While order fulfillment is, by definition, the method by which a company processes a sales order to the customer's specifications, that understates its importance. Customers hold more power than ever, are more informed and have higher expectations. Efficient order fulfillment is key to your brand's reputation, your company's profits and your ability to retain clients.

Without sales there is no business. Without order fulfillment, there are no sales.

Video: What Is Order Fulfillment?

Key Takeaways

  • Order fulfillment is a critical business task for many product-based businesses.
  • An efficient order fulfillment operation requires coordinating with multiple departments and outside partners.
  • An ERP often plays an essential role in managing the order fulfillment process.

Order Fulfillment Explained

A new sale is almost always something worth celebrating, but the work isn’t done until the order is fulfilled, and the customer has the order in hand. Order fulfillment is the critical task of assembling the order and shipping it off to the customer, plus the supporting processes that support those tasks.

The complete order fulfillment lifecycle is made up of five primary steps starting with strategic sourcing and ending with shipping. Many businesses include inventory management, supply chain management, order processing, quality control, and customer support in the umbrella of order fulfillment.

Much of the order fulfillment process can take place under one roof in a well-organized warehouse, depending on the size of your business. Many small businesses handle order fulfillment themselves in-house through a simple process. Large enterprises require a more complex, multi-layer distribution center strategy. But in either case, the main goal is efficiently getting the customer what they ordered as quickly, reliably, and inexpensively as possible.

Order Fulfillment Process: How Does It Work

The order fulfillment process takes place in one or more distribution centers and typically involves inventory management, supply chain management, order processing, quality control and support for customers that need to report problems or make product exchanges or returns.

What is defined as all of the activities that occurs from the time an order is received by a seller until the seller receives payment?
Order fulfillment occurs in these five, distinct steps.
  1. Goods may come from a third party, another company department or a company warehouse; a pipeline (as with oil, fuel, water or some other fluid product); as digital data from a database; or in a variety of forms from other external or internal sources.

    In any case, the incoming inventory must be counted, inspected and inventoried to ensure the proper amount was received and the quality is acceptable. SKUs or bar codes on the arriving products are used in the receiving and storage processes, and to retrieve goods from internal storage later.