When you are obtaining information for an appointment you should include the?

Appointments are activities that you schedule in your calendar that do not involve inviting other people or reserving resources. You can turn an appointment into a meeting by adding attendees. 

  1. From your Calendar folder, select New Appointment or click Ctrl+N. From any other folder, click Ctrl+Shift+A. 

  2. Enter a subject, location, start time, and end time. 

  3. Select Save & Close to save your appointment.

Note: By default, Outlook starts and ends appointments on the hour or the half hour. If you'd like to enter a custom time, for example 12:22 p.m., click in the start or end time fields and type in the exact time you need.

When you are obtaining information for an appointment you should include the?
If you use Outlook for iOS, your mobile device can remind you when you need to leave to make it to your appointments on time.

Turn on Time To Leave

  1. From Outlook for iOS, select Settings > Time To Leave.

  2. Select a supported account, then use the slider to enable Time To Leave.

Note: Time To Leave is not yet available for Outlook for Android. Only Office 365, Outlook.com, and some Gmail accounts are supported.

  1. Select New Appointment. Alternately, you can right-click a time block in your calendar grid and click New Appointment, double-click any blank area of the Calendar, or use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Shift+A.

    When you are obtaining information for an appointment you should include the?

  2. In the Subject box, enter a description.

  3. In the Location box, enter the location.

  4. Enter the start and end times.

    Tip: You can type specific words and phrases in the Start time and End time boxes instead of dates. For example, you can type Today, Tomorrow, New Year’s Day, Two Weeks from Tomorrow, Three days before New Year's Day, and most holiday names.

  5. To show others your availability during this time, in the Options group, select the Show As box and then select Free, Working Elsewhere, Tentative, Busy or Out of Office from the drop-down.

  6. To make the appointment recurring, in the Options group, select Recurrence

    When you are obtaining information for an appointment you should include the?
    . Select the frequency (Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly) that the appointment recurs, and then select options for the frequency. Click OK.

    Note: Adding a recurrence to an appointment changes the Appointment tab to say Appointment Series.

  7. By default, a reminder appears 15 minutes before the appointment start time. To change when the reminder appears, in the Options group, select the Reminder box arrow and then select the new reminder time. To turn the reminder off, select None.

  8. Select Save & Close.

Tip: If you want to change an appointment to a meeting, select Invite Attendees from the Attendees group in the ribbon.

There are two ways to create an appointment or a meeting from an email message.

  • Right-click an email in your inbox, then select Quick Steps > New Meeting. An appointment will open with the email message as an attachment, and you can add attendees to turn the appointment into a meeting.

  • Click to select the email message in your message list, then choose Reply with Meeting from the Ribbon. This creates a new meeting request with the message sender on the To line and the email message included in the body of the meeting request.

Schedule a meeting with other people

Find a conference room

Create a meeting or appointment from an email message

When you are obtaining information for an appointment you should include the?
When you are obtaining information for an appointment you should include the?
When you are obtaining information for an appointment you should include the?

A basic plan can help you make the most of your appointment whether you are starting with a new doctor or continuing with the doctor you’ve seen for years. The following tips will make it easier for you and your doctor to cover everything you need to talk about.

Make a list and prioritize your concerns

Make a list of what you want to discuss. For example, do you have a new symptom you want to ask the doctor about? Do you want to get a flu shot? Are you concerned about how a treatment is affecting your daily life? If you have more than a few items to discuss, put them in order and ask about the most important ones first. Don’t put off the things that are really on your mind until the end of your appointment—bring them up right away! The Talking With Your Doctor worksheets can help.

Take information with you to the doctor

Some doctors suggest you put all your prescription drugs, over-the-counter medicines, vitamins, and herbal remedies or supplements in a bag and bring them with you. Others recommend you bring a list of everything you take and the dose. You should also take your insurance cards, names and phone numbers of other doctors you see, and your medical records if the doctor doesn’t already have them.

Consider bringing a family member or friend to the doctor's office

When you are obtaining information for an appointment you should include the?

Read and share this infographic and spread the word about ways that may help foster healthy aging.

Sometimes it is helpful to bring a family member or close friend with you. Let your family member or friend know in advance what you want from your visit. Your companion can remind you what you planned to discuss with the doctor if you forget. She or he can take notes for you and can help you remember what the doctor said.

Don't let your companion take too strong a role. The visit is between you and the doctor. You may want some time alone with the doctor to discuss personal matters. If you are alone with the doctor during or right after the physical exam, this might be a good time to raise private concerns. Or, you could ask your family member or friend to stay in the waiting room for part of the appointment. For the best results, let your companion know in advance how he or she can be most helpful.

Your first meeting is a good time to talk with the doctor and the office staff about some communication basics.

Introduce yourself. When you see the doctor and office staff, introduce yourself and let them know by what name you prefer to be called. For example: “Hello, my name is Mrs. Martinez,” or “Good morning, my name is Bob Smith. Please call me Bob.”

Ask how the office runs. Learn what days are busiest and what times are best to call. Ask what to do if there is an emergency, or if you need a doctor when the office is closed.

Share your medical history. Tell the doctor about your illnesses, operations, medical conditions, and other doctors you see. You may want to ask the doctor to send you a copy of the medical history form before your visit so you can fill it out at home, where you have the time and information you need to complete it. If you have problems understanding how to fill out any of the forms, ask for help. Some community organizations provide this kind of help.

Share former doctors’ names. Give the new doctor all of your former doctors’ names and addresses, especially if they are in a different city. This is to help your new doctor get copies of your medical records. Your doctor will ask you to sign a medical release form giving him or her permission to request your records.

Let your doctor know what has happened in your life since your last visit. If you have been treated in the emergency room or by a specialist, tell the doctor right away. Mention any changes you have noticed in your appetite, weight, sleep, or energy level. Also tell the doctor about any recent changes in any medications you take or the effects they have had on you. Use these worksheets to organize your questions and information when talking with your doctor.

Be sure you can see and hear as well as possible

Many older people use glasses or need aids for hearing. Remember to take your eyeglasses to the doctor’s visit. If you have a hearing aid, make sure that it is working well and wear it. Let the doctor and staff know if you have a hard time seeing or hearing. For example, you may want to say: “My hearing makes it hard to understand everything you’re saying. It helps a lot when you speak slowly and face me when you're talking.”

Request an interpreter if you need one

If the doctor you selected or were referred to doesn’t speak your language, ask the doctor’s office to provide an interpreter. Even though some English-speaking doctors know basic medical terms in Spanish or other languages, you may feel more comfortable speaking in your own language, especially when it comes to sensitive subjects, such as sexuality or depression. Call the doctor’s office ahead of time, as they may need to plan for an interpreter to be available.

Always let the doctor, your interpreter, or the staff know if you do not understand your diagnosis or the instructions the doctor gives you. Don’t let language barriers stop you from asking questions or voicing your concerns.

  • Consider telling your interpreter what you want to talk about with your doctor before the appointment.
  • If your language is spoken in multiple countries, such as Spanish, and your interpreter does not come from the same country or background as you, use universal terms to describe your symptoms and communicate your concerns.
  • Make sure your interpreter understands your symptoms or condition so that he or she can correctly translate your message to the doctor. You don’t want the doctor to prescribe the wrong medication!
  • Don’t be afraid to let your interpreter know if you did not understand something that was said, even if you need to ask that it be repeated several times.

Read about this topic in Spanish. Lea sobre este tema en español.

For more information about getting ready to visit the doctor