Which path-goal leadership style leads to greater satisfaction when tasks are ambiguous or stressful

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Which path-goal leadership style leads to greater satisfaction when tasks are ambiguous or stressful

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Which path-goal leadership style leads to greater satisfaction when tasks are ambiguous or stressful

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Which path-goal leadership style leads to greater satisfaction when tasks are ambiguous or stressful

MGT502-Organizational Behaviour

Solved MCQ’s Lecture 1-25

Solved & Shared by Lucky Jan

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When your superior offers you a pay raise if you will perform additional work beyond the requirements of your job, he/she is exercising which of the following power? Select correct option: Referent Coercive




Reward power Obtaining compliance with promised or actual rewards


Which of the following best describes supportive leadership style of path-goal theory? Select correct option: Leader asks for suggestions Leader sets challenging goals

Leader shows concern for subordinates
Leader gives directions


Path-Goal Theory
• The supportive leader is friendly and shows concern for the needs of followers


ABC Company created task force containing employees from across departments for completion of an important project. It is an example of:

Select correct option: Virtual Teams Self-Managed Work Team

Cross-Functional Team
Problem-Solving Team


Cross-Functional Teams

A task force is really nothing other than a temporary cross-functional team


Equity theory was developed by: Select correct option: McClelland Abraham Maslow Clay Alderfer

J. Stacy Adams


Equity Theory

J. Stacy Adams developed equity theory,

The Fiedler model proposes: Select correct option: Changing the leader Changing the situation

Matching leaders and situations

Changing the employees


Fiedler contingency model

The first comprehensive contingency model for leadership was developed by Fred Fiedler.the Fiedler contingency model proposes that effective group performance depends on proper match between the leader s style and the degree to which the situation gives control to the leader


Self-managed teams are typically comprised of how many members? Select correct option: 2-5 5-10


Over 100


Self-Managed Work Teams

These groups of employees (typically 10–15 in number) perform highly related or interdependent jobs and take on many of the responsibilities of their former supervisors

The theory which attempts to determine whether an individual's behavior is internally or externally caused is called: Select correct option:

Attribution Theory

Contingency Theory Expectancy Theory

Path-Goal Theory


Attribution theory suggests that when we observe an individual’s behavior, we attempt to determine whether it was internally or externally caused.


Mr. Ahmed is influenced by Mr. Ali because he is attractive and has desirable resources or personal characteristics. Which of the following sources of power is exhibited by Mr. Ali? Select correct option: Legitimate power Coercive power Reward power

Referent power


Referent power.

Referent power is based on identification with a person who has desirable resources or personal traits.


Which of the following is NOT one of the stages of Group Development: Select correct option: Storming Forming



Stages of Group Development



ABC Company created task force containing employees from across departments for completion of an important project. It is an example of: Select correct option: Virtual Teams Self-Managed Work Team

Cross-Functional Team

Problem-Solving Team

Cross-Functional Teams

A task force is really nothing other than a temporary cross-functional team


ALL of the following are perception shortcuts EXCEPT: Select correct option: Projection Stereotyping


Halo effect


Frequently Used Shortcuts in Judging Others

Selective Perception

Halo Effect

Contrast Effects



The Fiedler model proposes: Select correct option: Changing the leader Changing the situation

Matching leaders and situations

Changing the employees


Fiedler contingency model

The first comprehensive contingency model for leadership was developed by Fred Fiedler.the Fiedler contingency model proposes that effective group performance depends on proper match between the leader s style and the degree to which the situation gives control to the leader


Self-managed teams are typically comprised of how many members? Select correct option: 2-5 5-10


Over 100


Self-Managed Work Teams

These groups of employees (typically 10–15 in number) perform highly related or interdependent jobs and take on many of the responsibilities of their former supervisors


The theory which attempts to determine whether an individual's behavior is internally or externally caused is called: Select correct option:

Attribution Theory

Contingency Theory Expectancy Theory

Path-Goal Theory


Attribution theory suggests that when we observe an individual’s behavior, we attempt to determine whether it was internally or externally caused.

Mr. Ahmed is influenced by Mr. Ali because he is attractive and has desirable resources or personal characteristics. Which of the following sources of power is exhibited by Mr. Ali? Select correct option: Legitimate power Coercive power Reward power

Referent power


Referent power.

Referent power is based on identification with a person who has desirable resources or personal traits.

ABC Company created task force containing employees from across departments for completion of an important project. It is an example of: Select correct option: Virtual Teams Self-Managed Work Team

Cross-Functional Team

Problem-Solving Team

4. Cross-Functional Teams

A task force is really nothing other than a temporary cross-functional team

The application of negative consequences or the withdrawal of positive consequences to reduce the likelihood of repeation of that same behavior is known as: Select correct option:


Negative Reinforcement Positive Reinforcement




The administration of negative consequences or the withdrawal of positive consequences to reduce the likelihood of repeating the behavior in similar settings


Robert Katz identified three essential skills that managers need to have in order to reach their goals. What are these skills? Select correct option: Technical, decisional and interpersonal

Technical, human, and conceptual

Interpersonal, informational and decisional

Conceptual, communication and networking


Management Skills

Robert Katz has identified three essential management skills: technical, human, and conceptual

Which path-goal leadership style leads to greater satisfaction when tasks are ambiguous or stressful? Select correct option:





Path-Goal Theory

Directive leadership leads to greater satisfaction when tasks are ambiguous or stressful than

when they are highly structured and well laid out

A national culture characteristic describing the extend to which a society feels threatened by uncertain and ambiguous situation and tries to avoid them is called________________ Select correct option: Short Term Orientation Long Term Orientation

Uncertainty Avoidance

Performance Orientation


Uncertainty Avoidance

A national culture characteristic describing the extend to which a society feels threatened by uncertain and ambiguous situation and tries to avoid them


Difficulty in expressing emotions by an individual and understanding other's emotions is termed as: Select correct option: Anemia Thalassemia




Some people have difficulty in expressing their emotions and understanding the emotions of others. Psychologists call this alexithymia.

Positive Mood includes all the following feelings EXCEPT: Select correct option: Excitement Enthusiasm




When workers are in positive moods, they feel exited, enthusiastic, active,

strong, peppy, or elated. When workers are in negative moods, they feel distressed, fearful, scornful, hostile, jittery, or nervous

The tendency to be sociable,outspoken and friendly is known as Select correct option: Openness to Experience Self Monitoring





Refers to the tendency to be sociable, friendly, and expressive.
