Why did lalo kill howard reddit

Let’s settle this debate before the show ends. from betterCallSaul

Do you think that Lalo could end up killing Howard? Maybe HHM goes under after everyone suspects him of drug addiction and he goes after Jimmy and tracks him and maybe Jimmy finds out Laois alive and has a forced meeting with him and Howard followed him to said meeting and Howard dies by Lalo because he was a witness to that meeting? Just an idea.

Lalo, while not squeamish about killing people, has demonstrated he primarily kills for three reasons. One, to ensure/protect his plans or interests. Two, because he is ordered to. Three, because someone was rude to him. I don't see how Howard fits into any of those criteria. This makes me believe that killing Howard wasn't in character for Lalo in that situation and the writers did that only for shock value.

Hopefully episode 8 will give us more clarity into Lalo's motives, because I just don't see this being a move he would make just for the heck of it. Maybe he killed Howard to hammer in to Jimmy and Kim how serious he is about their "talk", but even then I don't really quite buy that. They already know how dangerous he is. It would have been easy enough for him to wait a few minutes for Howard to leave and then have his little chat.

Lalo is always watching a place before he enters it. (S06E07 Spoilers) from betterCallSaul

Let's ignore Lalo's obvious plot armor(and the giant chink in Lalo's plot armor) and assess whether Howard could have come out on top over Lalo. Let's say he realizes his ass is about to die as Lalo is preparing his gun; Howard decides he must beat Lalo black and Hamlindigo blue, and lunges.

Does Howard stand a chance?

What Lalo did made no sense and was done only because writers wanted that from betterCallSaul
[S6e7] Why Exactly did Lalo… from betterCallSaul
A very small line by Howard caused the final event of the episode. from betterCallSaul
Honest question, why did Lalo do what he did? from betterCallSaul