What happens if you die without a will in Australia

If your loved one has passed away without a Will tucked away in the drawer and with no executor appointed, you won't be left with any formal instructions to help you determine what happens with their estate. Dying without a Will is known as dying intestate, and this is not an ideal situation, but it's far more common than you think. So, what now?

What circumstances usually lead to a person dying without a Will?

The most common reason people die without a Will is inaction. There are many reasons for this inaction, including:

  • thinking that they don't have sufficient assets to justify making a Will
  • being fearful of discussing death
  • intending to make a Will but simply never getting around to it, and
  • being unable to decide what to do in the Will so doing nothing (for example, not being able to decide who to appoint as guardians of children).

Other causes of an intestacy include:

  • the inadvertent revocation of a Will, for example, by a subsequent marriage
  • the loss of the original Will by the Will-maker
  • the existence of a Will signed by a person who did not have the capacity to understand what they were doing, or
  • failing to prepare a Will properly. This might be caused by not having the document correctly witnessed or forgetting to sign the document.

How is an intestate estate dealt with?

The administration of an intestate estate requires someone to take responsibility to see it through (because no executor of the Will is appointed).

For this reason, an application needs to be made to the court seeking an order to appoint an administrator of the estate. This application is referred to as an application for a grant of letters of administration on intestacy. The most common situations that give rise to an application for a grant of letters of administration are:

  • where there is no Will, and
  • where there is a Will, but all of the nominated executors are unable to act (because they have either died, have lost capacity or refuse to act). In this scenario, the Will remains valid but an administrator needs to be appointed to administer the estate.

In all cases where it is necessary to apply for a grant of letters of administration, it is usually the person with the greatest entitlement to the estate that applies for the grant (because there is no executor appointed who is able to apply for a grant of probate). For example, if a spouse or partner survives the deceased, they would usually bring the application. If the deceased is survived by children (and no spouse) then one or more of them could apply.

A dispute can arise at this point if there are multiple people who all think they should be appointed as administrator. This dispute will need to be sorted out before the administration of the estate can commence.

What is the difference between a grant of probate and a grant of letters of administration?

An application for a grant of probate is made to the court by an executor appointed by a Will. The grant of probate confirms that the Will is valid and that the executor has the authority to deal with the assets of the estate.

An application for a grant of letters of administration is usually made to the court where there is no Will and therefore no appointed executor. In this case, a beneficiary of the intestate estate will apply to be granted the formal right to administer the estate.

How is inheritance priority worked out when there is no Will?

The distribution of an intestate estate is predetermined by a statutory formula. This formula sets out who benefits from the estate and in what proportions (that is, the order of priority).

As expected, a distribution determined in this way can create significant problems. For example, a surviving spouse may end up having to share a substantial part of the estate with children or stepchildren, or part of the estate might pass to relative who had little or nothing to do with the deceased. This is why dying without a Will can be problematic as your estates may not be distributed to the ones who are most important to you.

Do Intestate laws differ from state to state?

Every state and territory in Australia have its own intestate laws and the distribution formula differs between jurisdictions.

Are there any disadvantages to the intestacy process?

Dying without a Will creates uncertainty and is more likely to result in a dispute.

It can cause delay and additional expense if those left behind argue about who is to be appointed as the administrator and whether or not the intestate distribution adequately provides for those people closest to the deceased.

If you or someone you know is dealing with an intestate estate or a dispute caused by an intestate estate, legal advice should be sought to try and resolve the issues as quickly as possible.

There is no right or wrong time or age for someone to organise their will. However, life is unpredictable - and if the unexpected occurs, your loved ones may not be taken care of like you had hoped.

For this reason, having a will provides peace of mind for the asset-holder and their intended beneficiaries.

Research by comparethemarket.com.au reveals that many Aussies don't have a will, including nearly half of Aussie mortgagors. Among under-40s who have a will, they are most likely to organise one when purchasing a property.  In contrast, the majority of over-50s say they took out a will once they married or had kids.

What happens if you die without a will in Australia

Each state in Australia has different laws around wills and in particular, how assets are distributed when there is no will in place, so I encourage Australians to consult a professional for advice when handling issues around their will.

To help clear up potential confusion, here is what happens when you die intestate (without a will).

1. Your family has no control over how your assets are distributed

If an individual dies intestate, their direct family is automatically entitled to their assets. Specifically, the spouse will inherit the entirety of the assets.

If there is no spouse, however, assets will be inherited by the next available relative and distributed equally. This is determined by the state order, with the relative order being children, parents, siblings, grandparents, aunts and uncles, then cousins.

If the deceased leaves no spouse, the children will share the assets equally, but if there are no children in this situation, the living parents get equal shares.

It is only in the case that there are no eligible relatives, that your assets will be passed onto the state.

From there, an application must be made by anyone wanting to make a claim. There are some instances where the court has the discretion to consider an 'informal will' - other documents that set out the testamentary intentions of the deceased. This may include letters, documents created and saved on a smartphone or computer hard drive, video recording or an unsent text message.

2. Your loved ones may have to sell your assets

There are instances where some beneficiaries make a claim for a larger share of an individual's assets. If there is no will outlining your intentions in this situation, your partner or family may have to sell your assets to meet the share.

Assets may also be liquidated to pay out debt if bankruptcy is declared when there are more liabilities than assets. The comparethemarket.com.au survey found that 22% of respondents incorrectly assumed that when they die, their partner or family members won't be forced to sell assets for other parties to claim a share.

3. You have no control over who becomes guardian of your children

If a parent passes away with children under the age of 18, guardianship is automatically given to the surviving parent. However, if this option isn't viable due to them refusing the role or no second parent being alive,  the court may appoint a guardian - who may or may not be an individual you would like to be the guardian of your children.

If the deceased individual sent a letter or text message mentioning the intentions of guardianship in the event of your death, the court might also consider these informal documents.

4. Your family or partner could find themselves in court

Similar to point one, if a person dies without a will, the person who inherits the estate will be the first eligible relative moving down the line of succession, with each category being exhausted before moving to the next. However, individuals may dispute this.

It's important to be aware that if a party chooses to take a family to court, it is often a highly time-consuming and expensive process that is not guaranteed to be successful.

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