Why Spanish language education was a failure in the Philippines

I REMEMBER that a Latin American scholar — I do not know from which country — angrily claimed at an academic congress that because of the Spanish conquest, many indigenous languages went into extinction. That kept me thinking a lot about the strong connection between language and identity and why the scholar — using plain Spanish — was so angry about the issue. Maybe he thought his identity was blurred given his incapacity to speak Quechua, Aymara, Guarani or any other language. I answered that if he really felt that the loss was so big, he was still on time to learn the indigenous language of his birthplace and then give it to his children. But clearly he was not willing to do that: depriving his children from connecting with a community of more than 500 million speakers would undoubtedly affect their chances to prosper.

The Philippines has the opposite situation. After 333 years of Spanish presence, the language is almost totally gone. When I first asked some Filipinos why that happened, I was told 'Spaniards did not want us to learn it.' The answer did not satisfy me: that would be quite unuseful even from the point of view of the colonizers. Other people gave me a more elaborate answer: 'The only Spanish figure in many provinces was the Spanish friar and he did not want the people to learn so he could keep power being the middle person between the government and the natives.' That sounded more logical, but it actually ignores one very important factor: how languages are learned and spread.

Nicholas Ostler is a British scholar specializing in endangered languages. He published in 2005 a fascinating book, Empires of the Word: A Language History of Languages, in which he traces the biography of the languages that have mainly dominated the world through certain periods of history, namely Sumerian, Akkadian, Sanskrit, Greek, Latin, French, etc., and tries to explain what processes make languages prosper and spread, to be later left and forgotten. He claims that many factors, like the influence of a very powerful language group, epidemics, war or natural disaster can lead to the decimation of the speakers of a single language. But above all, there is one thing people usually do not think of: when parents do not teach children their language.

Language is not only an identity tool, but a practical one for everyday life. There have been incredible attempts to recover dead languages, most of them unsuccessful. An exception to this is the revival of Hebrew, led by Eliezer Ben-Yehuda and followed by a strong Zionist movement in Palestine. The recovery of the language was seen as an unavoidable task in order for Jews to grow and prosper and enhance their sense of community. This identitarian view about language is not an exception. But in the Philippines what prevails is the view that language is just an everyday tool. There are parents who speak to their own children in Tagalog, despite being native speakers of Ilonggo, Ilocano, Waray or any other minority language. Many Manileños need the mediation of an uncle in order to talk to their grandparents when visiting them in the province. I have even seen children in Metro Manila who speak only English, their parents refusing to talk to them in Tagalog. The reason for this is clear: they want to provide their children with a language that can be actively used throughout their lives. There is also the idea of social status behind that: languages are seen hierarchically, English being on top and small indigenous languages at the bottom.

Nicholas Ostler claims too in The Last Lingua Franca (2010) that the future of English does not seem so bright: like Latin, it will slowly cease to be spoken — but not in a short time, for sure — and that it will be used as a language of knowledge before it fades away. The reason for him is clear: languages are learned from parents and in terms of native speakers, English is not growing. From one billion speakers of English, only 330 million are native speakers, and this population is not spreading.

Coming back to the Philippines, many factors can explain the disappearance of Spanish:

First, the Spanish presence in the Philippines was relatively weak in terms of native speakers. There was no point in learning a language you could not use. The number of Spaniards living in the archipelago was always quite low.

In order to learn a new language, you need motivation to make the effort and also opportunities to practice what you learned. Both of them were lacking here.

Second, the reason for the friars to not teach Spanish was merely practical: it was easier for a foreign person to learn the indigenous language than force 5,000 people to learn the language of a single person. It was quite logical. Moreover, missionaries carried out an excellent job documenting Filipino languages with their grammars, dictionaries and translations. If it happened that later on they used this knowledge to exert power, it was something more circumstantial than premeditated.

Third, the Laws of the Indies were quite clear about the importance of spreading Spanish in the colonies but this was more of a good desire than a factible goal. It was only with the implementation of the public educational system in 1862 that Spanish could take root in the archipelago.

Fourth, it bears reminding that Spanish was not a widely spoken language in Spanish America either until their respective constitutions declared it, after independence, to be the official language, and until education was implemented freely and became compulsory. The creole elite wanted their language to be the official language of the country. Anyone willing to be successful in business, get a high formal education or climb socially had to learn it. Something like that could very well have happened in the Philippines had not the Americans interfered with the process in 1898.

Lastly, the Americans wanted a fast Americanization of the archipelago. With that purpose was depicted a dark picture of everything Spanish and discouraged the use of the Spanish language. Although there was fierce resistance from the Filipino intellectual class, they finally gave up: their grandchildren did not speak Spanish any more. And the very reason that this happened was that they stopped talking to their children in Spanish at home.

An example: if there were — let's say — around one million Spanish speakers in the Philippines by 1898 and the population had so far multiplied by 10, there would be right now at least 10 million Spanish speakers, or even more, given that those speakers belong to the intellectual, business and political class and the lower classes tend to pick up the habits of the ones from the higher class in order to improve their lives. But they just stopped talking to their children in Spanish, and it curiously happened when Spanish became more widely spoken — around the 1920s and 1930s of the last century. They probably did not feel so attached to the language from an identitarian point of view. But most importantly, they did not think their children would need the Spanish language any more in order to grow and prosper. The world was shaped by the Anglo-Saxons and the Philippines was under US dominion: Spanish started being seen as a relic, a vestige of the past, whose display was only done in order to take pride in their Spanish blood.

Many Filipinos blame the lack of official status for the loss, something that only happened in 1986. The issue is more symbolic than relevant: the Spanish language was in decay in the Philippines several decades before it was stripped from the Constitution. As a multilingual society, parents often choose to transfer one of the languages they speak, and Spanish was, with a few notable exceptions, clearly not the favored one.

I have met many Filipino students of Spanish who blame their parents for not talking to them in the language of their ancestors at home. Probably they did it with the best of intentions, since it has been only from the 1990s that the Spanish language started to be recognized as a very useful language internationally, both in business and international organizations, and providing thousands of well-paid jobs in the call center industry. Time changes everything and now Filipinos are learning Spanish again, this time as a second language. It is a historical paradox that only after Spanish had been almost lost in the Philippines that there are thousands of Filipinos coming back to learn the language in the universities, at Instituto Cervantes, in private schools or as an optional subject in high schools. For most of them it will be an opportunity to improve their lives with a hidden ingredient of the Filipino identity.

Why Spanish language education was a failure in the Philippines
A Philippine flag in hand || Credit: Kurious-679098 via Pixabay

he Philippines were under Spanish rule for 300 years — over 10 generations; not too dissimilar to much of Latin America. Manila and Cebu were centres of colonial administration, and in fact, rolled up into the Viceroyalty of New Spain.

Why then are the Philippines not a Spanish speaking nation, unlike so many Latin American ones?

Spanish was the official language of the Philippines from the beginning of Spanish rule in the late 16th century, until sometime during the Philippine–American War (1899-1902) and remained co-official, along with English, until 1973. It was at first removed in 1973 by a constitutional change, but after a few months it was re-designated an official language by presidential decree. With the present Constitution, Spanish was changed into an auxiliary or "optional and voluntary language".[2][3]

Why Spanish language education was a failure in the Philippines
Spanish language in the Philippinesespañol filipino
Espanyol sa PilipinasNative toPhilippines

Native speakers

548,000 total speakers (2020)[1]
4,000 native speakers (2020)[1]

Language family


  • Italic
    • Latino-Faliscan
      • Romance
        • Western
          • Ibero-Romance
            • West Iberian
              • Castilian
                • Spanish
                  • Spanish language in the Philippines

Early forms

Old Latin

  • Classical Latin
    • Vulgar Latin
      • Old Spanish
        • Early Modern Spanish

Writing system

Latin (Spanish alphabet)Official status

Recognised minority
language in


Regulated byAcademia Filipina de la Lengua EspañolaLanguage codesISO 639-3–IETFes-PH

Why Spanish language education was a failure in the Philippines

Official copy of the "Acta de la proclamación de independencia del pueblo Filipino", the Philippine Declaration of Independence

It was the language of the Philippine Revolution and the country's first official language, as proclaimed in the Malolos Constitution of the First Philippine Republic in 1899. It was the language of commerce, law, politics and the arts during the colonial period and well into the 20th century. It was the main language of many classical writers and Ilustrados such as José Rizal, Antonio Luna and Marcelo del Pilar. It is regulated by the Academia Filipina de la Lengua Española, the main Spanish-language regulating body in the Philippines, and a member of the Asociación de Academias de la Lengua Española, the entity which regulates the Spanish language worldwide.


Flag of Spain (1785–1873 and 1875–1931)

Spanish was the language of government, education and trade throughout the three centuries of Spanish rule and continued as the country's lingua franca until the first half of the 20th century.[4] Spanish was the official language of the Malolos Republic, "for the time being", according to the Malolos Constitution of 1899.[5] Spanish was also the official language of the Cantonal Republic of Negros of 1898 and the Republic of Zamboanga of 1899.[6]

During the early part of the U.S. administration of the Philippine Islands, Spanish was widely spoken and relatively well maintained throughout the American colonial period.[4][7][8] Even so, Spanish was a language that bound leading men in the Philippines like Trinidad Hermenegildo Pardo de Tavera y Gorricho to President Sergio Osmeña and his successor, President Manuel Roxas. As a senator, Manuel L. Quezon (later President), delivered a speech in the 1920s entitled "Message to My People" in English and in Spanish.[9]

Official language

Spanish remained an official language of government until a new constitution ratified on January 17, 1973, designated English and Pilipino, spelled in that draft of the constitution with a "P" instead of the more modern "F", as official languages. Shortly thereafter, Presidential Proclamation No. 155 dated March 15, 1973 ordered that the Spanish language should continue to be recognized as an official language so long as government documents in that language remained untranslated. A later constitution ratified in 1987 designated Filipino and English as official languages.[2] Also, under this Constitution, Spanish, together with Arabic, was designated an optional and voluntary language.[3]


There are thousands of Spanish loanwords in 170 native Philippine languages, and Spanish orthography has influenced the spelling system used for writing most of these languages.[10]


Chavacano (also called Zamboangueño) is a Spanish-based creole language spoken mainly in the southern province of Zamboanga and, to a much lesser extent, in the province of Cavite in the northern region of Luzon.[11] An estimated 689,000 people speak Chavacano.[12][13] In 2010, the Instituto Cervantes de Manila estimated the number of Spanish speakers in the Philippines in the area of three million,[14] which included the native and the non-native Chavacano and Spanish speakers.


Statue of Miguel López de Legazpi just outside Fort San Pedro, Cebu City

Spanish was the language of government, education and trade throughout the three centuries (333 years) of the Philippines being part of the Spanish Empire and continued to serve as a lingua franca until the first half of the 20th century. It was first introduced to the Philippines in 1565, when the conquistador Miguel López de Legazpi founded the first Spanish settlement on the island of Cebú.[15] The Philippines, ruled first from Mexico City and later from Madrid, was a Spanish territory for 333 years (1565–1898).[16] Schooling was a priority, however. The Augustinians opened a school immediately upon arriving in Cebú in 1565. The Franciscans followed suit when they arrived in 1577, as did the Dominicans when they arrived in 1587. Besides religious instruction, these schools taught how to read and write and imparted industrial and agricultural techniques.[17]

Initially, the stance of the Roman Catholic Church and its missionaries was to preach to the natives in local languages, not in Spanish. The priests learned the native languages and sometimes employed indigenous peoples as translators, creating a bilingual class known as Ladinos.[18] Before the 19th century, few natives were taught Spanish. However, there were notable bilingual individuals such as poet-translator Gaspar Aquino de Belén. Gaspar produced Christian devotional poetry written in the Roman script in Tagalog. Pasyon is a narrative of the passion, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ begun by Gaspar Aquino de Belén, which has circulated in many versions. Later, the Spanish-Mexican ballads of chivalry, the corrido, provided a model for secular literature. Verse narratives, or komedya, were performed in the regional languages for the illiterate majority.

In the early 17th century, a Tagalog printer, Tomás Pinpin, set out to write a book in romanized phonetic script to teach the Tagalogs how to learn Castilian. His book, published by the Dominican press in which he worked, appeared in 1610, the same year as Blancas's Arte. Unlike the missionary's grammar, which Pinpin had set in type, the Tagalog native's book dealt with the language of the dominant, rather than the subordinate, other. Pinpin's book was the first such work ever written and published by a Philippine native. As such, it is richly instructive for what it tells us about the interests that animated Tagalog translation and, by implication, conversion during the early colonial period.


Juan Luna featured on the cover of a Philippine periodical in Spanish

By law, each town had to build two schools, one for boys and the other for girls, to teach the Spanish language and the Christian catechism. There were never enough trained teachers, however, and several provincial schools were mere sheds open to the rain. That discouraged the attendance at school, and illiteracy was high in the provinces until the 19th century, when public education was introduced. The conditions were better in larger towns. To qualify as an independent civil town, a barrio or group of barrios had to have a priest's residence, a town hall, boys' and girls' schools; streets had to be straight and at right angles to one another so that the town could grow in size; and the town had to be near a good water source and land for farming and grazing.[19]

Better school conditions in towns and cities led to more effective instruction in the Spanish language and in other subjects. Between 1600 and 1865, a number of colleges and universities were established, which graduated many important colonial officials and church prelates, bishops, and archbishops, several of whom served the churches in Hispanic America. The increased level of education eventually led to the rise of the Ilustrados. In 1846, French traveler Jean Baptiste Mallat was surprised at how advanced Philippine schools were.[17] In 1865, the government inaugurated the Escuela Normal (Normal School), an institute to train future primary school teachers. At the same time, primary schooling was made compulsory for all children. In 1869, a new Spanish constitution brought to the Philippines universal suffrage and a free press.[20] El Boletín de Cebú, the first Spanish newspaper in Cebu City, was published in 1886.[21]

In Manila, the Spanish language had been more or less widespread to the point that it has been estimated at around 50% of the population knew Spanish in the late 19th century.[22] In his 1898 book "Yesterdays in the Philippines", covering a period beginning in 1893, the American Joseph Earle Stevens, an American who resided in Manila from 1893 to 1894, wrote:

Spanish, of course, is the court and commercial language and, except among the uneducated native who have a lingua of their own or among the few members of the Anglo-Saxon colony, it has a monopoly everywhere. No one can really get on without it, and even the Chinese come in with their peculiar pidgin variety.[23]

Long contact between Spanish and the local languages, Chinese dialects, and later Japanese produced a series of pidgins, known as Bamboo Spanish, and the Spanish-based creole Chavacano. At one point, they were the language of a substantial proportion of the Philippine population.[24] Unsurprisingly, since the Philippines was administrated for centuries from New Spain in present-day Mexico, Philippine Spanish is broadly similar to Latin American Spanish not only in vocabulary but also in pronunciation and grammar.[25]

The Spanish language was the official language used by the civil and judicial administration, and it was spoken by the majority of the population in the main cities and understood by many, especially after the passing of the Education Decree of 1863. By the end of the 19th century, Spanish was either a mother tongue or a strong second language among the educated elite of the Philippine society, having been learned in childhood either directly from parents and grandparents or in school, or through tutoring.[26]


In the 16th and the 17th centuries, the oldest educational institutions in the country were set up by Spanish religious orders. The schools and universities played a crucial role in the development of the Spanish language in the islands. Colegio de Manila in Intramuros was founded in 1590. The Colegio formally opened in 1595, and was one of the first schools in the Philippines.[27] In the same year, the University of San Carlos in Cebú, was established as the Colegio de San Ildefonso by the Jesuits. In 1611, the University of Santo Tomás, considered as the oldest existing university in Asia, was inaugurated in Manila by the Dominicans. In the 18th century, fluent male Spanish-speakers in the Philippines were generally the graduates of those schools or of the Colegio de San Juan de Letrán, established in 1620. In 1706, a convent school for Philippine women, Beaterios, was established. It admitted both Spanish and native girls, and taught religion, reading, writing and arithmetic with music and embroidery. Female graduates from Beaterios were fluent in Spanish as well. In 1859, Ateneo de Manila University was established by the Jesuits as the Escuela Municipal.[27]

In 1863, Queen Isabel II of Spain decreed the establishment of a public school system, following the requests of the islands' Spanish authorities, who saw the need of teaching Spanish to the wider population. The primary instruction and the teaching of Spanish was compulsory. The Educational Decree provided for the establishment of at least one primary school for boys and girls in each town and governed by the municipal government. A Normal School for male teachers was established and was supervised by the Jesuits.[28][29] In 1866, the total population of the Philippines was only 4,411,261. The total public schools was 841 for boys and 833 for girls and the total number of children attending the schools was 135,098 boys and 95,260 girls. In 1892, the number of schools had increased to 2,137, 1,087 of which were for boys and 1,050 for girls.[30] The measure was at the vanguard of contemporary Asian countries and led to an important class of educated natives that sometimes continued their studies abroad, like the national hero José Rizal, who studied in Europe. That class of writers, poets and intellectuals is often referred to as Ilustrados. Ironically, it was during the initial years of American occupation in the early 20th century that Spanish literature and press flourished, partially due to the freedom of the press allowed following the transition to American rule.

Filipino nationalism and 19th-century revolutionary governments


Propaganda in Spanish


Early flag of the Filipino revolutionaries ("Long live the Philippine Republic!"). The first two constitutions were written in Spanish.

Before the 19th century, Philippine revolts were small-scale. Since they did not extend beyond linguistic boundaries, they were easily neutralized by Spanish forces.[31] With the small period of the spread of Spanish through a free public school system (1863) and the rise of an educated class, nationalists from different parts of the archipelago were able to communicate in a common language. José Rizal's novels, Graciano López Jaena's satirical articles, Marcelo H. del Pilar's anti-clerical manifestos, the bi-weekly La Solidaridad, which was published in Spain, and other materials in awakening nationalism were written in Spanish. The Philippine Revolution fought for reforms and later for independence from Spain. However, it opposed neither Spain's cultural legacy in the islands nor the Spanish language.[32][33][34] Even Graciano López Jaena's La Solidaridad, an 1889 article that praised the young women of Malolos who petitioned to Governor-General Valeriano Weyler to open a night school to teach the Spanish language.[35] In fact, the Malolos Congress of 1899 chose Spanish as the official language. According to Horacio de la Costa, nationalism would not have been possible without the Spanish language.[31] By then, the people were increasingly aware of nationalistic ideas and independence movements in other countries.

During the Philippine Revolution, many of the Filipino patriots were fluent in Spanish, though Emilio Aguinaldo, the eventual first president of the Philippines, was more comfortable speaking Tagalog.[36] The 1896 Biak-na-Bato Constitution and the 1898 Malolos Constitution were both written in Spanish. Neither specified a national language, but both recognised the continuing use of Spanish in Philippine life and legislation.[5][37] Spanish was used to write the Constitution of Biak-na-Bato, Malolos Constitution, the original national anthem, Himno Nacional Filipino, as well as nationalistic propaganda material and literature.

In 1863, the Spanish language was taught freely when a primary public school system was set up for the entire population. The Spanish-speaking Ilustrados (Enlightened Ones) were the educated elite who promoted and propagated nationalism and a modern Filipino consciousness. The Ilustrados and later writers formed the basis of Philippine Classical Literature, which developed in the 19th century.

José Rizal propagated Filipino consciousness and identity in Spanish. Highly instrumental in developing nationalism were his novels, Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo which exposed the abuses of the colonial government and clergy, composed of "Peninsulares." The novels' very own notoriety propelled its popularity even more among Filipinos. Reading them was forbidden because they exposed and parodied the Peninsulares.[38]

Philippine–American War

The revolutionary Malolos Republic of 1899 designated the Spanish language for official use in its constitution, drawn up during the Constitutional Convention in Malolos, Bulacan.[5][7][39] The nascent republic published a number of laws, acts, decrees, and other official issuances. They were published variously in the Spanish, English, and Tagalog, with Spanish predominating.[40] Spanish was also designated the official language of the Cantonal Republic of Negros of 1898 and the Republic of Zamboanga of 1899.[6]

Many Spanish-speaking Filipino families perished during the Philippine–American War. According to the historian James B. Goodno, author of the Philippines: Land of Broken Promises (New York, 1998), one-sixth of the total population of Filipinos, or about 1.5 million, died as a direct result of the war.[7][41][42][43]

American colonial period


A poster advertising the Jones Law of 1916 in Spanish, The Glorious Jones Law

Emilio Aguinaldo delivers a speech in Spanish (1929)

After the Philippine–American War and the subsequent incorporation of the Philippine archipelago to the dominion of the United States, one of the policies implemented by the new rulers was to institute the English language as the primary language of the country, designating it as the medium of instruction, with the goal of bolstering the annual increase of the number of English-speaking population in the Philippines. However, in spite of this, the Spanish language maintained its hold in the educational system, as many private educational institutions, particularly those administered by religious orders, persisted in using the Spanish language. Only after World War I the American authorities started to press more and more for the private schools to teach in English, leading to important Catholic universities such as the Ateneo de Manila and the University of Santo Tomas to phase out Spanish in favor of English.[4]: 95–96 

The census of 1903 did not inquire the respondents regarding the language they spoke and understood,[44]: 368  but it was asked in the 1918 census, in which it was reported that from a total population of 10,314,310, the number of Filipinos capable of speaking Spanish was 757,463 (or 7.34% of the total population), with 511,721 belonging to the male population and 245,742 belonging to the female population. In contrast, the number of English-speaking Filipinos was 896,258 (or 8.69% of the total population). Greater percentage of Spanish-speaking males compared to their English-speaking counterparts were found in Zamboanga, Manila, Isabela, Cotabato, Marinduque, Cagayan, Iloilo, Cavite, Albay, Leyte, Batangas, and Sorsogon. The province with the greater percentage of Spanish-speaking females compared to their English-speaking counterparts were found in Zamboanga, Cotabato, Manila, Davao, Ambos Camarines, Iloilo, and Sorsogon. The rest of the provinces had greater percentages of English-speaking people, with the provinces of Ifugao, Bontoc, Benguet, and Kalinga registering the greatest percentage of English-speaking males. The census also affirmed that those who learned to speak Spanish or English also possessed the ability to read and write in those languages.[45]

While the 1918 census confirmed the great boost in the position of the English language in the Philippines since the arrival of the first Thomasites, Spanish still retained its privileged position in society, as was made clear by Henry Jones Ford, a professor from Princeton who was sent to the Philippines by the then American President Woodrow Wilson for a "fact-finding mission".[44]: 369  In his 1916 report, Ford wrote that the "Filipino gentry speak Spanish and the masses speak native dialects which are not low languages, but are refined and capable instruments of thought",[46]: 45  adding later on the following observations:

As a matter of fact Spanish is more than ever the language of polite society, of judicial proceedings and of legislation. More people are speaking Spanish than when American occupation began and indirectly the American schools have promoted that result, inasmuch as educational advance of any kind incites desire to attain the language spoken in good society and thus establish one's position in the ilustrado class.[46]: 47 

— Henry Jones Ford

He also made note of the increasing usage of the native vernacular languages through which the literature of Filipino politics reached the masses, with the native newspapers and magazines in the Philippines tending to be bilingual and with the regular form being a Spanish section and a section written in the local vernacular language, while none of them was published in English. Additionally, the most widely circulated American newspaper has a Spanish section.[46]: 47 

Antonio Checa Godoy assessed that between the Philippine–American War and the Japanese occupation of the Philippines, more than 220 periodical publications were written in Spanish or, in case of bilingual and even trilingual publications, Spanish was one of the languages used. They are published and disseminated not only in Manila but also in different parts of the country, with more than 30 of them published daily. Checa Godoy also identified the first two decades of the American rule in the Philippines as the "Silver Age" of the Philippine press in Spanish, with number of copies of Spanish language periodical publications being sold daily reaching 30,000 towards the end of the 1920s, more so than the other publications written in other languages. El Renacimiento, a Spanish-Tagalog bilingual newspaper established in 1901, was one of the most influential and widely distributed newspapers of the first decade of American colonial period. It was forced to close in 1908 due to a libel suit brought against it by then Secretary of Interior Dean C. Worcester after the publication of an editorial titled Aves de Rapiña ("Birds of Prey"), which Worcester took to be an insult against his honor and goodwill. Worcester was awarded $30,000 in damages, while the editor and publisher (Teodoro Kalaw and Martín Ocampo) were given jail sentences. It was then re-established by Martín Ocampo in 1910 under the name of La Vanguardia, although it did not prosper until its purchase in 1916 by Alejandro Roces, after which it continued publishing until the days of World War II. Another important newspaper was El Ideal, which was established in 1910 and served as an official organ of the Nationalist Party created by Sergio Osmeña, although it was allowed to die in 1916 due to financial reasons.[47][48][49]

After the Silver Age came the period of decadence of the Philippine press written in Spanish, which Checa Godoy identified in the years of the 1920s and the 1930s. During this period, the number of Spanish-language newspapers and their circulation declined, while the presence of newspapers written in English and indigenous languages, especially Tagalog, increased and even overtook Spanish from its dominant position. The decline continued until the events of World War II, which effectively ended the Spanish-language press in the Philippines.[47][50]: 20–21 

The census of 1939 showed the decline of the Spanish-speaking population in the Philippines, with the numbers slashed almost in half compared to the previous 1918 census: in a total population of approximately 16 million Filipinos, only 417,375 of them (or 2.6% of the population) are literate in the Spanish language.[4]: 96  The census also remarked regarding the declining use of Spanish in the Philippines:

In another generation, unless there is a decided increase in the use of Spanish, the persons able to speak it will have dropped to about one percent of the population.

— Census of the Philippines: 1939 (page 330)

The need for a national language other than Spanish or English began to emerge from the late 1920s onwards, as President Manuel Quezon complained that almost as soon as he left Manila his speeches would need to be translated, as neither Spanish nor English could be used as a medium of successful communication throughout the national territory.[44]: 370  Dr. Inés Villa, the 1932 Premio Zobel awardee, wrote in her prize-winning work "Filipinas en el camino de la cultura" that the educational system during the American period succeeded in its objective of widely disseminating the English language and making it an official language of the government, legislature, courts, commerce and private life, adding that the United States managed to achieve with English for only three decades what Spain failed to achieve with the Spanish language during its approximately four centuries of rule in the Philippines, further noting that as of the writing of her work, for every Filipino that speaks Spanish, there are approximately ten others that can speak English.[51]: 98  In 1934, the Tydings-McDuffie Act excluded Spanish entirely from the curriculum of public schools, while the 1934 Constitutional Convention set 1940 as the expiry date of the usage of Spanish as the official language of the legislature and of the courts.[52]: 325 

The years of the American colonial period have been identified as the Golden Age of Philippine Literature in Spanish by numerous scholars such as Estanislao Alinea, Luis Mariñas and Lourdes Brillantes. One explanation given to such a designation was the rich volume of literary output produced during this era using the Spanish language. Among the great Filipino literary writers of the period were Fernando María Guerrero, Jesús Balmori, Manuel Bernabé, Claro M. Recto and Antonio Abad. There were three reasons provided for this development, namely the relative freedom of expression during the American period compared to the previous Spanish colonial era, the publication venues provided by the Spanish language periodicals and periodicals written in other languages but with Spanish language sections, and the presence of the Premio Zobel. However, Estanislao Alinea also referred to those years as the "Period of Efflorescence", highlighting the fact the behind the apparent vitality and productivity of these Spanish language writers lied the period of slow decadence and gradual decline of the language itself in the Philippines.[53][54] Additionally, despite the relevance given to many of these writers in their social and nationalistic roles, even earning them an entry in the 1996 Encyclopedia of the Cultural Center of the Philippines (CCP), most of their literary works received scarce public reception even during their lifetime. According to Rocío Ortuño, the failure of their literary endeavours can be seen in the fact that some of their works were either left unpublished or, in case of their works published in periodicals, never compiled in volumes.[55]

Decline of Spanish


The destruction of Intramuros in May 1945 after the Battle of Manila.

Spanish flourished in the first two decades of the 20th century because of the partial freedom of the press and as an act of defiance against the new rulers. Spanish declined because of the imposition of English as the official language and medium of instruction in schools and universities.[56][8] The US administration increasingly forced editorials and newspapers to switch to English, leaving Spanish in a marginal position and so Enrique Zóbel de Ayala founded the Academia Filipina de la Lengua Española and the Premio Zóbel in 1924 to help maintain and develop the use of Spanish by the Filipino people.

It did not help that some Filipino nationalists and nationalist historiographers, during the American colonial period, took their liberal ideas from the writings of the 19th-century Filipino propaganda, which portrayed Spain and all things Spanish as negative or evil. Therefore, Spanish as a language was demonized as a sad reminder of the past.[57] Those ideas gradually inculcated into the minds of the young generation of Filipinos (during and after the US administration), which used those history textbooks at school that tended to generalize all Spaniards as villains because of lack of emphasis on Filipino people of Spanish ancestry, who were also against the local Spanish government and clergy and also fought and died for the sake of freedom during the 19th-century revolts during the Philippine Revolution, the Philippine–American War, and the Second World War.[58][59][60]

By the 1940s, as children educated in English became adults, Spanish started to decline rapidly.[61] Still, a very significant community of Spanish-speakers lived in the largest cities, with a total population of roughly 300,000. However, with the destruction of Manila during the Japanese occupation in the Second World War, the heart of Spanish in the Philippines had been dismantled.[62][63][64] Many Spanish-speaking Filipino families perished during the massacre and the bombing of the cities and municipalities between 1942 and 1945. By the end of the war, an estimated 1 million Filipinos had lost their lives.[65] Some of the Spanish-speakers who survived were forced to migrate in the later years.

After the war, Spanish became increasingly marginalized at an official level. As English- and American-influenced pop culture increased, the use of Spanish in all aspects gradually declined. In 1962, when Philippine President Diosdado Macapagal decreed that the Philippines would mark independence day on June 12, instead of July 4, when the country gained complete independence from the United States, that revealed a tendency to paint Spain as the villain and the United States as savior or the more benevolent colonial power.[66] Spanish language and culture were demonized again.[56][failed verification] In 1973, Spanish briefly lost its status as an official language of the Philippines, was quickly redesignated as an official language, and finally lost its official status by the ratification of a subsequent constitution in 1987.[2]

21st-century developments

The 21st century has seen a revival of interest in the language, with the numbers of those studying it formally at college or taking private courses rising markedly in recent years.[67] Today, the Philippine Constitution provides that Spanish shall be promoted on a voluntary and optional basis.[68] A great portion of the history of the Philippines is written in Spanish, and until recently, many land titles, contracts, newspapers, and literature were still written in Spanish.[69] Today, Spanish is being somewhat revived in the Philippines by groups rallying to make it a compulsory subject in school.[70]

Republic Act No. 9187 was approved on February 5, 2003, and signed by President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo. It declared June 30 of every year as Philippine–Spanish Friendship Day to commemorate the cultural and historical ties, friendship, and co-operation between the Philippines and Spain.[71] On July 3, 2006, the Union of Local Authorities of the Philippines created Resolution No. 2006-028 urging the national government to support and promote the teaching of the Spanish language in all public and private universities and colleges in the Philippines.[72] On December 17, 2007, the Department of Education issued Memorandum No. 490, s. 2007 encouraging secondary schools to offer basic and advanced Spanish in the third and the fourth years respectively, as electives.[73] As of 2008[update], there was a growing demand for Spanish-speaking agents in the call-center industry as well as in the business process outsourcing in the Philippines for the Spanish and the American markets. Around 7,000 students were enrolled in Spanish classes of the Instituto Cervantes de Manila for the 2007–2008 school year.[74]

On December 11, 2008, the Department of Education issued Memorandum No. 560, s. 2008 that shall implement the Special Program in Foreign Language on a pilot basis starting the 2009–2010 school year. The program shall initially offer Spanish as a foreign language in one school per region, with at two classes of 35 students each per school.[75] As of 2009, the Spanish government has offered to fund a project and even scholarship grants to Spain for public school teachers and students who would like to study Spanish or take up a master's degree in four top universities in Spain. The Spanish government has been funding the ongoing pilot teacher training program on the Spanish language, involving two months of face-to-face classes and a 10-month on-line component.[76] Clásicos Hispanofilipinos is a project of Instituto Cervantes de Manila which aims to promote Filipino heritage and preserve and reintroduce the works of great Fil-Hispanic authors of the early 20th century to the new generation of Filipino Hispanophones. The Spanish-language novel of Jesús Balmori, Los Pájaros de Fuego (Birds of Fire), which was mostly written during the Japanese occupation, was published by the Instituto on June 28, 2010.[77] King Juan Carlos I commented in 2007, "In fact, some of the beautiful pages of Spanish literature were written in the Philippines."[78]

During her visit to the Philippines in July 2012, Queen Sofía of Spain expressed her support for the Spanish language to be revived in Philippine schools.[79][80]

On September 11, 2012, saying that there were 318 Spanish-trained basic education teachers in the Philippines, Philippine Secretary of the Department of Education Armin Luistro announced an agreement with the Chilean government to train Filipino school teachers in Spanish. In exchange, the Philippines would help train Chilean teachers in English.[81]

Since the independence of the Philippines from Spain (1898), the local variety of Spanish has lost most of its speakers, and it might be now close to disappearing.[82] In the last decades its use has declined.[83] New developments in the Philippines are slowly reversing that trend.[84]

In December 2007, President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo signed a directive in Spain for the teaching and learning of the Spanish language in the Philippine school system starting in 2008.[85]

The presidential decision had immediate results. The Under-Secretary of the Department of Education, Vilma L. Labrador, circulated a memorandum (17/XII/2007), on the "Restoration of the Spanish language in Philippine Education." In it, the department mandated secondary schools to offer basic and advanced Spanish.[86]

As of 2010[update], the demand for Spanish speakers from business process outsourcing companies in the Philippines made Filipinos flock to Instituto Cervantes and other language centers to learn Spanish, with Chavacano speakers in particular being able to learn Spanish very quickly.[87]

Since the inception of the Special Program in Foreign Languages (SPFL) by the Department of Education (DepEd), Spanish is taught in every region of the Philippines since 2009 to an A2 level, and has grown significantly in interest with more students each year. In 2020, the Spanish government published a report of the status of the Spanish language education in the Philippines and has found an increasing interconnected activity of Spanish language education among students and teachers with over 80 schools and about 200 Spanish language teachers. These activities range from language assistants in Spain to training and scholarships for Spanish language teachers.[88]


According to the 1990 Philippine census, there were 2,660 native Spanish speakers in the Philippines.[89] In 2013 there were also 3,325 Spanish citizens living in the Philippines.[90] However, there are 439,000 Spanish speakers with native knowledge,[91] which accounts for just 0.5% of the population (92,337,852 at the 2010 census).[92] In 1998, there were 1.8 million Spanish speakers including those who spoke Spanish as a secondary language.[93]


Spanish-language media were present in the 2000s with one Spanish newspaper, E-Dyario, becoming the first Spanish digital newspaper published in the Philippines. Also, Filipinas, Ahora Mismo was a nationally syndicated, 60-minute, cultural radio magazine program in the Philippines that was broadcast daily in Spanish for two years in the 2000s.[citation needed]

On September 15, 2020, a new online magazine La Jornada Filipina was launched by Arvyn Cerézo.[94][95]

There are approximately 4,000 Spanish words in Tagalog (between 20% and 33% of Tagalog words),[67] and around 6,000 Spanish words in Visayan and other Philippine languages. The Spanish counting system, calendar, time, etc. are still in use with slight modifications. Archaic Spanish words have been preserved in Tagalog and the other vernaculars, such as pera (from perra, meaning "coins"), sabon ("soap", modern Spanish jabón; at the beginning of Spanish rule, the j used to be pronounced [ʃ], the voiceless postalveolar fricative or the "sh" sound), relos ("watch", Spanish reloj with the j sound), and kwarta ("money", from Spanish cuarta).[96]

Although the greatest linguistic impact and loanwords have been from Spanish to the languages of the Philippines, the Philippine languages have also loaned some words to Spanish.

The following are some of the words of Philippine origin that can be found in the Diccionario de la lengua española de la Real Academia Española, the dictionary published by the Real Academia Española:[97]

Spanish loan word Origin Via Tagalog English equivalent
abacá Old Tagalog: abacá abaká abaca
baguio Old Tagalog: baguio bagyo typhoon or hurricane
barangay Old Tagalog: balan͠gay baranggay/barangay barangay
bolo Old Tagalog: bolo bolo bolo
carabao Waray-Waray: carabáo kalabáw carabao
caracoa Visayan: karakoa karakaw karakoa, a war canoe
cogón Old Tagalog: cogón kogón cogon
dalaga Old Tagalog: dalagà dalaga single, young woman
gumamela Old Tagalog: gumamela gumamela Chinese hibiscus
nipa Visayan: nipà nipa nipa palm
paipay Old Tagalog: paypay or pay-pay pamaypay a type of fan
palay Old Tagalog: palay palay unhusked rice
pantalán Cebuano: pantalán pantalán wooden pier
salisipan Old Tagalog: salicipan salisipan salisipan, a pirate ship
sampaguita Old Tagalog: sampaga sampagita jasmine
sawali Old Tagalog: sauali sawali sawali, a woven bamboo mat
tuba Cebuano: tuba tuba palm wine
yoyó Ilocano: yoyó yo-yó yo-yo
  • Hispanic influence on Filipino culture
  • Latin Union
  • Philippine literature in Spanish
  • Philippine–Spanish Friendship Day
  • Philippines education during Spanish rule
  • Spanish Filipino

  1. ^ a b Gómez Armas, Sara. El español resiste en Filipinas, El País, 19 May 2021
  2. ^ a b c Article XIV, Section 3 of the 1935 Philippine Constitution provided, "[...] Until otherwise provided by law, English and Spanish shall continue as official languages." The 1943 Philippine Constitution (in effect during occupation by Japanese forces, and later repudiated) did not specify official languages. Article XV, Section 3(3) of the 1973 Philippine constitution ratified on January 17, 1973 specified, "Until otherwise provided by law, English and Pilipino shall be the official languages. Presidential Decree No. 155 dated March 15, 1973 ordered, "[...] that the Spanish language shall continue to be recognized as an official language in the Philippines while important documents in government files are in the Spanish language and not translated into either English or Pilipino language." Article XIV Section 7 of the 1987 Philippine Constitution specified, "For purposes of communication and instruction, the official languages of the Philippines are Filipino and, until otherwise provided by law, English."
  3. ^ a b Article XIV, Sec 7: For purposes of communication and instruction, the official languages of the Philippines are Filipino and, until otherwise provided by law, English. The regional languages are the auxiliary official languages in the regions and shall serve as auxiliary media of instruction therein. Spanish and Arabic shall be promoted on a voluntary and optional basis.
  4. ^ a b c d Rodao, Florentino (1997). "Spanish Language in the Philippines: 1900-1940". Philippine Studies: Historical and Ethnographic Viewpoints. 45 (1): 94–107. ISSN 2244-1638.
  5. ^ a b c The Malolos Constitution was written in Spanish, and no official English translation was released. Article 93 read, "Artículo 93.° El empleo de las lenguas usadas en Filipinas es potestativo. No puede regularse sino por la ley y solamente para los actos de la autoridad pública y los asuntos judiciales. Para estos actos se usará por ahora la lengua castellana.";
    A literal translation originally printed as exhibit IV, Volume I, Report of the Philippine Commission to the President, January 31, 1900, Senate Document 188. Fifty-sixth Congress, first session.) read, "ART.93 The use of the languages spoken in the Philippines is optional. It can only be regulated by law, and solely as regards acts of public authority and judicial affairs. For these acts, the Spanish language shall be used for the time being.", Kalaw 1927, p. 443;
    In 1972, the Philippine Government National Historical Institute (NHI) published Guevara 1972, which contained a somewhat different English translation in which Article 93 read, "Article 93. The use of languages spoken in the Philippines shall be optional. Their use cannot be regulated except by virtue of law, and solely for acts of public authority and in the courts. For these acts the Spanish language may be used in the meantime." Guevara 1972, p. 117;
    Other translations also exist (e.g. Rodriguez 1997, p. 130);
    As of 2008, the NHI translation seems to predominate in publication, with some sources describing it as "official" or "approved": Rappa & Wee 2006, p. 67; Woods 2005, p. 218; Corpus Juris; LawPhil; (others).
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  14. ^ "El retorno triunfal del español a las Filipinas". Archived from the original on December 28, 2007.
  15. ^ Arcilla 1994, pp. 7–11
  16. ^ Agoncillo 1990, pp. 80, 212
  17. ^ a b Arcilla 1994, p. 50
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  20. ^ Beck, Sanderson. "Summary and Evaluation". Retrieved June 29, 2010.
  21. ^ "Newspaper". Archived from the original on June 26, 2010. Retrieved June 29, 2010.
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  24. ^ Penny & Penny 2002, pp. 29–30
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Language Situation
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