Which auditing procedure would an auditor most likely perform when obtaining evidence about an entitys subsequent events?

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Which auditing procedure would an auditor most likely perform when obtaining evidence about an entitys subsequent events?

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Which auditing procedure would an auditor most likely perform when obtaining evidence about an entitys subsequent events?

Page 2

Last Updated on February 2, 2022 by Admin 3

  • Examine a sample of transactions that occurred since the year-end to verify the effectiveness of computer controls.
  • Inquire of management whether there have been significant changes in working capital since the year-end. 
  • Recompute depreciation charges for plant assets sold for substantial gains since the year-end.
  • Reperform the tests of controls that indicated significant deficiencies in the operation of internal control.

Explanation: Choice “B” is correct. In obtaining evidence about subsequent events, the auditor would most likely inquire of management whether there have been significant changes in working capital since year-end. Such changes could be indicative of a going concern problem, which would require financial statement disclosure. Choice “A” is incorrect. Subsequent events are material events or transactions occurring subsequent to the balance sheet date, but prior to the issuance of the financial statements, that require adjustment to or disclosure in the financial statements. Reviewing a sample of transactions occurring after year-end to verify the effectiveness of computer controls would not be likely to provide information about subsequent events. Choice “C” is incorrect. Subsequent events are material events or transactions occurring subsequent to the balance sheet date, but prior to the issuance of the financial statements, that require adjustment to or disclosure in the financial statements. Recomputing depreciation related to assets sold after year-end is not likely to provide information about subsequent events. Sales occurring after year-end are not considered to be subsequent events.

Choice “D” is incorrect. Subsequent events are material events or transactions occurring subsequent to the balance sheet date, but prior to the issuance of the financial statements, that require adjustment to or disclosure in the financial statements. Control deficiencies do not fall within this definition, so reperforming tests of controls would not provide evidence about subsequent events.

Which of the following events requires adjustment to the financial statements for the year ended December 31, Year 1?

Loss on an accounts receivable as the result of a customer suffering a deteriorating financial condition that led to bankruptcy filing in January Year 2.A loss is probable because an asset (a receivable) was impaired at the balance sheet date as a result of the bankruptcy filing in January Year 2. A loss is accrued if it can be reasonably estimated. A loss must be disclosed in the notes if it is probable and reasonably possible.

Which of the following procedures would an auditor most likely perform to obtain evidence about the occurrence of subsequent events?

Investigate changes in debt recorded after year end.The auditor should perform procedures with respect to material events or transactions that occur after the balance sheet date but prior to the date of the auditor’s report. Procedures that should be performed include inquiring of management and those charged with governance about whether (1) increases in capital or issuances of debt have occurred, e.g., an issue of new shares or bonds, or (2) an agreement about a merger or liquidation has been made (AU-C 560).

After year end but before completion of the audit, a major investment adviser issued a pessimistic report on Investee Co.’s long-term prospects. The market price for its common stock subsequently declined significantly. What is the effect of this event on the year-end statements?

No financial statement disclosure is necessary.The market price of common stock is not a financial event that affects the fairness or interpretation of the financial statements. Accordingly, no revision of the statements is necessary for changes in the market price of the securities.

Harvey, CPA, is preparing an audit plan to determine the occurrence of subsequent events that may require adjustment or disclosure essential to a fair presentation of the financial statements in accordance with U.S. GAAP. Which one of the following procedures is least appropriate for this purpose?

Which of the following documentation is required for an audit in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards?

A management representation letter.AU-C 580 requires that the auditor obtain certain written representations from management. The written representations confirm certain matters (e.g., oral representations) or support other audit evidence. They complement other audit procedures but do not provide sufficient appropriate evidence or affect the other procedures.

Express an unmodified opinion with disclosure of the event in a separate emphasis-of-matter paragraph of his report.According to AU-C 570, an evaluation should be made as to whether substantial doubt exists about the entity’s ability to continue as a going concern for a reasonable period of time. For U.S. GAAP, the reasonable period is 1 year after the date that the financial statements are issued or are available to be issued. If the auditor reaches this conclusion after identifying conditions and events that create such doubt and after evaluating management’s plans to mitigate their effects, (s)he should consider the adequacy of disclosure and include an emphasis-of-matter paragraph (after the opinion paragraph) in the report. This paragraph should use the phrases “substantial doubt” and “going concern,” but it should not contain conditional language. If the entity’s disclosure is inadequate, the material misstatement requires modification of the opinion. By itself, however, the substantial doubt does not require a modified opinion or a disclaimer of opinion. But AU-C 570 does not preclude issuing a disclaimer of opinion in cases involving uncertainties.

Which of the following procedures should an auditor ordinarily perform regarding subsequent events?

Wilson, CPA, obtained sufficient appropriate audit evidence on which to base the opinion on Abco’s December 31, Year 1, financial statements on March 6, Year 2, the date of the auditor’s report. A subsequently discovered fact requiring revision of the Year 1 financial statements occurred on April 10, Year 2, and came to Wilson’s attention on April 24, Year 2. If the fact became known prior to the report release date, and the revision is made, Wilson’s report ordinarily should be dated

Using duel-dating.A subsequently discovered fact (1) becomes known to the auditor after the report date and (2) may cause the auditor to revise the report. The report date is no earlier than the date when sufficient appropriate evidence is obtained. If such a fact becomes known to the auditor before the report release date, the auditor should (1) discuss the matter with management and (2) determine whether the statements need revision (adjustment or disclosure). If management revises the statements, the auditor should perform the necessary procedures on the revision. The auditor also (1) dates the report as of a later date or (2) dual-dates the report. Dual-dating indicates that the procedures performed subsequent to the original date are limited to the revision. Unless the auditor extends subsequent events procedures to a new date (one presumably later than April 24, Year 2, the date when the subsequently discovered fact became known), the auditor should dual-date the report.

When an auditor concludes there is substantial doubt about a continuing audit client’s ability to continue as a going concern for a reasonable period of time, the auditor’s responsibility is to

Consider the adequacy of disclosure about the client’s possible inability to continue as a going concern.After considering (1) identified conditions and events in the aggregate that raise going concern issues and (2) management’s plans for coping with their adverse effects, the auditor may conclude that a substantial doubt exists about the entity’s ability to continue as a going concern for a reasonable period of time. In that case, the auditor should consider the possible effects on the financial statements and the adequacy of disclosure. The auditor also should include an emphasis-of-matter paragraph in the report.

Under which of the following circumstances would an entity be expected to accrue a loss contingency for the period under audit?

The entity estimated the amount of a claim with a probable adverse outcome before issuance of the audit report.A loss contingency is an existing condition, situation, or set of circumstances involving uncertainty as to possible loss that ultimately will be resolved when one or more future events occur or do not occur. A material contingent loss must be accrued (debit loss, credit liability or asset valuation allowance) when two conditions are met. Based on information available prior to the issuance (or availability for issuance) of the financial statements (and therefore the auditor’s report issued with the statements), accrual is required if (1) it is probable that, at a balance sheet date, an asset has been impaired or a liability has been incurred and (2) the amount of the loss can be reasonably estimated.

Management should address written representations about a firm’s annual audit to the

Auditor.The auditor is required to obtain written representations from management. They confirm certain matters or support other evidence and complement other procedures. But they do not provide sufficient appropriate evidence. They also do not affect the nature or effects of other procedures. Written representations should be in a letter addressed to the auditor and dated as of the date of the auditor’s report. The auditor should possess this letter before release of the auditor’s report. The CEO and CFO usually should sign the letter.

Which of the following procedures would an auditor most likely perform in obtaining evidence about subsequent events?

Inquire of management whether new shares have been issued since the year end.The auditor should perform procedures with respect to material events or transactions that occur after the balance sheet date but prior to the date of the auditor’s report. Procedures that should be performed include inquiring of management and those charged with governance about whether (1) increases in capital or issuances of debt have occurred, e.g., an issue of new shares or bonds, or (2) an agreement about a merger or liquidation has been made (AU-C 560).

To which of the following matters would materiality limits not apply in obtaining written management representations?

Davis, CPA, believes there is substantial doubt about the ability of Hill Co. to continue as a going concern for a reasonable period of time. In evaluating Hill’s plans for dealing with the adverse effects of future conditions and events, Davis most likely will consider, as a mitigating factor, Hill’s plans to

Negotiate reductions in required dividends being paid on preferred stock.Once an auditor has identified conditions and events indicating that a substantial doubt exists about an entity’s ability to continue as a going concern, the auditor should consider management’s plans to mitigate their adverse effects. The auditor should consider managerial actions relating to plans to (1) dispose of assets, (2) borrow money or restructure debt, (3) reduce or delay expenditures, and (4) increase equity. Plans to negotiate reductions in required dividends being paid on preferred stock are intended to increase ownership equity.

Which of the following matters will an auditor most likely include in a management representation letter?

Management’s acknowledgment of its responsibility to detect employee fraud.Management should make specific representations about (1) acknowledgment of its responsibility for designing, implementing, and maintaining internal control to prevent and detect fraud; (2) knowledge of fraud or suspected fraud affecting the entity involving management, employees with significant roles in internal control, or others if the fraud could materially affect the financial statements; and (3) knowledge of allegations of fraud or suspected fraud affecting the entity obtained in communications from employees or others.

A written representation from a client’s management that, among other matters, acknowledges responsibility for the fair presentation of financial statements, should normally be signed by the

CEO & CFOThe management representation letter should be signed by members of management who are responsible for and knowledgeable about the areas covered in the representations. AU-C 580 indicates that these members are normally the chief executive officer and the chief financial officer.

Which of the following expressions most likely would be included in a representation letter by management of an issuer?

No events have occurred subsequent to the balance sheet date that require adjustment to, or disclosure in, the financial statements.AU-C 580 requires that the auditor obtain certain written representations from management. The written representations confirm certain matters (e.g., oral representations) or support other audit evidence. They complement other audit procedures but do not provide sufficient appropriate evidence or affect the other procedures. Information concerning subsequent events is a common matter covered in the letter (AU-C 580).