Cara menggunakan import parquet to mysql

In this recipe, we see the different file formats supported in Sqoop. Sqoop can import data in various file formats like “parquet files” and “sequence files.” Irrespective of the data format in the RDBMS tables, once you specify the required file format in the sqoop import command, the Hadoop MapReduce job, running at the backend, automatically takes care of it.

Yelp Dataset Analysis with Spark and Parquet


Before proceeding with the recipe, make sure the following installations are done on your local EC2 instance.

Steps to set up the environment:

  • In the AWS, create an EC2 instance and log in to Cloudera Manager with your public IP mentioned in the EC2 instance.
  • To do this, type “<your public IP>:7180” in the web browser and log in to Cloudera Manager, where you can check if Hadoop and Sqoop are installed.
  • If they are not visible in the Cloudera cluster, you may add them by clicking on the “Add Services” in the cluster to add the required services in your local instance.

Importing data in different file formats:

Step 1: Log in to MySQL using

mysql -u root -p;
use <user name>
show tables

Enter the required credentials. And check tables in the database “test.” We used a “flights_info” table from the “test” database as an example and demonstrated this recipe.

Cara menggunakan import parquet to mysql

Pyspark Read Parquet file into DataFrame

Pyspark provides a

data =[("James ","","Smith","36636","M",3000),
              ("Michael ","Rose","","40288","M",4000),
              ("Robert ","","Williams","42114","M",4000),
              ("Maria ","Anne","Jones","39192","F",4000),
4 method in

data =[("James ","","Smith","36636","M",3000),
              ("Michael ","Rose","","40288","M",4000),
              ("Robert ","","Williams","42114","M",4000),
              ("Maria ","Anne","Jones","39192","F",4000),
5 class to read the parquet file into dataframe. Below is an example of a reading parquet file to data frame."/tmp/output/people.parquet")

Append or Overwrite an existing Parquet file

Using append save mode, you can append a dataframe to an existing parquet file. Incase to overwrite use overwrite save mode.


Executing SQL queries DataFrame

Pyspark Sql provides to create temporary views on parquet files for executing sql queries. These views are available until your program exists.

parkSQL = spark.sql("select * from ParquetTable where salary >= 4000 ")

Creating a table on Parquet file

Now let’s walk through executing SQL queries on parquet file. In order to execute sql queries, create a temporary view or table directly on the parquet file instead of creating from DataFrame.

spark.sql("CREATE TEMPORARY VIEW PERSON USING parquet OPTIONS (path \"/tmp/output/people.parquet\")")
spark.sql("SELECT * FROM PERSON").show()

Here, we created a temporary view

2 from “

3” file. This gives the following results.

|firstname|middlename|lastname|  dob|gender|salary|
|  Robert |          |Williams|42114|     M|  4000|
|   Maria |      Anne|   Jones|39192|     F|  4000|
| Michael |      Rose|        |40288|     M|  4000|
|   James |          |   Smith|36636|     M|  3000|
|      Jen|      Mary|   Brown|     |     F|    -1|

Create Parquet partition file

When we execute a particular query on the PERSON table, it scan’s through all the rows and returns the results back. This is similar to the traditional database query execution. In PySpark, we can improve query execution in an optimized way by doing partitions on the data using pyspark

4 method. Following is the example of partitionBy().


When you check the people2.parquet file, it has two partitions “gender” followed by “salary” inside.

Cara menggunakan import parquet to mysql

Retrieving from a partitioned Parquet file

The example below explains of reading partitioned parquet file into DataFrame with gender=M."/tmp/output/people2.parquet/gender=M")

Output for the above example is shown below.

data =[("James ","","Smith","36636","M",3000),
              ("Michael ","Rose","","40288","M",4000),
              ("Robert ","","Williams","42114","M",4000),
              ("Maria ","Anne","Jones","39192","F",4000),

Creating a table on Partitioned Parquet file

Here, I am creating a table on partitioned parquet file and executing a query that executes faster than the table without partition, hence improving the performance.

data =[("James ","","Smith","36636","M",3000),
              ("Michael ","Rose","","40288","M",4000),
              ("Robert ","","Williams","42114","M",4000),
              ("Maria ","Anne","Jones","39192","F",4000),

Below is the output .

data =[("James ","","Smith","36636","M",3000),
              ("Michael ","Rose","","40288","M",4000),
              ("Robert ","","Williams","42114","M",4000),
              ("Maria ","Anne","Jones","39192","F",4000),

Complete Example of PySpark read and write Parquet file

data =[("James ","","Smith","36636","M",3000),
              ("Michael ","Rose","","40288","M",4000),
              ("Robert ","","Williams","42114","M",4000),
              ("Maria ","Anne","Jones","39192","F",4000),


We have learned how to write a Parquet file from a PySpark DataFrame and reading parquet file to DataFrame and created view/tables to execute SQL queries. Also explained how to do partitions on parquet files to improve performance.