What are the computers called which is most powerful and big in a computer network which gives access and provides data to other computers?

Computer networking refers to interconnected computing devices that can exchange data and share resources with each other. These networked devices use a system of rules, called communications protocols, to transmit information over physical or wireless technologies.

Let’s answer some common computer networking FAQs.

Nodes and links are the basic building blocks in computer networking. A network node may be data communication equipment (DCE) such as a modem, hub or, switch, or data terminal equipment (DTE) such as two or more computers and printers. A link refers to the transmission media connecting two nodes. Links may be physical, like cable wires or optical fibers, or free space used by wireless networks.

In a working computer network, nodes follow a set of rules or protocols that define how to send and receive electronic data via the links. The computer network architecture defines the design of these physical and logical components. It provides the specifications for the network’s physical components, functional organization, protocols, and procedures.

Computer networks were first created in the late 1950s for use in the military and defense. They were initially used to transmit data over telephone lines and had limited commercial and scientific applications. With the advent of internet technologies, a computer network has become indispensable for enterprises.

Modern-day network solutions deliver more than connectivity. They are critical for the digital transformation and success of businesses today. Underlying network capabilities have become more programmable, automated, and secure.

Modern computer networks can:

The underlying physical network infrastructure can be logically partitioned to create multiple "overlay" networks. In an overlay computer network, the nodes are virtually linked, and data can be transmitted between them through multiple physical paths. For example, many enterprise networks are overlaid on the internet.

Modern networking services connect physically distributed computer networks. These services can optimize network functions through automation and monitoring to create one large-scale, high-performance network. Network services can be scaled up or down based on demand.

Many computer networks are software-defined. Traffic can be routed and controlled centrally using a digital interface. These computer networks support virtual traffic management.

All networking solutions come with in-built security features like encryption and access control. Third-party solutions like antivirus software, firewalls, and antimalware can be integrated to make the network more secure.

Computer network design falls under two broad categories:

In this type of computer network, nodes may be servers or clients. Server nodes provide resources like memory, processing power, or data to client nodes. Server nodes may also manage client node behavior. Clients may communicate with each other, but they do not share resources. For example, some computer devices in enterprise networks store data and configuration settings. These devices are the servers in the network. Clients may access this data by making a request to the server machine.

In Peer-to-Peer (P2P) architecture, connected computers have equal powers and privileges. There is no central server for coordination. Each device in the computer network can act as either client or server. Each peer may share some of its resources, like memory and processing power, with the entire computer network. For example, some companies use P2P architecture to host memory-consuming applications, such as 3-D graphic rendering, across multiple digital devices.

The arrangement of nodes and links is called network topology. They can be configured in different ways to get different outcomes. Some types of network topologies are:

Each node is linked to one other node only. Data transmission over the network connections occurs in one direction.

Each node is linked to two other nodes, forming a ring. Data can flow bi-directionally. However,single node failure can bring down the entire network.

A central server node is linked to multiple client network devices. This topology performs better as data doesn’t have to go through each node. It is also more reliable.

Every node is connected to many other nodes. In a full mesh topology, every node is connected to every other node in the network.

Depending on the organization's size and requirements, there are three common types of enterprise private networks:

A LAN is an interconnected system limited in size and geography. It typically connects computers and devices within a single office or building. It is used by small companies or as a test network for small-scale prototyping.

An enterprise network spanning buildings, cities, and even countries, is called a wide area network (WAN). While local area networks are used to transmit data at higher speeds within close proximity, WANs are set up for long-distance communication that is secure and dependable.

SD-WAN or software-defined WAN is virtual WAN architecture controlled by software technologies. An SD-WAN offers more flexible and dependable connectivity services that can be controlled at the application level without sacrificing security and quality of service.

Service provider networks allow customers to lease network capacity and functionality from the provider. Network service providers may consist of telecommunications companies, data carriers, wireless communications providers, Internet service providers, and cable television operators offering high-speed Internet access.

Conceptually, a cloud network can be seen as a WAN with its infrastructure delivered by a cloud-based service. Some or all of an organization’s network capabilities and resources are hosted in a public or private cloud platform and made available on demand. These network resources can include virtual routers, firewalls, bandwidth, and network management software,with other tools and functions available as required.

Businesses today use cloud networks to accelerate time-to-market, increase scale, and manage costs effectively. The cloud network model has become the standard approach for building and delivering applications for modern enterprises.

AWS networking services are designed to provide enterprises with:

AWS infrastructure is monitored 24/7 to help ensure confidentiality and integrity and to meet the highest global network security standards.

AWS has the global infrastructure required to deliver high availability anywhere in the world.

AWS network services deliver high-speed performance with minimal lag time.

Network Communications Standards

Today’s networks connect terminals, devices, and computers from many different manufacturers across many types of networks, such as wide area, local area, and wireless. For the different devices on various types of networks to be able to communicate, the network must use similar techniques of moving data through the network from one application to another.

To alleviate the problems of incompatibility and ensure that hardware and software components can be integrated into any network, various organizations such as ANSI and IEEE (pronounced I triple E) propose, develop, and approve network standards. A network standard defines guidelines that specify the way computers access the medium to which they are attached, the type(s) of medium used, the speeds used on different types of networks, and the type(s) of physical cable and/or the wireless tech- nology used. A standard that outlines characteristics of how two network devices communicate is called a protocol. Hardware and software manufacturers design their products to meet the guidelines specified in a particular standard, so that their devices can communicate with the network.

The following sections discuss some of the more widely used network communications standards for both wired and wireless networks including Ethernet, token ring, TCP/IP, 802.11 (Wi-Fi), Bluetooth, UWB, IrDA, RFID, WiMAX, and WAP.

ETHERNET Ethernet is a network standard that specifies no central computer or device on the network (nodes) should control when data can be transmitted; that is, each node attempts to trans- mit data when it determines the network is able to receive communications. If two computers on an Ethernet network attempt to send data at the same time, a collision occurs, and the computers must attempt to send their messages again.

Ethernet is based on a bus topology, but Ethernet networks can be wired in a star pattern. The Ethernet standard defines guidelines for the physical configuration of the network, e.g., cabling, network cards, and nodes. Today, Ethernet is the most popular LAN standard because it is relatively inexpensive and easy to install and maintain. Ethernet networks often use cables to transmit data.

TOKEN RING The token ring standard specifies that computers and devices on the network share or pass a special signal, called a token, in a unidirectional manner and in a preset order. A token is a special series of bits that function like a ticket. The device with the token can transmit data over the network. Only one token exists per network. This ensures that only one computer transmits data at a time. Token ring is based on a ring topology (although it can use a star topology). The token ring standard defines guidelines for the physical configuration of a network. Some token ring networks connect up to 72 devices. Others use a special type of wiring that allows up to 260 connections.

TCP/IP Short for Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol, TCP/IP is a network standard, specifically a protocol, that defines how messages (data) are routed from one end of a network to the other. TCP/IP describes rules for dividing messages into small pieces, called packets; providing addresses for each packet; checking for and detecting errors; sequencing packets; and regulating the flow of messages along the network.

TCP/IP has been adopted as a network standard for Internet communications. Thus, all hosts on the Internet follow the rules defined in this standard. Internet communications also use other standards, such as the Ethernet standard, as data is routed to its destination.

When a computer sends data over the Internet, the data is divided into packets. Each packet contains the data, as well as the recipient (destination), the origin (sender), and the sequence information used to reassemble the data at the destination. Each packet travels along the fastest individual available path to the recipient’s computer via communications devices called routers.

802.11 (WI-FIDeveloped by IEEE, 802.11 also known as Wi-Fi (wireless fidelity) and wireless Ethernet, is a series of network standards that specifies how two wireless devices communicate over the air with each other. Using Wi-Fi, computers or devices that have the appropriate wireless capa- bility communicate via radio waves with other computers or devices. The Wi-Fi standard uses tech- niques similar to the Ethernet standard to specify how physically to configure a wireless network. Most of today’s computers and many personal mobile devices, such as smart phones and handheld game consoles, are Wi-Fi enabled. 

One popular use of the Wi-Fi standard is in hot spots that offer mobile users the ability to connect to the Internet with their Wi-Fi enabled wireless computers and devices. Many homes and small businesses also use Wi-Fi to network computers and devices together wirelessly.

BLUETOOTH Bluetooth is a standard, specifically a protocol, that defines how two Bluetooth devices use short-range radio waves to transmit data. To communicate with each other, Bluetooth devices often must be within about 10 meters (about 33 feet) but can be extended to 100 meters with additional equip- ment. Examples of Bluetooth devices can include desktop computers, notebook computers, handheld computers, smart phones, PDAs, headsets, microphones, digital cameras, and printers.

UWB UWB, which stands for ultra-wideband, is a network standard that specifies how two UWB devices use short-range radio waves to communicate at high speeds with each other. For optimal com- munications, the devices should be within 2 to 10 meters (about 6.5 to 33 feet) of each other. Examples of UWB uses include wirelessly transferring video from a digital video camera, printing pictures from a digital camera, downloading media to a portable media player, or displaying a slide show on a projector.

IRDA Some computers and devices use the IrDA specification to transmit data wirelessly to each other via infrared (IR) light waves. Infrared requires a line-of-sight transmission; that is, the sending device and the receiving device must be in line with each other so that nothing obstructs the path of the infrared light wave.

RFID RFID (radio frequency identification) is a standard, specifically a protocol, that defines how a network uses radio signals to communicate with a tag placed in or attached to an object, an animal, or a person. The tag consists of an antenna and a memory chip that contains the information to be transmitted via radio waves. Through an antenna, an RFID reader reads the radio signals and trans- fers the information to a computer or computing device. Readers can be handheld or embedded in an object such as a doorway or tollbooth.

WIMAX WiMAX (Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access), also known as 802.16, is a newer network standard developed by IEEE that specifies how wireless devices communicate over the air in a wide area. Using the WiMAX standard, computers or devices with the appropriate WiMAX wireless capability communicate via radio waves with other computers or devices via a WiMAX tower. The WiMAX tower, which can cover up to a 30-mile radius, connects to the Internet or to another WiMAX tower. 

Two types of WiMAX specifications are fixed wireless and mobile wireless. With fixed wire- less WiMAX, a customer accesses the Internet from a desktop computer at home or other permanent location. Mobile wireless WiMAX, by contrast, enables users to access the WiMAX network with mobile computers and mobile devices such as smart phones.

The WiMAX standard provides wireless broadband Internet access at a reasonable cost over long distances to business and home users. The WiMAX standard, similar to the Wi-Fi stan- dard, connects mobile users to the Internet via hot spots. The next generation of game consoles also plans to support the WiMAX standard. 

WAP The Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) is a standard, specifically a protocol, that specifies how some mobile devices such as smart phones can display the content of Internet services such as the Web, e-mail, and chat rooms. For example, users can check weather, sports scores, and headline news from their WAP-enabled smart phone. To display a Web page on a smart phone, the phone should contain a microbrowser. WAP uses a client/server network. The wireless device contains the client software, which connects to the Internet access provider’s server.