Read the story below and express your opinion about it write your answer in your notebook

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Read the story below and express your opinion about it write your answer in your notebook

The question-answer relationship (QAR) strategy helps students understand the different types of questions. By learning that the answers to some questions are “Right There” in the text, that some answers require a reader to “Think and Search,” and that some answers can only be answered “On My Own,” students recognize that they must first consider the question before developing an answer.

Why use the question-answer relationship strategy?

  • It can improve students’ reading comprehension.
  • It teaches students how to ask questions about their reading, a cognitive strategy skilled readers use.
  • It helps them find the answers to their questions, whether it means locating a specific fact, drawing an inference, or connecting the reading to their own experience.
  • It inspires students to think creatively and work cooperatively while challenging them to use higher-level thinking skills.

1. Explain to students that there are many questions readers can ask about their reading and that one way to find the answer is to think about what kind of question it is. Define the four types of questions and give an example.

  • Right There Questions: These are literal questions whose answers can be found in the text. Often the words used in the question are the same words found in the text.
  • Think and Search Questions: These ask readers to collect information from more than one part of the text and put it together to answer the question.
  • Author and You: These questions are based on information found in the text but ask the reader to relate the question to their own experience. Although the answer does not lie directly in the text, the student must have read it in order to answer the question.
  • On My Own: These questions do not require the students to have read the passage. Readers rely on their background or prior knowledge to answer the question.

2. Read a short passage aloud to your students.

3. Have questions of different types prepared to ask about the passage. When you have finished reading, read each question aloud and model how you decide which type of question you have been asked to answer.

4. Show students how find information to answer the question (e.g., in the text or from your own experiences).

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Read the story below and express your opinion about it write your answer in your notebook

Read the story below and express your opinion about it write your answer in your notebook

Read the story below and express your opinion about it write your answer in your notebook
Read the story below and express your opinion about it write your answer in your notebook

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Read the story below and express your opinion about it write your answer in your notebook

Carleton University

Jose C.


4 months, 3 weeks ago

Read the story below and express your opinion about it write your answer in your notebook

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'pa help po, Brainliest ko agad ty What [ Know Direatlon: Read each itern carefully and write your anawcrs 0n your nolabook the gituetions presented below; If _t is 4 concept d Bocin Teet 4. Read carefully science; write E9 and ff it is not, write Ne8 Jack examined about how ants propagate and multiply Mario surveyed about hor studenta of Himamayian National High School take care pf the environment Anna decided to be exposed in one of the tribes in their community. Rufia exarnined his [riend's lungs and found gut thet thc latter has lung cancer; Chrietine maneged his constituents well end becerne Good leader to them. Test B. Analysa the situation bclow and decode the mystery that is enchanted within the story. Answer the questiong that follow. long time 8g0, three enchanted islands exst in @ place celled "WonderLake Isla Humango, the biggest one, is full al stories and enchantments Every creature living i the island had his own unique experiences; vith rch # 2 and nusc The isiand is given unique language and writings, the other two idlands were not Stories arong WonderLake {vere ali Gritten in the stones of the island : Iain Pon. They elso have their own unique ways worship ther God drvune crearurc nemed 'Aba-bo" , The ieland also believed to be rich In enchantmente such a8 black magic e8 well: jale Nehango the middle island, is hore t0 millions Of creatures. Evary creature living on hib own and %6 not Controlled by ay being; wth each creature independent Irom each Other. Thcre are many species that couild bc found in the island alpne, fromn their [oune t0 iiona The middle o the island i vas topical Irose vlale thead creatures Iived Humans who bsppened t9 Vieit the ialand hed scen vaelarray of creaturer that is ner t0 the human eye, henca became the telk ol the tov, Jdla Pahengo, I8 the youngest and farthest of the thres jccated a the southern Dp of the goup: Every creatire oexists Fith cach other_ and % iniuerced bi interactions made with evty CTeRIUI: Evey crearure hving the ieland maintains theit good reletionahip The firat community in Worde-Lake believed to bein this island, and in which Civilization begine; Diversity ol crcaturee &s Fell Ea thcir behaviour and characterietics are found in the island, Yet they are united Mith & central Tkar olliccs &3 Kcll as agencies ar€ On thls Island WonderLake Gow i in dilemma behind cech island? ol what bice On every island. What i the mystery'

Use the following words in a sentence 1. bank 2. deposit 3. withdrawal slip 4. denomination 5. informationanswer?​

III. Write the plural form of nouns. 16. How many (child) 17. We still need three more forks and (knife) are there in the school yard? in the fall. 18 … . Many trees lose their (leaf). 19. Sharks can grow thousands of (tooth). 20. What is the population of Mexico? How many (person) 21. Cats like to catch (mouse) 22. I really want to sit down. My (foot) 23. Many husbands and (wife) 24. (Wolf). 25. How many (woman) for our dinner guests. in a lifetime. look very much like large dogs. are killing me! eat at restaurants on Valentine's Day. live there? work in your office?

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1. In picture I, where do the lines take your eye? What information does it give the audience about the circumstances of the situation? 2. How do you … interpret picture 2? 3. What do the dirty clothes of the pigs signify? 4. In picture 4, how do you feel looking at the subject, the old man? 5. How do you interpret the meaning of visual media?​

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( Give two or three examples) HealthyPrettyWideSix​

help me:)plsss I'm going to give you point:(​

in picture i where do the lines take your eyes ? what information does it give the audience about the circumstance of the situation​