Why does my nose run when I eat spicy food Reddit

it’s been happening just this year, i’ve never had this before and it’s really annoying, especially when i am eating out. is there anyway to prevent this/ is this onky temporary?

ELI5: Why does eating spicy food make my nose run? from explainlikeimfive
ELI5: How come we get runny nose when we eat spicy foods? from explainlikeimfive

Anytime I eat a burrito with hot sauce or have Hot Cheetos I get a runny nose. I would assume this is a common occurrence but some of my friends eat really spicy food with no problems.

LPT REQUEST: How to prevent a runny nose when eating spicy food. from LifeProTips

As in title.

NB- I used the search bar beforehand, and despite this having been asked a few times, albeit in quite different ways, most had been ignored/had half-hearted responses.

Cheers in advance to any redditors who are able to answer!

Eating really spicy food causes me to have a very runny nose equivalent to when I have a cold. Why does spicy food cause this to happen?

Why does my nose run when I eat spicy food? from explainlikeimfive