What is the most common ladies ring size

The average ring size for women is Size 7. The average ring size for men is Size 10.

We are often asked what is an average or "normal" ring size for a man or woman. As with most things in life, there is no such thing as "normal" and we see a huge diversity of sizes in our orders from My Irish Jeweler customers around the world.

The short answer to that question is no! Not in our experience. Hands, just like people, can be very different. Some people have long thin fingers, others have shorter wider fingers and some have larger knuckles. And your own ring size can even fluctuate depending on what hand you measure (your dominant hand is often larger), the time of day you measure (smaller in the morning), and how warm you are (your hand gets bigger as you get warmer). And of course your ring size can fluctuate if you lose or gain weight! But it can be helpful to know what the average ring size and the typical range of sizes to make sure you have an accurate sizing for yourself.

What is the most common ladies ring size

This scale goes from a Size 0 to a Size 16. Are you more familiar with the letter system in use in UK, Ireland and Australia? You can compare the two scales here.So with all that in mind what can we learn from "the average"?

We looked at a random sample of 5000 ring orders from My Irish Jeweler. The graph below shows the spread of ring sizes ordered by both men and women.

What is the most common ladies ring size

You can see that approximately half of women's ring sizes were between 6 and 8 with 7 being the most popular size. Whole sizes are more popular than half sizes and rings range from a tiny size 3 up to size 11.5.

Average Men's Ring Size

As you might expect the sizes for men are a little larger with half of men's ring sizes falling between 9 and 11. The most popular size is Size 10 with our men's ring sizes ranging from 6 to 16.

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Born in Co. Antrim and reared in Dublin, I was fascinated with Gaelic culture from an early age. I suppose it's not surprising given my mother inherited a grá for the Irish language from my grandfather, an Irish school headmaster. And that grá continues! My brother and sister are now Gaelic teachers here in Ireland, my niece is an award winning Irish dancer, and I proudly work to share Irish culture through our Irish and Celtic Jewelry at My Irish Jeweler!

I love researching and reading about the history of Irish design. It's at the core of what we do here at My Irish Jeweler. I find much of it so interesting that I have to share what I find. I hope you enjoy it!

What is the most common ladies ring size

The most common ring sizes in the US are 5, 6, or 7, but the average ring size for a woman is usually 6 or 6.5. That can help future grooms to pick out the right ring for their Ladies, especially if they are average-sized, about 64 inches (1,36 cm) tall and 140 pounds (63,5 kg) heavy.

What is the most common ladies ring size

However, every rule has exceptions, so you should find a way to measure your girlfriend’s ring finger precisely. The biggest problem here is how to guess ring size without her knowing. Plus, you should find out if she prefers a loose- or tighter-fitting ring. So, let me help you.

Measuring the Ring Size When You Live Together

1. Rob her jewelry box

Check her jewelry box and find a ring she doesn’t wear every day. That way, she won’t notice when it disappears for a day or two. It will be enough to bring it to a jeweler to size it accurately.

Be careful since there are three possible problems:

  • The first one – She can catch you if she notices that the ring is not in the box.
  • The second one – This one is a real nightmare. It may happen that the ring doesn’t fit, so it is a probable reason for her to avoid wearing it.
  • The third one – It is a second nightmare. Take care not to find a thumb ring or the one she inherited, so it fits only the pinky finger. Plus, two hands are not the same, so make sure to choose the ring she wears on the left one.

The best score is to check for the band she occasionally wears on her ring finger. You can then take it for a day, measure it, or secretly draw it on a piece of paper.

2. Soap bar

The best option is to take advantage of the moment when she takes a shower. Grab her favorite ring and a hotel minibar soap. Press the ring over its surface, and make an imprint.

Bring the soap to the jeweler to determine the ring size you need. Take care of two crucial details:

  • To imprint stick appropriately
  • Clean the ring thoroughly as soon as you make an imprint

3. Wax

It is a similar technique as the previous one, but you need a piece of wax or a thick candle instead of soap. Clean the residue from the ring after making a mark, and go to the local jeweler shop to check for the ring size.

4. Draw the ring

Take a ring, place it over a piece of paper, and draw the inside circle with a pencil. Every jeweler can determine the ring size from the tracing you have made that way.

5. Ruler

Use a ruler to measure ring diameter. Keep in mind that you need to determine the widest diameter of the ring inside. Then, look for the online ring sizer to get the necessary number.

6. Please don’t do it yourself!

Please, don’t try to measure her ring yourself using a tape or thread while she sleeps. In such a case, you will end up with two possible results:

  • She will wake up, which will ruin the surprise
  • You won’t measure the ring well

The legend says that there was a man who managed to measure the woman’s ring while it was on her hand. He allegedly used a strip and wrapped it around her finger’s base to get the right size.

It is the same with a ring sizing gauge. If she is not unconscious or in a coma, there is no chance that you can measure her finger that way without her feeling it.

Forget about it! Believe me, she is a woman, and she will know, which will make your effort meaningless and ruin the surprise.

Measuring the Ring Size When You Don’t Live Together

What is the most common ladies ring size

Unfortunately, this is a more challenging option. The catch is that you can use the following suggestions in both cases, whether you live together or not. However, it doesn’t apply to the methods mentioned above.

7. Do a trial run

Find a suitable occasion and purchase your girlfriend an inexpensive fashion ring on a romantic holiday or for her birthday. It will be an excellent trial run for the real thing. Even if you make the wrong ring size, it won’t be a big deal. On the contrary, this will give you an idea of the actual ring size.

8. Ask her mom

The quickest way to screw up the whole thing is to ask for help from the wrong person. Therefore, the mom is the one! If you have already asked the dad for a blessing, her mom will know what is going on. Otherwise, the condition is to get along well with the future mother-in-law. So, ask her for help.

9. Ask her best friend

It is probably the best and uncomplicated way to get what you need. The only problem is that some friends don’t know how to keep a secret! Since the surprise is crucial in this case, be careful and choose well when looking for an accomplice in the ring operation!

10. Ask her friend who plans to get married

If she has a friend who is going to be married, ask her for help. She can ‘ask your girlfriend for a favor’ and take her to the jewelry store to help her pick out the ring.

They can try different bands, so it will be easy to determine the adequate ring size your girlfriend needs. Plus, the measurement will be more precise than guessing, and you will also discover her preferable engagement ring style.

11. Ask your buddy

If you have a friend who has already proposed his girlfriend, ask him for help. If you hang out together, his future bride can help you.

A better option is to ask your girlfriend to help your friend pick out the right ring for his future bride. That way, she will try on a few bands, and the jeweler will easily measure her size. What a conspiracy!

12. Ask the jeweler to help

If your plan includes her friends, your friend’s girlfriend, or shopping the gift in the jewelry shop, you should make some arrangement with a jeweler. Only the professional can make an accurate size estimation while people try different rings.

13. Delegate someone else to ask

Someone can ask about her ring size during casual conversation. Make sure it is a person of trust, who is also skillful and unobtrusive.

14. Make it looks like a casual question

Pretend you want to buy a ring for your sister. Explain to her that you need to learn something about female ring sizes and want to use her finger as a benchmark. It can be a tricky method since it is overused. Therefore, you can try it only if you are skillful enough.

15. Play a game

Have you ever heard that the female ring size is half of her shoe size plus two? If she accepts the game, you can quickly find out the data you need. The best option for this tactic is in trivia night while hanging out with a group of friends.

16. Make a fun

Take advantage of a visit to an art-type show with a ring display and try some kitschy on. Make a joke and turn the entire experience into the fun. There is a high possibility that she will join you so that you can discover the desired ring size effortlessly.

17. Do the math

It is probably not the best option or most accurate method, but you can calculate the right ring size when contrasting your and her fingers. Another option is to compare your friend’s finger with your girlfriend’s one if they have similar hands.

18. Guess

Remember that most women have a ring finger size six. It’s up to you to estimate if your girlfriend has slender fingers or bigger hands than the average woman. Therefore, you can take your chances.

Another option is to follow the old rule ‘the bigger, the better.’ If you are still unsure about your girlfriend’s right ring size after trying all other options, you will need to get your best shot.

In such a case, you can go one size bigger. However, always choose the band that is possible to resize. Remember that resizing down is possible in 99% of cases, while the reverse options are not always available.

Plus, there is always an opportunity of using ring guards when the band is a bit wider. Alternatively, a jeweler can stretch a small ring when necessary.

19. Just ask

If you are not one of those people who prefer doing things the hard way, you can ask your girlfriend straightforward about the ring size. It is a simple way to get the information, especially if you have talked about marriage for a while.

Plus, some girls have a specific taste, and there is no way that you can guess her desires. In such a case, the form and place for the proposal will be the surprising part. After all, only 19% of men purchase an engagement ring as a surprise.

What is the most common ladies ring size