Who is the current prime president?

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prime minister, also called premier, the head of government in a country with a parliamentary or semipresidential political system. In such systems, the prime minister—literally the “first,” or most important, minister—must be able to command a continuous majority in the legislature (usually the lower house in a bicameral system) to remain in office.

Cardinal de Richelieu

Most countries with prime ministers have two executives, a head of government (the prime minister) and a head of state (generally either a non-executive president or a hereditary monarch). The head of state formally appoints the prime minister, who in turn selects the other cabinet ministers. In practice, however, the choice exercised by the head of state is often quite limited (except in semipresidential systems); it is restricted generally to the head of the largest party or coalition in the legislature (typically the lower house in a bicameral system). Although the origin of the title lies in 17th-century France, where Cardinal de Richelieu was acknowledged in 1624 as principal or premier ministre, the office essentially developed in Britain in the 18th century, when the king ceased to attend and chair meetings of his ministers. This change left powerful premiers to take on the role of government chief executive—for example, Robert Walpole (1721–42), who is generally considered Britain’s first prime minister, and William Pitt, the Younger (1783–1801; 1804–06). During their long tenures, the prime minister became the preeminent cabinet member, supervising and coordinating the work of every government department; other cabinet members were required to subscribe to the government’s official policy; and the prime minister was required to command a majority in the House of Commons—all characteristics shared by modern prime ministers.

Since the development of the office of prime minister, holders of the position have typically concentrated on the most high-profile or strategic aspects of government, particularly top-level foreign relations, major defense decisions, macroeconomic policy, and the government’s legislative timetable and priorities. As a result, relations between the prime minister and the foreign and finance ministers (and defense ministers during conflicts) are normally key indicators of the success of a government. In the modern period the role of prime minister has been enhanced by the emergence of international summits and heads of government meetings (e.g., the regular meetings of the heads of government of members of the European Union) as key events in international diplomacy.

Nevertheless, the role and influence of premiers (using their own political resources) have tended to be eroded by the increased specialization of government and the expanded role of bureaucracies and government professionals. For example, in the late 1980s in the United Kingdom the Conservative prime minister Margaret Thatcher intervened personally to force through changes in Britain’s football (soccer) grounds, such as the installation of steel cages to pen in crowds, to counteract the politically embarrassing problem of football “hooliganism.” But these changes destroyed a delicate balance between crowd control and crowd safety, and they were subsequently abandoned following the death in 1989 of more than 90 football fans who were crushed against fences at Hillsborough Stadium in Sheffield. Equally, Thatcher’s introduction of a “poll tax,” an unpopular local tax that charged rich and poor alike at the same rate, proved impossible to implement and was scrapped within two years of its introduction at a cost of billions of pounds. Indeed, the public backlash against the introduction of the tax created opposition from Conservative members of the House of Commons, which induced Thatcher’s resignation as prime minister and her replacement by John Major, her chancellor of the Exchequer. These examples illustrate that “policy communities” in many different areas of government may command detailed expertise on issues that prime ministers may override—sometimes at their own peril. In most countries, premiers have tried to ease these limitations on their influence by building up their own policy staffs with expertise and establishing units to oversee the enactment of their key strategies and priorities. But there is only limited evidence that such policy centralization can work successfully.

Who is the current prime president?

Notable Prime Ministers Quiz

The term prime minister means, literally, the “first,” or most important, minister. Take this quiz to learn more about some of the most important most important ministers from across history (and mostly in Great Britain).

Most countries in the world now have established an office of prime minister (alternatively called premier or chancellor). However, the United States and many African and Latin American countries have adopted presidential systems consisting of an executive president (who is also head of state) and a separation of powers between the legislature and the executive. In these countries, the president picks his own cabinet or government, which does not depend on legislative support to remain in office (see presidency of the United States of America). Indeed, whereas in parliamentary systems prime ministers can be removed from office by the legislature through a simple vote of confidence, executive presidents can generally be removed from office only through a more cumbersome impeachment proceeding for serious crimes or abuse of office.

Justin Trudeau (born December 25, 1971) is Canada’s 23rd Prime Minister.

Justin’s vision of Canada is a country where everyone has a real and fair chance to succeed. His experiences as a teacher, father, leader, and advocate for youth have shaped his dedication to Canadians – and his commitment to make Canada a place where everyone has the opportunities they need to thrive.

The oldest of three boys, Justin grew up with the profound influence of his father, Pierre Elliott Trudeau, and his mother, Margaret Trudeau. He was raised speaking both French and English and has family roots in both Eastern and Western Canada. This background helped spark his passion for public service and shaped his conviction that diversity is Canada’s strength.

Justin studied literature at McGill University, graduating with a Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) in 1994. He went on to complete the University of British Columbia’s education program, and spent several years teaching French, math, and other subjects in Vancouver. Teaching allowed him to make a positive impact in the lives of young people. He remains committed to hearing the voices of young Canadians, from the classroom to Parliament Hill.

In 2002, Justin returned home to Montréal, where he met Sophie Grégoire, a Quebec TV and radio host. They married in 2005 and are now the proud parents of Xavier, Ella-Grace, and Hadrien.

Before entering politics, Justin served as the Chair of Katimavik, on the board for the Canadian Avalanche Foundation, and as an advocate for young people and the environment. As a speaker at events and conferences around the country, he encouraged young people to engage with the issues important to them and participate as active citizens. These experiences made it increasingly clear to him that the issues young Canadians care about – education, the environment, and their generation's economic prospects – needed a stronger voice.

Justin entered politics to make change that would better serve all Canadians. In 2007, he built a community-based, grassroots campaign to win the Liberal Party nomination in the Montréal riding of Papineau. He was elected in 2008, and re-elected in 2011, 2015, and 2019.

Justin was elected Leader of the Liberal Party in April 2013. His leadership campaign focused on building a new, truly national movement of progressive Canadians, bringing hundreds of thousands of Canadians into politics, most for the first time. He worked closely with his team to build a plan to create jobs, grow the economy, protect the environment, and strengthen the middle class. With Justin’s leadership, the Liberal plan emphasized fair economic opportunity for everyone, respect for and promotion of freedom and diversity, and a more democratic government that truly represents Canadians.

On October 19, 2015, Justin led his party to victory, winning a majority government with seats in every province and territory across the country. He was sworn in on November 4, 2015.

On October 21, 2019, Justin led the Liberal Party to re-election, earning a second mandate from Canadians.

As Prime Minister, Justin leads a government that works hard every day to continue moving Canada forward. His team is focused on creating good middle class jobs, making life more affordable, keeping Canada’s communities safe, fighting climate change, and moving forward on reconciliation with Indigenous peoples. A proud feminist, Justin appointed Canada’s first gender balanced Cabinet.