Why cant my mom understand me

Hey guys! I found this site to write my problems with my parents. So let's start. I have nice parents i love them, but i think they don't understand me..i mean i'm 16 and they are always saying ( especially my mom) like when i make same problems she's always like: If you don't make your grades excellent on the finale of the year you gonna be grounded. And she's always yelling round the house just because of me, but i'm not doing anything...everything's bodering her...like i left the outside lights on..and with my father they're gonna yell at me...but i really forget to switch the lights off. Right now she's yelling me for the cat, why did i put the cat food on the outer ground, it gonna be greasy! They're always saying "grow up one again,your not little anymore..OMG i really don't know how to explain all this but they really don't understand me. I'm going on church chorus and if i wanna skip  class sometime, she;s gonna say: That's you job you have to go there ( cuz im studying high school musical) . So..i wanna sometimes to get out of the house cause they are sooooooooo boringgggg! They want  just to take my teen years off. To be grown up! omg im gonna kill my self really! Please help me...maybe im wrong but i cant stand it anymore. They're yelling about unnecessary things! So pls hepl! 

I'm sorry you're so upset, but i think the best thing for you to do is, ask your parents to sit down so you can have a talk with them, at a time when they aren't yelling at you, and say to them, that you don't like how much you argue, and you are trying to be grown up about it by talking it out and settling the problem.If you speak about whats upsetting you, and let your parents have their side, it may help the situation.Tell them everything they make you feel, even write it down before you get to talk to them, just incase you forget  half the stuff, when the time comes to it. Even if they start shouting when you're trying to tell them, don't get hasty back, show them how grown up you are by staying calm, and saying you don't want to argue.Most relationship problems with parents and children are, when they don't talk to eachother about things, because whatever is bothering them just grows and grows, and then everything goes around in one vicious circle.All mothers bug you about your final grades, my mother does too, but that just shows how much your mother cares about you, no matter how much she moans! Just asure her your doing your best to get good grades to get a good job and you wanna make her happy by doing so!I hope this helps you, and Good Luck!

same thing at my place.. my parents especially mom she dont understand me at all.. there are somethings which i cant share with my dad directly.. so i want my mom to be wit me, understand me but even she doesnt understand me. i completed my studies right now m searching for job, m tensed, depressed coz am at home. i want to work.. instead of understanding my problem my mom she shouts at me coz m at home, she thinks m nt searching for job. my parents are not talking to me.. and i am feeling damn lonely. sometimes i feel its better i go and kill my self.

yo, i have the same problem... its like they really dont understand us... i just got yelled at because my parents are just mad... they dont even know what there mad at but im the only one here... i felt like killing myself too but come on bro, we both know that wouldnt resolve anything... they would probably like us being dead anyway... and i really can understand you saying they yell about unnecessary things because all parents are like that... one good thing about it is that when we are older we know how not to raise our kids

LILJJ11234 wrote:

The Girl wrote:

Hey guys! I found this site to write my problems with my parents. So let's start. I have nice parents i love them, but i think they don't understand me..i mean i'm 16 and they are always saying ( especially my mom) like when i make same problems she's always like: If you don't make your grades excellent on the finale of the year you gonna be grounded. And she's always yelling round the house just because of me, but i'm not doing anything...everything's bodering her...like i left the outside lights on..and with my father they're gonna yell at me...but i really forget to switch the lights off. Right now she's yelling me for the cat, why did i put the cat food on the outer ground, it gonna be greasy! They're always saying "grow up one again,your not little anymore..OMG i really don't know how to explain all this but they really don't understand me. I'm going on church chorus and if i wanna skip  class sometime, she;s gonna say: That's you job you have to go there ( cuz im studying high school musical) . So..i wanna sometimes to get out of the house cause they are sooooooooo boringgggg! They want  just to take my teen years off. To be grown up! omg im gonna kill my self really! Please help me...maybe im wrong but i cant stand it anymore. They're yelling about unnecessary things! So pls hepl! 

yo, i have the same problem... its like they really dont understand us... i just got yelled at because my parents are just mad... they dont even know what there mad at but im the only one here... i felt like killing myself too but come on bro, we both know that wouldnt resolve anything... they would probably like us being dead anyway... and i really can understand you saying they yell about unnecessary things because all parents are like that... one good thing about it is that when we are older we know how not to raise our kids

fyi it sais im a girl but im not im a guy... like wtf

but talking to them will be hard!! i have the same problem and im tying to talk but is actually hard to talk yo parents like this they still wont understand.still i know we should keep trying.good luck.

They forget they were teens once

YOU UNDERSTAND!!! That is my EXACT PRoblem

Geese and ages!! >:@

I have the same problem with my parents they never try to understand me i feel so lonely in this life my mom is so severe she treat me as a baby she don't allow me to do anything no partys no call phones no facebook ..!! the only she allows to me is to study --' she wants me to study day and night without stoping without taking one break i can't support this anymore  she  supervise me alll the time cause she thinks that i am in relationship when i am not ! she judge everything ! my hairstyle my clothes the style of music and movies every thing  oh god help me i can't suport this situation anymore i am suffring all the days i want that she becomes my friend not my body gard or my severe mom it's so hard to feel what i am feeling  she never tried to correct her altitude with me ! i am really tired and my father agree usually with her they pass all the time screaming on me when i am innoscent they cause to me allotof problems so i still lonely here .. plzzz help me 

:) Me..I'm a girl and I'm in relationship with Tomboy :) She kind and I love her but ma parent seem not to understand me..? Im 14 and they get so serious Like Im gonna marry OOOO Gosh == They like arghhh! They get my phone don't let me sign in FB or anything ! Is Terible! They just don't know ! They Think they alway right But if they were me they will know how much pain I have. I love my girl..No one want to lose if is it u.. U will think like me? Want to lose someone u love so muchh?

I understand you. My parents think freedom means something else. I love them both to bits but they dont understand me a lot. I tried to talk to them but it ended up in yelling. I dont know what to do, although, i think theyre loosening up a bit. Just go with it and youll see that they're doing whats best. BTW, im almost 13 and im longing freedom. Is that normal???????

I understand what your going through I am a confused Teen as well, My parents are yelling at me for everything and most times I dont even know what I did wrong. Or Why they are yelling for something as small as I forgot to clean my bedroom..... (OH DAMN HER ROOMS NOT CLEAN WORLD WAR 3) I mean honestly. My parents piss me off a lot. I love them I've gotten everything I want and Most times I get treated with ice cream and a new wardrobe. BUT They don't allow me to stay out later then 8:00 and I cant have sleep overs with guys..... IDK Why we are just friends. They need to trust me more.

My parents both run different companies.they are busy n dont spend tym wid me means if they spend tym wid me they r on the phone and dont answer me n if i do the same they yell at me my mom expects to much from me n yells at me for all reason sometimes i think of killin myself i want ur suggestion

My parents are just so crazy they don't care about my feelings. My mom is and always have been a hypocrit .Like say for instance she won't let me play AAU because she thinks my dad is trying to trick me and she doesn't think I'm ready . But basketball is my true passion and she's crushing my dreams. But I still love her very very much.

I think I'm a good kid. Never acted out (much), always listened to what my parents say, and I have great grades (A's and one B). Sometimes, though, my parents are just too much. My mom yells at me to clean my room, isn't satisfied when I do clean it exactly as she told me to, and then cleans it herself before I get home from school and have a chance to start working on it (the same holds true for my other chores). Then she says she wants some quality family time during dinner, and spends the rest of the time talking about taxes with my dad. I never talk once during the entire meal, unless they're pressuring me on my grades (it's one B! Just one!). She likes to yell. Whenever I am being "stupid," she yells at me. I mean, can't she at least try to hold onto her temper before blowing a gasket? She gets upset that I'm unmotivated (and I suppose I am, a bit). She complained that I have no hobbies, and when I started to write, says I should be doing sports instead, and that writing is useless. I mean, I get that she's the typical stressed out housewife with a tragic backstory, but she always seems to blame me that I can't understand how harsh her childhood was, and that I should be grateful for my easy lifestyle. I'm plenty grateful! I'm so grateful, I'm complaining on the Internet. ;P I ask her not to post my pictures on her Facebook, and she does it anyway. Always the ones where she looks the best, and I'm hanging out in the background with me stuffing my cheeks with popcorn or pulling out a wedgie. Speaking of social media, she always compares me to her Facebook friends' kids. Oh, why can't I play the flute and violin and piano and do swimming and tennis and golf and get all A+'s! (Said girl who does that is the twin sister to my friend who does similar things, but has the same grades I do. Needless to say, she is freaking stressed, and I am worried.) My mom wants me to go to Harvard, Princeton, etcetera (cetra?) and I'm just not feeling it. I have modest goals, and I'm feeling like she's trying to project on me. (Remember the tragic backstory? Think Cinderella.) She complains that I don't dress nice enough, and that I should use my allowance (that I earn through my grades) to buy prettier clothes. The pattern usually goes like this: I buy clothes, she doesn't like them, I want to buy games, she doesn't let me (it's my money!), and I'm left with a few hundred saved up and nothing to spend it on. (At least I'm saving...?) My dad is busy at work, and is tired at home. He's chill. We're cool. Sometimes he's strict, but otherwise, no complaints. What I want to ask... I'm not sure what I want to ask. I just want to complain? (Seriously, Mom. Take a chill pill.)

My name is Jessica, and I am fourteen years old.

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By The Girl231464 | 37 posts, last post over 8 months ago

my parents don't understand anything in my liiifffffeee!!!!! they just keep saying we treat you as an adult so act like an adult . i mean seriously I AM NOOT AN ADULT !!! why do they expect me to be one. yesterday my mom just shout on me for asking 'what do we have on lunch ' my mom shout at nothing and the worst thing that my dad don't have a freaking voice. any thing my mom is mad about she till my dad and my dad just screeaams at me, and he don't know what realy happen. they just DON'T UNDERSTAND ANYTHING I SAY even if I say I have got an A in math, what they reply to me is why didn't you got an A++, I mean ehhhhhhhhhh :(:(((,I just want them to UNDERSTAND ME, but that seams that it is TOO MUCH TO ASK.

i just feel depressed with my parents.. they never trust me.. they hate everything abt me.. i am 20 yrs and still they lock me up like a prisioner,, they dont allow me to go out if if i had some important works,, they just dont trust me,, all they want is i should be staying home and studying even on holidays too ,, i am not allowed to have fun or anyone in my life,, they make me feel like c**p and i am depreesed about everything around me,, god save me###

Are you kidding, parents don’t listen to that sh*t, because they can’t admit that they are wrong, parents want their child to be the next Oprah of Larry king, when you have these parents, your powerless, so just do yourself a favor, pray for when you move out.

Buddy, your 20, stop acting like a man child, I know I sound like your mom, but you need to get a job, and move out, or move in with a friend, or whatever your options are, when you move out of the house, you are free to make your own rules.

I have some issues with my parents. I feel like they don't understand me as a child in what i need. To begin, i think I'm not appreciated by them. I did my best in school. Graduated with flying colours and i was catagorized as the best student in school. Yet, i feel like they weren't appreciating what I've done for them. They promised me a lot if i pass but until now it was not fulfilled even a little. I feel like they were ego and don't wanna see I'm happy. Im in my holiday after graduating so i asked them if i can hang out with my friends. For this past 4 months of holiday i only went out twice and they already were nagging about how frequent i left the house since the gap was only a month even though im always at home 24/7. They promised me to bring me out for holiday as a reward but now they are always giving excuses to not fulfill their promise. My friends are always questioning why my parents behave like that. Like, my friends result were under me in our school but they got what they have dreamt. They're telling me my parents are controlling my life and forget about my own emotions. They also are always comparing their life when they were a kid but i read that it was not good for parents to compare with a different generation and i agree to that because it hurts me everytime they did that. Not to mention, i also have a problem in communicating with my parents. They are always mad at me even if it was a small matter. Once i forgot to turn on the switch of a rice cooker and they were already yelling at me. My dad is a strict man and always scold me and my siblings and my mom is always listening to my dad. I feel like i have lost my own freedom and lack of love from them. Each and everytime i wanna be clingy when i got sick but then i ended up being scold by them because they thought I didn't take care of myself well. Sometimes i feel like i wanna run away from the house and live by my own but i know its wrong. I'm only hoping that one day they could understand me more and learn something about child psychology. Even me, i wanna fix myself and try to be a better child . This can be achieved by your help. Please help me in this. Your effort will be sincerely appreciated by me. Thanks.

yeah! the same thing happenns to me all the time. they dont understand about how we feel and they make me feel stupid. i cant really talk back much but its really annoying. i had a class test when i had covid. i had 100 grade fever, cough, headake and drowsy eyes. i wrote the class thest anyway. i scored bad in the test(its not a important test anyways) and they say that i cant study at all. when i say that i was not well that day, they say that i am giving excuses. today, all limits were crossed. honestly i study 12 hrs a day for my board exams and i have hardly any time to myself, and they say i do nothing but play and time pass. its really f*****g annoying... please tell me what i can do. Thanks!

I was getting ready to paint a small sunset on a small part of my wall, because I am going g crazy looking at my four white walls every day. anyways, as I was about to start psi ring my mom walks into.My room and asks 'what are you doing?' she asked and looked at me, like I was Cali g, or doing drugs. (I would never do that. I have seen first-hand how they can affect a person.) I replied with 'I'm about to paint a small sunset... Why?' She then proceeded to look at me like I had a screw loose, and say 'no psi ring on your walls! And why aren't you in bed? Did I harp on you at all this weekend about doing your homework? Was I a b***h about it?' I replied with a small no, and she said 'then do the one thing I asked, and go to bed. You will have a lot of homework to catch up on next weekend.' And turns and walks out the door. It was 8:45 on a Sunday night, and I am a young teenager. I dont EVER go to bed before ten, on any given night, and when I tell her my odors natural melatonin doesn't release till about 10:55-11:15 at nigh, she says this every time I tell her. 'that's not scientifically what your body does. Your just looking for an excuse to stay up. Now go to bed.' I have struggled with my mental health for several years now, and have been struggling with my anger management. she says it is getting better, but to me it.feels like a lot of water rapidly boiling, and about to boil over at any given moment. I need help. What should I do? My mom acts like everything I say is scientifically inaccurate and I'm a pathological liar, and sees everything I do and say that is wrong but completely overlooks the fact that my six year old brother lies about everything, and she overlooks the fact that he leaves scratches and scrapes on my arms and legs from repeated squeezing of my arms and legs. He has nails so it is worse and whenever I bring this up to her she says to stop antagonizing him. I STAY IN MY ROOM ALL DAY! I ONLY COME OUT TO EAT OR GO TO THE BATHROOM! I HAVE THREE FRIGGIN WATER BOTTLES IN THERE THAT I FILL UP EVERY NIGHT AFTER DINNER FOR CRYING OUT LOUD! I also only ever go out of my room for school, but that is a given... I feel like I am going to explode bigger than a ten foot tall and wide stack of dynamite. What do I do to help contain my anger? I have tried everything but nothing works. I feel like I am breaking in half.

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