -1

Take note that we prefix the SQL filename with an integer to determine the execution order when Docker initializes the MySQL container.

Once everything is in place, run the MySQL container for our 15-minute delayed slave:

$ mysqldump -uroot -p --flush-privileges --hex-blob --opt --master-data=1 --single-transaction --skip-lock-tables --skip-lock-tables --triggers --routines --events --all-databases | gzip -6 -c > mysqldump_complete.sql.gz

** The MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD value must be the same as the MySQL root password on the master.

The following lines are what we are looking for to verify if MySQL is running correctly and connected as a slave to our master (

$ mysqldump -uroot -p --flush-privileges --hex-blob --opt --master-data=1 --single-transaction --skip-lock-tables --skip-lock-tables --triggers --routines --events --all-databases | gzip -6 -c > mysqldump_complete.sql.gz

You can then verify the replication status with following statement:

$ mysqldump -uroot -p --flush-privileges --hex-blob --opt --master-data=1 --single-transaction --skip-lock-tables --skip-lock-tables --triggers --routines --events --all-databases | gzip -6 -c > mysqldump_complete.sql.gz

At this point, our 15-minute delayed slave container is replicating correctly and our architecture is looking something like this:

Cara menggunakan mysql delayed replication

1-hour Delayed Slave

Prepare the MySQL configuration file for our 1-hour delayed slave:

$ mysqldump -uroot -p --flush-privileges --hex-blob --opt --master-data=1 --single-transaction --skip-lock-tables --skip-lock-tables --triggers --routines --events --all-databases | gzip -6 -c > mysqldump_complete.sql.gz

And add the following lines:

$ mysqldump -uroot -p --flush-privileges --hex-blob --opt --master-data=1 --single-transaction --skip-lock-tables --skip-lock-tables --triggers --routines --events --all-databases | gzip -6 -c > mysqldump_complete.sql.gz

** The server-id value we used for this slave is 10060.

Next, under /storage/mysql-slave-1h/sql directory, create two SQL files, one to RESET MASTER (1reset_master.sql) and another one to establish the replication link using CHANGE MASTER statement (3setup_slave.sql).

Create a text file 1reset_master.sql and add the following line:


Create a text file 3setup_slave.sql and add the following lines:

$ mysqldump -uroot -p --flush-privileges --hex-blob --opt --master-data=1 --single-transaction --skip-lock-tables --skip-lock-tables --triggers --routines --events --all-databases | gzip -6 -c > mysqldump_complete.sql.gz

MASTER_DELAY=3600 is equal to 1 hour (in seconds). Then copy the backup file taken from our master (that has been transferred into our Docker host) to the “sql” directory and renamed it as 2mysqldump_complete.sql.gz:

$ mysqldump -uroot -p --flush-privileges --hex-blob --opt --master-data=1 --single-transaction --skip-lock-tables --skip-lock-tables --triggers --routines --events --all-databases | gzip -6 -c > mysqldump_complete.sql.gz

The final look of our “sql” directory should be something like this:

$ mysqldump -uroot -p --flush-privileges --hex-blob --opt --master-data=1 --single-transaction --skip-lock-tables --skip-lock-tables --triggers --routines --events --all-databases | gzip -6 -c > mysqldump_complete.sql.gz

Take note that we prefix the SQL filename with an integer to determine the execution order when Docker initializes the MySQL container.

Once everything is in place, run the MySQL container for our 1-hour delayed slave:

$ mysqldump -uroot -p --flush-privileges --hex-blob --opt --master-data=1 --single-transaction --skip-lock-tables --skip-lock-tables --triggers --routines --events --all-databases | gzip -6 -c > mysqldump_complete.sql.gz

** The MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD value must be the same as the MySQL root password on the master.

The following lines are what we are looking for to verify if MySQL is running correctly and connected as a slave to our master (

$ scp mysqldump_complete.sql.gz [email protected]:~

You can then verify the replication status with following statement:

$ scp mysqldump_complete.sql.gz [email protected]:~

At this point, our 15-minute and 1-hour MySQL delayed slave containers are replicating from the master and our architecture is looking something like this:

Cara menggunakan mysql delayed replication

6-hour Delayed Slave

Prepare the MySQL configuration file for our 6-hour delayed slave:

$ vim /storage/mysql-slave-15m/mysql.conf.d/my.cnf

And add the following lines:

$ scp mysqldump_complete.sql.gz [email protected]:~

** The server-id value we used for this slave is 10006.

Next, under /storage/mysql-slave-6h/sql directory, create two SQL files, one to RESET MASTER (1reset_master.sql) and another one to establish the replication link using CHANGE MASTER statement (3setup_slave.sql).

Create a text file 1reset_master.sql and add the following line:


Create a text file 3setup_slave.sql and add the following lines:

$ scp mysqldump_complete.sql.gz [email protected]:~

MASTER_DELAY=21600 is equal to 6 hours (in seconds). Then copy the backup file taken from our master (that has been transferred into our Docker host) to the “sql” directory and renamed it as 2mysqldump_complete.sql.gz:

$ scp mysqldump_complete.sql.gz [email protected]:~

The final look of our “sql” directory should be something like this:

$ scp mysqldump_complete.sql.gz [email protected]:~

Take note that we prefix the SQL filename with an integer to determine the execution order when Docker initializes the MySQL container.

Once everything is in place, run the MySQL container for our 6-hour delayed slave:

$ scp mysqldump_complete.sql.gz [email protected]:~

** The MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD value must be the same as the MySQL root password on the master.

The following lines are what we are looking for to verify if MySQL is running correctly and connected as a slave to our master (

$ scp mysqldump_complete.sql.gz [email protected]:~

You can then verify the replication status with following statement:

$ mkdir -p /storage/mysql-slave-15m/mysql.conf.d
$ mkdir -p /storage/mysql-slave-15m/datadir
$ mkdir -p /storage/mysql-slave-15m/sql
$ mkdir -p /storage/mysql-slave-1h/mysql.conf.d
$ mkdir -p /storage/mysql-slave-1h/datadir
$ mkdir -p /storage/mysql-slave-1h/sql
$ mkdir -p /storage/mysql-slave-6h/mysql.conf.d
$ mkdir -p /storage/mysql-slave-6h/datadir
$ mkdir -p /storage/mysql-slave-6h/sql

At this point, our 5 minutes, 1-hour and 6-hour delayed slave containers are replicating correctly and our architecture is looking something like this:

Cara menggunakan mysql delayed replication

Disaster Recovery Scenario

Let’s say a user has accidentally dropped a wrong column on a big table. Consider the following statement was executed on the master:

$ mkdir -p /storage/mysql-slave-15m/mysql.conf.d
$ mkdir -p /storage/mysql-slave-15m/datadir
$ mkdir -p /storage/mysql-slave-15m/sql
$ mkdir -p /storage/mysql-slave-1h/mysql.conf.d
$ mkdir -p /storage/mysql-slave-1h/datadir
$ mkdir -p /storage/mysql-slave-1h/sql
$ mkdir -p /storage/mysql-slave-6h/mysql.conf.d
$ mkdir -p /storage/mysql-slave-6h/datadir
$ mkdir -p /storage/mysql-slave-6h/sql

If you are lucky enough to realize it immediately, you could use the 15-minute delayed slave to catch up to the moment before the disaster happens and promote it to become master, or export the missing data out and restore it on the master.

Firstly, we have to find the binary log position before the disaster happened. Grab the time now() on the master:

$ mkdir -p /storage/mysql-slave-15m/mysql.conf.d
$ mkdir -p /storage/mysql-slave-15m/datadir
$ mkdir -p /storage/mysql-slave-15m/sql
$ mkdir -p /storage/mysql-slave-1h/mysql.conf.d
$ mkdir -p /storage/mysql-slave-1h/datadir
$ mkdir -p /storage/mysql-slave-1h/sql
$ mkdir -p /storage/mysql-slave-6h/mysql.conf.d
$ mkdir -p /storage/mysql-slave-6h/datadir
$ mkdir -p /storage/mysql-slave-6h/sql

Then, get the active binary log file on the master:

$ mkdir -p /storage/mysql-slave-15m/mysql.conf.d
$ mkdir -p /storage/mysql-slave-15m/datadir
$ mkdir -p /storage/mysql-slave-15m/sql
$ mkdir -p /storage/mysql-slave-1h/mysql.conf.d
$ mkdir -p /storage/mysql-slave-1h/datadir
$ mkdir -p /storage/mysql-slave-1h/sql
$ mkdir -p /storage/mysql-slave-6h/mysql.conf.d
$ mkdir -p /storage/mysql-slave-6h/datadir
$ mkdir -p /storage/mysql-slave-6h/sql

Using the same date format, extract the information that we want from the binary log, binlog.000004. We estimate the start time to read from the binlog around 20 minutes ago (2018-12-04 14:35:00) and filter the output to show 25 lines before the “drop column” statement:

$ mkdir -p /storage/mysql-slave-15m/mysql.conf.d
$ mkdir -p /storage/mysql-slave-15m/datadir
$ mkdir -p /storage/mysql-slave-15m/sql
$ mkdir -p /storage/mysql-slave-1h/mysql.conf.d
$ mkdir -p /storage/mysql-slave-1h/datadir
$ mkdir -p /storage/mysql-slave-1h/sql
$ mkdir -p /storage/mysql-slave-6h/mysql.conf.d
$ mkdir -p /storage/mysql-slave-6h/datadir
$ mkdir -p /storage/mysql-slave-6h/sql

In the bottom few lines of the mysqlbinlog output, you should have the erroneous command that was executed at position 19379556. The position that we should restore is one step before this, which is in position 19379491. This is the binlog position where we want our delayed slave to be up to.

Then, on the chosen delayed slave, stop the delayed replication slave and start again the slave to a fixed end position that we figured out above:

$ mkdir -p /storage/mysql-slave-15m/mysql.conf.d
$ mkdir -p /storage/mysql-slave-15m/datadir
$ mkdir -p /storage/mysql-slave-15m/sql
$ mkdir -p /storage/mysql-slave-1h/mysql.conf.d
$ mkdir -p /storage/mysql-slave-1h/datadir
$ mkdir -p /storage/mysql-slave-1h/sql
$ mkdir -p /storage/mysql-slave-6h/mysql.conf.d
$ mkdir -p /storage/mysql-slave-6h/datadir
$ mkdir -p /storage/mysql-slave-6h/sql

Monitor the replication status and wait until Exec_Master_Log_Pos is equal to Until_Log_Pos value. This could take some time. Once caught up, you should see the following:

$ mkdir -p /storage/mysql-slave-15m/mysql.conf.d
$ mkdir -p /storage/mysql-slave-15m/datadir
$ mkdir -p /storage/mysql-slave-15m/sql
$ mkdir -p /storage/mysql-slave-1h/mysql.conf.d
$ mkdir -p /storage/mysql-slave-1h/datadir
$ mkdir -p /storage/mysql-slave-1h/sql
$ mkdir -p /storage/mysql-slave-6h/mysql.conf.d
$ mkdir -p /storage/mysql-slave-6h/datadir
$ mkdir -p /storage/mysql-slave-6h/sql

Finally verify if the missing data that we were looking for is there (column “status” still exists):

$ mkdir -p /storage/mysql-slave-15m/mysql.conf.d
$ mkdir -p /storage/mysql-slave-15m/datadir
$ mkdir -p /storage/mysql-slave-15m/sql
$ mkdir -p /storage/mysql-slave-1h/mysql.conf.d
$ mkdir -p /storage/mysql-slave-1h/datadir
$ mkdir -p /storage/mysql-slave-1h/sql
$ mkdir -p /storage/mysql-slave-6h/mysql.conf.d
$ mkdir -p /storage/mysql-slave-6h/datadir
$ mkdir -p /storage/mysql-slave-6h/sql

Then export the table from our slave container and transfer it to the master server:

$ mkdir -p /storage/mysql-slave-15m/mysql.conf.d
$ mkdir -p /storage/mysql-slave-15m/datadir
$ mkdir -p /storage/mysql-slave-15m/sql
$ mkdir -p /storage/mysql-slave-1h/mysql.conf.d
$ mkdir -p /storage/mysql-slave-1h/datadir
$ mkdir -p /storage/mysql-slave-1h/sql
$ mkdir -p /storage/mysql-slave-6h/mysql.conf.d
$ mkdir -p /storage/mysql-slave-6h/datadir
$ mkdir -p /storage/mysql-slave-6h/sql

Drop the problematic table and restore it back on the master:

$ mkdir -p /storage/mysql-slave-15m/mysql.conf.d
$ mkdir -p /storage/mysql-slave-15m/datadir
$ mkdir -p /storage/mysql-slave-15m/sql
$ mkdir -p /storage/mysql-slave-1h/mysql.conf.d
$ mkdir -p /storage/mysql-slave-1h/datadir
$ mkdir -p /storage/mysql-slave-1h/sql
$ mkdir -p /storage/mysql-slave-6h/mysql.conf.d
$ mkdir -p /storage/mysql-slave-6h/datadir
$ mkdir -p /storage/mysql-slave-6h/sql


We have now recovered our table back to its original state before the disastrous event. To summarize, delayed replication can be used for several purposes:

  • To protect against user mistakes on the master. A DBA can roll back a delayed slave to the time just before the disaster.
  • To test how the system behaves when there is a lag. For example, in an application, a lag might be caused by a heavy load on the slave. However, it can be difficult to generate this load level. Delayed replication can simulate the lag without having to simulate the load. It can also be used to debug conditions related to a lagging slave.
  • To inspect what the database looked like in the past, without having to reload a backup. For example, if the delay is one week and the DBA needs to see what the database looked like before the last few days' worth of development, the delayed slave can be inspected.

Final Thoughts

With Docker, running multiple MySQL instances on a same physical host can be done efficiently. You may use Docker orchestration tools like Docker Compose and Swarm to simplify the multi-container deployment as opposed to the steps shown in this blog post.