What are the similarities and differences between Japanese and European feudalism?

Feudal Japan and Feudal Europe had similarities and differences. Both Feudal Japan and Feudal Europe had professional warriors, for Japan it was the samurai, and for Europe the knights. They both had religious beliefs such as Buddhism and Christianity. Japan was an island and was isolated, whereas Europe wasn’t isolated nor an island. Feudal Japan lasted from 1185-1603, while Feudal Europe lasted from the 9th to the 15th centuries.

Japan lasted from 1185-1603. During that time Japan had emperors, shoguns, daimyos, samurai, and peasants who were all apart of a social class, and all together it was called the Samurai Society. The emperor was just a figurehead for the shogun. The shogun was a powerful military leader that ruled in the emperor’s name. Daimyo were powerful landlords. The daimyo often led armies of samurai. These samurai were trained professional warriors who served daimyo and shoguns. The samurai had to follow a certain code of rules for samurai called Bushido. One of their rules included to always have self-discipline to become a good samurai. The samurai warriors wore light armor, helmets (usually shaped like an animal), and had two swords around their waist. Their armor had a lot of detail and color to it, like their unique helmets. After the samurai comes the peasants, which included farmers and fishermen. They usually always work, then pay takes to the shogun. They usually gave the shogun what they earned from working like food or crops. What made their jobs a bit difficult was their topography. Japan’s topography included many mountains, undersea volcanoes, and barely any flat land to farm on. The Japanese didn’t only work they also practiced their religion. For example, they practiced Confucianism, Buddhism (...

... middle of paper ... ...th wore helmets, armor, and worked for their leader, the shoguns or daimyo for the samurai, and for the knights their lord(s). Lastly, they both had peasants. The peasants both had to pay their taxes and had no power. Feudal Japan and Feudal Europe both had a certain social class order for power and how the people lived and worked.

Feudal Japan and Europe had similarities and differences. They both had their own warriors that followed a certain code of rules. The also both had peasants that had no power. They had different topographies and religions. Japan’s religions were their traditional religion Shinto, Confucianism, and two forms Buddhism Pure Land Buddhism. The Europeans believed in Christianity. Lastly, Japan is an isolated island, but Europe isn’t isolated nor an island. Feudal Japan and Feudal Europe were both sort of the same, but had some differences.

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The societies of Tokugawa Japan (c.1603-1867C.E.) and medieval Europe (c.1000-1500C.E.) had two things in common; a feudal system. A feudal system is something that features hierarchies or social structures. The feudal system normally starts with a religion, which is at the very top of the social pyramid, then it’s the King or monarch for Europe and the shogun for Japan, then there are the nobles for Europe and the daimyos for Japan. As we go down the pyramid there are the warriors, like the knight in Europe and the samurai in Japan, then there are the peasants. The peasants were included in both eras and are at the lowest part of the pyramid.
The European king and the Japanese shogun were both at the top of their social structures. In European society the king had complete power over everything including military services, land, laws and more. However, in Japanese society there was an Emperor and while he didn’t have much power he was like a god, to whom all respect was directed. The
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They had the least wealth and respect but without them the two kingdoms couldn’t continue. There were three sub-categories of peasants in both societies: Farmers were the wealthiest peasants as they had their own land where they would dwell and also harvest crops to sell to the rest of the kingdom. The craftsmen/artisans were the second wealthiest peasants. They would craft armour and weapons and make work with metal and wood. The merchants were the least wealthy of all the peasants because they were completely dependent on other people to give them work. (www.hierarchystructure.com). The main difference between the European and Japanese peasants was that in medieval Europe all peasants had to pay a tithe, which required them to pay 10 percent of their earnings to the king. European peasants also had to pay fees on different occasions like when sons were born and daughters were married.

In 800 CE, feudalism was established in Europe, but it came into existence in Japan only in the 1100s when Kamakura Shongute came into power. Japanese feudalism existed and was retained till 1868. With the rise of stronger political parties, European feudalism fell off.

Japanese vs European Feudalism

The main difference between Japanese and European Feudalism is the year of establishment. Feudalism is generally the type of rule or government in a specific region. It is a form or system of rule which consists of a set of the military in addition to legal duties. In this type of government, the weaker party tries to take power.

What are the similarities and differences between Japanese and European feudalism?

Japanese feudalism was a period of high power. Japanese feudalism was similar and based on the philosophies of the philosopher Kong Qiu.

European feudalism was following the roman imperial laws, and it was taken care of By the Catholic Church. The laws and customs were provided by the traditions of Germany.

Comparison Table Between Japanese and European Feudalism

Parameters of ComparisonJapanese FeudalismEuropean Feudalism
ArmorJapanese Armor was mostly made up of metals but also included silk, leather, and metal bindings.The knights adorned armor and weapons that were entirely made up of metal and not much of any other material.
InfluenceThe ideas and philosophies of Confucius, a Chinese philosopher, influenced Japanese feudalism. Roman imperial laws and theories were the inspiration for the customs and rules of European feudalism.
Land OwnershipThe samurai were not privileged to earn any land, and they were paid in rice or grains.  The knights were paid in the form of assets and land as a return for their service.
Women’s RoleSamurai women were also considered too powerful, gallant, and brave, just like the men.  The Europeans considered the females weak, fragile, and always needed to be taken care of.    
LiteracySamurai were stressed to have cultural values and develop their artistic skills like poetry, music, and calligraphy.    European knights weren’t literate, and they did not know much about the cultures and values since they were not educated. 

What is Japenese Feudalism?

In Japanese feudalism, being a part of it or being a warrior was quite hard. It was their lifestyle rather than their job.

The warriors of the samurai were supposed to be completely dedicated and were expected to commit to it and would put their lives at stake. The warriors were supposed to kill themselves if they crossed their lines of loyalties, honesty, commitment, and honor.

The warriors are to be committed, and in return, they receive financial provisions, shelter, protection, and all the basic necessities to live a comfortable life.

From Europe, the warriors came to London during the rule of Nobunaga. It was such a big advantage for the warriors, and it was convenient for them to establish and take charge.

Nobunaga was a dedicated and religious follower of Buddhism, and as a result, he set fire on all of the monasteries and monks and established Jesuit monasteries that have their roots in Portugal and Spain.

What are the similarities and differences between Japanese and European feudalism?

What is European Feudalism?

According to European feudalism, all the lands were owned by the king. The emperor was the ruler, and the hierarchy below him consisted of nobles.

The vassal and the suzerain are the two parties that are involved in the system of owning the land. The vassal is the higher authority who is the recipient of the land.

he vassal takes position and power through a ceremony called the fief, in which the vassal would take an oath of fealty to express his faith and promise they would be committed to their services and acts.

The ceremony occurs every time the vassal dies, and a new person is about to take charge. The nobility was a class of military people or warriors with armor and weapons who are lead by the knight.

What are the similarities and differences between Japanese and European feudalism?

Main Differences Between Japanese and European Feudalism

  1. Japanese Samurai wore silk, leather, and metal as their armor, whereas the European knight used only metals.
  2. Japanese laws were influenced by the Chinese, whereas European feudalism was influenced by the Romans.
What are the similarities and differences between Japanese and European feudalism?


This feudalism is a system of social and political affairs where the landholders exchange their land with the villagers for money, shelter, food, and safety.

It has been out there for really a long time, from the fifth century to the twelfth century. This was beneficial for the vassals and the nobles with the high position, but it was risky for the lives of the villagers who served them.


  1. https://www.jstor.org/stable/177767
  2. https://www.jstor.org/stable/40401876

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