Why does my vacuum smell like dog

Well put simply, when you vacuum your floors, you are picking up a lot of dirt, dust, and pet hair, even more than you may realize. These smells are then trapped in the machine, and eventually, they will build up so much that you can smell them outside the machine as well. 

So how can you stop this from happening? Luckily, there are several cleaning techniques that you can try to prevent this smell from building up in your home or in the vacuum cleaner itself. Read on to find out the best way to keep these machines clean and your home smelling fresh. 

But remember, just like any cleaning tool, your vacuum also needs to be cleaned!

Change Or Wash The HEPA Filter

If you have never changed or washed your vacuum cleaner’s filter before, then this is the very first step you should take when trying to eliminate the smell from the machine. Changing the filter should be done semi-regularly, every few months or so, to ensure that your vacuum performs at its best. 

Depending on your vacuum, you can either change or wash and reuse the filter, but no matter what, you will notice a huge difference in the way the vacuum both smells and cleans after it is done. 

If you have pets, changing the filter is even more important to the health of your vacuum as they can become easily blocked with hair, which is what causes the bad smell.

You may have heard that taking out the HEPA filter improved the performance of the vacuum, but this is a lie. People think this because removing the filter improves the suction power, but as a consequence, the vacuum cannot completely hold in all of the dust and dirt.

As a result, you will be spreading more dirt around your home rather than vacuuming it up, which will only spread smells more.  

Due to its capacity to filter out small dust particles from the air, including allergies, HEPA filters are a blessing in disguise. If you have a vacuum with a HEPA filter, you may discover that the air is substantially cleaner after you have vacuumed than it was before.

If your stinking vacuum has a HEPA filter, consider changing it as soon as possible; it will make a huge difference in the odor.

Wash The Hose

You may not have ever considered washing the hose before. After all, all the dirt gets contained in the bag right? Well, the hose is what picks up the dirt, meaning that it socks up and traps the smells as well. 

If possible, you should remove the hose and wash the inside with warm soapy water, then leave it to completely dry. Make sure that it is dry before attaching it back to the vacuum unit, as water could damage the interior of the machine. 

Do not be tempted to vacuum up some warm water in an attempt to clean the hose, as this will seriously damage the machine to the point that it may not be fixable. You should only ever vacuum wet spills if you are using a wet/dry vacuum.

Put Dryer Sheets Inside The Bag

Place a dryer sheet into the dust bag of your vacuum cleaner before cleaning to improve the fragrance of the vacuum cleaner itself. In addition, you may use some orange peel or a few drops of essential oil on a piece of paper towel to remove the odor. This smell will infuse with your carpets while you are cleaning, taking over, and masking the pet smell that you are trying to get rid of. 

As another cleaning tip, potpourri is another alternative you can use instead of dryer sheets. Adding this to the vacuum bag will make it smell nice, as this smell will then infuse with carpets when you are cleaning.

Change The Bag

This is one of the common issues that pet owners find in home cleaning. A good and efficient vacuum cleaner is a must for picking up pet dander and hairs. But after each time you vacuum, there is a noticeable smell that lingers on.

And it gets worse with each house vacuuming cleaning session. You tried emptying the vacuum canister and it is still there though there is a slight reduction in smell. You need help and we would like share some tips on ways to get rid of or at least minimise the unpleasant smell.

1. Get into the habit of emptying the vacuum cleaner regularly.  

It is the accumulation of different smells that are allowed to stand together that makes the problem so bad. 

2. Change the Bag Regularly (Applicable for a vacuum cleaner with bag)

If a smell is starting to be noticed from the vacuum cleaner, it is usually the result of the bag being filled with lots of smelly contaminants. The simplest way to get rid of the smell is to change the bag regularly. 

3. Clean the dirt canister bin (Applicable for a  Bagless vacuum cleaner)

After multiple vacuums, dirt get caked and line the container which begin to fester and be the main cause of the smell.  After emptying the bin, wash it with  some liquid detergent and give it a good scrub and rinse!   

4. Wash and/ or Replace the filter

Filters in a vacuum cleaner work to keep dust, dirt and allergens out of the air.   They get dirty quick especially when you are cleaning up after pets. If the filter is clogged, it can cause the vacuum to smell like wet dog.  

Pet dander can cause allergy problems too so be sure to wash your (sponge) filter or replace it frequently.  It is advisable to replace the filter at least every 3 to 6 months to maintain performance and to prevent foul smell.

5.  Check for Blockages

If you have changed the bag or emptied the canister and the smell is persistently obvious, you will need to find out more.  It is most likely there’s a blockage in the vacuum cleaner.  Pet dander and dust might be clogging intake valves, filters and hose.  Remove any blockage you find and if you are sure how to check for blockages, consult the manual or get help.

6. Clean the Rollers/ Brushes

Hair gets caught around the rollers and embedded in the brushes.  This will give something for the dust and dirt to cling to.  Once a month, flip your vacuum over and inspect the brushes. Pick hair out of brushes and cut tangles free from the roller.

 7. Use the Correct Tools

If you just brushed your pet, don’t try to mow over the tufts of fur with the vacuum. Use the hose on the large tufts to prevent clogs and tangles on the roller.

8. Avoid Damp Dirt

Avoid vacuuming damp dust and dirt.  This can stick to any surfaces within the vacuum cleaner and while it is drying out enables the growth of molds and fungi.

9. Introduce a Fresh Smell

After doing the above steps and if the unappealing smell is still there, try adding a fresh smell to mask it off.   Any of the options below will add a fresh scent to your vacuum cleaner and all over your home every time you use your vacuum cleaner. 

  • Take a piece of paper towel and sprinkle a generous helping of vanilla extract or your favourite essential oil on to it. Next, tear the towel up into small pieces and drop on to the floor. You can then simply vacuum the paper towel up.
  • Insert a dryer sheet or pieces of dry orange peel into the new vacuum bag through the hole that attaches the bag to the vacuum. If you have a canister model without bags, stash the sheet or orange peel in the filter cavity.
  • You can also sprinkle ground cinnamon, grounded coffee or ground potpourri directly onto the floor and vacuum as usual.   Note: If you have a white or light-colored carpet, be careful about using dark-colored spices — you don’t want to stain the carpet.
  • Vacuum the contents of a small box of baking soda. Baking soda is an odour neutralizer which will prevent bad smell from coming back out into your home.  However, you may have to do that a few times before it really starts to work.

Does your vacuum smell like your dog? I had the same problem not so long ago, and I was quite amazed (and relieved) at how easy it was to solve in the end. It was getting to the point where I loathed getting the vacuum out. I presumed that the only way to solve the issue was to get a new vacuum. So today I want to share how I got the pet smell out of my old vacuum cleaner for good.

I’m quite a new pet owner. We got our dog, Xena, only a couple of years ago. She is my first ever dog, so the whole dog owning business was a learning experience for me, including how to keep the house smelling fresh.

Why does my vacuum smell like dog

Our dog Xena

If you need to get pet odor out of your vacuum cleaner especially dog smell, the number one thing you should do is to change the filter. HEPA filters are the most effective for eliminating dog odor. To make your vacuum smell gorgeous put a dryer sheet in the bag or some sweet-smelling potpourri.

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What causes a vacuum to smell bad?

Before we start let’s have a look at the causes of a smelly vacuum because they aren’t all caused by pets.

Pet hair especially dog hair

Before I owned a dog we had a couple of cats, hence I purchased a Miele Cat & Dog vacuum many years ago. Cats don’t smell but they drop a lot of hair so I needed a vacuum that would be effective at that.

If your dog sheds a lot of hair (as mine does) then you will need to vacuum pretty frequently. If the breed of dog you have is smelly (as mine is again), then your vacuum will begin to take on the smell of your dog. I use my vacuum to clean the dog’s bed too, so no wonder it smells!

Tip for keeping on top of dog hair: Keep more than one vacuum at the ready. I use my Miele vacuum at least once a week. In between, I use my cordless Shark vacuum that I can shoot around the house with daily. Both of these vacuums have HEPA filters (which I will talk about later).

Mold ( vacuuming a wet carpet)

A vacuum that has been used to clean damp areas and then left to sit for a while will begin to smell musty. When you next use it the vacuum will waft that musty smell around the house.

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I find that dust, when left to sit for a while takes on house smells such as cooking and pet odors. If you then hoover it up you have that aroma within your vacuum cleaner.

Related reading – How To Clean Dust Without Spreading It

Change the filter or wash it

Changing the HEPA filter on my Miele vacuum had an immediate and long-lasting effect on my vacuum.

If your vacuum has a filter then either change it or wash it. You will need to check the instructions for your particular vacuum.

My Shark cordless vacuum has a washable filter so I bought a replacement so I could switch out the filters more quickly. If you have several dogs or a particularly bad hair issue then you might want to switch out filters after every vacuum.

Don’t be tempted to use your vacuum without the HEPA filter. Your vacuum might have better suction but more dust will spread around your house as a consequence.

HEPA filters are best

HEPA filters are a godsend because they can filter out fine dust particles from the air including allergens. If you have a HEPA filter in your vacuum you may well find that the air is cleaner after you vacuumed than before.

If your smelly vacuum has a HEPA filter consider replacing the filter ASAP it will make a huge difference.

To make your vacuum cleaner smell sweeter put a dryer sheet inside the dust bag. You could also use some orange peel or put a few drops of essential oil on a paper towel. I like to use orange oil or lavender.

If you have some potpourri to hand, add that to the bag and your vacuum cleaner will smell lovely.

Sprinkle baking soda on your carpet and vacuum

My dog regularly likes to roll around on our carpet imparting her unique scent. This trick gets rid of it effectively.

I call this the ‘shake and vac’ method and it involves liberally sprinkling baking soda on the carpet and letting it sit for a while before vacuuming it up. You can also do this with washing powder.

Baking soda (or bicarbonate of soda) has a unique ability to absorb odors which is perfect for eliminating pet smells from your home.

Not only will you have a fresh smelling carpet, but your vacuum will benefit too.

  1. Before you begin, change the dust bag or empty the canister
  2. Grab some baking soda and sprinkle it liberally on your carpet.
  3. Leave it to sit for an hour or so
  4. Vacuum it up

Swap out the baking soda for cinnamon

If you adore the scent of cinnamon then you will love this! Cinnamon has a unique ability to absorb odors as well as impart a gorgeous spicy smell which is particularly welcome in our house during the winter months. Instead of baking soda for your ‘shake and vac’ use cinnamon if you can spare it or mix it in with some baking soda.

Your carpet should smell of the lovely spice and your vacuum should smell of it too the next time you use it.

Wash out the hose

I must admit I didn’t do this because changing the filter made such a difference I didn’t feel the need. But if your vacuum is still smelly it might be that you need to wash the hose.

A brush head that is free of hair will be more effective at picking up more hair. It should be straightforward to perform some maintenance on your brush head. Check the instructions for your particular vacuum.

Why does my vacuum smell like dog

Do you struggle to keep your home hair and odor-free with a dog in the house?

Find out how to achieve a hair-free and fragrant home 24/7 even when you have a smelly dog that drops hair constantly. All you need is a few minutes a day!

Get the course!

How to prevent odor building up in a vacuum cleaner

Why does my vacuum smell like dog

Once you have your vacuum smelling sweet you will want to keep it that way!

Replace filters and dust bags regularly

One thing I have learned since owning a pet is that you must keep your vacuum well maintained. This means regularly checking the dust bag and changing it even if it isn’t quite full and switching out or cleaning the filter regularly too. If you look after your vacuum it will look after you, and it might even last longer.

For my Shark cordless vacuum, I bought a second set of filters so I could wash one set while using the other. My Miele has a HEPA filter so I bought a new cassette and I will switch it out as soon as the performance appears to be reduced.

If your vacuum uses dust bags, avoid using the cheapest bags. Either use the bags recommended by the manufacturer or use the best compatible ones you can afford. The best ones are made of breathable materials that avoid blasting out particles back into the air.

Keep your pet groomed and washed

How you groom and keep your pet smelling sweet of course depends on the breed of dog. I’m not an expert dog owner but one thing I am aware of is that you shouldn’t over wash your dog because it can cause skin issues.

If you can’t wash your dog as much as you would like, consider making your own dog spray to keep your dog fresh between bathing.

Never hoover anything wet or damp

Vacuums aren’t designed of course to clean up anything damp or wet. However, sometimes it happens by mistake (as I have done). If you do, switch out the dust bag or empty the canister and it should be fine.

Related reading:

How to get dog smell out of a bagless vacuum

If you have a bagless vacuum such as a Dyson, you don’t have the option to simply switch out the bag. So what can you do to keep your bagless vacuum smelling lovely too?

Regularly empty the canister

It goes without saying of course. If your vacuum smells, then don’t let the canister get too full before you empty it.

Take a wet wipe or a microfiber cloth and wipe out the canister. Check the instructions for your particular make of vacuum before you attempt this.

Replace or clean the filters

Check the instructions and replace the filter or wash it according to the manufacturer’s advice.

This article and its contents are owned by SparklingPenny and was first published on 14th September 2021.