Why was Windows Update is showing error encountered?

If you are seeing an error message stating, “Windows Update error 0x80070424” on your computer then your system will not receive crucial updates unless you fix the problem manually. Simply, follow these easy steps and the problem will be solved easily.


Workarounds you can try–

1. Restart your computer and check if it helps.

2. Disable the antivirus and the firewall temporarily on your device, and then try updating your device.


Table of Contents

  • Fix-1 Automate services from CMD-
  • Fix-2 Run Windows Update Troubleshooter-
  • Fix-3 Automate Windows Update service-
  • Fix 4 – Rename Updates folder

Fix-1 Automate services from CMD-

You can automate the necessary services from the Command Prompt window.

1. Press Windows key+R to launch Run.

2. Type “cmd” and press Ctrl+Shift+Enter together.



Why was Windows Update is showing error encountered?


Command Prompt window will be opened with Administrative rights.

2. To program these 4 services to automatically startup at the time of rebooting, copy-paste these one-by-one and hit Enter.


sc config wuauserv start=auto
sc config cryptSvc start=auto
sc config bits start=auto
sc config trustedinstaller start=auto

Why was Windows Update is showing error encountered?


Once you have executed these commands on your computer, reboot your system and after rebooting, try to update your computer again.


Fix-2 Run Windows Update Troubleshooter-

Running Windows Update Troubleshooter will detect any error with the Windows Update process on your computer.

1. Click on the Windows Icon to access the search box. Now, write “Troubleshoot settings“.

2. In the elevated search results, you have to click on the “Troubleshoot settings“.


Why was Windows Update is showing error encountered?


3. Scroll down in the Settings window until you see the “Windows Update” troubleshooter.

4. Then, click on “Run the troubleshooter” to run a troubleshooter.


Why was Windows Update is showing error encountered?


3.  Now, you don’t have to do a thing except wait as the troubleshooter will run basic check for Windows Udpate faults.

4. Simply follow the on-screen instructions to go through these easy steps.

Why was Windows Update is showing error encountered?


This process will take some time as Windows will detect any problem with Windows Update.

3. When the troubleshooter has detected the issue, click on “Next” to apply the fix.


Why was Windows Update is showing error encountered?


Reboot your computer.

After rebooting your computer, try to update your system again.


Fix-3 Automate Windows Update service-

Automating Windows Update service on your computer may help you out.

1. Press the Windows key. Then, type “services” in the search bar.

2. Then, click on the “Services” on the search result.


Why was Windows Update is showing error encountered?


The Services window will be opened.

2. When the Services window opens up, scroll down to look for the “Windows Update” service. Double click on it to open its properties.


Why was Windows Update is showing error encountered?


3. In Windows Update properties, click on ‘Startup type:‘ and choose “Automatic“.

4. Click on “Start” to start the process if the ‘Service Status:‘ is not “Running“.


Why was Windows Update is showing error encountered?


5. After that, click on “Apply” and “OK” to save the changes on your computer.


Why was Windows Update is showing error encountered?


6. Coming back to Services window, right-click on “Windows Update” service and then click on “Restart” to restart the service on your computer.


Why was Windows Update is showing error encountered?


Close Services window on your computer.

Check if this works or not.

Fix 4 – Rename Updates folder

1. Search cmd in windows 10 taskbar search and then right-click on the cmd icon and choose run as administrator.


Why was Windows Update is showing error encountered?



2. Simply, copy-paste these commands in the Command Prompt window and hit Enter after pasting each of these commands.

net stop wuauserv
net stop cryptSvc
net stop bits
net stop msiserver


Why was Windows Update is showing error encountered?


3. To rename the existing folders what you need to do is to copy-paste these two commands and execute them by pressing ‘Enter‘.

ren C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution SoftwareDistribution.older
ren C:\Windows\System32\catroot2 catroot2.older


Why was Windows Update is showing error encountered?


4. At the last step, you have to resume the processes you have stopped in the first step.

net start wuauserv
net start cryptSvc
net start bits
net start msiserver


Why was Windows Update is showing error encountered?


Close Command Prompt window. Reboot your computer. After rebooting, try updating your computer.

You can also download this PC Repair tool to Locate and Fix any PC issue:
Step 1 - Download the Restoro PC Repair Tool
Step 2 - Click on Start Scan to find and Fix any PC issue automatically.

Why was Windows Update is showing error encountered?

Sambit Koley

Sambit is a Mechanical Engineer By qualification who loves to write about Windows 10 and solutions to weirdest possible problems.

How do I fix Windows Update error encountered?

Methods to fix Windows Update failing errors.
Run the Windows Update Troubleshooter tool..
Restart Windows Update related services..
Run the System File Checker (SFC) scan..
Execute the DISM command..
Temporarily disable your antivirus..
Restore Windows 10 from a backup..

Why does my Windows Update keep failing?

Lack of drive space: If your computer doesn't have enough free drive space to complete a Windows 10 update, the update will stop, and Windows will report a failed update. Clearing some space will usually do the trick. Corrupt update files: Deleting the bad update files will usually fix this problem.