Proton and alpha particle have the same de broglie wavelength what is the same for both of them

De-broglie wavelength of the particle is given by, 

`lambda = "h"/"p" = "h"/"mv" = "h"/sqrt(2"mqV")` ;

where, V= Accelerating potential and v is the speed of the particle. 

Given that, the de-broglie wavelength is same for both proton and a-particle.

Charge on α particle = 2c

Mass of α -particle = 4mp

Charge on proton =  qp ;

Mass of α -particle = mP 

`lambda_a = lambda_P`

`=> "h"/sqrt(2"m"_alpha"q"_alpha"V"_alpha) = "h"/sqrt(2 "m"_"P"  "q"_"P" "V"_"P")`

`=> "m"_alpha"q"_alpha"V"_alpha = "m"_"P"  "q"_"P" "V"_"P"`

`=> "V"_"P"/"V"_alpha = ("m"_alpha "q"_alpha)/("m"_"P" "q"_"P") = (4 "m"_"P")/"m"_"P" xx (2"q"_"P")/"q"_"P" = 2/1`

2 : 1 is the required ratio of the accelerating potential.


`lambda_"a" = lambda_"p"`

`=> "h"/("m"_alpha "v"_alpha) = "h"/("m"_"P" "V"_"P")`

`=> "V"_"P"/"V"_alpha = "m"_alpha/"m"_"p" = (4"m"_"p")/"m"_"p" = 4/1`

4 : 1 is the required ratio of the speed of proton to speed of alpha-particle.  

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Monochromatic light of wavelength 632.8 nm is produced by a helium-neon laser. The power emitted is 9.42 mW.

a.) Find the energy and momentum of each photon in the light beam. 

b.) How many photons per second, on the average arrive at a target irradiated by this beam?

c.) How fast does a hydrogen atom have to travel in order to have the same  momentum as that of the photon?

Wavelength of monochromatic light, λ = 632.8 nm = 632.8 x 10

∴ Frequency, v = cλ = 3 × 108632.8 × 10-9Hz 

                                 = 4.74 × 1014Hz

(a) Energy of a photon, E = hv

                                       = 6.63 × 10-34× 4.74 × 1014J= 3.14 × 10-19J.

Momentum of each photon, p (momentum) = hλ                            = 6.63 × 10-34632.8 × 10-9                              = 1.05 × 10-27 kg ms-1 

(b) Power emitted, P = 9.42 mW = 9.42 x 10–3 W
Now, P = nE  

This implies, 

n = PE = 9.42 × 10-3W3.14 × 10-19J                = 3 × 1016 photons/sec. 

Thus, these many number of protons arrive at the target.

(c) Velocity of hydrogen atom 

                    = Momentum 'p' of H2 atom (mv)Mass of H2 atom(m) 

                  v = 1.05 × 10-271.673 × 10-27ms-1   

                    = 0.63 ms-1. 

Thus, the hydrogen atom travel at a speed of 0.63 m/s  to have the same  momentum as that of the photon.