What are skills needed to be a ceo

Top-performing CEOs know that strong communication skills are the secret to lasting influence and success. They exhibit these skills consistently each day, and in every interaction, Monday to Monday.

Successful CEOs understand that influence is required if they are to inspire people to willingly act upon what they have to say.

Highly influential CEOs deliver on these five communication skills daily:

1. Brevity

Successful CEOs understand the importance of clear, concise communication. They recognize that in the absence of simplicity comes confusion and chaos.

For example, on John Flannery's first day as CEO of GE, he sent an email to his employees listing only three objectives he wished for the company to focus on: "Customers, team and execution/accountability." Instead of providing a dozen areas of opportunity, he maintained a short list of objectives that were clear. He kept employee goals concise, guiding them to focus exclusively on the customer.

It’s as simple as that.

When CEOs focus on concise and clear communication, they make it easier for others to follow. This level of influence ensures that others remember what was said and are inspired to act accordingly.

2. Collaboration

CEOs are known for their sharp minds, decisiveness and business acumen. Top-performing CEOs understand that if their organization is to reach the level of Fortune 500 companies, they must get their entire organization to think the same way.

According to SHRM's 2016 Job Satisfaction and Engagement Survey, 48% of employees considered frequent communication between employees and senior leadership to be very important in their ability to stay engaged.

Larry Page of Alphabet, a parent company of Google, hosts frequent employee conference calls called TGIF (Thank God It’s Friday) to discuss ongoing company objectives and action items. They begin each call by sharing status updates of previous discussions, including what the executive staff is doing to secure the company’s future. Each call concludes with a 30-minute open-question forum, where all employees have the chance to ask questions and collaborate on ideas the executives discussed.

Allowing employees to collaborate and share ideas creates a sense of ownership. It permits insight into the company’s goals and encourages employees to engage in its success with ideas of their own.

3. Approachability

The title of CEO carries a lot of weight and can create an atmosphere of intimidation. Title alone can discourage employees from approaching leadership to converse on matters that are critical to ongoing company operations.

By creating an atmosphere of approachability, CEOs encourage employees to share ideas, concerns and feedback vital to company success. As a result, CEOs build stronger relationships and deepen trust in leadership.

For instance, Kenneth Lin, CEO of Credit Karma, wholeheartedly believes in the power of accessibility. He maintains an open-door policy and is known for frequently visiting employees on the floor, no matter the department or position. As a result, he builds personal relationships that foster trust and candidacy that only comes with real influence.

A CEO who has influence based solely on their title may intimidate employees to begrudgingly act on direction. A leader who influences others to act willingly has established the trust and credibility necessary for lasting success.

4. Transparency

Few things cost an executive trust and influence like a lack of transparency. When employees believe their CEO is hiding information or failing to act openly, they begin to question decisions. Successful CEOs recognize that transparency is critical for employees to see the work behind the scenes and understand the motives behind decisions.

In the above SHRM survey, 94% of employees indicated trust between employee and senior leaders was critical while only 62% actually trusted their organizational leadership. The act of transparency deepens trust and credibility in leadership. Not every conversation can be openly disclosed, but the results and outcomes of many can.

Unfortunately, too many leaders fail to share this level of detail with their staff, leading employees to question their intention.

Bridgewater Associates CEO Ray Dalio is known for recording meetings and making them available to employees. Dalio believes that transparency is necessary for exposing truths and intentions behind decisions. He also recognizes that recording playbacks provides executives a way to identify communication weaknesses that need improvement.

5. Transformativeness

Successful CEOs aren’t born great -- they learn through a series of mistakes and lessons and from mentors and opportunities. Influential CEOs are always learning and recognize that personal development is the key to continued professional success. Research says 68% of employees thrive on hearing their CEO’s success story and 73% desire to learn which obstacles their CEO has overcome.

Gary Ridge, CEO of WD-40, practices ongoing professional development and seeks opportunities to learn and improve. He fosters an organizational culture of learning as well by admitting to his own need for continued skills development. He openly shares his successes and failures, encouraging employees to focus on continual improvement. Ridge believes that leaders must focus on learning, teaching and personal growth. As a result, the entire organization will benefit from improved performance and communication.

When leaders admit they aren’t perfect and are willing to improve, employees follow suit.

Becoming a CEO takes hard work and dedication. It isn't for the faint of heart. However, it seems once the magical title is bestowed upon someone, they can forget a lot of traits they admired in their successor.

Effective leadership is the most important aspect of a company and its team's success. But what makes a leader effective? A CEO must possess these certain traits to truly become a great leader:

1. Ability to learn from the past

A CEO must have the ability to learn from past experiences and instill lessons for the future. CEOs are only human. Mistakes will happen, but it's important that a CEO learn from them to prevent them from happening again. For example, if a CEO didn't have an effective crisis management system in place when a situation arose, he or she should learn what they need for future reference and be able to build a plan based on what went wrong the first time.

2. Strong communication skills

As a leader, a CEO needs strong communication skills. Communication is key in any setting and as someone in charge, a CEO must learn how to communicate effectively to boost moral when necessary. From motivating his or her team to completing projects in a timely manner, a CEO must be able to communicate what they need, from whom, when they need it by and how things should be done. According to a Navalent study on Developing Exceptional Executives, "Top executives are consistently transparent and balanced in their communication. They effectively translate their view of business potential and challenges, as well as expectations for action using succinct, direct and readily understandable language in doses that are easily digestible. They devote time to their connections."

3. Building relationships

A CEO must have the ability to build relationships with clients and coworkers to be successful. Relationships create loyalty and an image for the CEO and the company. Positive relationships also create great word-of-mouth, and while your business may not run solely on that type of marketing, it's always a plus.

It's important for a CEO to be confident, but not arrogant about their skills and what they offer their employees. They should remain aware of and confront challenges while still striving to reach audacious goals.

A CEO must be understanding of matters in and out of the workplace. Employees are people with lives outside of work, and if there's an emergency, a CEO should be understanding and let the employee handle it. The risk of making mistakes is far greater if an employee is working and focused on other things. A CEO must also understand things happen out of anyone's control. In sales, sometimes a customer can suddenly change their mind. A CEO must understand and accept the situation and handle things accordingly.

The same Navalent study mentioned above states, "Top executives are distinguished by the consistency with which they listen to, and actively seek out the ideas and opinions of others. They incorporate other views into their plans to solve organizational problems." A good CEO must have the ability to listen attentively. Not every idea a CEO has is going to be a good one, and not every direction is the right one. When a CEO can listen and seek the ideas of trusted individuals, the team and company is more likely to be successful.

7. Willingness to take calculated risks

Great, and sometimes unforeseen opportunities often come from taking risks. Taking calculated risks shows confidence and helps you grow as a business leader. Often times, risky decisions may take you on a new, important path. Success won't be handed to you on a silver platter. Embracing risk also helps you overcome the fear of failing.

8. Reading people and adapting to necessary management styles

One of the greatest traits a CEO can have is the ability to read people and adapt management styles accordingly. Not everyone has the same learning style and if you want your company and your employees to succeed, it's important to be able to adapt to the needs of your employees.

9. Coaching employees effectively

As the head of a company, you are creating a healthy and collaborative work environment. You are not only preparing the next generation of your company but the next generation in your line of work. It's your job to give your employees the tools they need to be successful. You must be able to teach and train in a way that inspires your staff to succeed.

10. Thinking outside the box

While it may seem like an obvious fact, the market changes with the times. It's important to think outside the box because sometimes there are better ways to achieve business goals. Sometimes, the same tried and true methods don't always work. When a CEO thinks outside the box, it makes them and their company stand out to customers and prospects.

There are several other factors that add to the qualifications of a good CEO, such as experience, but these key traits will keep you ahead of the curve. If you are lacking in any of these areas, researching personal improvement skills, learning from other executives or investing in a business mentor are also great ways to grow personally and professionally.