What should I start doing when pregnant?

Folic acid significantly reduces your baby’s risk of neural tube defects, such as spina bifida. 

If you are pregnant, start taking 400 micrograms of folic acid as a supplement as soon as possible until the end of the first trimester (week 12 of your pregnancy).

Some people may need a higher dose of folic acid, for example if you have diabetes or epilepsy. This is only available on prescription. Find out more about folic acid.

You are also recommended to take a Vitamin D supplement during pregnancy and during breastfeeding. This helps your baby develop healthy bones, teeth and muscles. 

These 2 supplements are the only ones you need in pregnancy, alongside a healthy, balanced diet. 

Find out more about pregnancy supplements. 

Eat well 

Having a balanced diet and eating well during pregnancy means having a good variety of foods, such as fruit and vegetable, meat, cheese, potatoes, beans and pulses. This will ensure you have the energy and nutrients you and your baby need during pregnancy. 

If you feel you are struggling to follow a healthy diet during pregnancy, ask your midwife or GP for support. They might be able to refer you to a dietitian to help you. 

Read all about how to eat well in pregnancy.

Stay active

Staying active during pregnancy is great for you and your baby. It can help you sleep better, reduce anxiety and help you stay healthy through pregnancy. 

If you were active before you became pregnant, you can continue at the same level. But listen to your body and slow down if you begin to feel uncomfortable. If you didn’t exercise much before you became pregnant, build up slowly and aim for 30 minutes each day. 

Exercise does not have to be strenuous to make a difference. Even gentle walks are good.

Read all about exercise and pregnancy.

Avoid diving or playing contact sports

Most exercise is safe and healthy to continue during pregnancy. But there are some activities you should not do.  

Read about activities that are best to avoid during pregnancy. 

Monitor your baby’s movements

Feeling your baby move is a sign that they are well. You usually start to feel your baby moving when you’re between 18 and 24 weeks. If this is your first baby, you might not feel movements until after 20 weeks.

The movements can feel like a gentle swirling or fluttering. As your pregnancy progresses, you may feel kicks and jerky movements.

Get to know your baby’s pattern of movements and contact your midwife or maternity unit immediately if you think these have slowed down, stopped or changed. You should feel your baby move right up to and during labour.  

Find out more about monitoring your baby’s movements. 

Go to sleep on your side in the third trimester

Our advice is to go sleep on your side in the third trimester because research has shown that this is safer for your baby.  This includes night sleep and daytime naps. If you wake up on your back, try not to worry, just settle back to sleep on your side. 

Find out more about sleeping on your side in the third trimester. 

Take care of your mental health

Your mental health is just as important as your physical health during pregnancy. Being pregnant is an emotional experience and it can be normal to experience mood swings or feel low from time to time. However, it’s important that you ask for help if these feelings become unmanageable or last longer than a couple of weeks. 

You won’t be judged for how you feel. As many as 1 in 5 women develop mental health issues when they are pregnant and up to a year after birth. Your pregnancy care team understand that mental health conditions can affect anyone at any time. 

Find out more about taking care of your mental wellbeing during pregnancy. 

Consider having vaccinations that are offered

You’ll be offered vaccinations during pregnancy.

The whooping cough vaccine

Whooping cough (pertussis) is a respiratory infection that develops into severe coughing fits. This illness can be very severe, especially in very young babies. Pregnant people are recommended to have the vaccine to protect their baby until they are old enough to have their first vaccinations. 

The best time to get vaccinated to protect your baby is from week 16 up to 32 weeks of pregnancy. But you can have the vaccine anytime from 16 weeks right up until labour. However, it may be less effective if you have it after 38 weeks.  

There are no recommendations in the UK for your partner to have this vaccine.

The flu vaccine (between September and February) 

All pregnant people are recommended to have the flu vaccine, whatever stage of pregnancy you are at. This is because having the flu in pregnancy can cause complications, particularly in the later stages of pregnancy. 

Read more about having these vaccinations in pregnancy.

Covid-19 vaccine

Pregnant people are recommended to have their COVID-19 vaccination as soon as possible. Find out more about the COVID-19 vaccine in pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Carry your pregnancy notes with you

It’s a good idea to carry your antenatal notes everywhere you go as they contain all your medical and pregnancy history. This is particularly important if you need to go to the maternity unit, especially at short notice. 

Make sure you’re prepared if you travel abroad

If you’re flying abroad make sure your travel insurance covers you for any pregnancy complications and take your maternity notes with you.

Long-distance travel (more than 4 hours) may increase the risk of deep vein thrombosis (DVT) or blood clots. Try to:

  • wear compression or support stockings (available from the pharmacy or the airport), which will help reduce leg swelling
  • drink plenty of water
  • move around often. 

If you intend to fly after 28 weeks check the airline’s policy. They may ask for a letter from your doctor or midwife confirming your due date, and that you aren't at risk of complications. Find out more about flying in pregnancy. 

Be aware of red-flag symptoms

There are some symptoms that should always be checked with a midwife or doctor as they could be a sign that the baby is unwell. This include:

You should always contact your midwife if you feel that something is wrong with you or the baby. Even if you don't know exactly what it is. It's important to trust your instincts in pregnancy.

Things to avoid during your pregnancy

Try not to ‘eat for two’

Your baby will take all they need from you as they grow, so there’s no need for extra calories in the first or second trimester. In the third trimester, you might need an extra 200 calories if you are active. This is the equivalent to around half a sandwich. 

Find out more about how much to eat in pregnancy. 

Avoid losing weight during pregnancy 

Cutting out food groups to try to lose weight may stop your baby getting nutrients they need for growth. Instead of restricting your diet, the best thing to do is manage your weight through eating a healthy, balanced diet, with a variety of foods from each of the main food groups. 

Find out more about managing your weight during pregnancy. 

Avoid certain foods during pregnancy  

Some foods carry a small risk of infections during pregnancy, such as toxoplasmosis or listeriosis. These infections are rare but can cause problems for your developing baby. 

Take a look at our list of foods to avoid during pregnancy. 

You may also find it useful to read more about how to avoid infections during pregnancy.

Avoid caffeine

High levels have been linked to pregnancy complications, so it is best to limit your caffeine intake as much as possible. 

The current NHS guidelines recommend that you should have less than 200mg a day. This is about 2 cups of instant coffee. 

Find out your daily caffeine intake with our caffeine calculator.

If you smoke, try to quit 

If you smoke, quitting is one of the best things you can do for you and your baby. 

Smoking during pregnancy increases the risk of serious complications in pregnancy, including miscarriage, stillbirth and premature birth. 

Quitting smoking can be difficult, but it’s never too late to stop. Get support to quit smoking.

Avoid drinking alcohol 

Drinking in pregnancy can lead to long-term harm to the baby. The more you drink, the greater the risk. There is no known safe level for drinking alcohol during pregnancy, so it’s best to avoid it completely during pregnancy.  

Find out more about drinking alcohol during pregnancy. 

Stay away from recreational drugs 

Cocaine, meta-amphetamines, cannabis, psychoactive substances (so called ‘legal highs’) are all likely to increase risks of health problems.

If you are taking illegal drugs, it is important to talk to your midwife or doctor. They will not judge you and can give you the right care and support during your pregnancy. The more they know, the more they can help you and your baby to get the right treatment.

You can also get confidential (they will not speak to anyone else about your drug-use) extra support from Talk to Frank. 

Before your little bundle of joy arrives, you’re responsible for helping them grow in a nurturing, healthy environment.

This list of pregnancy do’s and don’ts can shed some light on what you should worry about — and what you really shouldn’t fret over.

Eating a balanced diet that’s rich in vitamins and minerals is the best way to provide your body with all of the healthy nutrients it needs to support a growing baby. A healthy diet alone, however, may not be enough for pregnancy.

Prenatal vitamins contain higher levels of certain nutrients that expectant mothers require at higher doses, such as:

These vitamins assist with proper development of the fetus and help prevent birth defects. Your doctor can help you find a multivitamin or a series of vitamins that are best for you.

A multivitamin will usually include DHA, EPA, or both. These are omega-3 fats that are important for your baby’s proper brain development.

Don’t take more than one dose of multivitamins, though. Some vitamins in higher amounts can be harmful to the baby.

Shop for multivitamins online.

2. Do get lots of sleep

Changing hormone levels, anticipation, and anxiety can make sleep elusive during your 9 months of pregnancy. Pregnancy is demanding, especially in the final trimester, and you’ll need your sleep.

Take a quick snooze if you feel tired and schedule naps whenever you can. Set bedtimes and stick to them.

Aim for 7-9 hours of shut-eye each night. Fatigue is a sign that your body needs more rest, so give yourself all the sleep you can.

3. Do work out

Gone are the days of pregnant women avoiding lifting a finger during their pregnancies: We now know that exercise is good for mama and baby.

In fact, regular exercise may help you combat many of the issues that arise during pregnancy, including:

  • insomnia
  • muscle pain
  • excessive weight gain
  • mood problems

If you regularly exercised before you became pregnant, keep it up. Talk with your doctor about any adjustments you should make to your routine, especially as you move into your second and third trimesters.

If you didn’t exercise regularly before you found out you were expecting, ask your doctor about incorporating a fitness routine into your day. They can guide you into a program that’s safe and comfortable for you and your growing baby.

4. Do eat seafood

Seafood is loaded with vitamins and minerals, such as heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids, zinc, and iron. These are all important for both mom and baby. But undercooked or raw seafood can cause some problems.

Seafood may carry harmful bacteria and viruses, which are eliminated when thoroughly cooked. Also, pregnant women should avoid raw fish and fish that may contain high levels of mercury.

Examples of fish containing high levels of mercury include:

  • shark
  • swordfish
  • tilefish
  • king mackerel

Eat a variety of seafood so you don’t have a concentration of minerals from one type of fish. Eat no more than 12 ounces of fish per week.

5. Do have sex

Sex during pregnancy is fine, as long as you don’t have a complicating factor such as placenta previa or another type of high-risk pregnancy.

Sex is safe with your partner right up until your water breaks. If you have discomfort you may have to try new positions. Talk with your doctor if you have any questions about the safety of intercourse during your pregnancy.

6. Do practice yoga

You should avoid Bikram or hot yoga, but other yoga modalities are fine when you’re expecting. Seek out prenatal or gentle yoga classes that are designed for mothers-to-be. Instructors in these classes will know which poses are best and which you should avoid.

If you weren’t doing yoga before you became pregnant, talk with your doctor before signing up for a class. While it’s possible you can start, it’s best to go over the risks and concerns with your doctor.

Shop for yoga mats now.

7. Do get a flu shot

Pregnant women can and should get a flu vaccine as long as you don’t have a contraindication as noted by the manufacturer.

The injection isn’t a live virus. You cannot get the flu from the flu vaccine. If you were to contract influenza during your pregnancy, the risk of severe side effects is greater than in women of the same age who aren’t pregnant.

The vaccine will protect you as well as your developing fetus.

8. Do gain weight smartly

The “eat for two” advice to expecting mothers isn’t a license to eat whatever you’d like. Instead, women need to be strategic about what they eat and how much.

Gaining a lot of weight during pregnancy may do more harm to your baby than good. During your first trimester, you only need about 100 extra calories a day to support your growing fetus.

By your third trimester, that additional calorie number is closer to 300 to 500 per day.

9. Do visit your dentist

Trips to the dentist’s office were avoided for decades for fear that an oral cleaning might cause bacteria to spread and lead to an infection. Now we know that’s just not the case.

In fact, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists recommends that expectant mothers have a routine oral health assessment while pregnant, along with regular dental cleanings. Be sure to tell your dentist that you’re pregnant.

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Babies born to women who smoke during pregnancy are more likely to have a lower birth weight and are at a greater risk for learning disabilities than children born to nonsmoking mothers.

Additionally, children born to women who smoke are more likely to try smoking at a younger age and become regular smokers earlier, due to physiologic nicotine addiction.

11. Don’t drink alcohol

Alcohol may greatly impact your baby’s development. People who drink alcohol while pregnant could deliver a baby with fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS).

Symptoms of FAS include:

  • low birth weight
  • learning disabilities
  • behavior problems
  • lagging patterns in terms of growth and development milestones

Even small amounts of alcohol can be a problem. There appears to be no safe level of alcohol intake in pregnancy.

If you need help stopping drinking while you’re pregnant, talk with your doctor as soon as possible. The sooner you get help, the healthier your baby is likely to be.

12. Don’t eat raw meat

Raw and undercooked meat and eggs carry the risk of foodborne illness, such as listeriosis and toxoplasmosis. Food poisoning is also a possibility.

These conditions can cause serious, life-threatening illnesses that could lead to severe birth defects and even miscarriage. Make sure all eggs and meat that you eat while pregnant are well-cooked.

13. Don’t eat deli meat

Deli meats — including hot dogs, sausages, smoked salmon, and other cured meats — can cause foodborne illness, such as listeriosis and toxoplasmosis.

Meats that are sliced have far more surface area for bacterial growth. Thoroughly cooking these processed proteins well reduces your risk.

It’s also important to eat pasteurized (not raw) milk and cheese. Always wash produce to help eliminate harmful bacteria.

14. Don’t eat unpasteurized milk products

Calcium is very important for growing babies, but moms have to be careful how they get their calcium from dairy.

Raw milk isn’t recommended for expecting mothers since it’s unpasteurized. This means it hasn’t been heated to kill bacteria that could make you ill.

Specifically, raw milk may contain the bacteria Listeria. It can lead to illness, miscarriage, or even life-threatening consequences.

15. Don’t sit in a hot tub or sauna

Though relaxing, the high-heat environment of hot tubs, Jacuzzis, and saunas may be too dangerous for expecting mothers.

In fact, research suggests that using one of these during your first trimester may double your risk of miscarriage. Soaking in hot water can raise body temperature and this causes problems with the baby including increasing the risk of birth defects.

16. Don’t drink a lot of caffeine

Caffeine can travel through the placenta and increase your baby’s heart rate.

Current research suggests that women can safely consume a cup or two of coffee each day, but forego downing a triple-shot latte while you’re carrying.

17. Don’t clean the cat’s litter box

Pet your furry friend all you like and wash your hands afterward — but don’t clean a cat’s litter box.

Feline waste is filled with millions of bacteria and parasites. One in particular,Toxoplasma gondii, is particularly dangerous to expecting mothers.

If you contract it, you may never know until you begin having complications with your pregnancy. A miscarriage or stillbirth is possible. Babies who contract this parasite may face serious health problems, including seizures and mental disabilities.

Need a solution? Shop for self-cleaning litter boxes.