What particular component of physical fitness that deals with the quality of plasticity which gives the ability to do a wide range of movement?

- 1 -PHYSICAL EDUCATION IPhysical education has existed since the earliest stages of humanity, in areas as simpleas the transmission of knowledge of basic survival skills, such as hunting. However, thereal history of P. E. is in the changing methodologies used to transmit physical skills andto a lesser extent the varying intentions of the educator.The first known literary reference to an athletic competition is preserved in theancient Greek text , the Iliad, by Homer. This mark the beginning of physical activity animportant point in the study of the history of physical education. The ancient Greektradition of the Olympic Games, which originate in the early 8thcentury B.C., evencontinues today. The father of modern physical education that we know of today wasFriedrich Ludwig Jahn.LEGAL BASIS OF PHYSICAL EDUCATIONArticle I of the International Charter of Physical education and Sports, UNSECO, Paris1978 and recommendation I, interdisciplinary Regional meeting of experts on P.E.,UNSECO, Brisbane, Australia, 1982. States that :“The practice of P.E. and Sports is a Fundamental right for all: ““And this right should not be treat as different in principle from the right to adequatefood, shelter, and medical care.”Article XIV, section 19, 1986 Constitution of the Republic of the Philippines –“ The states shall promote P.E. and encourage sports programs, league competitions,and amateur sports including training for International competition to foster self-discipline, teamwork, and excellence for the development of a healthy and alert citizenry.“All educational institutions shall undertake regular sports activities throughout thecountry and in cooperation with athletic club and other sectors.”THE MEANING OF PHYSICAL EDUCATIONTime was when P.E. was considered as education of the physical, hence , a well– built physique was considered as a physically educated body. The activities then weresuch terms as drill, physical training and calisthenics. This old concept of P.E. would inall respect mean today as strengthening the muscles.The newer and modern concept of P.E. is that it is education trough physicalactivities. In modern P.E. parlance it is education trough movements.Physical education performs three functions:1.Biologic- refers to the enhancement of the individual’s growth and developmenttrough body movement.2.Integrative- refers to personality integration achieve through participation inproperly selected physical education activities.3.Social- consists of transmitting values and standards that are consistent withneeds and ideals of society.DEFINITION OF P.E.Is an integral part of the educational program designed to promote the optimumdevelopment of the individual physically, socially, emotionally, and mentally through totalbody movement in the performance of properly selected physical activities.
–refers to the soundness of the heart and lungs which contribute to theability to resist disease.2.Endurance–is the ability to sustain long continued contractions where a numberof muscle groups are used: the capacity to bear or last in a certain tasks without unduefatigue.3.Strength–is the capacity to sustain the application of force without yielding orbreaking; the ability of the muscles to exert effort against a resistance.4. Power–refers to the ability of the muscles to release maximum force in the shortestperiod of time.5.Flexibility–is a quality of plasticity which gives the ability to do a wide rangeof movement.6.Agility–is the ability of an individual to change direction or position in space withquickness and lightness of movement.7. Balance–is the ability to control organicequipment neuro-muscularly; a state of equilibrium.8. Speed–is the ability to make successive movement of the same kind in the shortestperiod of time.GymnasticsTherapeutic or Remedial Gymnastics-is a series of selected exercises thathelps relieve physical discomfort or restore function to disabled peopleEducational Gymnastics-is a program that challenges students to master tacticsinvolving strength, rhythm, flexibility, balance and agility.Competitive Gymnastics-consists of prescribed sets of events for men and women,each of which is scored separately in order to determine the winner.Meaning Of GymnasticsGymnastics is defined as a self-motivatingactivity where one can manipulate thedifferentparts of the body in varied movement.Gymnastics are exercises based onscientific principle.Gymnastics is the performance ofsystematic exercises ofen with the use of light andother heavy gymnastics apparatus.Objective of Gymnastics1.Improve and maintain a physically fit body.2.Improve efficiently of movement through grace, poise, dignity, form and rhythm.3.Improve social development like courage, initiative, determination, andperseverance.4.Correction of minor posture defects.