What does spraying a dog with vinegar do?

Potty training a puppy with vinegar water can make training more effective. After your puppy has an accident in the house, he may return to the same spot to potty. Even if you clean the spot with regular soap, the dog may still smell his scent unless you also neutralize the odor. White vinegar is a chemical-free way to disinfect and neutralize the odor of urine and feces. Use a mixture of vinegar and water to house train your puppy.

Prepare a mixture of 50 percent white vinegar and 50 percent water. Stir the ingredients to mix thoroughly. Pour the mixture in a spray bottle. Keep the bottle on hand during training.

Spray the vinegar mixture lightly on carpeted areas in your house. Only spray a light mist on the carpet. Do not soak it or apply as much as needed during a cleanup. The vinegar odor acts as a deterrent to help prevent the puppy from urinating and defecating on the carpet.

Allow the puppy to sniff the vinegar scent. Gently place her nose on an area sprayed with vinegar water. Do not rub her nose in it, because that will scare her.

Take your puppy outside to potty frequently during the day to prevent accidents. Puppies have small bladders and may need to go out as many as six to eight times a day during training. Give the puppy an opportunity to potty outside after waking, before bed and after drinking water or eating food.

Present the puppy with a dog treat after he potties outside and whenever he avoids making messes in the house. Rewards provide positive reinforcement.

Clean up any household pet messes immediately. Use a cleaning cloth to soak up excess urine. Pick up feces with a paper towel, and throw it away. Spray the affected area with a generous amount of the vinegar water mixture until it is saturated. Scrub the mess clean with a fresh cleaning cloth. The vinegar will both disinfect the area and neutralize the odor.

Soak a cleaning cloth with the vinegar mixture, and allow it to sit on tough spots for 10 minutes. After 10 minutes, rub the debris away with the cloth.

Dry the area with a towel. The towel will completely dry hard surfaces, such as linoleum, tile or wood. However, carpet needs to dry overnight. Avoid walking on the spot until it is completely dry. You can also use a blow dryer to speed up drying.


  • Keep the vinegar-water mixture out of the reach of your puppy and children.


  • Add essential oils to the vinegar-water mixture to improve the scent. The essential oils rose, lavender and clary sage blend well with white vinegar. You will smell less vinegar, but enough of the vinegar scent remains to be effective for your pet.

  • Vinegar water works with all methods of dog potty training, including crate and training pads.

  • Use a scrub brush saturated with the vinegar-water mixture on resistant pet stains.

Items You Will Need

  • White vinegar
  • Spray bottle
  • Dog treats
  • Cleaning cloths
  • Paper towels
  • Cloth towels

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Puppy nipping is a phase momma dog helps her young pups outgrow. This becomes your role when raising a pup -- and it can be challenging at times. Vinegar water spray corrects this behavior by giving your pup something bitter to chew on each time he tries to nip.

Your pup isn't nipping out of meanness; this is a natural behavior for puppies. Your pup would nip and bite littermates too. However, if your pup continues to nip, your dog will grow up thinking that it's OK to nip friends, family and strangers alike. A vinegar-water solution and some behavioral training offers you an effective and gentle way to manage puppy nipping.

Too strong of a vinegar solution may irritate your puppy's skin. Try a solution of 1/8 part vinegar to 7/8 part water, such as 1/8 cup of vinegar and 7/8 cup water. You may increase the ratio to 1/4 vinegar and 3/4 water if the pup does not respond to training with the weaker vinegar solution. Avoid using more than 1/4 part vinegar. Only use distilled white vinegar for puppy training. Pour the vinegar solution into a new spray bottle that has never held chemicals.

Have the spray bottle nearby when you are playing with your puppy. If Puppy nips, say, "No nipping!" or "No biting!" and spray him in the mouth. Continue to do this as your puppy nips; consistency is key to this training. Avoid spraying the eye region, since vinegar can irritate the eyes. Keeping the spray bottle on a stream setting will help you avoid accidentally misting your puppy in the eyes.

Avoid accidentally tempting Puppy to nip by wagging your finger in his face when scolding him or roughhousing with him. Don't play tug-of-war games until your pup stops nipping; this can encourage him to see you as a littermate and try to play bite. If you have children, teach them to play gently with the puppy. The more consistent you are with the vinegar spray for nipping, the more successful you will be at teaching the pup not to nip.

To make your own flea and tick repellent, mix one part vinegar with one part water and spray it on your pet’s fur. You can also add a few drops of vinegar to your pet’s drinking water to help repel fleas and ticks from the inside out.

Can I spray my dog with vinegar and water?

Dog-Safe Cleaner Recipes

In a spray bottle, combine equal parts water and vinegar (either distilled white vinegar or ACV) and shake to blend. For best results, use filtered or distilled water that won’t leave behind mineral deposits, especially if you have hard tap water.

Is it bad to spray dogs with vinegar?

Although it is perfectly safe to use vinegar around dogs, you would not want your home to end up smelling really bad, so it is more suited for outdoor use.

What does vinegar water do for dogs?

One of the best ways to help is to use an apple cider vinegar bath for dogs. The acidity in the vinegar helps balance the pH of the skin, while its antiseptic and antibacterial properties help resolve skin infections naturally. It also helps calm skin irritations and inflammation to help dogs feel better.

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Does vinegar help dog odor?

Vinegar neutralizes smell and works as an anti-fungal. Use an anti skunk spray shampoo. Some treatments are sprayed on, left to dry, and then washed off. If it works for skunk smell, it may also neutralize other smells.

Can you put white vinegar in dog’s water?

Many pet owners incorporate diluted apple cider or white vinegar into their dog’s diet and bathing regimens because of its claimed ability to heal, clean, and neutralize odors. However, administering vinegar to your pet is not considered an ideal solution to any health ailments or cleaning needs your pet may have.

Does spraying vinegar stop dogs from peeing?

White Vinegar + water

In a spray bottle take equal parts of white vinegar and water and spritz the solution on the urinated area on the carpet. The acetic acid smell repels dogs and cats; this will discourage them to piss on the same carpet spot again.

What is safe to wash dogs with?

Basic Homemade Dog Shampoo

Dish detergent is formulated to cut through grease and will do a great job of washing away oils that accumulate on your dog’s coat and skin. White vinegar has antibacterial and deodorant properties and will leave his coat shiny and clean. Just be careful not to get any in his eyes.

What smells deter dogs?

10 of the most common smells that dogs hate

  • #1. Hot Peppers.
  • #2. Ground Spices. The reaction your dog will have from encountering ground spices is very similar to what happens when they come across hot peppers. …
  • #3. Citrus Fruits.
  • #4. Fresh Herbs. …
  • #5. Vinegar.
  • #6. Mothballs. …
  • #7. Alcohol. …
  • #8. Household Cleaners.

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Can I spray my dog with vinegar to kill fleas?

In short: using vinegar solution or white vinegar on your pet’s fur or in their drinking water will not kill fleas. There is a chance ACV could repel fleas because they don’t like the taste, but it is only a mild deterrent and is not the best flea remedy. ACV should not be your first choice for natural flea treatment.

Can you put vinegar on a dog?

Yes! Vinegar is safe for your dog, and unfiltered apple cider vinegar is the healthiest option for your dog. Apple cider vinegar supports your dog’s digestion and contains magnesium, potassium, and iron.

Should I put my dog’s nose in his pee?

Never rub a dog’s nose in urine or feces, or punish a dog for an “accident.” This will teach your dog to fear you, and he may hide when he has to “go.” It is not instinctive for dogs to relieve themselves outside; it is only natural for them to not go where they sleep.

How can I deodorize my dog naturally?

Keep Your Dog Fresh Between Baths

  1. Vinegar and Water. It can be as simple as a 50/50 solution of organic apple cider vinegar and water. …
  2. Lemon Water Spritz. Lemon water can help deodorize and add a nice shine to your dog’s coat. …
  3. Coconut Oil. …
  4. Dry Shampoo. …
  5. Baking Soda. …
  6. Cleansing Wipes.


How often should I spray my dog with apple cider vinegar?

Hi there, Uzi is sweet! I would use the apple cider vinegar rinse only occasionally. Some dogs will experience dry and irritated skin if a vinegar rinse is used too much. In my opinion, once or twice a month at the most, after using a veterinarian recommended shampoo.

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Why does my dog smell so bad even after a bath?

Just about every dog gets compacted anal glands at one time or another. As the glands experience a buildup, it can progress to an infection. But the buildup also can cause a pungent smell that’s difficult to ignore. Your dog’s vet can express the glands and make sure they’re healthy.

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