Why is it important to assess the culture of an organization before deciding what project?

1.   What are the relative advantages and disadvantages of the functional, matrix, and dedicated team approaches to managing projects?


The Functional Approach

Advantages :
  • No radical alteration in basic structure of the parent organization
  • Maximum flexibility in use of staff within functional units
  • In-depth expertise can be brought to bear on specific components of the project
  • Normal career paths can be maintained.

Disadvantages :

  • Lack of project focus
  • Poor cross-functional integration
  • Slow
  • Lack of project ownership.

The Matrix Approach

Advantages :
  • Flexible utilization of resources across projects and functional duties
  • Project focus is provided by having a designated project manager
  • Specialists maintain ties with their functional group
  • Balances project prerogatives with technical requirements.

Disadvantages :

  • Decision making can be bogged down as agreements have to be negotiated between project managers and functional managers
  • Dysfunctional conflict
  • Stress induced by multiple superiors
  • slow

The Dedicated Team Approach

Advantages :
  • Does not disrupt the basic structure of the parent organization
  • Concentrated project focus
  • Projects tend to get done quickly
  • Strong cross-functional integration.

Disadvantages :

  • Dilemma of what to do with people once the project is over
  • Technical expertise limited to the people on the team
  • We/they attitude emerges between project team and rest of organization which inhibits integration of project with mainstream operations
  • Expensive – creation of project management role and duplication of services across projects.

2.   What distinguishes a weak matrix from a strong matrix?

The most distinguishing characteristic between a weak and strong matrix is :

the relative influence the project manager has over project participants and functional managers.

In a weak matrix the project manager role is limited to coordinating project activities.  The functional managers are responsible for managing their segment of the project.  The project manager has little formal authority over the project.  In a strong matrix, the project manager controls most aspects of the project including design trade-offs and assignment of project personnel.  The functional managers are responsible for supporting project completion.  A project manager in the weak matrix is not likely to be involved in performance appraisals and compensation decisions while project managers in a strong matrix would.

3.   Under what conditions would it be advisable to use a strong matrix instead of a dedicated project team?

Both structures can be quite effective.

The strong matrix would be recommended when the organization cannot afford to have people work full-time on the project and when the culture of the organization supports the dual authority structure.

Dedicated project teams are recommended when speed is essential to success and there is not enough project work to warrant a formal matrix structure.

Dedicated project teams are also recommended when the prevalent culture within the organization does not support collaboration and innovation.

4.  How can project offices (POs) support effective project management?

 POs support effective project management by:

  • Tracking project progress
  • Promulgating best practices
  • Providing project management training and consulting services
  • Integrating latest advances in field of project management
  • Being an organizational advocate

It should be noted that the extent to which a PO performs the above functions will vary from one organization to the next.

5.   Why is it important to assess the culture of an organization before deciding what project management structure should be used to complete a project?

The culture of the organization can impact the effectiveness of different project management structures.

Organizational cultures that do not encourage teamwork, collaboration, and cross-functional integration need a stronger project management structure (i.e., project team, project matrix) to be successful.

6.   Other than culture what other organizational factors should be used to determine which project management structure should be used? 

The two major considerations are the percentage of core work that involves projects and resource availability. 

Organizations, whose main business evolves around projects, should consider a projectized form of structure. 

Organizations that have mainstream operations and projects should use a matrix structure. 

When resource availability is limited then a matrix structure should be used that allows sharing personnel across projects and operations.

7.   What do you believe is more important for successfully completing a project – the formal project management structure or the culture of the parent organization?

Both are important and an argument can be made for either structure or culture.

The bias of the authors is that culture is more important than structure since it more directly impacts behavior. A positive organizational culture can compensate for the inherent weaknesses of the formal structure.  For example a functional or matrix structure can be effective if the norms and customs of the organization value teamwork and effective problem-solving.  Conversely, a functional or matrix structure is likely to be disastrous in a negative culture that encourages competition and looking out only for yourself.

Alternatively, one could argue that an organization can circumvent a negative culture by creating an independent project team or a strong project matrix.  In either case, the strategy is to insulate the project team from the dominant organizational culture and create a unique project subculture.

Why is it important to assess the culture of an organization before deciding what project?

The culture of an organization can impact the effectiveness of different project management structures. Organizational cultures that do no not encourage teamwork, collaboration, and cross-functional integration need a stronger project management structure to be successful.

Why is organizational culture important in project management?

Organizational culture shapes how people work together in pursuit of common goals. A culture that supports and actively works to improve project management processes will likely experience growth and success. If you need to change attitudes towards projects, focus on behaviors and actions that can be easily measured.

What is more important for project success the formal project management structure of the culture of the parent organization?

formal project management structure or the culture of the parent organization? ... The strong and strict nature of formal project management structure can impact on the culture of the employees because whats required of them is specifically defined hence formal project management is more important.

How does culture impact project management?

A culture can powerfully affect the manner in which departments within an organization view the process of project management. The culture also influences the manner in which employees commit themselves to the goals of their projects as opposed to other, potentially competing goals.

What type of culture promotes a strong project environment?

Organizational culture promotes a positive, structured work environment that helps companies achieve success.

Which answer best describes a matrix organizational structure?

2. Which answer best describes a Matrix organizational structure? It includes an internal group that defines and maintains project management standards across the organization. It has a linear reporting, which is similar to the structure of a military branch.

Why is culture so powerful?

Culture is a very powerful force that affects the lives of the people. This means that culture can alter a person's beliefs, his/her way of being, how he/she eats, dresses up, communicate, show affection, etc. ... We can say that the Philippines is a perfect example of a country with vast cultural heritage variety.

What type of culture promotes a strong project management?

Organizational culture promotes a positive, structured work environment that helps companies achieve success.

What is the difference between managing and leading a project?

Managers plan projects; leaders motivate the team. While management outlines the objectives for a new project or process, leaders motivate the team to get there. ... Leaders conduct the committee meetings, facilitate collaboration and give the team feedback on their progress.

Which are the primary benefits of using a dedicated project management structure?

The individuals on the team work directly for the project manager. The obvious advantage of a project structure is that you have more control over the team, but other advantages are in place, too: Teams can have a strong sense of identity. It is the easiest structure within which to create a strong team culture.

How does culture affect a project management structure?

The culture of the organization can impact the effectiveness of different project management structures. Organizational cultures that do not encourage teamwork, collaboration, and cross-functional integration need a stronger project management structure (i.e., project team, project matrix) to be successful.

Which is project management structure should be used?

Organizational cultures that do not encourage teamwork, collaboration, and cross-functional integration need a stronger project management structure (i.e., project team, project matrix) to be successful. 6. Other than culture what other organizational factors should be used to determine which project management structure should be used?

What do you believe is more important for successfully completing a project?

What do you believe is more important for successfully completing a project – the formal project management structure or the culture of the parent organization? Both are important and an argument can be made for either structure or culture.

Why is organizational culture important in the workplace?

Organizational culture impacts the structure of a workplace in ways that bring people of the same skill set together. Those who share similar backgrounds and skills may work more quickly together when tackling company projects. A company's organizational culture represents its public image and reputation.

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