Which MySQL edition used for physical backup?

When mysqlbackup performs a compressed backup for a server that has binary logging enabled, it transforms each binary log file and relay log file (for a replica server in a replication setting) to a binary-or-relay-log-file-name.bz file. The .bz files are uncompressed at the time of restore.

See Also , , , , , .


The process of copying some or all table data and metadata from a MySQL instance, for safekeeping. Can also refer to the set of copied files. This is a crucial task for DBAs. The reverse of this process is the restore operation.

With MySQL, physical backups are performed by the MySQL Enterprise Backup product, and logical backups are performed by the mysqldump command. These techniques have different characteristics in terms of size and representation of the backup data, and speed (especially speed of the restore operation).

Backups are further classified as hot, warm, or cold depending on how much they interfere with normal database operation. (Hot backups have the least interference, cold backups the most.)

See Also , , , , , .

backup directory

The directory under which the backup data and metadata are stored, permanently or temporarily. It is used in most kinds of backup and restore operations, including single-file backups and restores. See the description of the option on how the backup directory is used for different purposes and for different operations.

backup repository

Contrast with server repository.

See Also , .


A small configuration file generated by MySQL Enterprise Backup, containing a minimal set of configuration parameters. This file records the settings that apply to this backup data. Subsequent operations, such as the apply process, read options from this file to determine how the backup data is structured. This file always has the extension .cnf, rather than .cnf on Unix-like systems and .ini on Windows systems.

See Also , .


The code name for an InnoDB file format that supports compression for table data. It supports the compressed row format that enables InnoDB table compression, and the dynamic row format that improves the storage layout for BLOB and large text columns.

See Also , , , , .

binary log

A file containing a record of all statements that attempt to change table data. These statements can be replayed to bring replica servers up to date in a replication scenario, or to bring a database up to date after restoring table data from a backup. The binary logging feature can be turned on and off, although Oracle recommends always enabling it if you use replication or perform backups.

You can examine the contents of the binary log, or replay those statements during replication or recovery, by using the mysqlbinlog command. For full information about the binary log, see The Binary Log. For MySQL configuration options related to the binary log, see Binary Logging Options and Variables.

For the MySQL Enterprise Backup product, the file name of the binary log and the current position within the file are important details. To record this information for the source server when taking a backup in a replication context, you can specify the --slave-info option.

The binary log, if enabled on the server, is backed up by default.

See Also , , .


An informal name for the binary log file. For example, you might see this abbreviation used in e-mail messages or forum discussions.

In this blog, we compare two of the most popular types of backups in MySQL - backups of a physical and logical nature. Curious what they are and how they work? You've come to the right place.

Everyone who has ever backed up data using any kind of RDBMS knows a thing or two about backups. Backups are a central part of data integrity – especially nowadays, when data breaches are happening left and right. Properly tested backups are crucial to any company: once something happens to our data, they help us quickly get back on track. However, some of you may have heard about the differences between backups in database management systems – backups are also classified into a couple of forms unique to themselves. We’re talking about the physical and logical forms – these have their own advantages and downsides: let’s explore those and the differences between the two. This tutorial is geared towards MySQL, but we will also provide some advice that is not exclusive to MySQL.

What are Logical Backups?

Logical backups are backups of data consisting of statements that let the database recreate the data. Think of how you usually take backups within MySQL – no matter if you find yourself using the Export functionality within phpMyAdmin or using mysqldump to back up your most precious data, both of those measures have the same thing in common – they create statements that recreate data, creating logical backups as a result. And that’s exactly what defines logical backups – logical backups aim to recreate data by running SQL statements.

Sometimes though, developers might find themselves in waters where recreation of files is required.

What are Physical Backups?

Physical backups, as you might’ve guessed, copy the “physical” data – files – that comprise a database. As far as MySQL is concerned, the physical backup of MySQL usually consists of a copy of the data directory found here (Windows-based example – in Linux, the directory would be /var/lib/mysql/mysql5.7.36/data):

Logical Backups in MySQL

Taking logical backups within MySQL is easier than you might’ve guessed – think of any part of MySQL that backs up statements to recreate data. Got one? You’ve got yourself a logical backup!

In MySQL, logical backups are taken by:

  • The Export functionality in phpMyAdmin
  • Using mysqldump
  • Or using the SELECT [columns] INTO OUTFILE [path] statement in a specific database:


Contrary to popular belief, the export functionality within phpMyAdmin can offer quite a lot of options to choose from. Users have a variety of options to choose from, including, but not limited to:

  • The ability to choose whether to back up table structure, data, or both;
  • The ability to choose the format of the backup;
  • The option to can lock the tables while data is being written to them;
  • The ability to export tables as separate files;
  • The ability to compress the backup, skip tables larger than a specified value, etc.

Some of the abilities of phpMyAdmin can be seen below:

Since phpMyAdmin is one of the most widely used tools within MySQL, it’s logical (see what we did there?) that it offers a lot of options for both junior developers and experienced DBAs alike (see example above.) phpMyAdmin isn’t anything fancy and it’s been here for decades – yet, its slick UI and rich feature set make it stand out from the crowd.


The next tool in the toolset of a MySQL DBA is, of course, mysqldump itself – the tool works much like the Export functionality within MySQL, just that it’s command line-based. For all of the nitty-gritty details, refer to the first blog of these series, but in a nutshell, mysqldump is once again blessed with an extremely rich set of features including, but not limited to:

  • An ability to let backups continue being performed even if errors are encountered.
  • An ability to only dump the schema within the tables.
  • Only dump data matching a specific WHERE clause.

In order to use mysqldump, we need to be privileged enough to issue SELECT queries, and the syntax would look something similar to the following statement (to be issued before you log in to your database via the CLI on Windows or Linux):

If you’re security minded, keep in mind that you can also prevent yourself from providing a username (-u) and the password (-p) by specifying it in the main configuration file of MySQL under the mysqldump0 heading like so (specify the user and password variables) – doing so will prevent anyone from seeing your username and password in the list of last issued commands in Linux:

For many people, phpMyAdmin and mysqldump provides enough of a grip into the world of backups – however, some might say the capabilities of the tools are a little lacking; those who venture into the world of big data might have to confirm the statement from experience – while both phpMyAdmin and mysqldump can offer powerful methods to back your data up in a fashion that is quicker than usual (mysqldump3 provides developers with the ability to lock tables for a certain time until the backup is finished making its operations significantly quicker), both of those methods have a glaring flaw – the backups they create are riddled with mysqldump4 statements.

There’s nothing “wrong” with mysqldump4 statements per se, but their weakness is that they’re very ill-equipped to handle anything more than a couple million rows at a time: the core reason behind this is that mysqldump4 statements come with a lot of overhead that MySQL has to consider – amongst other things, that includes parsing too. Imagine running 500,000 mysqldump4 queries one after another where MySQL has to complete the following steps:

  1. Start.
  2. Check for permissions.
  3. Open tables.
  4. Initialize the query.
  5. Acquire locks.
  6. Do its work (run the query.)
  7. Finish (“end”) the query.
  8. Close tables.
  9. Clean up.

Complete these steps. Now complete them again and repeat everything for additional 499,998 iterations. Does that sound quick? Sure, if we lock the tables, we might avoid the steps #3 and #8, but our queries will be slow nonetheless – there are a lot of things MySQL has to consider when running mysqldump4 queries. There is a solution, though – we should also look into the mysqldump9 query which is specifically designed for big data sets.


An alternative to mysqldump4 that’s specifically designed for big data sets looks something like this:

SELECT [columns] INTO OUTFILE [path]1

That’s the SELECT [columns] INTO OUTFILE [path]2 query, of course. It’s designed specifically for bulk data loading, and it’s capable of loading data in with “bells and whistles”:

  • It’s able to skip certain lines or columns.
  • It’s able to only load data into specific columns.
  • It comes with significantly less overhead for parsing.

When SELECT [columns] INTO OUTFILE [path]2 is in use, MySQL doesn’t perform as many operations as it does when SELECT [columns] INTO OUTFILE [path]4 is in use, making operations significantly faster. To take a backup of your big data set use its brother – SELECT [columns] INTO OUTFILE [path]5 – like so:

Then use SELECT [columns] INTO OUTFILE [path]2 to load data back into your database (here we also use the SELECT [columns] INTO OUTFILE [path]7 statement to ignore all potential errors – duplicate key issues, etc.):


  • Backups taken by both phpMyAdmin and mysqldump can be simply re-imported into MySQL by using a simple query like so or via the phpMyAdmin interface (remove the -u and -p options if the username and password is specified in my.cnf):
  • To restore a backup taken using mysqldump2, use SELECT [columns] INTO OUTFILE [path]2.

However, while these three options comprise logical backups – the most frequently used form of backups in MySQL – and the process of taking them is quick, easy and straightforward, keep in mind that there’s also another way to accomplish your goals – people can also take backups in a physical form. Such backups copy files containing the data instead of recreating statements that build the data.

Physical Backups in MySQL

Physical backups offer the ability to copy files (physical data) instead of the statements that recreate it. To take a physical backup in MySQL:

  1. Make sure MySQL is shut down (otherwise we’d be copying files that MySQL is still working with.)
  2. Head over to the data directory (entering mysqldump4 while logged in to your MySQL instance will help you see where it is):

  1. Head over to the directory where you’ll store the physical backup, then create a directory inside of it using mysqldump5:
  2. Copy the files named ibdata1 (the main tablespace file of InnoDB), ib_logfile0 and ib_logfile1 (undo and redo logs exclusive to InnoDB) to the directory you just created, then copy the data directory itself. Do note that if the data directory is big, copying operations will take some time.
  3. You just took a physical backup!

If, for some reason, you find yourself using MyISAM (which is obsolete at the time of writing), taking physical backups of it is even easier – you just need to copy the data folder containing your databases, their data (.MYD files) and associated indexes (.MYI files.)

Physical backups can be useful when there’s a necessity to restore everything from a database from some media storage in one go, however, some might call the process of taking them a little tedious. To each their own though.


Physical backups copy the files that the data is based upon – to take a copy of them when using InnoDB, take a copy of the InnoDB tablespace (ibdata1) and the undo & redo logs (ib_logfile0 & ib_logfile1), then the data folder. To back up MyISAM, take a copy of all of the data and index files (.MYD and .MYI files) in the data folder.


MySQL offers everyone a couple of ways to back up data – while the most common option are logical backups that back up statements that recreate the data, indexes, partitions, and all related details, some might make use of physical backups where users copy the data files themselves: each option has its own upsides and downsides, so make sure to try both options out before your plan out your backup strategy. Familiarize yourself with all of the options, then make your own, physical or logical, decision.

We hope that this blog has been informational and that you’ve learned something new, and until next time!

Lukas Vileikis 03 December 2022

Lukas Vileikis 03 December 2022

Backing Up MySQL Part 7: MySQL Enterprise Backup


  • Blogs

In this blog, we walk you through the primary way to take enterprise-level backups in MySQL: MySQL Enterprise Backup. Have a read!… Read more

How to take physical backup in MySQL?

Backup the Database.
Stop the MySQL service. $ sudo systemctl stop mysql..
Create a directory to store the MySQL file backup. Create a parent directory and sub-directories with the current date. ... .
Copy the database file with cp . $ sudo cp -R /var/lib/mysql/. / ... .
Start the database server. $ sudo systemctl start mysql..

What are the different types of backup MySQL?

There are two backup types: physical and logical. Physical (Percona XtraBackup, RDS/LVM Snapshots, MySQL Enterprise Backup), and also you can use cp or rsync command lines to copy the datadir as long as mysql is down/stopped.

How to take physical backup in MariaDB?

Create a Backup.
If you are not running in recovery mode (a Finnix session), stop the mysql service: systemctl stop mysql..
Locate your database directory. ... .
Create a directory to store your backups. ... .
Copy MySQL's data directory to a storage location. ... .
Restart the MySQL service: systemctl restart mysql..

How to take incremental backup in MySQL community edition?

How to Set Up MySQL Incremental Backups?.
Install MySQL Server 8. Install the MySQL database server version 8 by running the following command - apt-get install mysql-server -y. ... .
Enable Binary Logging. ... .
Create a Database and Table. ... .
Take a Full MySQL MySQL Backup. ... .
Take an Incremental MySQL Backup. ... .
Delete a MySQL Database..

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