Apa itu Cover Page di Word?

Microsoft Word is a software tool that makes our document more attractive and beautiful with the help of different types of fonts, colors, styles, animations, 3D models, graphs, charts, page layout, and many more within a very small span of time. It is developed by the Microsoft corporations in 1983. It is the best platform for writing documents, projects, letters, notes, assignments, etc. It has special features like editing, deleting, correcting, and formatting your file in very little time. Almost it is used in all fields like business, schools, offices preferred this software to write their article, office letters, documents, etc. 

Apa itu Cover Page di Word?

Features of MS Word:

  1. Images: MS Word provides the inserting of various images in our document.
  2. Videos: We can insert videos in our document
  3. Fonts Styles: It has a wide range of font styles for our text.
  4. Colors: It also has different types of colors to make our document more attractive.
  5. Page number and size: You can set the size of the page of your document
  6. WordArt: It provides various writing styles for our documents.
  7. Tables: Tables in MS Word are used to represent data in Tabular form
  8. Graph and Charts: These are used to represent statistical data
  9. Animations and Designs: MS Word allows the creation of Animations and designs as per user needs
  10. Page border/color: MS Word allows adding borders and colors to pages.

What is a cover page in MS Word?

Microsoft Word has a special feature called a cover page. The cover page represents the main highlighted part of your document that contains the document title, pictures, company logo, or information about the document file, etc. It is the first thing when a reader will see it. Cover pages make your document more attractive. Adding a cover page is a great way to represent your document in an official manner. So you should add a cover page to your document.

You can also add project images as a background of your cover page and many more. Microsoft Word has a large number of different pre-designed cover pages available in MS Word.

Steps to Add Cover Page in MS Word:

Step 1: On the navigation menu select the insert option.

Apa itu Cover Page di Word?

Step 2: Select the cover page from the left side of the navigation menu as shown:

Apa itu Cover Page di Word?

Step 3: A cover page menu will open where you can select different types of cover pages for your document.

Apa itu Cover Page di Word?

Step 4: Now select cover page format as per your choice or requirement.

Some different types of cover pages are: 

Apa itu Cover Page di Word?
Apa itu Cover Page di Word?
Apa itu Cover Page di Word?

Step 5: You can also select more cover pages from office.com as shown:

Apa itu Cover Page di Word?

Finally, the cover page is added to the document.

Steps to Remove Cover Page in MS Word:

Step 1: On the navigation menu select the insert option.

Apa itu Cover Page di Word?

Step 2: Select cover page from the left side of the navigation menu.

Apa itu Cover Page di Word?

Step 3: Now click on the remove current cover page option as shown:

Apa itu Cover Page di Word?

Finally, the cover page will be removed from your document.

WPS word also provide you a special feature called a cover page.The cover page is the very first page of your document. The cover page  plays a vital role in the representation and making the documents more attractive. The covet page of any document mainly include information such as document titles,pictures,company logo and authors name etc. A good cover page provides the overall all information that the specific document comprised of.

Cover pages are necessary part of document from simple essays to the research documents. A well designed cover page has attraction power that increase the curiosity in the readers mind that's why one never stop her or him self to go through the whole content of particular document  

Hence it is important to learn how to make a cover page on WPS word document.Let's start to learn it.

Follow the following steps to a make a cover page in WPS word document.

1. Go to insert option in tool bar and select cover page.

2. Click on page cover, a drop down menu opens having different kind of cover pages such as Business,Resume,Thesis and transverse.

3. Select any type of cover page you want.

4. Click on the selected cover page.

5. Now you can add title of the document and related information by changing the build in information.

You have added the cover page to your preferred document successfully.

How to remove cover page from WPS word document?

Sometimes you want to delete the cover page in order to add any new more attractive cover page in such case you do not have to be panic because we are going to give you simple ways to remove the cover page in WPS office.

Following are the steps by which you can delete the cove page.

1. Click on inert and select cover page option.

2. Click on cover page results in the list of built in cover pages.

3. You will find the  remove current page cover option available at the end of cover page gallery.

4. Click the remove current page to delete the cover page from your WPS word document.

What does a cover page look like depend?

Selection of Cover pages or designing depends upon the purpose you are making the cover page for. For academic purposes most of the people go with simple monochromatic cover pages while for most non Academic purposes cover pages are made more casual.


Adding Cover page to WPS word document is vital for making an attractive document which will produce the curiosity in people to read it.Over all the cover page is the representation of author.We are here to help you and for more practice like this you can visit our WPS Academy to learn more and more.You should also download and use WPS office to edit Power point, PDF, Excel, and Word documents in order to make your document more efficient.

Apa fungsi cover page pada Microsoft Word?

Cover Page digunakan untuk menyisipkan suatu bentuk halaman sampul seperti tanggal, nama dari pengarang, judul ataupun informasi-informasi lainnya.

Apa yang dimaksud dengan blank page?

Blank page atau halaman kosong biasanya muncul di akhir atau di tengah-tengah halaman. Bagian yang kosong ini tentu akan membuat dokumen menjadi kurang rapi. Ada beberapa cara menghapus halaman kosong di Microsoft Word.

Apa fungsi dari blank page?

Jawaban: Blank Page adalah suatu cara untuk menampilkan dan/atau membuat halaman terbaru pada dokumen yang sama.Coba ketikan sesuatu pada halaman pertama di Ms. Word. Lalu tekan Blank Page, secara otomatis kalian akan diarahkan ke halaman selanjutnya tanpa peduli ruang spasi pada halaman pertama tadi.