Why does my cat have so much dandruff

Why does my cat have so much dandruff
When your scalp itches and you notice white flakes on your shoulders, you know you have dandruff. But did you know dandruff can also occur in cats?

The skin is a constantly renewing organ, so it’s completely normal for the top layer of skin to slough off continually. However, only when skin flaking becomes noticeable is it considered dandruff.

If you’re concerned your cat may have dandruff and you’re not sure what to do about it, our team at Germantown Vet can help. Read on to learn more about signs that your cat may have dandruff and a few treatment options available.

Concerned about your cat’s skin? Contact us today for cat care in the Germantown, MD, area.

Does My Cat Have Dandruff?

It’s easier to see flaky dandruff in the fur of dark-colored cats. The flakes are most often found on their back and at the base of the tail, though any part of the body may be affected.

Cat dandruff symptoms can include:

  • White flakes of skin in the fur
  • Red, inflamed skin
  • Areas of thick, scaly skin
  • Itching
  • Greasy fur
  • Poor overall coat condition

Why Does My Cat Have Dandruff?

Rather than being a disease in itself, dandruff can be a symptom of another condition. In most cases, cat dandruff is harmless. However, if you notice a concerning amount of flaking skin and/or other alarming symptoms, you should have your vet evaluate the condition.

Some common reasons for cat dandruff include:

  • Poor diet: Cats need enough fat in their diet for healthy skin and fur. Dandruff could be a sign of nutritional deficiency.
  • Skin allergies: If your cat comes in contact with something they’re allergic to, such as certain grooming products and shampoos, dandruff may be the resulting skin reaction.
  • Dry conditions: Low humidity may cause your cat’s skin to dry out and flake.
  • Old age: The skin naturally becomes drier with age, making dandruff more likely in elderly cats.
  • Poor grooming: Old or arthritic cats with tender joints may not groom properly, resulting in unkempt fur and dry skin.
  • Sunburn: Spending a long time in the sun can cause sunburn, even through your cat’s fur, which causes the outer layers of skin to peel and flake.
  • Skin conditions: Seborrhea, demodicosis, and Malassezia are skin conditions that can cause scaling and flaking.
  • Parasites: Ringworm can cause flaky patches of skin and hair loss, while mites in your cat’s fur can create the appearance of dandruff. If you think your cat may have a parasite, it’s important to schedule a vet appointment right away.
  • Metabolic diseases: Diabetes and hyperthyroidism can affect the condition of your cat’s skin and fur.

Could your cat’s dandruff be a symptom of something more severe? Contact Germantown Vet today to schedule an appointment for your cat.

How To Treat Cat Dandruff

When you bring your cat to the vet for dandruff treatment, the first step is to discover the underlying cause. The treatment you pursue depends on the condition causing your cat’s skin to flake.

Some of the most common treatments for dandruff in cats include:

  • Change your cat’s food based on recommendations from your vet.
  • Avoid the source of your cat’s skin allergies, if possible. If not, allergen immunotherapy may be recommended to reduce the allergic response.
  • Run a humidifier to bring the relative humidity in your home to about 50%.
  • Treat your elderly cat’s arthritis with medication and by providing a warm spot to lie down.
  • Apply topical steroid cream in cases of severe sunburn.
  • Bathe your cat with medicated shampoo used to treat specific skin conditions.
  • Administer prescription medications to kill mites or treat ringworm. The entire household will need treatment as well to remove all lingering parasites.
  • Begin diabetes treatment with a combination of dietary changes and insulin injections.
  • Begin treatment for hyperthyroidism with radioactive iodine or surgery.

Treat Your Cat’s Dandruff at Germantown Vet

If you think your cat has dandruff, come to Germantown Vet for diagnosis and treatment. We can help with this condition or any other issues your cat may experience.

Contact us online or call (240) 252-7467 today to schedule your cat’s vet visit in Germantown.

While your feline friend might seem unfazed a majority of the time, the reality is that they are still susceptible to ailments that humans have to deal with, too. One of those things is dandruff — the visible white flakes that come off your cat’s skin, usually when their fur is matted or otherwise unhealthy. If left untreated, feline dandruff is not just unsightly; it can also irritate your cat’s skin, causing irritation and discomfort.

Luckily, if your cat is facing dandruff, there are several things that you can do to significantly help them. Figuring out why your cat has developed this skin condition in the first place is usually helpful when attempting to decipher why it occurs.

There are several reasons why your cat may develop this condition, and there are several options for treating it as well. Of course, it’s best to get a vet’s professional opinion regarding your cat’s dandruff situation before you try anything on your own. 

Read on to learn more about what causes cat dandruff and how you can potentially treat it.

Why does my cat have so much dandruff

Why does my cat have so much dandruff

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Why does my cat have dandruff?

If your cat is experiencing dandruff, there are a variety of reasons why this skin problem might have developed. Figuring out what causes dandruff can be essential to fixing the ailment.

“Cats sometimes will develop what’s called an unthrifty coat,” Dr. Deirdre Frey, founder of the house veterinary practice Vet At Your Door, explains. “The coat may look unkempt and have some dandruff.” 

There are several reasons why your cat might have an unkempt coat that results in dandruff. These reasons range, so it’s critical that you have a vet check your pet out to ensure that the cause of dandruff isn’t severe or hazardous to your pet’s health. 

Dandruff can sometimes be attributed to something relatively simple, such as feline obesity that leads to difficulties grooming away dead skin cells and excess hair. Allergies can also be responsible for causing your pet to experience dandruff. In addition, a build-up of the undercoat can be to blame. Your pet might also simply be experiencing a case of dry skin,  which Dr. Frey says is common in the drier winter months.

One of the reasons why it is so vital to see a vet in the case that your cat has dry skin is because sometimes, there is a more severe reason why the dandruff has come about. As mentioned prior, another potential cause is an allergic reaction, which can be quite serious. These reactions are usually connected to a food that your cat consumed. Malnutrition is another potential catalyst for dandruff.

More serious dry skin solutions

Those are not the only causes of feline dandruff, however. Sometimes the culprit is something even more severe, which is why getting a vet’s expert opinion is necessary. An attack from parasites, such as ringworm, lice, or ticks, can lead a cat to suffer from dandruff. A bacterial or fungal infection can also be to blame. A yeast infection might also be the cause.

Unfortunately, there is also the potential that your cat is experiencing dandruff because they have a serious, larger condition such as diabetes, hyperthyroidism, or certain types of feline cancers. 

There is also a condition referred to as “walking dandruff” that your cat might experience due to the presence of the Cheyletiella mite. If you use flea control products, this mite is typically not a problem.

How can I treat my cat's dandruff?

If your cat has an unkempt coat (and consequently dandruff as well), it’s important to determine whether there are any underlying causes — have their grooming habits declined because they’re not feeling well? Or are there other outside factors that may be giving your cat the shedding of flaky skin associated with dandruff?

The best way to achieve this is by seeing a vet. They will be able to help you deduct what the culprit causing the feline dandruff is. You should also take note if your cat’s behavior has altered in any way aside from the presence of dandruff or if they seem to be acting like themselves. 

Of course, just because your cat has dandruff does not necessarily mean your pet is having some serious or life-threatening problem. Still, it’s better — both for your peace of mind and your feline — to be sure. 

If your cat’s behavior hasn’t changed or they seem otherwise normal, the first step may be to try some simple fixes to see if that relieves their dandruff problem.

Here are some of the steps that you can take to help solve your cat’s dandruff situation:

Why does my cat have so much dandruff

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Brush and bathe your cat

One of the simplest ways that you can potentially improve your feline’s dandruff situation is by brushing them. Not only does this improve the health of your cat’s fur because it spreads oils around evenly, it consequently can help prevent dandruff. 

In addition, brushing your pet’s coat regularly helps your cat feel good and keeps their coat shiny. Think of brushing your cat’s coat like a massage. Another way that you can potentially help your cat’s dandruff situation is by bathing them.

Of course, this might not be possible depending on your pet’s temperament. But if your cat is on the easygoing side, try giving your beloved feline a bath with some hypoallergenic shampoo and conditioner. If your vet recommends it, try a specialty cat dandruff shampoo, but be wary of overuse.

Invest in a humidifier for your home

If the air in your home is dry, you could also try getting a humidifier for your cat. If your cat is experiencing dandruff as a result of dry skin, this can effectively help solve the moisture problem. 

 Your cat’s skin will thank you if you make sure their living space has a humidity level of around 50%. You can also combine this tactic with some of the others mentioned to ensure that you took a thorough approach to solving the problem.

Change your cat's diets or add supplements

One of the reasons that cats experience dandruff is if they also have allergies. “Cats manifest allergies through their skin, not their upper respiratory system like us,” Dr. Frey explains.

“Most allergies are food-related, primarily to the protein in the food, such as chicken or beef. If you're suspicious of a food allergy, you could try finding a limited ingredient food with a single, different protein than the one that he is on currently.”

Your vet can help you figure out which products your cat might be having an allergic reaction to and, more importantly, help provide your pet with some much-needed relief. If allergies are not to blame for your cat’s coat, you might consider providing your cat with supplements that can help them maintain shiny, sleek fur.

Dr. Frey suggests giving your cat some Omega-3 fatty acids, which can help with your cat’s coat health by giving them more of the essential oils they need to keep their fur in good shape. If your cat is experiencing nutritional deficiencies, ask your vet about other vitamins or food products your cat would benefit from.

There is a chance that the dandruff symptoms are caused by your cat not having enough water. Hydration is a critical part of a healthy coat. Perhaps your cat would benefit from a drinking fountain or even wet food.

Why does my cat have so much dandruff

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Talk to a vet about your cat's dry skin

The most important thing to keep in mind is that if your cat is experiencing an unkempt coat or your cat has signs of dandruff, you should speak to a vet first. This is because there are some more severe reasons why cats can develop this condition. In the unfortunate instance that your cat is suffering from one of these, it’s better to catch the condition sooner than later. 

“To figure out if there is an underlying reason for the unkempt coat, have your cat seen by a veterinarian,” Dr. Frey recommends. “Your vet will do a good physical exam and may recommend doing lab work to look for underlying causes.” 

It’s a good idea to see a veterinarian regardless if your pet seems to be acting normally otherwise. Of course, if your cat is acting sickly overall, the appointment should be even more urgent. This is also the case if your cat also has curious symptoms in addition to dandruff.

You always want to make sure something else like ringworm or diabetes isn’t affecting your cat’s health. And if an outside cause is, getting to the bottom of what is causing the dandruff sooner is always better. 

Regardless of the cause of your cat’s dandruff, your cat will appreciate that you took the time to care for them and their coat. A healthy cat is a happier cat, and a happier cat usually makes for a happier human, which is good for everyone.


Don't Brush Off Feline Dandruff | Texas A & M University 

5 Tips for How to Get Rid of Cat Dandruff and Dog Dandruff | Pet MD

What to Do About Your Cat's Dandruff | Cat Dandruff | Veterinarian Germantown, MD  

Flaky Feline: How to Treat Cat Dandruff | Union Lake Pet Services 

Acute Starvation and Subsequent Refeeding Affect Lymphocyte Subsets and Proliferation in Cats | Oxford Academic

Understanding cat dandruff | ROYAL CANIN ®