What is the maximum population growth rate (rmax) if the population grows to 283 in one year?

Last updated: 7/26/2022

What is the maximum population growth rate (rmax) if the population grows to 283 in one year?

A population of 250 birds inhabit the canopy of a tropical rain forest that has a carrying capacity of 400 birds. What is the maximum population growth rate if the population grows to 283 in one year? a. 0.12 b. 0.13 c. 0.35 d. 0.39

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For each problem state the variables given and show the work

1) A certain population of mice is growing

exponentially. The growth rate of the population (r) is 1.3 and the current population size (N) is 2,500 individuals. How many mice are added to the population each year?

2) If a population has a carrying capacity (K) of 900, and the growth rate (r) is 1.1, what is the population growth when the population (N) is 425?

3) A population of 250 birds inhabit the canopy of a tropical rain forest that has a carrying capacity of 400 birds. What is the maximum population growth rate (rmax) if the population grows to 283 in one year?

4) A fish population of 250 in a pond has a maximum annual rate of increase of 0.8. If the carrying capacity of the pond is 1,500 for this species, what is the expected population size after one year?

5)  The population of Japanese sika deer in central Japan was determined each year from 2005 to 2014. The sika deer population underwent logistic growth starting at 26,000 deer in 2005 and stabilized at 58,000 deer between 2012 and 2014. Based on these data, the rmax for this population was determined to be 0.57. Central Japan contains a variety of habitats, including forests and grasslands. Sika deer benefit from the resources in grasslands more than forests; if deforestation occurred, producing more grasslands in the region, the carrying capacity for sika deer population would increase. What would the population size of sika deer be one year after the carrying capacity increased to 70,000 as a result of deforestation? Assume rmax does not change.

Last updated: 7/26/2022

A population of 250 birds inhabit the canopy of a tropical rain forest that has a carrying capacity of 400 birds. What is the maximum population growth rate if the population grows to 283 in one year? a. 0.12 b. 0.13 c. 0.35 d. 0.39

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