To open an activated cell and change data that was previously entered, tap the key on your keyboard.

Welcome to the Microsoft Office Excel tutorial.


In this tutorial you will learn about the ways you can use the keyboard to accomplish many common tasks in Excel including opening and saving workbooks, formatting text and cells and working with lists and tables. As you progress through the chapters you will also discover useful SuperNova and ScreenReader hot keys and some tips and tricks to help you be even more productive.

Section 2: Learn the essentials

Move around a workbook using the keyboard

Excel has many different hot keys to help you move around a workbook.

Here are just some of the more popular key presses available to you:

  • To move to the next cell, press the Arrow Keys.
  • To move to the next cell to the right, press TAB.
  • To move to the next cell to the left, press SHIFT + TAB.
  • To move to the edge of a data region, press CONTROL + Arrow Keys.
  • To move to the first cell in the row, press HOME.
  • To move to the first cell, press CONTROL + HOME.
  • To move to the last cell, press CONTROL + END.
  • To scroll down, press PAGE DOWN.
  • To scroll up, press PAGE UP.
  • To scroll to the right, press ALT + PAGE DOWN.
  • To scroll to the left, press ALT + PAGE UP.
  • To move to the next worksheet, press CONTROL + PAGE DOWN.
  • To move to the previous worksheet, press CONTROL + PAGE UP.
  • To go to a cell using the "Go To" dialog box, press F5 to open the "Go To" dialog box, type the cell co-ordinates in the Reference box and press ENTER.

Select cells in a worksheet

Excel offers many different ways to select cells. Some ways only use the keyboard, some only use the mouse and some use a combination of both.

Tip: If you find the Excel Quick Analysis option taking focus away from the worksheet when you begin selecting cells then go to Excel's Options (ALT + F, T) and in the "General" category deselect the "Show Quick Analysis options on selection" check box.

Select a single range using the keyboard

Here are just some of the ways you can select a range of cells using the keyboard:

  • To select cells, go to the top left cell and with SHIFT held down press the DOWN ARROW and RIGHT ARROW to extend the selection down and right.
  • To select a data range, move the focus inside the range and press CONTROL + A.
  • To select the entire worksheet, press CONTROL + A twice.
  • To select a column, move to the first cell in the column and press CONTROL + SHIFT + DOWN ARROW. This will select cells to the last used cell in the column. If you press CONTROL + SHIFT + DOWN ARROW again, you will select the entire column.
  • To select a row, move to the first cell in the row and press CONTROL + SHIFT + RIGHT ARROW. This will select cells to the last used cell in the row. If you press CONTROL + SHIFT + RIGHT ARROW again, you will select the entire row.
  • To select an entire column, press CONTROL + SPACEBAR.
  • To select an entire row, press SHIFT + SPACEBAR.
  • To select all used cells in the worksheet, press CONTROL + HOME to go to the first cell in the worksheet and then press CONTROL + SHIFT + END.

Select nonadjacent ranges using the keyboard

You can select nonadjacent cells in a worksheet. You can do this using keyboard commands.

To select nonadjacent cells using the keyboard:

  1. Go to the top left cell in the range.
  2. Hold down SHIFT and press DOWN ARROW and RIGHT ARROW to select the cells in the first range.
  3. Press SHIFT + F8.
  4. Go to the top left cell in the second range.
  5. Hold down SHIFT and press DOWN ARROW and RIGHT ARROW to select the cells in the second range.
  6. If you wish to select more cells, press SHIFT + F8 and select the next range of cells.
  7. Repeat the previous step until you have selected all the required cells in the worksheet.

Tip: Excel indicates it is ready to add further cells to the selection by showing the word "ADD" on the Excel Status bar. This appears after you press SHIFT + F8.

Select using the Go To command

To select cells using the "Go To" command:

  1. Press F5. The "Go To" dialog box opens with the cursor in the "Reference" box.
  2. In the "Reference" box:
    • To select a single range, type the range you want to select, for example, type "C5:F9" to select all the cells between C5 and F9 and press ENTER. Excel closes the dialog box and selects the cells.
    • To select nonadjacent cells, type each range separated with a comma, for example, type "C5:F9, J5:P9" to select cells between C5 and F9 and J5 and P9 and press ENTER. Excel closes the dialog box and selects the cells.

Select cells using the mouse

You can select cells using the mouse pointer.

  • To select a single range of cells, click where you want the selection to begin and keeping the LEFT MOUSE BUTTON pressed down, move the pointer over the cells you want to select.
  • To select a large range of cells, click where you want the selection to begin and keep SHIFT pressed down while you move the pointer to and click on the last cell.
  • To select nonadjacent cells, select the first range and keep CONTROL pressed down while you select each additional range of cells.

Announce the selected ranges

To have SuperNova or ScreenReader announce the ranges of cells currently selected in your worksheet, press the Additional Focus Information hot key.

Speak Keys
Function Hot Key
Read Additional Focus Information LEFT SHIFT + NUMPAD 0 CONTROL + CAPS LOCK + UP ARROW

Move within the selection using the keyboard

You can move to each cell that is selected by using Excel hot keys.

  • To move to the next selected cell, press TAB or ENTER.
  • To move to the previous selected cell, press SHIFT + TAB or SHIFT + ENTER.

Section 3: Create a new workbook

When Excel opens, it displays a Start screen showing a list of templates. To work on a blank workbook select "Blank workbook" from the list or simply press ESCAPE. A new blank workbook opens.

Tip: You can turn off the appearance of the Start screen when Excel starts by going to Excel's Options (ALT + F, T) and, in the "General" category, deselect the "Show the Start Screen when this application starts" check box.

When working in one workbook you can create a new blank workbook using the "New" command.

To do this press CONTROL + N.

Section 4: Open files

Open a recent workbook

When Excel opens, it displays a Start screen showing a list of templates. The Start screen also shows recent files you have opened. If you want to open a recent workbook in this dialog box you must press TAB to locate the recent file list, use the Arrow Keys to select the file and then press ENTER.

Tip: You can turn off the appearance of the Start screen when Excel starts by going to Excel's Options (ALT + F, T) and, in the "General" category, deselect the "Show the Start Screen when this application starts" check box.

If you are working in a workbook, you can use Backstage View to find a recently used file instead of using the "Open" dialog box.

To do this:

  1. Press CONTROL + O. Backstage View opens. The focus is on the "Open" option.
  2. TAB to the recent workbooks list.
  3. DOWN ARROW to select a file and press ENTER. Backstage View closes and the file opens.

Open an existing workbook

The "Open" dialog box allows you to find and open workbooks that are stored on the computer. You can then make changes to these workbooks within the main Excel window.

To do this:

  1. Press CONTROL + F12. The "Open" dialog box opens.
  2. SHIFT + TAB twice to move into the file list, use the Arrow Keys to select the file and then press ENTER. If the file is in a different folder, use BACKSPACE to go one level up and use ENTER to open folders until you select the file and then press ENTER. Excel closes the dialog box and opens the file.

Note that you must change the "Files of type" value if you are opening a file of a type the current value does not include. The "Files of type" list filters the types of files showing.

Switch between open workbooks

In Excel, you can have multiple workbooks open at the same time and switch between them with the use of an Excel key command.

To do this press CONTROL + F6 or CONTROL + SHIFT + F6.

Section 5: Save and close workbooks

Save a new workbook for the first time

Before you save work you must first consider whether others need to open the file. If others do, then it is important to consider the programs they use and the types of files they can open. This will decide the best format to save the file in.

To save a file:

  1. Press F12. The "Save As" dialog box opens.
  2. If the default folder location is correct, type a name for the file in the "File name" box. If the location is not correct, SHIFT + TAB twice to move into the file list, use BACKSPACE to go one level up and use ENTER to open folders until you are in the correct folder, then TAB to the "File name" box and type a name for the file.
  3. If the file format is to change, TAB to the "Type of format" list and use the Arrow Keys to select a format
  4. TAB to the "Save" button and press SPACEBAR. Excel closes the dialog box and saves the file.

Save changes to a workbook

You can save changes to a workbook by using the Excel Save command.

To do this press CONTROL + S.

Note, if this is a new workbook that has not been saved before, then the "Save As" dialog box will automatically open when you use the Save command. You must save the workbook.

Save a workbook in a different file type

Excel includes a number of different file types that you can use to save a workbook in. You may need to save the workbook in a different file type if you are sending the workbook to someone who does not have the same version of Excel.

To do this:

  1. Press F12. The "Save As" dialog box opens.
  2. If the default folder location is correct, type a name for the file in the "File name" box. If the location is not correct, SHIFT + TAB twice to move into the file list, use BACKSPACE to go one level up and use ENTER to open folders until you are in the correct folder, then TAB to the "File name" box and type a name for the file.
  3. TAB to the "Type of format" list and use the Arrow Keys to select a file type.
  4. TAB to the "Save" button and press SPACEBAR. Excel closes the dialog box and saves the file.

Close and exit

To close your current workbook while keeping Excel and other workbooks open press CONTROL + F4.

To close all workbooks and exit Excel press ALT + F4.

Section 6: Work with cells

Read a cell

As you move through a worksheet, SuperNova and ScreenReader first tells you the content of the current cell followed by the cell position and finally any properties associated with the cell.

You can control the amount of information SuperNova announces by changing verbosity level.

In addition, you can use the following SuperNova hot keys to read about a cell:

Speak Keys
Function Desktop - Default NumPad Set Laptop - Universal Set
Read current focus NUMPAD 0 CAPS LOCK + UP ARROW
Read cell position NUMPAD 3 SHIFT + CAPS LOCK + LEFT ARROW
Read cell properties (Additional Focus Information) LEFT SHIFT + NUMPAD 0 CONTROL + CAPS LOCK + UP ARROW

Enter data in a cell

To do this:

  1. Go to the cell.
  2. Type the data and press ENTER.

Note: By default, pressing ENTER confirms the entry and moves you one cell down. You can also use the following keys to move to the next cell in a different direction:

  • SHIFT + ENTER to confirm and move one cell up.
  • TAB to confirm and move one cell right.
  • SHIFT + TAB to confirm and move one cell left.

Edit a cell

You can edit the content of a cell rather than having to retype the content.

To do this:

  1. Go to the cell to edit.
  2. Press F2.
  3. Edit the cell content and press ENTER.
  4. To cancel without making changes, press ESCAPE.

Note: By default, pressing ENTER confirms your entry and moves you one cell down. You can also use the following keys to move to the next cell in a different direction:

  • SHIFT + ENTER to confirm and move one cell up.
  • TAB to confirm and move one cell right.
  • SHIFT + TAB to confirm and move one cell left.

Note: You can type text into the active cell using either Insert Mode or Overwrite Mode. You press the INSERT key to switch between these two input modes. Insert Mode adds the text you are typing into the current line without replacing what is already written. Overwrite Mode will replace the current text with the new text being typed, in essence, replacing one character for another.

Clear cells

To clear data from cells:

  1. Select the cells to clear.
  2. Press DELETE.

Insert cells

Note: You may find these hot keys conflicting with your SuperNova or ScreenReader hot keys. To avoid any conflict please use the "Allow Through" hot key. To learn more please see the "Hot Key Conflicts" topics in the SuperNova and ScreenReader Manual.

To do this:

  1. Go to the cell where you want to insert a new cell. If you want to insert more than one cell, select the cells where you want to insert the new cells.
  2. Press CONTROL + SHIFT + EQUALS. The "Insert" dialog box opens.
  3. Use the Arrow Keys to select "Shift cells right" or "Shift cells down" and then press ENTER. The choice you make determines the direction the current cells move. Excel closes the dialog box and inserts the new cells.

Move data in a workbook

You can move data from one part of a workbook to another. This can make working faster as you do not need to re-type the information again.

To do this:

  1. Select the data to move.
  2. Press CONTROL + X. Excel moves the data to the Clipboard.
  3. Go to the cell where you want to insert the data.
  4. To overwrite the existing cells, press CONTROL + V.
  5. To move the existing cells, press SHIFT + F10 to open a context menu, then DOWN ARROW to "Insert Cut cells" and press ENTER. This opens the "Insert Paste" dialog box. In this dialog box, use the Arrow Keys to select whether the existing cells move down or right and then press ENTER. Excel closes the dialog box and inserts the data.

Copy data in a workbook

You can copy data from one part of a workbook to another. This can make working faster as you do not need to re-type the information again.

To do this:

  1. Select the data to copy.
  2. Press CONTROL + C. Excel copies the data to the Clipboard.
  3. Go to the cell where you want to insert the data.
  4. To overwrite the existing cells, press CONTROL + V.
  5. To move the existing cells, press SHIFT + F10 to open a context menu, then DOWN ARROW to "Insert Copied cells" and press ENTER. This opens the "Insert Paste" dialog box. In this dialog box, use the Arrow Keys to select whether the existing cells move down or right and then press ENTER. Excel closes the dialog box and inserts the data.

Find data

To find data in a workbook:

  1. Press SHIFT + F5. The "Find & Replace" dialog box opens.
  2. In the "Find what" box, type in the data that you want to find and then do one of the following:
    • Press ENTER and then press ESCAPE to close the dialog box. This will return you to the worksheet with a matching cell selected. To search for the next matching cell, press SHIFT + F4.
    • Press ENTER and then press ALT + F6 to switch focus from the "Find & Replace" dialog box to the matching cell in the worksheet. When you need to return to the "Find & Replace" dialog box, press ALT + F6 again.
    • TAB to the "Find All" button and press SPACEBAR. This will show a list of matching results. You can use the Arrow Keys to move through the list and if you press ENTER on an item, focus will move to that cell in the worksheet. To then move to the selected cell, press ALT + F6 to switch focus to the worksheet or press ESCAPE to close the dialog box.

Section 7: Format cells

Change font type

To do this:

  1. Select the cells to change.
  2. Press CONTROL + SHIFT + F. The "Font" page in the "Format cells" dialog box opens.
  3. TAB to the "Font" list.
  4. Use the Arrow Keys to select your font and press ENTER. Excel closes the dialog box and changes the cells.

Change font size

To do this:

  1. Select the cells to change.
  2. Press CONTROL + SHIFT + F. The "Font" page in the "Format cells" dialog box opens.
  3. TAB to the "Size" list.
  4. Use the Arrow Keys to select a size and press ENTER. Excel closes the dialog box and changes the cells.

Change font colour

To do this:

  1. Select the cells to change.
  2. Press CONTROL + SHIFT + F. The "Font" page in the "Format cells" dialog box opens.
  3. TAB to the "Colour" list and press DOWN ARROW to open the list.
  4. Use the Arrow Keys to choose a colour and press ENTER. The list closes and focus goes back to the dialog box.
  5. Press ENTER. Excel closes the dialog box and changes the cells.

Make text bold

To do this:

  1. Select the cells to change.
  2. Press CONTROL + B.

Make text italic

To do this:

  1. Select the cells to change.
  2. Press CONTROL + I.

Underline text

To do this:

  1. Select the cells to change.
  2. Press CONTROL + U.

Align text

Excel uses vertical and horizontal positioning to align text in a cell. The vertical position is the position between the top and bottom of a cell, for example, you can align the text to the top, middle or bottom of a cell. The horizontal position is the position between the left and right  sides of a cell, for example, you can align the text to the left, centre or right of a cell.

To align text:

  1. Select the cells to change.
  2. Press CONTROL + 1. The "Format Cells" dialog box opens.
  3. If the "Alignment" page is not open, press CONTROL + TAB until the "Alignment" page opens.
  4. TAB to the "Horizontal" list and use the Arrow Keys to select an alignment.
  5. TAB to the "Vertical" list and use the Arrow Keys to select an alignment.
  6. TAB to the "OK" button and press SPACEBAR. Excel closes the dialog box and changes the cells.

Add a border to a cell

Having cells with borders is a very common thing in Excel. You may add them to help draw attention to number, or to divide numbers from column headings in a table.

Note: You may find these hot keys conflicting with your SuperNova or ScreenReader hot keys. To avoid any conflict please use the "Allow Through" hot key. To learn more please see the "Hot Key Conflicts" topics in the SuperNova or ScreenReader Manual.

To apply an outline border to a cell or range of cells:

  1. Select the cell or cells.
  2. Press CONTROL + SHIFT + 7.

You can choose different border styles by going to the "Border" page in the "Format Cells" dialog box. You can open the "Format Cells" dialog box by pressing CONTROL + 1.

To remove a border applied to a cell or group of cells, press CONTROL + SHIFT + MINUS.

Wrap text

You can wrap text in a cell so that the text is not hid from view by the data in adjacent cells. You can do this by selecting "Wrap text" in the "Format Cells" dialog box or by adding a manual line break. Using the "Wrap text" option means Excel will automatically adjust the cell content if the column width changes.

To apply the "Wrap text" option to cells:

  1. Select the cells to change.
  2. Press CONTROL + 1. The "Format Cells" dialog box opens.
  3. If the "Alignment" page is not open, press CONTROL + TAB until the "Alignment" page opens.
  4. TAB to the "Wrap text" check box and press SPACEBAR to select this item.
  5. TAB to the "OK" button and press SPACEBAR. Excel closes the dialog box and changes the cells.

If you want to apply a manual line break in a cell:

  1. Position the cursor in the cell where you want to insert the line break.
  2. Press ALT + ENTER.

Section 8: Headings

SuperNova and ScreenReader can detect and announce the row and column headings in a worksheet. A row or column heading is usually a cell in the row or column with different properties to the other cells in the row or column, for example, the text in the cell might be bold, italic, underlined or has a different background colour.

Reading headings with a hot key

You can read headings in a number of different ways.

Speak Keys
Function Desktop - Default NumPad Set Laptop - Universal Set
Read row and column headings CAPS LOCK + H CAPS LOCK + H
show row and column headings in a pop up window LEFT SHIFT + CAPS LOCK + H LEFT SHIFT + CAPS LOCK + H
Read cell co-ordinates and headings (*) NUMPAD 3 SHIFT + CAPS LOCK + LEFT ARROW

(*) You can learn more about the current focus by pressing the hot key multiple times.

  • x2 spells the cell co-ordinates.
  • x3 reads the row and column headings.
  • x4 spells the row and column headings.

Automatically read headings as you navigate

You can set SuperNova and ScreenReader to automatically read the row and column headings as you navigate through a worksheet by turning on automatic heading announcement.

To do this press LEFT CONTROL + CAPS LOCK + H.

Change the methods for detecting headings

You control how SuperNova detects row and column headings through the "Heading Announcement Configuration" dialog box. In this dialog box you can set the detection options, for example, change heading detection from cells containing bold text to cells containing italic text.

To change detection settings

  1. Press CAPS LOCK + X. The "Heading Announcement Configuration" dialog box opens.
  2. DOWN ARROW to select "Change Heading Detection Method" and press ENTER. The "Heading Detection Method" dialog box opens.
  3. In this dialog box:
    • You can use the "Add" button to add different methods to detect headings in your worksheet. Options include different formatting styles, cell colour, cell pattern and first text cell in row and column.
    • You can use the "Remove" button to remove the methods to detect headings.
    • You can use the "Up" and "Down" buttons to change what order the items in your Properties list appear. The first item in your list is the first option SuperNova and ScreenReader uses to try and find a heading. If this is unsuccessful then SuperNova and ScreenReader uses the second method to try and find a heading and so on.
  4. When done, TAB to the "OK" button and press SPACEBAR. The dialog box closes and focus goes back to the "Heading Announcement Configuration" dialog box.
  5. TAB to the "Close" button and press SPACEBAR. SuperNova or ScreenReader closes the dialog box and focus goes back to the worksheet.

Change the heading detection range

You can change the size of the area SuperNova and ScreenReader searches for headings. By default, this value is set to 30 rows and columns beyond the visible cells on the screen.

To do this:

  1. Press CAPS LOCK + X. The "Heading Announcement Configuration" dialog box opens.
  2. DOWN ARROW to select "Change Search Margin Beyond Visible Cells" and press ENTER. The "Search Margin" dialog box opens.
  3. In the "Search Margin Around Visible Cells" box, type a value.
  4. TAB to the "OK" button and press SPACEBAR. The dialog box closes and focus goes back to the "Heading Announcement Configuration" dialog box.
  5. TAB to the "Close" button and press SPACEBAR. SuperNova and ScreenReader closes the dialog box and focus goes back to the worksheet. Now, as you navigate around the workbook the new heading announcement settings will be used.

Note: If you set the search margin to a very high value then this can have a detrimental impact on your system performance. This is because of the number of cells SuperNova or ScreenReader must continuously search as you move through the workbook.

Section 9: Rows and columns

Insert a row

Note: You may find these hot keys conflicting with your SuperNova or ScreenReader hot keys. To avoid any conflict please use the "Allow Through" hot key. To learn more please see the "Hot Key Conflicts" topics in the SuperNova or ScreenReader Manual.

To insert a row:

  1. Go to the row. If you want to insert more than one row, select a cell in each row.
  2. Press SHIFT + SPACEBAR. Excel selects all the cells in the row.
  3. Press CONTROL + SHIFT + EQUALS. Excel inserts the row and existing rows shift down.

Insert a column

Note: You may find these hot keys conflicting with your SuperNova or ScreenReader hot keys. To avoid any conflict please use the "Allow Through" hot key. To learn more please see the "Hot Key Conflicts" topics in the SuperNova or ScreenReader Manual.

To insert a column:

  1. Go to the column. If you want to insert more than one column, select a cell in each column.
  2. Press CONTROL + SPACEBAR. Excel selects all the cells in the column.
  3. Press CONTROL + SHIFT + EQUALS. Excel inserts the column and existing columns shift right.

Hide rows and unhide rows

When reading large worksheets, you may find it easier to hide the columns or rows that you do not need to consider. For example, you may only be interested in the data from Row 1, Row 2 and Row 30. To make it easy to view these rows, you can hide all the rows between Row 2 and Row 30.

Note: You may find these hot keys conflicting with the SuperNova and ScreenReader hot keys. To avoid any conflict please use the "Allow Through" hot key. To learn more please see the "Hot Key Conflicts" topics in the SuperNova or ScreenReader Manual.

To hide rows:

  1. Select the rows to hide.
  2. Press CONTROL + 9.

To unhide rows:

  1. Select the cells that span the hidden rows. If you want to unhide all rows in the data region then press CONTROL + A to select the data region.
  2. Press CONTROL + SHIFT + 9.

Hide columns and unhide columns

When reading large worksheets, you may find it easier to hide the columns or rows that you do not need to consider. For example, you may only be interested in the data from Column A, Column B and Column Q. To make it easy to view these columns, you can hide all the columns between Column B and Column Q.

Note: You may find these hot keys conflicting with the SuperNova and ScreenReader hot keys. To avoid any conflict please use the "Allow Through" hot key. To learn more please see the "Hot Key Conflicts" topics in the SuperNova or ScreenReader Manual.

To hide columns:

  1. Select the columns to hide.
  2. Press CONTROL + 0.

To unhide columns:

  1. Select the cells that span the hidden columns. If you want to unhide all columns in the data region then press CONTROL + A to select the data region.
  2. Press CONTROL + SHIFT + 0.

Delete rows

Note: You may find these hot keys conflicting with your SuperNova or ScreenReader hot keys. To avoid any conflict please use the "Allow Through" hot key. To learn more please see the "Hot Key Conflicts" topics in the SuperNova or ScreenReader Manual.

To delete a row:

  1. Go to the row. If you want to delete more than one row, select a cell in each row.
  2. Press SHIFT + SPACEBAR. Excel selects all the cells in the row.
  3. Then do one of the following:
    • Press DELETE to clear the cells.
    • Press CONTROL + MINUS to delete the entire row and shift rows up.

Delete columns

Note: You may find these hot keys conflicting with your SuperNova or ScreenReader hot keys. To avoid any conflict please use the "Allow Through" hot key. To learn more please see the "Hot Key Conflicts" topics in the SuperNova or ScreenReader Manual.

To delete a column:

  1. Go to the column. If you want to delete more than one column, select a cell in each column.
  2. Press CONTROL + SPACEBAR. Excel selects all the cells in the column.
  3. Then do one of the following:
    • Press DELETE to clear the cells.
    • Press CONTROL + MINUS to delete the entire column and shift columns left.

Freeze rows and columns

When you freeze panes, you keep specific rows or columns visible when scrolling. For example, you might want to keep row and column headings visible as you move through a worksheet. A solid line marks the rows and columns you freeze. This provides a visual benefit to users working in a workbook.

To do this:

  1. To freeze a row, go to the cell immediately below the row in Column A. To freeze a column, go to the cell immediately right of the column in Row 1. To freeze both the row and column, go to the cell immediately below and to the right of the row and column.
  2. Press ALT + W. the "View" tab opens in the Ribbon.
  3. TAB to "Freeze Pane" and press SPACEBAR. A list opens.
  4. DOWN ARROW to "Freeze Pane" and press ENTER. Excel freezes the row, column or both rows and columns and focus goes back to the worksheet.

When you press navigation keys like HOME and CONTROL + HOME, the focus only moves in the scrollable area of the worksheet. To move focus into the freeze pane area requires you to use the Arrow Keys.

The "Freeze Pane" option changes to "Unfreeze Panes" when you have frozen rows and columns. You can choose "Unfreeze Panes" to go back to full scrolling in the worksheet.

Section 10: Worksheets

Open worksheets

You can move between worksheets by pressing CONTROL + PAGE UP and CONTROL + PAGE DOWN. You might find, when working in workbooks with a large number of worksheets these Excel key commands can be difficult to use, especially when sheet names and data in the sheets are similar.

Instead, the SuperNova and ScreenReader Item Finder provides a way to quickly jump to a worksheet using only a few key presses.

To change sheets using the Item Finder:

  1. Press CAPS LOCK + TAB. The SuperNova Item Finder opens. You begin in the "Summary" tab.
  2. DOWN ARROW through the Summary list, select "Sheets" and press ENTER. The "Sheets" page opens showing a list of sheets in the workbook.
  3. DOWN ARROW to select a sheet and press ENTER. The Item Finder closes and the sheet opens.

Insert a sheet

You can insert a new sheet in a workbook by pressing SHIFT + F11. Excel inserts the new sheet before the current worksheet.

Rename, move and copy sheets

The "Format" option in the "Home" tab of the Ribbon holds the options for renaming, moving and copying worksheets. You can quickly reach these options by pressing ALT + H, followed by the letter O.

To rename a worksheet:

  1. Go to the sheet you want to rename.
  2. Press ALT + H, O and DOWN ARROW to "Rename Sheet" and press ENTER. Excel closes the menu and selects the sheet name.
  3. Type a name and press ENTER. Excel renames the sheet and then focus goes back to the worksheet.

To move or copy a worksheet:

To do this:

  1. Go to the sheet you want to move or copy.
  2. Press ALT + H, O and DOWN ARROW to "Move or Copy Sheet" and press ENTER. The "Move or Copy" dialog box opens.
  3. Use the "Before sheet" list to show where you want to position the sheet.
  4. If you want to copy rather than move the sheet, TAB to the "Create a copy" check box and press SPACEBAR.
  5. TAB to the "OK" button and press SPACEBAR. Excel closes the dialog box and, depending on your choices, moves or copies the sheet.

To move or copy a worksheet to another workbook:

To do this:

  1. Open the source and target workbooks.
  2. Go to the sheet you want to move or copy.
  3. Press ALT + H, O and DOWN ARROW to "Move or Copy Sheet" and press ENTER. The "Move or Copy" dialog box opens.
  4. SHIFT + TAB to the "To Book" list and use the Arrow Keys to select the target workbook.
  5. TAB to the "Before sheet" list and use the Arrow Keys to select where you want to position the sheet in the target workbook.
  6. If you want to copy rather than move the sheet, TAB to the "Create a copy" check box and press SPACEBAR.
  7. TAB to the "OK" button and press SPACEBAR. Excel closes the dialog box and, depending on your choices, moves or copies the sheet.

Delete a sheet

The "Delete" option in the "Home" tab of the Ribbon holds the options for deleting rows, columns and worksheets. You can quickly reach these options by pressing ALT + H, followed by the letter D.

To delete a worksheet:

  1. Go to the sheet you want to delete.
  2. Press ALT + H, D and DOWN ARROW to "Delete Sheet" and press ENTER. A confirmation message window appears.
  3. TAB to the "Delete" button and press SPACEBAR. Excel closes the message window and deletes the sheet.

Section 11: Sort data

Sort a column of data in ascending order

To perform a simple sort based on one column:

  1. Select the cells to sort.
  2. Press SHIFT + F10, DOWN ARROW to "Sort" and RIGHT ARROW to open its sub-menu.
  3. If the data is text, DOWN ARROW to "Sort A to Z" and press ENTER. If the data is numbers, DOWN ARROW to "Sort smallest to largest" and press ENTER. Excel closes the menu and sorts the data.

Sort a column of data in descending order

To perform a simple sort based on one column:

  1. Select the cells to sort.
  2. Press SHIFT + F10, DOWN ARROW to "Sort" and RIGHT ARROW to open its sub-menu.
  3. If the data is text, DOWN ARROW to "Sort Z to A" and press ENTER. If the data is numbers, DOWN ARROW to "Sort largest to smallest" and press ENTER. Excel closes the menu and sorts the data.

Auto filter data

Filtering provides an easy way to sort data. Filtering also has the benefit that it does not alter the source data but rather just hides the rows that do not meet the current criteria.

In order to successfully filter data, the worksheet must have headings for each column of data. With headings in place, you can filter data in the following way:

  1. Go to a heading in the data range.
  2. Press CONTROL + SHIFT + L. Excel adds a drop down button to each cell in the row.
  3. Go to the heading to be filtered and press ALT + DOWN ARROW. A list opens with options including "Ascending", "Descending" and criteria based on the column data.
  4. DOWN ARROW to select an item and press ENTER. Excel closes the list and focus goes back to the cell. Excel hides all the rows that do not meet the criteria.

Note: To close the filter list without applying a change, press ALT + UP ARROW or ESCAPE. To remove the Filter, go to the heading row and press CONTROL + SHIFT + L AGAIN.

Section 12: Formula

A formula is a series of mathematical instructions that can be used in Excel to perform calculations based on the contents of cells. Formulae are entered in Excel’s formula bar by prefixing the formula with an ("=") equals sign.

There are four possible components that make up an Excel formula and they are:

  • References: The cell co-ordinates (or a range of cell co-ordinates) that you want to perform calculations on.
  • Operators: Mathematical symbols ( + , -, /, *, etc.) that specify the calculation to be performed on the cell (or range of cells) value.
  • Constants: Numbers (such as 5) that do not change during the calculation.
  • Functions: Built-in Excel formulas, such as Sum, Average, and Count.

Add a simple formula

To add a simple formula:

  1. Go to the cell that will show the results of the formula.
  2. Type = followed by the formula, for example, =A1+B1 and press ENTER.

The above example adds the values of cells A1 and B1 together and puts the results into the current cell.

Apply relative, absolute and mixed references

A cell reference can be relative or absolute. A relative reference changes when copied and an absolute reference stays constant when copied

For example:

  • To display the value of cell A1 as a relative value: =A1
  • To display the value of cell A1 as an absolute value: =$A$1
  • To display the value of cell A1 with an absolute column value and relative row value: =$A1
  • To display the value of cell A1 with a relative column value and absolute row value: =A$1

To switch between relative, absolute and mixed references:

  1. Go to the cell containing the formula.
  2. Press F2.
  3. Edit the formula or select the reference to change and press F4 to toggle through the combinations.
  4. wHEN DONE, Press ENTER. Excel updates the formula.

Insert a function

An Excel function is a built-in formula. these include:

  • Sum (adds the values of a range of cells together).
  • Average (calculates the average value of a range of cells).
  • Min (calculates the minimum value of a range of cells).
  • Max (calculates the maximum value of a range of cells)
  • Count (calculates the number of cells in a range).

An Excel function has a name (such as Sum, Average, Max, Min, or Count) and arguments (such as the cell range A1:A30) specified in brackets (parentheses).

To insert a simple function:

  1. Go to the cell that will show the results of the formula.
  2. Press SHIFT + F3. The "Insert Function" dialog box opens.
  3. TAB to the "Select a function" list.
  4. DOWN ARROW to the Excel function that you want to use and then press ENTER. The "Function Arguments" dialog box opens.
  5. Type in the arguments for the function, such as the cell range A1:A30, and press ENTER. Excel closes the dialog box and inserts the formula into the cell.

If you use a particular function regularly then you can type in the name of the function directly into the cell rather than using the method described above, for example, typing


Brings the same results as using the steps above.

Read the Formula Bar

The Formula Bar shows any formulas contained in a cell.

You can press a SuperNova and ScreenReader hot key to read the content of the Formula Bar.

Speak Keys
Function Desktop - Default NumPad Set Laptop - Universal Set

Show formulas in a worksheet

You can set Excel to show the formula in the worksheet cells rather than showing the outcome of the formula by pressing CONTROL + GRAVE (`).

Repeat this hot key to go back to showing the results of the formula.

Section 13: Comments

You can add a Comment to a cell. A Comment is a small text box that contains any points of interest about the current cell.

You can hide or view Comments added to cells.

Add or edit a Comment

To add or edit a Comment:

  1. Go to the cell to change.
  2. Press SHIFT + F2. A Comment text box opens.
  3. Type a Comment and press ESCAPE. Excel saves the Comment and focus goes back to the worksheet.

If you do not return to your worksheet, press ESCAPE to move focus away from the Comment. To avoid this problem in the future, see "Recommended Excel Comment setting change" below.

Read a Comment

SuperNova and ScreenReader tells you when a cell has a Comment. You can then choose to read the Comment or ignore it.

To read a Comment, press the Additional Focus Information hot key.

Speak Keys
Function Desktop - Default NumPad Set Laptop - Universal Set
Read Additional Focus Information LEFT SHIFT + NUMPAD 0 CONTROL + CAPS LOCK + UP ARROW

List the Comments in the currently visible cells

One way you can review Comments added to cells is to use the SuperNova and ScreenReader Item Finder. This method is restricted to the cells currently visible on the screen.

To show a list of Comments and then go to the cell containing the Comment:

  1. Press CAPS LOCK + TAB. The Item Finder opens. You begin in the "Summary" tab.
  2. DOWN ARROW through the Summary list, select "Comments" and press ENTER. The "Comments" list opens.
  3. DOWN ARROW to select the Comment you want to go to and press ENTER. The Item Finder dialog box closes and focus moves to the cell.

Go to cells containing Comments

When working in a small worksheet, the Item Finder provides an easy way to review the cells containing Comments. When the range of cells extends beyond the visible screen then you need to adopt a different approach.

To review cells containing a Comment do this:

  1. Press CONTROL + SHIFT + O. Excel selects all cells containing Comments in the worksheet.
  2. Press TAB or SHIFT + TAB to move between the selected cells.

Note: You will not be able to move between selected cells if the range becomes unselected, for example, if you use the Arrow Keys to move away from the current cell. You can also select all cells containing Comments by pressing F5 to open the "Go To" dialog box, select the "Specials" button and then choose "Comments".

Delete a Comment

To delete a Comment from a cell:

  1. Go to the cell to change.
  2. Press SHIFT + F10 and then DOWN ARROW to "Delete Comment" and press ENTER. Excel closes the menu and deletes the Comment.

You may find setting Excel to hide Comments means comments are easier to use because it reduces screen clutter.

To do this:

  1. Press ALT + F. Backstage View opens.
  2. DOWN ARROW to "Options" and press ENTER. The "Excel Options" dialog box opens.
  3. DOWN ARROW to the "Advanced" tab.
  4. TAB to the "For cells with comments, show:" group and select either "No comments or indicators" or "Indicators only, and comments on hover" and then press ENTER. Excel closes the dialog box and applies the changes.

Section 14: Charts

Create a chart

To create a chart:

  1. Select the cells containing the data range.
  2. Press ALT + N followed by K. The "Insert" tab opens, the "All Charts" button is pressed and a list of available chart types opens.
  3. Use the Arrow Keys to select a chart type and press ENTER. Excel inserts the chart into the worksheet.
  4. press ESCAPE. Excel moves focus back to the worksheet.

Note: To quickly create a chart that is based on a default design and inserted as a new chart sheet, select your data range and press ALT + F1 or F11. If you use a particular chart type regularly, then you can set this to be your default chart design. This is done by selecting the "Set as default chart" button, in the "Chart Type" dialog box.

Edit a chart

Once you have created a chart you can do several things to customize and modify the contents of the chart. To do this you must first select the chart, which you do by clicking the chart object with the mouse pointer. For a keyboard alternative, you can use the SuperNova and ScreenReader Item Finder to select your chart.

To do this:

  1. Press CAPS LOCK + TAB. The SuperNova Item Finder opens. You begin in the "Summary" tab
  2. DOWN ARROW through the Summary list, select "Charts" and press ENTER. The "Charts" page opens.
  3. DOWN ARROW to select the chart to edit and press ENTER. The Item Finder dialog box closes and the chart is selected. When your chart is selected, Excel adds "Chart Tools" tabs to the Ribbon. These additional tabs are: Design, Layout and Format.
  4. Press ALT and RIGHT ARROW until you select the tab you want to open.
  5. TAB to the button you want to use and press SPACEBAR.

List chart elements

You can list and review chart elements using the SuperNova and ScreenReader Item Finder.

To list charts in the current worksheet and review the chart elements:

  1. Press CAPS LOCK + TAB. The Item Finder opens. You begin in the "Summary" tab.
  2. DOWN ARROW through the Summary list, select "Charts" and press ENTER. The "Charts" page opens.
  3. DOWN ARROW to select the chart to review and press ENTER. the Item Finder dialog box closes and the chart is selected.
  4. To read the chart elements, press the Additional Focus Information hot key.
  5. To list the chart elements, open the SuperNova Item Finder and then press CONTROL + TAB to open the "Chart elements" page. Next, use the Arrow Keys to view a list of the chart properties. When done, press ESCAPE to exit the Item Finder.
  6. Press ESCAPE. Excel moves focus back to the worksheet.

General Hot Keys

Function Hot key
Open CONTROL + F12
Save As F12
Spell check F7
Thesaurus SHIFT + F7
Print Preview CONTROL + F2
Exit ALT + F4
Function Hot key
Move one cell up, down, left, or right ARROW KEYS
Move to the edge of the current data region CONTROL + ARROW KEY
Move to the beginning of the row HOME
Move to the beginning of the worksheet CONTROL + HOME
Move to the last cell on the worksheet, in the bottom-most used row of the rightmost used column CONTROL + END
Move down one screen PAGE DOWN
Move up one screen PAGE UP
Move one screen to the right ALT + PAGE DOWN
Move one screen to the left ALT + PAGE UP
Move to the next sheet in the workbook CONTROL + PAGE DOWN
Move to the previous sheet in the workbook CONTROL + PAGE UP

Edit and Format Hot Keys

Function Hot key
Edit active cell (or move focus to the Formula Bar if editing in current cell is turned off) F2
Add or edit cell comment SHIFT + F2
Insert a new worksheet SHIFT + F11
Open the Delete dialog where you can choose to delete cells, rows and columns CONTROL + MINUS
Activate auto sum ALT + EQUALS
Display menu or message for Smart Tag (if more than one Smart Tag is showing it will switch to the next Smart Tag and show its menu or message) ALT + SHIFT + F10

Cut, Copy and Paste Hot Keys

Function Hot key
Copy the selected object CONTROL + C
Cut the selected object CONTROL + X
Copy format CONTROL + SHIFT + C
Paste format CONTROL + SHIFT + V

Find Hot Keys

Function Hot key
Repeat find (after closing Find and Replace window). SHIFT + F4
Replace CONTROL + H

Page 2

Welcome to the Microsoft Outlook tutorial.

In this tutorial you will learn about the ways you can use the keyboard to accomplish many common tasks in Outlook including opening messages, opening attachments, sending messages and creating appointments and tasks. As you progress through the chapters you will also discover useful SuperNova hot keys and some tips and tricks to help you be even more productive.

Section 2: Learn the essentials

Important configuration tips

For best results:

  • You must start SuperNova before you run Outlook.
  • SuperNova automatically hides the "Reading Pane" in the Inbox to reduce the screen clutter and ensure no focus tracking problems arise. This also makes it easier to navigate Outlook if you are using the keyboard. You may also want to hide the "Reading Pane" in other folders, which you can do by deselecting the item in the "View" tab.
  • Hide the "Navigation Pane" to reduce the screen clutter. This can make it easier to navigate Outlook if you use the keyboard. You can hide this pane by deselecting the item in the "View" tab. You can then go to Folders by using the "Go to Folders" dialog box, which you can open by pressing CONTROL + Y.
  • If you have problems reading emails due to the layout they appear in then choose to view the email in your browser. To do this: open the email; go to the "Message" tab in the Ribbon; choose the "Action" button and from the context menu that appears select "View in Browser".

Select text

Here are just some of the ways you can select text using the keyboard:

  • To select an entire document, press CONTROL + A.
  • To select a character to the right, position your cursor to the left of the character and press SHIFT + RIGHT ARROW.  To continue selecting characters to the right, keep SHIFT pressed down and press RIGHT ARROW again.
  • To select a word, position your cursor at the start of the word and press CONTROL + SHIFT + RIGHT ARROW. To continue selecting words to the right, keep CONTROL + SHIFT pressed down and press RIGHT ARROW again.
  • To select a line, position your cursor on the line, press HOME and then press SHIFT + END.
  • To select multiple lines, position your cursor on the line below, press HOME and then press SHIFT + UP ARROW to select the line above.  To continue selecting lines above, keep SHIFT pressed down and press UP ARROW again.
  • To select a paragraph, position your cursor at the start of the paragraph and press CONTROL + SHIFT + DOWN ARROW. To continue selecting paragraphs, keep CONTROL + SHIFT pressed down and press DOWN ARROW again.

Section 3: Work with email

Create and send an email

To do this:

  1. Press CONTROL + SHIFT + M. A message window opens with the cursor in the "To" box.
  2. Type the email address of the recipients. Separate each email address with a semi colon.
  3. TAB to the "CC" box and type in any additional email addresses to receive a copy of the email.
  4. TAB to the "Subject" box and type in a subject for the email.
  5. TAB to the message body and type a message.
  6. If you want to change the email properties before sending, press ALT + ENTER. This will open the "Properties" dialog box. In this dialog box you can change settings including the priority level of the email.
  7. When you are ready to send the email, press ALT + S. Outlook closes the message window and sends the email. If you are working offline then the message will go to the "Outbox". It is then sent the next time you go online.

Create and send an email to contacts

To do this:

  1. Press CONTROL + SHIFT + M. A message window opens with the cursor in the "To" box.
  2. Press ALT + FULL STOP. The "Select Names: Contacts" dialog box opens.
  3. TAB to the contact list, use the Arrow Keys to select a contact and press ENTER. Repeat this step for each recipient. Outlook adds the contact to the To list.
  4. TAB to the "OK" button and press SPACEBAR. Outlook closes the dialog box and focus goes back to the message window.
  5. If you want to add contacts to the CC list, press ALT + C AND REPEAT THE STEPS ABOVE.
  6. TAB to the "Subject" box and type in a subject for the email.
  7. TAB to the message body and type a message.
  8. If you want to change the email properties before sending, press ALT + ENTER. This will open the "Properties" dialog box. In this dialog box you can change settings including the priority level of the email.
  9. When you are ready to send the email, press ALT + S. Outlook closes the message window and sends the email. If you are working offline then the message will go to the "Outbox". It is then sent the next time you go online.

Open an email

Outlook organises all email that you have received into a folder called "Inbox". You can read emails stored in here at any time.

To do this:

  1. Press CONTROL + Y. The "Go to Folder" dialog box opens.
  2. Use the Arrow Keys to select "Inbox" and press ENTER. Outlook closes the dialog box and opens the folder.
  3. DOWN ARROW until you select the email you want to open and then press ENTER. The email message opens.
  4. When you have finished reading the email, press ESCAPE. Outlook closes the message window and focus goes back to the Inbox folder.

Reply to an email

To do this:

  1. Open the email or select the email in the message list.
  2. Press CONTROL + R to reply to the sender or CONTROL + SHIFT + R to reply to all recipients on the To and CC line. A message window opens with the cursor in the message body.
  3. Type a reply.
  4. If you want to change the email properties before sending, press ALT + ENTER. This will open the "Properties" dialog box. In this dialog box you can change settings including the priority level of the email.
  5. When you are ready to send the email, press ALT + S. Outlook closes the message window and sends the email. If you are working offline then the message will go to the "Outbox". It is then sent the next time you go online.

Forward an email

To do this:

  1. Open the email or select the email from the message list.
  2. Press CONTROL + F. A message window opens with the cursor in the "To" box.
  3. Enter the recipients email address.
  4. TAB to the message body and type a message.
  5. If you want to change the email properties before sending, press ALT + ENTER. This will open the "Properties" dialog box. In this dialog box you can change settings including the priority level of the email.
  6. When you are ready to send the email, press ALT + S. Outlook closes the message window and sends the email. If you are working offline then the message will go to the "Outbox". It is then sent the next time you go online.

Show the BCC field

If you add a recipient's name to the BCC list in a mail message, a copy of the message is sent to that recipient, and the recipient's name is not visible to other recipients of the message.

If the Bcc box is not visible when you create a new message, you can add it through the Ribbon.

To do this:

  1. In the message window, press ALT + P. The "Options" tab opens.
  2. TAB to the "Show BCC" button and press SPACEBAR. Outlook adds the BCC box to the message header.

To remove the BCC box, repeat the steps above.

Save a message without sending

Outlook saves unsent messages in the Drafts folder.

To compose and save a new message:

  1. Press CONTROL + SHIFT + M. A message window opens with the cursor in the "To" box.
  2. Compose the email.
  3. Press CONTROL + S. Outlook saves the message in the Drafts folder. You should regularly save your messages as you work.
  4. Press ESCAPE. Outlook closes the message window and places the message in the "Drafts" folder.

Open a draft email

Outlook saves unsent messages in the Drafts folder.

To open and send a message from the "Drafts" folder:

  1. Press CONTROL + Y. The "Go to Folder" dialog box opens.
  2. Use the Arrow Keys to select "Drafts" and press ENTER. Outlook closes the dialog box and opens the folder.
  3. DOWN ARROW until you select the email you want to open and then press ENTER. The email message opens.
  4. Edit the message.
  5. When you are ready to send the email, press ALT + S. Outlook closes the message window and sends the email. If you are working offline then the message will go to the "Outbox". It is then sent the next time you go online.

Move email to a different folder

You can organise email messages by moving them into specific folders, for example, you may want to place all emails you receive from an organisation into a particular folder.

To do this:

  1. Select the message to move.
  2. Press CONTROL + SHIFT + V. The "Move Items" dialog box opens.
  3. Use the Arrow Keys to select the target folder and press ENTER. If the folder does not exist then choose the "New" button to create the folder. Once done, Outlook closes the dialog box and moves the email to the folder.

Note: You can also copy email messages to another folder as well as move messages. To copy an email message, select the message, choose "Move" in the "Home" tab and then select "Copy to folder" from the menu that opens.

Check for new mail

Outlook will check for new email messages periodically while the application is running. You can also manually check for new email at any time by pressing F9.

Section 4: Format email

You can apply format changes when creating Rich Text and HTML email. You cannot apply format changes when creating Plain Text emails.

Change font type

To do this:

  1. Select the text to change.
  2. Press ALT + H. The "Message" tab opens.
  3. CONTROL + RIGHT ARROW to the "Basic Text" group. The cursor is in the "Font" list.
  4. Use the Arrow Keys to choose a font and press ENTER. You can also type in the name of the font and press ENTER. Outlook applies the change and focus goes back to the message body. The text remains selected.

Change font size

To do this:

  1. Select the text to change.
  2. Press ALT + H. The "Message" tab opens.
  3. CONTROL + RIGHT ARROW to the "Basic Text" group.
  4. TAB to the "Font Size" list.
  5. Use the Arrow Keys to choose your font size and press ENTER. You can also type in the font size and press ENTER. Outlook applies the change and focus goes back to the message body. The text remains selected.

Make text bold

To do this:

  1. Select the text to change.
  2. Press CONTROL + B.

Make text italic

To do this:

  1. Select the text to change.
  2. Press CONTROL + I.

Underline text

To do this:

  1. Select the text to change.
  2. Press CONTROL + U.

Align paragraphs

You can set the edge of a paragraph to be flush with the left margin, right margin or centred.

To change alignment:

  1. Select the paragraphs to change.
  2. Press:
    • CONTROL + L to left align the paragraphs.
    • CONTROL + E to centre the paragraphs.
    • CONTROL + R to right align the paragraphs.

For further alignment options, open the "Paragraph" dialog box. You can find access to this dialog box through the Ribbon.

Section 5: Email attachments

Attach a file

You can attach a file or files stored on your computer to an email you are composing. The files will then be sent to the recipient along with the email message.

To do this:

  1. In your email, press ALT + N, A, F. The "Insert File" dialog box opens. You can also press ALT + N, which opens the "Insert" page in the Ribbon, then TAB to the "Attach file" button and press SPACEBAR.
  2. SHIFT + TAB twice to move focus into the file list, use the Arrow Keys to select the file and then press ENTER. If the file is in a different folder, use BACKSPACE to go one level up and use ENTER to open folders until you select the file and then press ENTER. Outlook closes the dialog box and attaches the file.

Open an attachment

Email messages can contain attachments. If you are reading an email in Plain Text or HTML Format the attachments will appear in the header of the email. If you are viewing an email in Rich Text Format the attachments will be embedded in the message body.

To open an attachment in a Plain Text or HTML message:

  1. Open the email message.
  2. SHIFT + TAB once to move focus onto the "Message" label.
  3. RIGHT ARROW into the attachments list and press SHIFT + F10 (or the APPLICATION KEY). A context menu opens.
  4. DOWN ARROW to "Open" and press ENTER. The context menu closes and the attachment opens in a related program.

Attachments in a rich text email will be reported by SuperNova as an embedded object. To open an attachment in a Rich Text message:

  1. Open the email message.
  2. Position the cursor beside the embedded object.
  3. SHIFT + RIGHT ARROW to select the embedded object and press SHIFT + F10 (or press the APPLICATION KEY).
  4. DOWN ARROW to "Open" and press ENTER. The context menu closes and the attachment opens in a related program.

List attachments using the SuperNova Item Finder

You can list the attachments that appear in a message header by pressing CAPS LOCK + A. This SuperNova hot key works in HTML and Plain Text emails.

If the Item Finder fails to show the list of attachments then please refer to the following Dolphin Knowledge Base Article Number: Q0424.

Save an attachment

You can save a file attached to an email to a folder on the computer.

To do this:

  1. Open the email message.
  2. Press ALT + F. Backstage View opens.
  3. DOWN ARROW to "Save Attachments" and press ENTER. The "Save All Attachments" dialog box opens.
  4. TAB to the "OK" button and press SPACEBAR. The "Save Attachment" dialog box opens. If you are saving more than one attachment then the "Save All Attachments" dialog box opens.
  5. If the folder location is correct, press ENTER. If the location is not correct, SHIFT + TAB twice to move focus into the file list, use BACKSPACE to go one level up and use ENTER to open folders until you open the correct folder, then TAB to the "File name" box and press ENTER. Outlook saves the attachment and closes the dialog box.

Section 6: Contacts

Add a contact

You can save email addresses and other contact information in Outlook.

To do this:

  1. Press CONTROL + SHIFT + C. An "Untitled Contact" window opens. The cursor is in the "Full Name" box.
  2. Type in a name.
  3. TAB through and complete the fields you require.
  4. Press ALT + S. Outlook saves the changes and closes the dialog box.

Note: You can also add a new contact by selecting the contact's email address in the header of an email message. Open the email message, SHIFT + tab to the "From" field in the message header, press SHIFT + F10 to open a context menu and DOWN ARROW to "Add to Contact List" and press ENTER. This will automatically add the name and email address into the contact details.

Edit a contact

To do this:

  1. Press CONTROL + Y. The "Go to Folder" dialog box opens.
  2. Use the Arrow Keys to select "Contacts" and press ENTER. Outlook closes the dialog box and opens the folder.
  3. Use the Arrow Keys to select the contact to edit and then press ENTER. The contact window opens.
  4. TAB through and edit the fields you require.
  5. Press ALT + S. Outlook saves the changes and closes the dialog box.

Find a contact

Outlook contains a Find option. You can use the Find option to filter the items in the Contact folder. This can be helpful if you have a large number of contacts to navigate.

To find a contact:

  1. Press CONTROL + Y. The "Go to Folder" dialog box opens.
  2. Use the Arrow Keys to select "Contacts" and press ENTER. Outlook closes the dialog box and opens the folder.
  3. Press F3 to move focus to the search box.
  4. To do a new search, type the text and press ENTER or to do a previous search, DOWN ARROW to select the search term and press ENTER. Outlook filters the Contact list.
  5. TAB to the Contact list and use the Arrow Keys to select the target contact.

Tip: To show all contacts again, press F3 to go to the Search box, press DELETE to remove all text and then press ENTER.

Delete a contact

You can permanently delete a contact from your Contact list.

To do this:

  1. Press CONTROL + Y.The "Go to Folder" dialog box opens.
  2. Use the Arrow Keys to select "Contacts" and press ENTER. Outlook closes the dialog box and opens the folder.
  3. Use the Arrow Keys to select the contact you want to remove and press DELETE. Outlook deletes the contact.

Section 7: Calendar

Add appointments

You can add an appointment to the Calendar.

To do this:

  1. Press CONTROL + SHIFT + A. An "Untitled Appointment" window opens. The cursor is in the "Subject" field.
  2. Type in a subject for the appointment.
  3. TAB through and complete the fields you require.
  4. Press ALT + S. Outlook adds the appointment to the Calendar and closes the dialog box.

Edit an appointment in Calendar view

You can set Outlook to show appointments using the Calendar's Day, Week or Month views. Although there is a slight variation in shortcut keys between some views, you will find the following steps allow you to open an appointment in any view.

To open an appointment:

  1. Press CONTROL + Y. The "Go to Folder" dialog box opens.
  2. Use the Arrow Keys to select "Calendar" and press ENTER. Outlook closes the dialog box and opens the "Calendar".
  3. If the day you want to view is not showing, press CONTROL + G to open the "Go To Date" dialog box, enter the date and press ENTER. Outlook closes the "Go To Date" dialog box and opens the day.
  4. TAB to the appointment. Outlook places you in an edit mode.
  5. Press ESCAPE. SuperNova reads the appointment details.
  6. If you want to change the appointment details, press CONTROL + O. The "Appointment" dialog box opens. Use TAB to move through the different appointment fields. After reviewing and editing the appointment, press ALT + S. Outlook saves the changes and closes the dialog box.

List active appointments

If you find reviewing appointments in the Calendar time consuming then try the "Active Appointments" view. This view shows only the active appointments in a simple to navigate list.

To do this:

  1. Press CONTROL + Y. The "Go to Folder" dialog box opens.
  2. Use the Arrow Keys to select "Calendar" and press ENTER. Outlook closes the dialog box and opens the "Calendar".
  3. Press ALT + V. The "View" tab opens.
  4. TAB to the "Change View" button and press SPACEBAR.
  5. RIGHT ARROW to "Active" and press SPACEBAR. Outlook changes the view setting to "Active Appointments". Outlook remembers this view setting. If you want to go back to a different Calendar view, you must choose the appropriate option in the "View" tab.

Request a meeting

You can ask colleagues to attend a meeting by sending a meeting request. The meeting time will be automatically added to the Calendar.

To do this:

  1. Press CONTROL + SHIFT + Q. An "Untitled Meeting" window opens. The cursor is in the "To" field.
  2. Type in the email address of the contacts or press ALT + FULL STOP to open the Address Book and select the contacts you wish to attend.
  3. TAB through and complete the fields you require.
  4. Press ALT + S. Outlook adds the meeting to the Calendar, sends the meeting request to the contacts and closes the dialog box.

Reply to a meeting request

Meeting requests you receive appear as an email in the Inbox.

To respond to a meeting request:

  1. Select the meeting request message and press ENTER. The meeting request message opens.
  2. Use the Arrow Keys to read the message body. Use SHIFT + TAB  and TAB to move through the message header, which includes the details about the meeting time and location.
  3. To reply to the meeting request, press ALT + H. The "Meeting" tab opens in the Ribbon.
  4. TAB to the response you want, for example, "Accept", "Tentative" or "Decline" and then press SPACEBAR. A menu opens.
  5. Use the Arrow Keys to select an action, for example, to not send a reply and then press ENTER. Outlook updates the Calendar and closes the meeting request message.

Section 8: Tasks

Create a task

You can create task items to help manage and track any jobs or errands that you need to perform. Outlook can remind you when the completion date of a task is approaching, or when the task is overdue.

To do this:

  1. Press CONTROL + SHIFT + K. An "Untitled Task" window opens. The cursor is in the "Subject" field.
  2. Type in a subject for the task.
  3. TAB through and complete the fields you require.
  4. Press ALT + S. Outlook saves the changes and closes the dialog box.

Edit a task

Outlook displays all your tasks in a list view. You can easily browse these items to review any outstanding tasks.

To do this:

  1. Press CONTROL + Y. The "Go to Folder" dialog box opens.
  2. Use the Arrow Keys to select "Tasks" and press ENTER. Outlook closes the dialog box and opens the folder.
  3. Use the Arrow Keys to select the task to edit and then press ENTER. The "task" dialog box opens.
  4. TAB through and edit the fields you require.
  5. Press ALT + S. Outlook saves the changes and closes the dialog box.

Assign a task

You can assign a task from your own task list to someone else. The task will then appear in the recipient's task list.

To do this:

  1. Press CONTROL + Y. The "Go to Folder" dialog box opens.
  2. Use the Arrow Keys to select "Tasks" and press ENTER. Outlook closes the dialog box and opens the folder.
  3. Use the Arrow Keys to select the task to assign and then press ENTER. The "task" dialog box opens.
  4. Press ALT + H. The "Task" tab opens in the ribbon.
  5. TAB to the "Assign Task" button and press SPACEBAR. The "Task" dialog box opens. The cursor is in the "To" field.
  6. Type in the email address of the recipients.
  7. TAB through and complete the fields you require.
  8. Press ALT + S. Outlook sends the task to the recipient and closes the dialog box. Note that the recipient can choose to accept or decline the task.

Delete a task

Outlook displays all your tasks in a list view. You can easily browse these items to review any outstanding tasks.

To do this:

  1. Press CONTROL + Y. The "Go to Folder" dialog box opens.
  2. Use the Arrow Keys to select "Tasks" and press ENTER. Outlook closes the dialog box and opens the folder.
  3. Use the Arrow Keys to select the task to remove and press DELETE. Outlook deletes the item.

Section 9: Folders

Read number of items in a folder

Outlook shows the number of items in the current folder on the Outlook status bar. This is positioned along the bottom of the Outlook window.

You can read the Outlook status bar by pressing the SuperNova Read Status Speak Key.

Speak Key

Function Desktop - Default NumPad Set Laptop - Universal Set
Read status information (e.g. status bar) NUMPAD 2 CAPS LOCK + PAGE DOWN

Create a new folder

You can create folders in Outlook. This allows you to store information like emails, tasks and notes to your own personal folders.

To do this:

  1. Press CONTROL + SHIFT + E. The "Create New Folder" dialog box opens. The first item in the dialog box is the "Folder name" box.
  2. Type in a name for the new folder.
  3. TAB to the "Folder Contains" box and use the Arrow Keys to select what type of data you will be storing in this folder, for example, select "Mail and Post Items" if the folder is to be used to save email messages.
  4. TAB to the "Select where to place the folder" list and use the Arrow Keys to choose where your folder will go. Note that your new folder will become a child of the folder you select.
  5. TAB to the "OK" button and press SPACEBAR. Outlook closes the dialog box and creates the new folder.

Some important notes:

  • After creating a new folder Outlook shows the Navigation Pane. If you want to hide the Navigation Pane again, press ALT + F1.
  • The Outlook key command to open the "Create New Folder" dialog box conflicts with the shortcut key to launch Dolphin EasyReader. Instead, you can open the "Create New Folder" dialog box by pressing ALT + O to open the "Folder" tab in the Ribbon and then selecting the "New Folder" item.

Delete a folder

Please be aware that you can only delete personal folders. You cannot delete Outlook system folders like "Inbox", "Drafts" and "Outbox".

To delete a folder:

  1. Press CONTROL + Y. The "Go to Folder" dialog box opens.
  2. Use the Arrow Keys to select the folder you want to delete and press ENTER. Outlook closes the dialog box and opens the folder.
  3. Press ALT + O. The "Folder" tab opens in the Ribbon.
  4. TAB to the "Delete Folder" button and press SPACEBAR. A confirmation message window appears.
  5. TAB to the "Yes" button and press SPACEBAR. Outlook closes the message window and moves the folder to the "Deleted Items" folder.

You must remove the folder from the "Deleted Items" folder to permanently remove the folder.

Rename a folder

Please be aware that you can only rename personal folders. You cannot rename Outlook system folders like "Inbox", "Drafts" and "Outbox".

To rename a folder:

  1. Press CONTROL + Y. The "Go to Folder" dialog box opens.
  2. Use the Arrow Keys to select the folder you want to rename and press ENTER. Outlook closes the dialog box and opens the folder.
  3. Press ALT + O. The "Folder" tab opens in the Ribbon.
  4. TAB to the "Rename Folder" button and press SPACEBAR. The "Rename" dialog box opens.
  5. Type in a new name for the folder.
  6. TAB to the "OK" button and press SPACEBAR. Outlook closes the dialog box and renames the folder.

Move a folder

You can move an existing folder to another location, for example, you may wish to make one folder a sub folder of another.

Please be aware that you can only move personal folders. You cannot move Outlook system folders like "Inbox", "Drafts" and "Outbox".

To move a folder:

  1. Press CONTROL + Y. The "Go to Folder" dialog box opens.
  2. Use the Arrow Keys to select the folder you want to move and press ENTER. Outlook closes the dialog box and opens the folder.
  3. Press ALT + O. The "Folder" tab opens in the Ribbon.
  4. TAB to the "Move" button and press SPACEBAR. The "Move Folder" dialog box opens.
  5. Use the Arrow Keys to select the parent folder and press ENTER. Outlook closes the dialog box and moves the folder.

Empty the Deleted Items folder

All items and folders that you delete go to the Deleted Items folder. You should empty this folder regularly.

To do this:

  1. Press ALT + f. Backstage View opens.
  2. DOWN ARROW to "Info".
  3. TAB to the "Cleanup Tools" button and press SPACEBAR. A context menu opens.
  4. DOWN ARROW to "Empty Deleted items Folder" and press ENTER. A confirmation message window appears.
  5. TAB to the "Yes" button and press SPACEBAR. Outlook closes the message window and empties the folder.

Hot Keys

Function Hot key
To create an appointment CONTROL + SHIFT + A
To create a contact CONTROL + SHIFT + C
To create a distribution list CONTROL + SHIFT + L
To create a folder CONTROL + SHIFT + E
To create a journal entry CONTROL + SHIFT + J
To create a meeting request CONTROL + SHIFT + Q
To create a message CONTROL + SHIFT + M
To create a note CONTROL + SHIFT + N
To create a task CONTROL + SHIFT + K
To create a task request CONTROL + SHIFT + U
To navigate to next item (with item open) CONTROL + COMMA
To navigate to previous item (with item open) CONTROL + FULL STOP
To switch between the Folder List and the main Outlook window F6
To go to a different folder CONTROL + Y
Display ScreenTip for the active element SHIFT + F1
Save, Close and Send ALT + S
Delete CONTROL + D
Copy item CONTROL + SHIFT + Y
Move item CONTROL + SHIFT + V
Flag for follow-up CONTROL + SHIFT + G
Forward CONTROL + F
Find items F3 or CONTROL + E
Search for text in items F4
Find next during text search SHIFT + F4
Use Advanced Find CONTROL + SHIFT + F
Switch to Inbox CONTROL + SHIFT + I
Switch to Outbox CONTROL + SHIFT + O
Reply to a message CONTROL + R
Reply all to a message CONTROL + SHIFT + R
Check for new mail CONTROL + M or F5
Display the Address Book CONTROL + SHIFT + B
Mark as read CONTROL + Q

Page 3

Welcome to the Microsoft Office Word tutorial.

In this tutorial you will learn about the ways you can use the keyboard to accomplish many common tasks in Word including opening and saving documents, formatting text and paragraphs, working with lists and tables and spell checking documents. As you progress through the chapters you will also discover useful SuperNova and ScreenReader hot keys and some tips and tricks to help you be even more productive.

Section 2: Learn the essentials

Important configuration tips

For best results:

  • You must start SuperNova before running Word.
  • You should view documents using Draft View or Print Layout View. You can change your Word View setting through the "View" tab in the Ribbon. Note that documents you open from other sources may, by default, use an alternative View.
  • If you are familiar with the shortcut keys to access menu items in earlier versions of Word then you can, in most cases, continue to use these key strokes in Word 2013. When you do begin typing a known shortcut key then Word will pop up a message asking you to continue typing the older key sequence or to press ESCAPE to cancel.

Move around a document

Word includes many different ways to help you move around a document.

Here are just some of the key presses you can use to move the cursor around a document:

  • To move a character at a time, press LEFT ARROW or RIGHT ARROW.
  • To move a word at a time, press CONTROL + LEFT ARROW or CONTROL + RIGHT ARROW.
  • To move a line at a time, press UP ARROW or DOWN ARROW.
  • To move to the start of the line, press HOME.
  • To move to the end of the line, press END.
  • To move a paragraph at a time, press CONTROL + UP ARROW or CONTROL + DOWN ARROW.
  • To move to the start of a document, press CONTROL + HOME.
  • To move to the end of a document, press CONTROL + END.
  • To scroll a document to show the next visible region, press PAGE UP or PAGE DOWN.

Select text

Word offers many different ways to select text. Some ways only use the keyboard, some only use the mouse and some use a combination of both.

Select text using the keyboard

Here are just some of the ways you can select text using the keyboard:

  • To select an entire document, press CONTROL + A.
  • To select a character to the right, position your cursor to the left of the character and press SHIFT + RIGHT ARROW.  To continue selecting characters to the right, keep SHIFT pressed down and press RIGHT ARROW again.
  • To select a word, position your cursor at the start of the word and press CONTROL + SHIFT + RIGHT ARROW. To continue selecting words to the right, keep CONTROL + SHIFT pressed down and press RIGHT ARROW again.
  • To select a line, position your cursor on the line, press HOME and then press SHIFT + END.
  • To select multiple lines, position your cursor on the line below, press HOME and then press SHIFT + UP ARROW to select the line above.  To continue selecting lines above, keep SHIFT pressed down and press UP ARROW again.
  • To select a paragraph, position your cursor at the start of the paragraph and press CONTROL + SHIFT + DOWN ARROW. To continue selecting paragraphs, keep CONTROL + SHIFT pressed down and press DOWN ARROW again.

Select text using Word Selection Mode

  • To make a selection using Selection Mode, press F8 and then use the Arrow Keys to extend the selection from the cursor position.
  • To select a word using Selection Mode, press F8 twice.
  • To select a sentence using Selection Mode, press F8 three times.
  • To select a paragraph using Selection Mode, press F8 four times.

Note that Selection Mode will stay on until you perform an action, for example, make the text bold or until you press ESCAPE to cancel Selection Mode.

Select text using the mouse pointer

Here are just some of the ways you can select text using the mouse pointer:

  • To select an entire document, move the mouse pointer to the left of any text until it turns into a right pointing arrow and then triple click.
  • To select text, click where you want the selection to begin and keeping the LEFT MOUSE BUTTON pressed down, move the pointer over the text you want to select.
  • To select a word, double click anywhere inside the word.
  • To select a line, move the mouse pointer to the left of the line until it turns into a right pointing arrow and then click.
  • To select a sentence, hold down CONTROL and then click anywhere inside the sentence.
  • To select a paragraph, triple click anywhere inside the paragraph.
  • To select a block of text, click where you want the selection to start and then hold down SHIFT and then click where you want the selection to end.
  • To select text in different places, make your first selection and then hold down CONTROL while you make your additional selections.

Section 3: Create a new document

When Word opens, it displays a Start screen showing a list of templates. To work on a blank document select "Blank document" from the list or simply press ESCAPE. A new blank document opens.

Tip: You can turn off the appearance of the Start screen when Word starts by going to Word's Options (ALT + F, T) and, in the "General" category, deselect the "Show the Start Screen when this application starts" check box.

When working in a document you can create a new blank document using the "New" command.

To do this:

Press CONTROL + N.

Section 4: Open files

Open a recent document

When Word opens, it displays a Start screen showing a list of templates. The Start screen also shows recent files you have opened. If you want to open a recent document in this dialog box you must press TAB to locate the recent file list, use the Arrow Keys to select the file and then press ENTER.

Tip: You can turn off the appearance of the Start screen when Word starts by going to Word's Options (ALT + F, T) and, in the "General" category, deselect the "Show the Start Screen when this application starts" check box.

If you are working in a document, you can use Backstage View to find a recently used file instead of using the "Open" dialog box.

To do this:

  1. Press CONTROL + O. Backstage View opens. The focus is on the "Open" option.
  2. TAB to the recent document list.
  3. DOWN ARROW to select a file and press ENTER.

Backstage View closes and the file opens.

Open an existing document

The "Open" dialog box allows you to find and open documents that are stored on the computer. You can then make changes to these documents within the main Word window.

To do this:

  1. Press CONTROL + F12. The "Open" dialog box opens.
  2. SHIFT + TAB twice to move into the file list, use the Arrow Keys to select the file and then press ENTER. If the file is in a different folder, use BACKSPACE to go one level up and use ENTER to open folders until you select the file and then press ENTER.

Word closes the dialog box and opens the file.

Note that you must change the "Files of type" value if you are opening a file of a type the current value does not include. The "Files of type" list filters the types of files showing.

Create and open a copy of a document

You can choose to create and open a copy of a document instead of opening the original file. This can be useful if you want to preserve the original document.

To do this:

  1. Press CONTROL + F12. The "Open" dialog box opens.
  2. SHIFT + TAB twice to move into the file list and use the Arrow Keys to select the file. If the file is in a different folder, use BACKSPACE to go one level up and use ENTER to open folders until you are in the correct folder and then select the file.
  3. TAB to the "Open" button and press DOWN ARROW. A menu opens.
  4. DOWN ARROW to "Open as Copy" and press ENTER.

Word closes the dialog box and a copy of the file opens.

Note that you must change the "Files of type" value if you are opening a file of a type the current value does not include. The "Files of type" list filters the types of files showing.

Open a document as read-only

You can choose to open a file as read-only, meaning changes to the original document cannot be saved and can only be saved by choosing a different name for the file. This can be useful if you want to preserve the original document.

To do this:

  1. Press CONTROL + F12. The "Open" dialog box opens.
  2. SHIFT + TAB twice to move into the file list and use the Arrow Keys to select the file. If the file is in a different folder, use BACKSPACE to go one level up and use ENTER to open folders until you are in the correct folder and then select the file.
  3. TAB to the "Open" button and press DOWN ARROW. A menu opens.
  4. DOWN ARROW to "Open Read Only" and press ENTER.

Word closes the dialog box and the file opens.

Note that you must change the "Files of type" value if you are opening a file of a type the current value does not include. The "Files of type" list filters the types of files showing.

Recover a document

If Word closes unexpectedly while you were working in a document then the next time you run Word you will find recovery options available to use.

To recover a document:

  1. When you start Word and are shown the new templates list, TAB to the "Show Recovered Files" button and press SPACEBAR. Word opens a blank document and shows the Recovery Task Pane.
  2. Press F6 to move to the Recovery Task Pane.
  3. DOWN ARROW to locate the document to recover.
  4. Press ALT + DOWN ARROW. A context menu opens.
  5. DOWN ARROW to the recovery option you want to use and press ENTER. Options include "Open", "Save As" and "Delete".

Note, if you close Word without choosing a recovery option, your document will only contain the data at its last saved point. Remember to save your work regularly.

Switch between open documents

In Word, you can have multiple documents open at the same time and switch between them with the use of a Word key command.

To do this:


Section 5: Save and close documents

Save a new document for the first time

Before you save work you must first consider whether others need to open the file. If others do, then it is important to consider the programs they use and the types of files they can open. This will decide the best format to save the file in.

To save a file:

  1. Press F12. The "Save As" dialog box opens.
  2. If the default folder location is correct, type a name for the file in the "File name" box. If the location is not correct, SHIFT + TAB twice to move into the file list, use BACKSPACE to go one level up and use ENTER to open folders until you are in the correct folder, then TAB to the "File name" box and type a name for the file.
  3. If the file format is to change, TAB to the "Type of format" list and use the Arrow Keys to select a format
  4. TAB to the "Save" button and press SPACEBAR.

Word closes the dialog box and saves the file.

Save changes to a document

You can save changes to a document by using the Word Save command.

To do this:

Press CONTROL + S.

Note, if this is a new document that has not been saved before, then the "Save As" dialog box will automatically open when you use the Save command. You must save the document.

Save a document in a different file type

Word includes a number of different file types that you can use to save a document in. You may need to save a document in a different file type if you are sending the document to someone who does not have the same version of Word.

To do this:

  1. Press F12. The "Save As" dialog box opens.
  2. If the default folder location is correct, type a name for the file in the "File name" box. If the location is not correct, SHIFT + TAB twice to move into the file list, use BACKSPACE to go one level up and use ENTER to open folders until you are in the correct folder, then TAB to the "File name" box and type a name for the file.
  3. TAB to the "Type of format" list and use the Arrow Keys to select a file type.
  4. TAB to the "Save" button and press SPACEBAR.

Word closes the dialog box and saves the file.

Close and exit

To close your current document while keeping other documents and Word open:

Press CONTROL + F4.

To close all documents and exit Word:

Press ALT + F4.

Section 6: Work with text

Overwrite text as you type

You type text into a document using Insert Mode or Overwrite Mode.

Insert Mode adds the text you are typing into the current line without replacing what is already written.

Overwrite Mode will replace the current text with the new text being typed, in essence, replacing one character for another.

Press INSERT to change between these two input modes.

Note, to use INSERT to toggle between these input modes requires the "Use the Insert key to control overtype mode" check box to be selected. Go to Word's "Options" dialog box and navigate through the "Advanced" settings to find this check box.

Delete text and objects

You can delete text and objects in your document by using the BACKSPACE key or the DELETE key. The BACKSPACE key will delete the character or object immediately to the left of the cursor. The DELETE key will delete the character or object immediately to the right of the cursor.

To delete more than a single character or object:

  1. Select the text or objects.
  2. Press DELETE.

Change the case of text

Word allows you to change the case of text you have input, without having to retype it. This can save you time if you have typed large sections of text in the wrong case.

To do this:

  1. Select the text to change.
  2. Do one of the following:
    • Press SHIFT + F3. Repeated presses of this hot key will cycle through the different ways the capital letter style can be applied including uppercase, lowercase and initial case.
    • Press CONTROL + SHIFT + A. This will capitalise all letters.

You can find additional ways to change case by selecting the "Change Case" button in the Ribbon's "Home" tab.

Insert an optional hyphen

You can control where a hyphen appears in a word by inserting an optional hyphen (also known as a soft hyphen).

Note: You may find these hot keys conflicting with your SuperNova hot keys. To avoid any conflict please use the "Allow Through" hot key. To learn more please see the "Hot Key Conflicts" topics in the SuperNova Manual.

To do this:

  1. Go to the place where you want to insert an optional hyphen.
  2. Press CONTROL + MINUS.

Prevent a hyphenated word being split at the end of a line

You can prevent a phrase that contains dashes from being split over two lines by using non-breaking hyphens.

Note: You may find these hot keys conflicting with your SuperNova hot keys. To avoid any conflict please use the "Allow Through" hot key. To learn more please see the "Hot Key Conflicts" topics in the SuperNova Manual.

To do this:

  1. Go to the place where you want to insert a non-breaking hyphen.

Prevent a phrase being split at the end of a line

You can prevent a phrase from being split over two lines by using non-breaking spaces.

To do this:

  1. Go to the place where you want to insert a non-breaking space. Note you use the non-breaking space character instead of the standard space character.

Insert date and time

To insert the current date:

  1. Go to the place where you want to insert the date.
  2. Press SHIFT + ALT + D.

To insert the current time:

  1. Go to the place where you want to insert the time.
  2. Press SHIFT + ALT + T.

You can insert the copyright symbol, register symbol and trademark symbol by using the "Symbols" dialog box or by using Word key commands.

To insert these symbols using Word Key commands:

Insert Symbols
Function Hot key
Insert the copyright symbol CONTROL + ALT + C
Insert the registered trademark symbol CONTROL + ALT + R
Insert the trademark symbol CONTROL + ALT + T

Note you will need to set a punctuation level of "Most" or higher in the Text Style Announcements dialog box to have SuperNova speak these symbols.

Move text

You can move specific areas of text from one part of your document to another or from one document to another. This can make working faster as you do not need to re-type the information again.

To do this:

  1. Select the text to move.
  2. Press CONTROL + X. Word moves the data to the Clipboard.
  3. Go to the place where you want to insert the text.
  4. Press CONTROL + V.

Word adds the data from the Clipboard into the document.

Copy text

You can copy specific areas of text from one part of your document to another or from one document to another. This can make working faster as you do not need to re-type the information again.

To do this:

  1. Select the text to copy.
  2. Press CONTROL + C. Word copies the data to the Clipboard.
  3. Go to the place where you want to insert the text.
  4. Press CONTROL + V.

Word adds the data from the Clipboard into the document.

Find text

You can find text in a document by using the "Find" option. This can make looking for specific words or phrases in a document easier. When you do look for text, the search will start at the current cursor position and go through a selection or document until the end.

To find text:

  1. Press CONTROL + F. The Navigation Pane opens with the focus in the search box.
  2. In the search box, type the word or phrase you want to find in the document and press ENTER. Word selects the first match and moves focus to the "Next Result" button.
  3. Press SHIFT + F6 to move focus back to the document window.
  4. Use the SuperNova Speak Keys to find out where the location of the match is found in the document, for example, press the Read Line, Read Sentence or Read Paragraph Speak Keys.
  5. To continue the search, press SHIFT + F4.

You can also use CONTROL + PAGE UP and CONTROL + PAGE DOWN to search above and below the current position. These are Word's browse to previous and browse to next keyboard commands.

It is important to note that the purpose of the Browse commands change depending on the last browse action, for example, if you perform a search and then use the "Go To" dialog box to go to a page, then these commands change from searching for words to moving focus to the previous or next page.

Tip: If you prefer to use the traditional find method then press CONTROL + H to open the "Find and Replace" dialog box and then press ALT + D to move focus to the "Find" page.

Replace text

You can replace text in a document by using Word's "Replace" option. When you do look for text, the search will start at the current cursor position and go through a selection or document until the end.

To replace text:

  1. Press CONTROL + H. The "Find and Replace" dialog box opens.
  2. In the "Find what" box, type the word or phrase you want to find in the document.
  3. TAB to the "Replace with" box and type the replacement text.
  4. TAB to the "Find Next" button and press SPACEBAR. Word selects the first match it finds in the document.
  5. To check the context of the search result, press CONTROL + TAB. Word switches focus to the document. Here you can use SuperNova Speak Keys, for example, read sentence or paragraph to help identify the context.
  6. To confirm the change, press CONTROL + TAB to go back to the "Find and Replace" dialog box, TAB to the "Replace" button and press SPACEBAR. Word replaces the text and selects the next match.
  7. To prevent replacement, press CONTROL + TAB to go back to the "Find and Replace" dialog box, TAB to the "Find Next" button and press SPACEBAR.

Word selects the next match.

Automatically replace text

You can automatically replace text in a selection or document by using Word's "Replace All" option.

To do this:

  1. Press CONTROL + H. The "Find and Replace" dialog box opens.
  2. In the "Find what" box, type the word or phrase you want to find in your document.
  3. TAB to the "Replace with" box and type your replacement text.
  4. TAB to the "Replace All" button and press SPACEBAR. When the task is complete, Word will display a message stating the number of replacements done.
  5. Select "OK" and press SPACEBAR to close this message window. If you were working with a selection, TAB to the "No" button and press SPACEBAR to confirm the task is complete.

Section 7: Format text

Change font type

To do this:

  1. Select the text to change.
  2. Press CONTROL + D. The "Font" dialog box opens. The first item in this dialog box is usually the "Font" list but this might change depending on any language support packs you may have installed.
  3. Use the Arrow Keys to choose a font and press ENTER. You can also type in the name of the font and press ENTER.

Word closes the dialog box and changes the text. The text remains selected.

Change font size

To do this:

  1. Select the text to change.
  2. Press CONTROL + D. The "Font" dialog box opens. The first item in this dialog box is usually the "Font" list but this might change depending on any language support packs you may have installed.
  3. TAB to the "Size" list.
  4. Use the Arrow Keys to choose a size and press ENTER. You can also type in a size and press ENTER.

Word closes the dialog box and changes the text. The text remains selected.

Change font colour

To do this:

  1. Select the text to change.
  2. Press CONTROL + D. The "Font" dialog box opens.
  3. TAB to the "Font colour" list and press DOWN ARROW to open the list.
  4. Use the Arrow Keys to choose a colour and press ENTER. The list closes and focus goes back to the dialog box.
  5. Press ENTER.

Word closes the dialog box and changes the text. The text remains selected.

Make text bold

To do this:

  1. Select the text to change.
  2. Press CONTROL + B.

Make text italic

To do this:

  1. Select the text to change.
  2. Press CONTROL + I.

Underline text

To apply a default underline style:

  1. Select the text to change.
  2. Press CONTROL + U.

To apply an alternative underline style:

  1. Select the text to change.
  2. Press CONTROL + D. The "Font" dialog box opens. The first item in this dialog box is usually the "Font" list but this might change depending on any language support packs you may have installed.
  3. TAB to the "Underline Style" list.
  4. DOWN ARROW to open the list, use the Arrow Keys to select a style and then press ENTER. The list closes.
  5. Press ENTER.

Word closes the dialog box and changes the text. The text remains selected.

Make text subscript

You can make text appear below the base line by making it subscript.

Note: You may find these hot keys conflicting with the SuperNova hot keys. To avoid any conflict please use the "Allow Through" hot key. To learn more please see the "Hot Key Conflicts" topics in the SuperNova Manual.

To do this:

  1. Select the text to change.
  2. Press CONTROL + EQUALS.

Make text superscript

You can make text appear above the base line by making it superscript.

Note: You may find these hot keys conflicting with the SuperNova hot keys. To avoid any conflict please use the "Allow Through" hot key. To learn more please see the "Hot Key Conflicts" topics in the SuperNova Manual.

To do this:

  1. Select the text to change.

Copy and paste formatting

You can use Word's "Format Painter" to copy and paste formatting. this can include the formatting you apply to text, paragraphs and sections.

To do this:

  1. Select the text to copy.
  2. Press CONTROL + SHIFT + C.
  3. Select the text to change.
  4. Press CONTROL + SHIFT + V.

Announce format changes when reading

You can set SuperNova to automatically announce when text has a format change, such as bold, italic and underlined while you are reading a document.

To do this:

  1. Press LEFT CONTROL + SPACEBAR. The SuperNova control panel opens.
  2. Press ALT + S. The "Speech" menu opens.
  3. DOWN ARROW to "Text Style Announcements" and press ENTER. The "Text Style Announcements dialog box opens.
  4. If you wish format changes to be announced as you move through a document, in the "Edit Areas" page, TAB to each of the available format options in turn and press SPACEBAR to select the items you wish spoken.
  5. If you wish format changes to be announced when using Read From Here, in the "Read From Here" page, TAB to each of the available format options in turn and press SPACEBAR to select the items you wish spoken.
  6. TAB to the "OK" button and press SPACEBAR. SuperNova saves the changes and closes the dialog box.
  7. Press ESCAPE to exit the SuperNova control panel.

Section 8: Format paragraphs

Align paragraphs

You can set the edge of a paragraph to be flush with the left margin, right margin, centred or justified. A justified paragraph is flush with both the left margin and right margin.

To change alignment:

  1. Select the paragraphs to change.
  2. Press:
    • CONTROL + L to left align the paragraphs.
    • CONTROL + R to right align the paragraphs.
    • CONTROL + E to centre the paragraphs.
    • CONTROL + J to justify the paragraphs.

Change line spacing

You can change the gap between lines in a paragraph by changing the line spacing value. There are various line spacing values to choose from in the Ribbon or you can apply three popular line spacing values using Word key commands.

The three popular values are single, double and one and a half line spacing.

Note: You may find these hot keys conflicting with the SuperNova hot keys. To avoid any conflict please use the "Allow Through" hot key. To learn more please see the "Hot Key Conflicts" topics in the SuperNova Manual.

To do this:

  1. Select the paragraphs to change.
  2. Press:
    • CONTROL + 1 to change line spacing to single spacing.
    • CONTROL + 2 to change line spacing to double spacing.
    • CONTROL + 5 to change line spacing to a value of 1.5.

Indent paragraphs

Word has different ways to indent a paragraph including, full indentation, first line indentation and hanging indentation.

To apply a full left indentation:

  1. Select the paragraphs to change.
  2. To indent the paragraph, press CONTROL + M. Press the hot key again to increase the indentation.
  3. To reduce the paragraph's indentation, press CONTROL + SHIFT + M. Alternatively, press CONTROL + Q to set the paragraph back to its default values.

To apply a hanging indentation:

  1. Select the paragraphs to change.
  2. To indent the paragraph press CONTROL + T. Press the hot key again to increase the indentation.
  3. To reduce the paragraph's indentation, press CONTROL + SHIFT + T. Alternatively, press CONTROL + Q to set the paragraph back to its default values.

Section 9: Lists

Create a bullet list

By default, you can start a bullet list in Word by adding an asterisk (*) at the beginning of a paragraph. The asterisk will change to a bullet symbol when you write some text and press ENTER to move to a new line. The new line will automatically have a bullet symbol added.

To cancel adding items to the list, press ENTER on a blank bullet item.

Create a number list

By default, you can start a number list in Word by adding "1. " (do not include quotes) at the start of a new line before you begin typing. Each new line will have the next number in the sequence automatically added.

To cancel adding items to the list, press ENTER on a blank numbered item.

Note: To continue the list following a passage of normal text, type the next number in the sequence followed by a full stop and space character before typing your text.

Note: Items added or removed from the list will result in Word automatically changing the number sequence.

Restart numbering at 1

You can restart the numbering sequence at any point in a list. When you restart the number sequence, Word automatically renumbers the items that follow.

To restart the numbering sequence at 1:

  1. Position the cursor on the first item where renumbering is to start.
  2. Press SHIFT + F10. A context menu opens.
  3. DOWN ARROW to "Restart at 1" and press ENTER.

Word closes the menu and updates the numbering sequence.

Go to the next or previous list in a document

One way to quickly move to the next list or previous list in a document is to use the SuperNova Quick Navigation Keys.

  • To go to the next list in a document: Press CAPS LOCK + L.
  • To go to the previous table in a document: Press SHIFT + CAPS LOCK + L.
  • To go to the next list item within the current list: Press CAPS LOCK + I.
  • To go to the previous list item within the current list: Press CAPS LOCK + SHIFT + I.

SuperNova will say "... not found" if SuperNova is unable to find a list or list item in the direction you are searching.

Section 10: Tables

Insert a table

Word offers a number of different methods to insert a table. One popular approach is to use a grid to define the table dimensions.

To do this:

  1. Go to the place where you want to insert a table.
  2. Press ALT + N. The "Insert" tab opens.
  3. CONTROL + RIGHT ARROW to the "Table" group and press SPACEBAR on "Table" button. The "Table" button is the first item in this group and pressing SPACEBAR will open a grid that allows you to select the number of columns and rows in the table.
  4. Use the Arrow Keys to choose the dimensions of your table and press ENTER to confirm your selection.

Word closes the grid and adds the table into the document.

Other methods to insert a table include to choose a table from the "Quick Table" list or to use the "Insert table" dialog box. You will find both these items listed in the "Table" options in the Ribbon. Note that you must press SHIFT + TAB to move from the grid to the menu items because TAB moves you through the grid.

Insert a cell, column or row

You can easily change the dimensions of your table while you work, without the need to go back to the Ribbon.

To do this:

  1. Go to the position in the table where you want to insert a new cell, column or row.
  2. Press SHIFT + F10. A context menu opens.
  3. DOWN ARROW to "Insert" and RIGHT ARROW to open the sub-menu.
  4. Use the Arrow Keys to select an item and press ENTER.

Word closes the menu and changes the table dimensions.

Note that Word will also insert a new row automatically if you press TAB in the last cell of the table. You must use the Arrow Keys to exit the table to prevent new rows being added.

You can navigate a table using Word keyboard commands. You can enhance this further with additional SuperNova keyboard commands.

The following table lists the main keyboard commands available.

Table navigation keys

Function Hot key
Go to next line in the cell (if the cell does not contain additional lines then focus will move to the cell below) DOWN ARROW
Go to previous line in the cell (if the cell does not contain additional lines then focus will move to the cell above) UP ARROW
Go to the next cell (the cell content will be selected) TAB
Go to the previous cell (the cell content will be selected) SHIFT + TAB
Go to the first cell in the column ALT + PAGE UP
Go to the last cell in a column ALT + PAGE DOWN
Go to the first cell in a row ALT + HOME
Go to the last cell in a row ALT + END
Go to the cell above LEFT CONTROL + ALT + UP ARROW
Go to the cell below LEFT CONTROL + ALT + DOWN ARROW
Go to the cell right LEFT CONTROL + ALT + RIGHT  ARROW
Go to the cell left LEFT CONTROL + ALT + LEFT ARROW

Move the row content up or down

Using a keyboard command, you can move the content of a row in a table upwards or downwards.

To do this:

  1. Go to the row in the table that you want to move.
  2. Press:
    • ALT + SHIFT + UP ARROW to move the current row up.
    • ALT + SHIFT + DOWN ARROW to move the current row down.

Read the content of a table

SuperNova will automatically read aloud the lines and cells as you move through a table. SuperNova also contains some hot keys to read different areas of a table.

Table speak keys

Function Desktop - Default NumPad Set Laptop - Universal Set
Read column from current cell CAPS LOCK + NUMPAD PERIOD CAPS LOCK + SHIFT + PAGE DOWN
Read column to current cell CAPS LOCK + NUMPAD 3 CAPS LOCK + SHIFT + PAGE UP
Read row from current cell CAPS LOCK + NUMPAD 2 CAPS LOCK + SHIFT + END
Read row to current cell CAPS LOCK + NUMPAD 1 CAPS LOCK + SHIFT + HOME

Go to the next or previous table in a document

One way to quickly move to the next table or previous table in a document is to use the SuperNova Quick Navigation Keys.

  • To go to the next table in a document: Press CAPS LOCK + T.
  • To go to the previous table in a document: Press SHIFT + CAPS LOCK + T.

SuperNova will say "table not found" if SuperNova is unable to find a table in the direction you are searching.

Section 11: Page and Section Breaks

Insert a Page Break

You should only insert a manual Page Break into documents that have a few pages and are unlikely to change.

To insert a manual Page Break:

  1. Go to the place where you want to insert a Break.
  2. Press CONTROL + ENTER.

Insert a Section Break

Section breaks divide a document up into different sections. This allows you to apply different formatting or layout options to those sections.

To Insert A Section Break:

  1. Go to the place where you want to insert a Break.
  2. Press ALT + P. The "Page Layout" tab opens.
  3. CONTROL + RIGHT ARROW to the "Page Setup" group.
  4. TAB to the "Breaks" button and press SPACEBAR. A panel opens listing different Break types.
  5. DOWN ARROW until you select the type of Section Break you want to insert and then press ENTER.

Word closes the panel and inserts the Break.

Insert a Column Break

You can use a Column Break to make text appear at the top of the next column in a section containing multiple columns.

To insert a Column Break:

  1. Go to the place where you want to insert a Break.

Prevent a paragraph being broken by a Page Break

You can prevent a paragraph being split over two pages by inserting a manual Page Break at the start of the paragraph. Note that you should only insert a manual page break if the document is small and complete.

For larger documents, you can set Word not to insert automatic page breaks in the middle of paragraphs.

To do this:

  1. Select the paragraphs not to be broken.
  2. Press ALT + P. The "Page Layout" tab opens.
  3. CONTROL + RIGHT ARROW to the "Paragraph" group.
  4. TAB to the "Paragraph" button and press SPACEBAR. The "Paragraph" dialog box opens.
  5. CONTROL + TAB to open the "Line and Page Breaks" page.
  6. TAB to the "Keep lines together" check box and press SPACEBAR to select this item.
  7. TAB to the "OK" button and press SPACEBAR.

Word saves the changes and closes the dialog box. The text remains selected.

Section 12: Styles

A Style is a set of formatting characteristics that Word stores under a name. You can then choose a Style to apply to a character, paragraph, table or list in your document. If you use Styles correctly then you are assured your document has a consistent look and feel.

Apply Heading Styles

Apply a Heading 1, Heading 2 and Heading 3 Style

Heading Styles give a document structure and help make a document more accessible. Word includes 9 built-in Heading Styles with the first three levels available using Word hot keys.

To do this:

  1. Go to the paragraph you want to change.
  2. Press:
    • CONTROL + ALT + 1 to apply a Heading 1 Style.
    • CONTROL + ALT + 2 to apply a Heading 2 Style.
    • CONTROL + ALT + 3 to apply a Heading 3 Style.

Tip: You can simulate a CONTROL + ALT key press by pressing the right ALT key. The right ALT key is usually located on the right side of the SPACEBAR and has the label "Alt Gr".

Announce Heading Styles when reading

You can set SuperNova to announce when a paragraph has a Heading Style. This can be helpful in understanding a documents structure during reading. It can also be useful when proofing a document.

To do this:

  1. Press LEFT CONTROL + SPACEBAR. The SuperNova control panel opens.
  2. Press ALT + S. The "Speech" menu opens.
  3. DOWN ARROW to "Text Style Announcements" and press ENTER. The "Text Style Announcements" dialog box opens.
  4. If you wish Heading Styles to be announced when moving through a document, in the "Edit Areas" page, TAB to the "Heading change" check box and press SPACEBAR to select this item.
  5. If you wish Heading Styles to be announced when using Read From Here, in the "Read From Here" page, TAB to the "Heading change" check box and press SPACEBAR to select this item.
  6. TAB to the "OK" button and press SPACEBAR. SuperNova saves the changes and closes the dialog box.
  7. Press ESCAPE to exit the SuperNova control panel.

Show Heading Styles on the Braille display

You can set SuperNova to indicate a Heading Style in Word by turning on Braille Character Enhanced mode. This will indicate the enhanced characters with a dot 8.

To turn Enhanced Display Mode on and show Heading Style use:

  1. Press LEFT CONTROL + SPACEBAR. The SuperNova control panel opens.
  2. Press ALT + B. The "Braille" menu opens.
  3. DOWN ARROW to "Characters" and RIGHT ARROW to open its sub-menu.
  4. DOWN ARROW to "Options" and press ENTER. The "Characters" dialog box opens.
  5. In the "Enhanced Characters" group, TAB to the "Heading" check box and press SPACEBAR to select this item.
  6. TAB to the "OK" button and press SPACEBAR. SuperNova saves the changes and closes the dialog box.
  7. Press ALT + B. The "Braille" menu opens.
  8. DOWN ARROW to "Characters" and RIGHT ARROW to open its sub-menu.
  9. DOWN ARROW to "Enhanced" and, if this item is unselected, press ENTER to select this item.
  10. Press ESCAPE to exit the SuperNova control panel.

To turn off showing enhanced characters, simply go to the "Enhanced" menu item and unselect the item.

Go to the next or previous Heading in a document

You can use a number of different ways to go to a Heading Style in a document. This includes the Word "Go To" command and the SuperNova Item Finder.

One other way to quickly move to the next Heading or previous Heading in a document is to use the SuperNova Quick Navigation Keys.

  • To go to the next Heading in a document: Press CAPS LOCK + H.
  • To go to the previous Heading in a document: Press SHIFT + CAPS LOCK + H.

SuperNova announces "heading not found" if SuperNova is unable to find a heading in the direction you are searching.

Go to a Heading using the Item Finder

You can jump to different headings in a document by using the SuperNova Item Finder.

To do this:

  1. Press CAPS LOCK + TAB. The "Item Finder" dialog box opens with focus in the "Summary" list.
  2. DOWN ARROW to "Headings" and press ENTER. The "Headings" tab opens, showing a list of all headings in the document.
  3. Use the Arrow Keys to select the heading you wish to jump too and press ENTER. SuperNova closes the dialog box and moves the cursor to the heading.

Apply the Normal Style

You can apply the Normal Style in your document in a number of different ways. One way is to use the Word hot key.

To do this:

  1. Select the paragraphs to change.
  2. Press CONTROL + SHIFT + N.

Apply the List Bullet Style

You can apply the List Bullet Style in your document in a number of different ways. One way is to use the Word hot key.

To do this:

  1. Select the paragraphs to change.
  2. Press CONTROL + SHIFT + L.

Restore a modified Style

For Styles that have been manually changed, you can use two Word hot keys to restore them back to their default settings.

 Note: You may find these hot keys conflicting with the SuperNova hot keys. To avoid any conflict please use the "Allow Through" hot key. To learn more please see the "Hot Key Conflicts" topics in the SuperNova Manual.

To restore character defaults, for example, bold, italic or underlined:

  1. Select the text to change.

To restore paragraph defaults, for example, indentation and line spacing:

  1. Select the paragraphs to change.
  2. Press CONTROL + Q.

Section 13: Text Boxes

A Text Box is a movable, sizable container that can hold text or graphics inside a document. You can use Text Boxes to present text in a different style or orientation to the main body of the document.

You can only work with Text Boxes in Print Layout View.

Insert a simple Text Box

To do this:

  1. Press ALT + N. The "Insert" tab opens in the Ribbon.
  2. CONTROL + RIGHT ARROW to the "Text" group.
  3. TAB to the "Text box" button and press SPACEBAR. A list of available Text Box designs to choose from appears. You can also choose options that will allow you to draw your own Text Box.
  4. Choose "Simple" and press ENTER. Word moves you to a Text Box in your document with some sample text selected.
  5. Type the text you want to appear in the text box.
  6. To exit the Text Box, press SHIFT + F10 to open a context menu, choose "Exit edit text" and press ENTER.
  7. Press ESCAPE to leave the text box and return to your document.

please refer to the help available in Microsoft Office Word for further information on working with text boxes.

Move into a Text Box

You can move into a Text Box by using a SuperNova Quick Navigation Key.

To move to the next Text Box:

Press CAPS LOCK + M.

To move to the previous Text Box:


Repeat the hot key press to move to the next Text Box.

Section 14: Spelling, Grammar and other proofing tools

Check the document for errors using the Spelling & Grammar Task Pane.

Word uses a task pane to show the spelling and grammar errors in a document. The task pane appears on the right side of the screen. This leaves the document window visible on the left side of the screen showing you the context of the error.

You can work with this task pane in the following ways:

Spell Checker navigation keys

Function Hot Key
Run the Spelling & Grammar checker F7
Move to the different controls TAB or SHIFT + TAB
When in the task pane, to accept the suggestion and change the document C
When in the task pane, to accept the suggestion and change all matches in the document L
When in the task pane, to ignore the word once I
When in the task pane, to ignore all occurrences of the word G
When in the task pane, to add the word to a custom dictionary A
When in the task pane, to manually correct the error in the document Press SHIFT + F6 to move focus back into the document and edit the word. When done, press F6 to move the focus back to the task pane.
When in the task pane, to read the sentence containing the error CAPS LOCK + NUMPAD 4 (or, if using the Laptop Universal hot key set, press LEFT CONTROL + LEFT SHIFT + CAPS LOCK + S)
When in the task pane, to read the paragraph containing the error CAPS LOCK + NUMPAD 5 (or, if using the Laptop Universal hot key set, press LEFT CONTROL + LEFT SHIFT + CAPS LOCK + P)
When in the task pane, to repeat the spelling error and first suggestion NUMPAD 7 (or, if using the Laptop Universal hot key set, press CAPS LOCK + PAGE UP)
When in the task pane, to close the pane Press RIGHT CONTROL + SPACEBAR to open the task pane options menu. DOWN ARROW to "Close" and press ENTER.

Tip: To work faster in the "Spelling and Grammar" task pane use the shortcut key for the button you wish to press. In the task pane you only press the letter. You do not have to press the ALT key in combination with the shortcut key.

Check spelling and grammar errors as you work

You can check spelling and grammar errors as you work in a document by setting Word to show errors and by setting SuperNova to announce errors. Errors can be announced by speech and indicated on a Braille display.

Show errors in Word

To show errors in a document:

  1. Press ALT + F. Backstage View opens.
  2. DOWN ARROW to "Options" and press ENTER. The "Word Options" dialog box opens.
  3. DOWN ARROW to "Proofing", then TAB to the "Check spelling as you type" check box and, if this item is unchecked, press SPACEBAR to select this item.
  4. TAB to the "Mark grammar as you type" check box and, if this item is unchecked, press SPACEBAR to select this item.
  5. TAB to the "OK" button and press SPACEBAR.

Word saves the changes and closes the dialog box.

Announce errors in Word

To set SuperNova to announce errors:

  1. Press LEFT CONTROL + SPACEBAR. The SuperNova control panel opens.
  2. Press ALT + S. The "Speech" menu opens.
  3. DOWN ARROW to "Text Style Announcements" and press ENTER. The "Text Style Announcements" dialog box opens.
  4. In the "Edit Areas" properties, TAB to the "Spelling Error" check box and press SPACEBAR to select this item.
  5. TAB to the "Grammar Error" check box and press SPACEBAR to select this item.
  6. TAB to the "OK" button and press SPACEBAR. SuperNova saves the changes and closes the dialog box.
  7. Press ESCAPE to exit the SuperNova control panel.

You can also show spelling and grammar errors on a Braille display by using Enhanced Character Mode. You will find the settings for this in the "Braille" menu, "Character" submenu. Enhanced Character Mode will show spelling and grammar errors with a dot 8.

Look up suggestions as you work

To look up Word suggestions to spelling and grammar errors as you are working in a document:

  1. Place the cursor on the word or sentence that Word reports as an error.
  2. Press SHIFT + F10. A context menu opens. The menu includes suggested corrections.
  3. DOWN ARROW to select the correction to use and press ENTER.

Word also includes a hot key that will jump you to the next reported error in the document and automatically open the context menu. The hot key for this action is ALT + F7.

Show a list of spelling or grammar errors

You can display a list of spelling and grammar errors in a document by using the SuperNova Item Finder. This requires you to set Word to show spelling and grammar errors in a document. See "Show errors in Word" to learn how to set Word to show errors.

To show a list of spelling or grammar errors and then go to the error:

  1. Press CAPS LOCK + TAB. The "Item Finder" dialog box opens.
  2. In the "Summary" list, DOWN ARROW through the options until you select "Spelling" or "Grammar" and press ENTER. The "Spelling" or "Grammar" list opens.
  3. Use the Arrow Keys to select the error you want to review and then press ENTER. SuperNova closes the Item Finder and moves the focus to the error.

Look up a word in the Thesaurus

Word includes a Thesaurus. You can use the Thesaurus to look up words that have a similar meaning to a word in a document.

To use the Word Thesaurus:

  1. Select the word to research
  2. Press SHIFT + F7. The "Thesaurus" Task Pane opens showing a list of words.
  3. Press F6 until focus is in the Task Pane.
  4. TAB down the list of suggested words.
  5. When you find a word to review, press ALT + DOWN ARROW. A context menu opens.
  6. In this menu: - Select "Insert" to replace the word. - Select "Copy" to copy the word to the Clipboard

    - Select "Look up" to research the word in the Thesaurus.

  7. To go back to the document, press SHIFT + F6.

Section 15: Revisions

Revisions allow you to keep track of changes you or others make to a document. You can then review, accept or reject the proposed changes made to the document before final publication. Word calls this feature "Track Changes".

Turn Track Changes on and off.

The "Track Changes" option is available in the "Review" tab of the Ribbon. You can also turn "Track Changes" on and off by pressing CONTROL + SHIFT + E.


  • If you have Dolphin EasyReader installed then this will launch EasyReader. In this case you should use the Ribbon to turn on and off Track Changes.
  • Turning off Track Changes allows you to revise the document without marking the changes. However, this does not remove any changes that have already been tracked. You must accept or reject changes for revision marks to be removed.

Add the Track Changes status to the Word Status Bar

You can add Track Changes to the Word Status Bar. This will indicate whether Track Changes is turned on or off.

To do this:

  1. Press F6 until focus moves to the Word Status Bar.
  2. Press the APPLICATION KEY. A menu opens.
  3. DOWN ARROW to "Track Changes" and, if this option is unchecked, press ENTER. The item is selected.
  4. Press ESCAPE to exit the menu.
  5. Press SHIFT + F6 until you move back to the document window.

You can read the Status Bar by pressing the SuperNova Access Suite and SuperNova Screen Reader Read Status hot key.

Note: This hot key differs depending on the SuperNova Hot Key Set you are using. If you are using an English keyboard layout then the main alternatives are below.

Function Desktop - Default NumPad Set Laptop - Universal Set

Review revisions

You can have SuperNova automatically announce revision marks as you read through a document by turning on "Revisions" in SuperNova's "Text Style Announcements" dialog box. You can also turn on "Revisions" in SuperNova's Braille "Enhanced Characters" to show revision marks as you read through a document using a Braille display.

Other ways you can view and find revision marks within a document include using the SuperNova Item Finder and by using Quick Navigation Keys.

To view a list of revisions within a document:

  1. Press CAPS LOCK + TAB. The Item Finder opens showing the "Summary" page.
  2. DOWN ARROW to "Revisions" and press ENTER. Focus moves to the "Revision" page.
  3. DOWN ARROW through the list of revisions. If you wish to move to a revision within the document, press ENTER. The Item Finder will close and focus will move to the revision mark in the document.

To move to revision marks using Quick Navigation keys:

  • Press CAPS LOCK + R to move to the next revision mark in the document.
  • Press SHIFT + CAPS LOCK + R to move to the previous revision mark in the document.

Accept or reject revisions

You must accept or reject revisions in a document in order to remove the revision marks from the document.

To do this:

  1. Move the cursor to the revision.
  2. Press the APPLICATION KEY (or SHIFT + F10). A menu opens.
  3. If you want to accept the change, DOWN ARROW to "Accept" and press ENTER.
  4. If you want to reject the change, DOWN ARROW to "Reject" and press ENTER.

Tip: To ensure all revisions are removed from the document, open the Item Finder and review the "Summary" page. The Item Finder will state the number of revisions remaining in the document.

Accept or reject all changes in the document

You can accept or reject all the changes in the document at the same time.

To accept all changes:

  1. Open the "Review" tab in the Ribbon.
  2. Move to the "Change" group, TAB to the "Accept" button and press SPACEBAR. A menu opens.
  3. DOWN ARROW to "Accept all changes in document" and press ENTER.

To reject all changes:

  1. Open the "Review" tab in the Ribbon.
  2. Move to the "Change" group, TAB to the "Reject" button and press SPACEBAR. A menu opens.
  3. DOWN ARROW to "Reject all changes in document" and press ENTER.

Tip: You can use the Inspect Document feature in Word to ensure all revisions; comments, etc. are removed from the document before final publication. You can find this option by opening the "File" tab, selecting "Info" and then selecting the "Check for issues" button.

Section 16: Comments

A comment is a note or annotation that you enter about a piece of text in a document. The comment appears as a balloon in the margins of the document.

Add a Comment

To add a comment:

  1. Select the text you want to comment upon.
  2. Open the "Review" tab in the Ribbon, CONTROL + TAB to the "New Comment" button and press SPACEBAR. A comment balloon opens.
  3. Type the comment.
  4. When done, press ESCAPE. Word highlights the passage of text and moves focus back to the document.

Review Comments

You can have SuperNova automatically announce comment marks as you read through a document by turning on "Comments" in SuperNova's "Text Style Announcements" dialog box. You can also turn on "Comments" in SuperNova's Braille "Enhanced Characters" to show comment marks as you read through a document using a Braille display. To read a comment you must position the focus by the comment and then press LEFT SHIFT + NUMPAD 0 (or, if you are using the Laptop Universal hot key set, you must press CONTROL + CAPS LOCK + UP ARROW).

Other ways you can view and find comments within a document include using the SuperNova Item Finder and by using Quick Navigation Keys.

To view a list of comments in a document:

  1. Press CAPS LOCK + TAB. The Item Finder opens showing the "Summary" page.
  2. DOWN ARROW to "Comments" and press ENTER. Focus moves to the "Comments" page.
  3. DOWN ARROW through the list of comments. If you wish to move to a comment within the document, press ENTER. The Item Finder will close and focus will move to the comment in the document.

To move to comments using Quick Navigation keys:

  • Press CAPS LOCK + C to move to the next comment in the document.
  • Press SHIFT + CAPS LOCK + C to move to the previous comment in the document.

To read the comment, press LEFT SHIFT + NUMPAD 0 (or, if you are using the Laptop Universal hot key set, press CONTROL + CAPS LOCK + UP ARROW).

Delete Comments

You must delete Comments in a document in order to remove the comments from the document.

To do this:

  1. Move the cursor to the comment.
  2. Press the APPLICATION KEY (or SHIFT + F10). A menu opens.
  3. DOWN ARROW to "Delete Comment" and press ENTER. Word removes the comment from the document.

Delete all comments in the document

You can delete all the comments in the document at the same time.

To do this:

  1. Open the "Review" tab in the Ribbon.
  2. CONTROL + TAB to the "Comment" group.
  3. TAB to the "Delete" button and press SPACEBAR. A menu opens.
  4. DOWN ARROW to "Delete all comments in the document" and press ENTER.

Tip: You can use the Inspect Document feature in Word to ensure all revisions; comments, etc. are removed from the document before final publication. You can find this option by opening the "File" tab, selecting "Info" and then selecting the "Check for issues" button.

Section 17: Go places in a document

You can move quickly through a document with the aid of SuperNova Quick Navigation Keys.

To use the Quick Navigation Keys, simply press one of the hot keys listed below. This will move you to the next item in the document. Add SHIFT to the hot key combination to go to the previous item.

Quick Navigation Keys

Function Hot key
Move to Bookmark CAPS LOCK + A
Move to button CAPS LOCK + B
Move to Comment CAPS LOCK + C
Move to different paragraph style CAPS LOCK + D
Move to edit form field CAPS LOCK + E
Move to Footnote or Endnote CAPS LOCK + F
Move to graphic CAPS LOCK + G
Move to Heading style CAPS LOCK + H
Move to list item in same list CAPS LOCK + I
Move to link CAPS LOCK + K
Move to list (including numbered headings) CAPS LOCK + L
Move to Text Box / Frame CAPS LOCK + M
Move to Normal style paragraph CAPS LOCK + N
Move to object (including graphics) CAPS LOCK + O
Move to paragraph CAPS LOCK + P
Move to Revision CAPS LOCK + R
Move to table CAPS LOCK + T
Move to check box CAPS LOCK + X
Move to section break CAPS LOCK + Z

Note: you may find various Quick Navigation Keys failing when working in a protected document.

General Hot Keys

Function Hot key
Open CONTROL + F12
Save As F12
Spell check F7
Thesaurus SHIFT + F7
Print Preview CONTROL + F2
Exit ALT + F4

Format Hot Keys

Function Hot key
Increase font size CONTROL + GREATER THAN
Decrease font size CONTROL + LESS THAN
Increase font size by 1 pt CONTROL + RIGHT SQUARE BRACKET
Decrease font size by 1 pt CONTROL + LEFT SQUARE BRACKET
Make text bold CONTROL + B
Make text italic CONTROL + I
Underline text CONTROL + U
Double underline text CONTROL + SHIFT + D
Make text subscript CONTROL + EQUALS
Make text superscript CONTROL + SHIFT + EQUALS
Align paragraph left CONTROL + L
Centre align paragraph CONTROL + E
Align paragraph right CONTROL + R
Justify paragraph CONTROL + J
Single line space paragraph CONTROL + 1
1.5 line space paragraph CONTROL + 5
Double line space paragraph CONTROL + 2
Apply hanging indent (repeat hot key to increase indentation) CONTROL + T
Undo hanging indent (repeat hot key to reduce indentation) CONTROL + SHIFT + T
Indent (repeat hot key to increase indentation) CONTROL + M
Undo indent (repeat hot key to reduce indentation) CONTROL + SHIFT + M
Change case SHIFT + F3
Apply Heading 1 - 3 style CONTROL + ALT + 1 - 3
Apply List bullet style CONTROL + SHIFT + L
Apply Normal style CONTROL + SHIFT + N
Remove character formatting CONTROL + SPACEBAR
Remove paragraph formatting CONTROL + Q

Cut, Copy and Paste Hot Keys

Function Hot key
Copy the selected object CONTROL + C
Cut the selected object CONTROL + X
Copy format CONTROL + SHIFT + C
Paste format CONTROL + SHIFT + V

Break Hot Keys

Function Hot key
Insert a line break SHIFT + ENTER
Insert a page break CONTROL + ENTER
Insert a section break CONTROL + SHIFT + ENTER

Undo / Redo Hot Keys

Function Hot key
Undo the last action CONTROL + Z
Redo the last action CONTROL + Y

Find Hot Keys

Function Hot key
Repeat find (after closing Find and Replace window). SHIFT + F4
Replace CONTROL + H

Quick Navigation Keys

Function Hot key
Move to Bookmark CAPS LOCK + A
Move to button CAPS LOCK + B
Move to Comment CAPS LOCK + C
Move to different paragraph style CAPS LOCK + D
Move to edit form field CAPS LOCK + E
Move to Footnote or Endnote CAPS LOCK + F
Move to graphic CAPS LOCK + G
Move to Heading style CAPS LOCK + H
Move to list item in same list CAPS LOCK + I
Move to link CAPS LOCK + K
Move to list (including numbered headings) CAPS LOCK + L
Move to Text Box / Frame CAPS LOCK + M
Move to Normal style paragraph CAPS LOCK + N
Move to object (including graphics) CAPS LOCK + O
Move to paragraph CAPS LOCK + P
Move to Revision CAPS LOCK + R
Move to table CAPS LOCK + T
Move to check box CAPS LOCK + X
Move to section break CAPS LOCK + Z

Note: you may find various Quick Navigation Keys failing when working in a protected document.

Page 4

In this tutorial you will learn how to get around Office 365 Desktop Edition using the keyboard plus the additional features available in SuperNova and ScreenReader that help you work quickly and easily. The tutorial provides step-by-step instructions to complete many common tasks in Word, Outlook, Excel and PowerPoint. And, although the tutorial is based on Office 365, most instructions will apply to other Microsoft Office editions such as Office 2016, 2019, 2021, and later editions.

Chapter List

  1. Introduction
  2. Ribbon and Quick Access Toolbar
  3. Word
  4. Outlook
  5. Excel
  6. PowerPoint