What are you the ceo of quiz

What type of CEO are you?

Quiz introduction

Think you're head-honcho material? Take our quiz to find out!

What are you the ceo of quiz

It doesn’t matter if you love or hate your job, chances are you've often thought of an imaginary scenario where you’re at the head of the company taking charge of it all, or in other words, you've probably thought about what it would be like to be CEO. You've dreamt about the moment you step into an upgraded office, cancel that overtime everyone hates, deal with problems that current higher-ups ignore and determine the future of employees. But have you ever thought about how you would do this and which management style would characterize you? This is not an easy question to answer since it is closely related to many personal characteristics, both overt and covert. So, in order to find out the answer, we invite you to answer the following questions in the quiz before you, at the end of which you’ll find out what kind of CEO you’d make depending on your character, and what it means in relation to your life in general...

There are 4 essential behaviors that are associated with becoming a high performing CEO. Take this short self-assessment to find your strengths. We also suggest that you ask a colleague to rate you against these questions and compare how your answers stack up against theirs.

The 4 essential behaviors are described in Elena and Kim’s Harvard Business Review Article, What Sets Successful CEOs Apart.

How do you reach the top of a company? Sure, luck, timing and talent play a role, but so does "political savvy, agility in the use of power, and the ability to influence others," notes Kathleen Kelley Reardon, Ph.D., in her book "The Secret Handshake: Mastering the Politics of the Business Inner Circle" (Currency/Doubleday, $14.95). Do you have the political savvy to scale the executive ranks? The following quiz, based on the ideas in Reardon's book, should give you a clue.

What are you the ceo of quiz

While everyone wants the American dream - to make enough money to own a home and raise a family - not everyone wants to make it to the very top of the ladder. If you're thinking about that, it's time to assess whether you're truly suited to the corner office.

I can come off that way but I don't mean to be.

No, I'm just a WINNER. It's your problem if you think I'm a jerk.

Yes, and my idea is better than you idea. OK, well maybe not.

Do you know the name of the person who cleans your office?

Goodness no, but I should.

No, it's some woman, I don't know. Why would I know?

Do you care about the rat race?

I care about success on my terms.

Do you think corporations are evil?

Extremely. I command the room.

Not very. I'm honestly weird.

Among my own kind, I can be.

Not charismatic and don't want to be!

Do you understand every job in your field, even if you couldn't actually do most of them without training?

I actually can do most of them.

No, that's why you delegate.

Goodness no, but that'd be cool.

Do you know how to fail wisely?

I'm picking it up right now.

Extremely. I take time to grieve a loss but then I carry on.

Yes, I bounce right back.

Can you get people on board with your ideas?

No, even though they are great ideas, I can't sell them.

No, sometimes I just can't express myself.

Do you know how to mentor?

Do you know how to run a meeting?

Yes. Efficiently but with space for ideas, and ensuring everyone speaks.

No, we get sidetracked when I'm in charge.

Yes, I write an agenda and stick to it and I'm the only one who gets to interrupt.

Please don't make me run it.

If I absolutely have to be.

Not as much as I should be.

Yes, that's how you get to the top.

How informed are you about trends in your industry?

I read the trades, go to conferences, and have a massive contact base.

I make the trends, so, a lot.

I don't care, I'm answering the phone.

Do you understand the value of diversity, or is that just a buzzword to you?

It's essential to a profitable business that it taps the best talent. This cannot be done through denying our own biases. It takes proactive work and seeking out the top people where they are, not where we expect them to be.

I haven't thought about it, but it makes sense.

I get it but no one around me seems to.

Do you tend to hire in your own image?

I try really hard not to.

Yes, but my idea of my image isn't about some bro from the "right" frat, it's about a creative thinker who might look different and not have that fancy piece of paper, but we still get each other.

Yes, I just call whoever went to my B school.

I hire whoever seems competent.

Yes, except I can be nervous in crowds.

I certainly make sure I get credit.

How's your public speaking?

Honed by years of practice

Depends on the crowd. I can't adjust easily.

Which matters more: your idea being chosen, or the best idea being chosen?

My idea with input from others

I don't care, whatever the boss wants.

Do you dwell on your mistakes?

Do you think you're the smartest person at your company?

I know I'm not. I want the smartest people, especially if they are better than me.

I probably am joint smartest.

I am generous and also kind.

I am not very kind, to be honest. It's not that I'm mean, I just don't think of it.

I am generous but not kind.

Do you remember names easily - and if not, do you have a system to remember them?

I have no system and I don't remember the names either, so I call everyone, male or female, "Hey guy".

I am good at it but have no system in case I forget.

Do you mind working through the weekend sometimes?

No, but I refuse to fall into presenteeism for its own sake.

I will work every hour God sends unless someone stops me.

Absolutely! Long hours prove commitment.

Not unless they force me to.