What is the difference between law and ethics Why are laws and ethics relevant to information security?

The main difference between law and ethics is that one will not get punished for not following social ethics, but will rather get socially isolated, whereas one will get punished for not following the law. Moreover, ethics stand as the fundamental principles for laws in a country.

Law and ethics enhance social decorum and standards in society. Consequently, people can lead quality lives with peace and harmony. In a way, ethics and law are related since ethics originated first in society, which then influenced the formulation of the laws.

Key Areas Covered

1. What is Law
     – Definition, Characteristics
2. What is Ethics
     – Definition, Characteristics
3. What are the Similarities Between Law and Ethics
     – Outline of Common Features
4. What is the Difference Between Law and Ethics
     – Comparison of Key Differences

Key Terms

Decorum, Ethics, Law, Society, Sociology

What is the difference between law and ethics Why are laws and ethics relevant to information security?

What is Law

Law can be defined as the system of rules which a particular country or community recognizes as regulating the actions of its members. Consequently, the law is followed by penalties or punishments for the violation of these enforced rules or regulations.

Moreover, it is the ruling authority of a country (the state) or community that enforces these particular laws according to the desire of the majority of the citizens; penalties such as sanctions and punishments are enforced on those who do not abide by those laws. By that manner, laws act as guiding pillars for the maintenance of a just and fair society.

What is the difference between law and ethics Why are laws and ethics relevant to information security?

Hence, the term justice stands as a core term and concept in law as well. Moreover, it is the ruling authorities of a state or a community that creates and enforces these rules and regulations. They can be formulated in the forms of constitutions, treaties, Acts, local laws, statutes, executive orders, etc. Overall, they state what a person should and should not do. Furthermore, the law is something that exists in every aspect of a person’s life.

What is Ethics

In brief, ethics is a system of moral principles. These contribute to creating morality among the people in a particular society or a community. Merriam Webster defines ethics as “the discipline dealing with what is good and bad and with moral duty and obligation or a theory or system of moral values”. Overall, ethics teach the way human beings should behave.

Moreover, the term ethics originated from the Greek word ethos that means custom, character or disposition. Ethics enables us to think in moral terms and work according to moral terms. Likewise, it improves the moral standards in a particular country or a community. Laws framed by the state also aim at the same.

What is the difference between law and ethics Why are laws and ethics relevant to information security?

Hence, ethics differ according to the individual, his social background, etc. However, ethics defines what are morally good and acceptable from a majority of society. In addition, social beliefs and religious teaching act as the foundation for ethics in society.

  • Both aim at creating a society where everyone has better quality living
  • Accordingly, they aim at guiding people on how to behave in a manner that will benefit themselves as well as others around them.

Law is the set of rules and regulations created and enforced by the administrative authority of a society/country with the intention of regulating human behaviour for the common good. On the other hand, ethics are the moral principles that govern a person’s behaviour or the conducting of an activity. Thus, this is the main difference between law and ethics.


The purpose of the law is to create an orderly society devoid of evil and injustice. The purpose of ethics is also the same as law; to create morally right people in society so that it will elevate the spirituality and the overall living standards of mankind.


Moreover, punishment is a major difference between law and ethics. Punishment is a core element in law; it aims to create order and justice to everyone while punishing the wrong and highlighting the right. Ethics do not necessarily possess punishments since they are religious and social beliefs and principles. However, those who do not follow the accepted ethics may be considered as immoral or not good by the others in society as well.


Law and ethics are essential factors for the quality of life in a community. The main difference between law and ethics is that one will not get punished for not following the social ethics, but will rather get socially isolated, whereas one will get punished for not following the rules. Hence, ethics stand as the fundamental principles for laws in a country.


1. “Ethics – Introduction to Ethics: Ethics: a General Introduction.” BBC, BBC, Available here.
2. “Law.” Encyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., 8 Feb. 2018, Available here.

Image Courtesy:

1. “Law3” By Rifqi Jamil – Own work (CC BY-SA 3.0) via Commons Wikimedia
2. “2110624” (CC0) via Pixabay

What is the difference between law and ethics Why are laws and ethics relevant to information security?

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What is the difference between law and ethics?

Laws and ethics are guidelines and rules in society. Ethics originated from the society which leads to the development of laws. These two terms are closely related and slightly different.

The main difference between law and ethics is that ethics are the moral values and principles that are adapted socially from the surrounding while Laws are the rules and regulations that are set by the authorities. 

The article provides the core difference between law and ethics in a tabular form to enhance easy understanding. Let’s find out more:

What is the difference between law and ethics Why are laws and ethics relevant to information security?

What Is Law?

Law is a set of rules and regulations enforced by the authority to control human behaviours for the common good.

Violation of these rules and regulations tend to result in penalties or punishment from the court of law. Examples of penalties are sanctions and punishment is imprisonment.

However, these laws can easily be changed according to the need and demand of maintaining certain conditions in a society.

What Is Ethics?

Ethics are moral values and principles that govern the behaviour of an individual. Ethics help to choose what is right and wrong.

Ethics are highly susceptible to changes due to new inventions, ideas and information. It also tends to vary from nation to nation, culture to culture and country to country.

The good news is that failure to adhere to the ethics do not result in penalties and punishment. However, it fosters one self-respect.

Comparison Chart: Law Vs Ethics

Basic TermsLaw Ethics
DefinitionRefers to a set of rules and regulation that govern behaviour in society and they enforced by authorityRefers to morals and principles that control the behaviour of individuals in society.
CodesIndividuals are required to obey themIndividuals are required to conform to them
Governed ByGovernmentIndividual, Legal and Professional norms
ViolationLead to penalties and punishmentNo penalties and punishment
TypeOccur in a written documentTend to be non-written
MakersLawyers and legislatureReligious leaders, philosophers, and elders
ApplicationCountry, state and place of crimeUniversal and can be applied anywhere
ObjectiveMaintain social order and peace in the societyHelp people to choose what is right or wrong
Bindinglegal bindingDo not have a binding thing
  • It is enforced.
  • It needs to be published.
  • It is consistent.
  •  It needs to be obeyed.
  •  It cannot be enforced.
  •  It need not be published.
  •  It may or may not be consistent.
  • It is not necessary to obey.

Main Difference between Law and Ethics

  1. Laws are a set of rules and regulations enforced by the government or authorities while ethics are morals and principles adapted by society from the environment.
  2. Failure to follow laws can result in penalties and punishment while ethics do not attract penalties and punishment.
  3. Laws are made by lawyers and legislature whereas ethics by religious leaders, philosophers and elders in the family.
  4. Laws are a must to be followed while ethics are values to be considered to be a positive attitude to follow.
  5. Ethics are prone to changes due to new inventions, ideas and information whereas laws can be changed by authorities based on demand and need for maintaining certain conditions in the society.
  6. Laws are made from ethics as a guiding principle while ethics are moral values of oneself or society
  7. Laws tend to be the same in a country while ethics tend to vary from one city to another.
  8. Religion tends to have a direct impact on ethics while it may or may not have an impact on laws.
  9. Laws are in a written document whereas ethics are not written
  10. The court is responsible to decide which law has been broken whereas society judge someone based on ethical issues.
  11. Laws create a legal binding while ethics do not have a binding thing

Read More: Difference between Articles of Confederation and Constitution

Comparison Video


The core difference between law and ethics is that disobey of law attract penalties and punishment while ethics there is no punishment but result in social isolation. However, ethics are a fundamental principle of law.

More Sources and References

  • https://courses.lumenlearning.com/wm-retailmanagement/chapter/difference-between-laws-and-ethics/
  • https://medicine.missouri.edu/centers-institutes-labs/health-ethics/faq/law