In a regular day how many snacks does the average colombian schedule into their day ten one two none

Octopuses have a gene that also determines the intelligence of humans.

Japan's government has asked people to use less electricity during a heat wave

Five major planets in our solar system lined up in a row over the weekend.

A museum in Africa will be among the world's top 100 places to visit.

Large areas of Italy's River Po is dying up.

New Zealand is thinking about a new tax on the burps of sheep and cows.

Google has just unveiled a real-time air quality index on Google Maps.

A new study has found that the most common favourite colour is blue.

A Premier League footballer had a lucky escape thanks to the heroism of a police officer.

Tom Cruise's Top Gun: Maverick movie has broken box office records across America.

Japan will reopen to overseas tourists and end its two-year pandemic closure.

A group of wealthy business leaders who own multi-billion-dollar companies has asked their governments to tax them more.

The WHO reported there have been 120 worldwide cases of the rare monkeypox virus.

The Tonga volcano was the biggest explosion recorded using modern technology.

Google Translate has added 24 languages to its translation service.

A new report says airlines in the U.K. have missed all their climate change targets since 2000, except one.

New eye drops have been developed that can help people with blurred vision.

A charity in the UK wants people not to cut the grass in their garden to help biodiversity.

Plant-based milks have been growing in popularity for the past decade.

The world's richest person, Elon Musk, has bought the social media site Twitter.

Hundreds of unpunished crimes have taken place at London's royal households.

A new report says half of us suffer from headaches.

Segway is selling a speaker accessory that can add V12 engine noises to scooters.

Scientists have developed a method to "time jump" cells in human skin.

A popular UK radio host has lambasted the UK's response to the Ukrainian refugee crisis.

The WHO has found that almost everyone on Earth breathes unhealthy air.

A new phenomenon is taking hold across the world - "shrinkflation".

Actor Will Smith has apologized to comedian Chris Rock for slapping him at the Oscars.

Some people in the UK do not have enough money to use gas or electricity to boil potatoes.

Not everyone knows how important it is to sleep in the dark.

A new company has produced a self-repairable mobile phone.

The largest cruise ship ever made has set sail.

Many studies suggest the need for "digital detox" to become part of our lives.

A study suggests eating lots of vegetables may not greatly reduce the risk of a heart attack.

The UK has awarded one of its highest honours to a former minister who was fired twice.

TikTok users will soon be able to upload 10-minute-long videos.

Two former Ukrainian boxing world champions have joined what is probably the greatest fight of their lives.

Germany has announced it has closed the Nord Stream 2 pipeline.

Research shows our cognitive skills are still powerful at the age of 60.

A new form of transport will be with us in the next few years - flying taxis.

The koala has been put on the endangered species list.

Environmentalists are getting more worried about the effects of fast fashion on the environment.

The UK's Queen Elizabeth II marked her platinum jubilee on Saturday.

The New York Times newspaper has bought the online word game Wordle.

A US general has warned of "horrific" consequences of armed conflict in Ukraine.

Australia's government has bought the rights to the Aboriginal flag.

Marine biologists have unearthed a spectacular coral reef off the coast of Tahiti in the South Pacific.

A cleanup operation has begun in Tonga after the island nation was hit by a tsunami and volcano.

Scientists in Antarctica found the world's largest breeding ground for fish.

Doctors in the USA have transplanted a pig's heart into a man.

The Pope has suggested that people who choose to have pets instead of children were selfish.

China has set a record for creating the highest heat ever recorded.

A think tank has suggested that the year 2021 wasn't as bad as 2020.

A professor in Japan has developed a prototype TV screen that you can lick.

Madagascar's police swam 12 hours to safety after a helicopter crash in the Indian Ocean.

A newly-found fossil shows the biggest bug that ever lived was the size of a small car.

Scientists say the general public is as smart as rocket scientists and brain surgeons.

TIME magazine's Person of the Year for 2021 is... Elon Musk.

Getting injured between your bedroom and home office can be a workplace accident.

Changing weather patterns and an increase in demand have led to a shortage of maple syrup.

A 104-year-old woman from Kerala, India has passed a state literacy test.

Scientists say that a new kind of robot that can create baby robots.

The Omicron variant of the covid-19 virus is spreading worldwide.

Research from the U.K. says lobsters, octopuses and crabs feel pain

National Geographic has released its list of the top 25 travel destinations for 2022.

More than 500 people have been stung by scorpions in Egypt.

Portugal is prohibiting bosses from contacting workers outside of work hours.

Doctors say a bedtime of between 10pm and 11pm is best for our health.

Japan is planning to give $880 to all children under the age of 19.

Jeff Bezos has promised to give $2 billion to help nature.

Greta Thunberg not officially invited to COP26 climate change conference.

People around the world are trying to buy Squid Game tracksuits and jumpsuits.

In the near future, the world's top chefs may be using knives made from wood.

The rapper Kanye West has changed his name to Ye.

Peru has won the first ever Balloon World Cup.

Leaders of the G20 have promised to help Afghanistan's economy.

Two men got lost at sea for over four weeks and enjoyed it.

Michelin has tested giant sails to make shipping greener.

The 2020 Dubai Expo has finally opened.

30th September - "Easier"

A turtle closed an airport in Japan for 12 minutes.

27th September - "Harder"

In the past decade, bugs have become a familiar sight on dinner tables.

23rd September - "Easier"

Philippine boxing legend Manny Pacquiao will run for president.

20th September - "Harder"

A diplomatic spat has erupted after France recalled its ambassadors to Australia and the USA.

16th September - "Easier"

Scientists are working on bringing the woolly mammoth back to life.

13th September - "Harder"

Research on hanging rhinoceroses upside down wins Ig Nobel Prize.

Mercedes makes a car you can control with your mind.

A semiconductor shortage is causing car companies to cut production.

Nike gave its office workers a week off to de-stress.

A woman fought a mountain lion that was carrying away her five-year-old son.

The pop group ABBA are making a comeback and will release new songs.

Street lights could be behind a decline in insect populations.

The 2020 Tokyo Paralympic Games began on Tuesday night.

Venice may charge tourists to visit the city.

Scientists recreated the power of the Sun for a fraction of a second in a nuclear fusion test.

Malala Yousafzai has asked countries to open their borders to Afghan refugees.

India's Prime Minister has announced a $1.35 trillion package for his country's economy.

Scientists have just announced that July was the hottest month ever recorded.

Botanists have discovered a new, carnivorous plant.

The world's smallest baby has left hospital after 13 months.

The government in Cuba is legalising the ownership of small and medium-sized businesses.

The Taliban have captured an Afghan provincial capital city for the first time since 2001.

A shortage of timber worldwide is causing a dearth in supply and major problems for the housing and construction industry.

The Prime Minister of New Zealand Jacinda Ardern has apologized to Pacific Islanders for an immigration policy in the early 1970s.

The U.K. has announced a new $5.5 million programme to teach Latin in schools.

Eating food that contains flavonoids can cut the chances of getting dementia by a third.

Singer-songwriter Pink has got involved in a sexism row in the sport of beach handball.

Some printer ink that is sold by tech companies is pricier than many champagnes.

Tennis superstar Naomi Osaka has lit the flame to finally open the 2020 Olympic Games.

Children who live near woodland in a city have better mental health than children who do not.

Germany's leader has expressed fears about climate change after the devastation caused by flooding in Europe.

The U.K. is thinking about putting a tax on food containing salty and sugary snacks.

Parts of the Amazon rainforest are emitting more carbon dioxide than they are absorbing.

Gyms and fitness clubs in and around South Korea's capital Seoul have a limit on what music they can play.

If you have ever imagined a face in an inanimate object, your brain is engaged in a process called pareidolia.

The city of Dubai in the UAE now has the record for the world's deepest dive pool.

Climate scientists have warned that many parts of the world will experience more extreme heat.

The Queen in the United Kingdom has given the country's highest possible award to its National Health Service.

The Black Swimming Association is up in arms over a ban on the use of a swim cap.

A prototype flying AirCar completed a test flight between two cities in Slovakia.

An engineer has broken the world record for stacking M&Ms on top of each other.

Researchers in China have shown an ancient skull to the world for the first time.

New research has revealed that toxic workplaces can be hazardous to mental health.

Millions of mice have been creating havoc in Australia.

Golf clubs in South Korea are opening after dark to allow more people to play the game.

New research shows that 25 per cent of adults do not want to have children.

A company has tested a new satellite that is predominantly made from plywood.

The Italian car company Ferrari has entered the business of fashion with a new line of clothing.

The Group of Seven Leaders' Summit has concluded with promises to build back a better world.

The National Geographic Society has officially accepted that this body of water around Antarctica is a real ocean.

The United Nations has warned that people in Ethiopia's Tigray region are on the brink of a famine.

Supersonic passenger planes could return to the skies before the end of this decade.

A herd of 15 wild elephants is approaching a city of 6.6 million people in China.

More and more children are suffering from "eco-anxiety".

Tennis superstar Naomi Osaka has withdrawn from the French Tennis Open citing stress.

Amazon wants to help its workers with stress and mental health problems.

A new study has led archaeologists to believe that the world's first war was in Sudan.

A man decided not to climb Mount Everest because he had a bad dream.

The dating app Tinder has launched a new feature designed to help reduce online harassment.

The government in the United Kingdom wants to change its farming industry.

The WHO has issued a stark warning about the danger of overworking.

Dog owners in Alaska are buying vests for their pets to protect them from attacks by bald eagles.

A 96-year-old DJ has retired after broadcasting for more than seven decades.

A man who cannot move his arms or hands has used his thoughts to write on a computer screen.

The World Food Prize has been awarded to a nutrition expert for her innovative work on fish.

IBM has announced it has made a significant breakthrough in microchip power.

A 25-year-old Malian woman has given birth to nine healthy babies.

A farmer took just a few minutes to change the border between Belgium and France.

Italy's government has given the green light for Rome's famous ancient Colosseum to get a new floor.

Researchers have discovered that the frogmouth is the most 'instagrammable' bird.

Germany is to return the precious Benin Bronzes artefacts that were plundered from Nigeria during the colonial era.

Many countries around the world are sending oxygen to India.

Fifteen people took part in a project to see how they would cope with being totally disconnected from the modern world.

The Tokyo Motor Show has been cancelled for the first time in its history.

Scientists have developed a form of biodegradable plastic.

The plan created by Europe's top football clubs to create a breakaway super league seems to be falling apart.

A team of scientists has created the world's first part-human, part-monkey embryo.

The latest thing to have caused fear for some people in Poland is a croissant.

One of the world's largest rabbits has been stolen from his home in England.

A university in England has said students will not lose marks for spelling mistakes.

Fashion is ephemeral. This is particularly so for jeans. The latest trend in jeans is the baggy look.

A postcard written by a worker on the Titanic in 1912 could fetch $15,000 at an auction.

Talks between Iran and the USA to revive the 2015 Iran nuclear deal are set to resume.

An American ocean exploration team has filmed the world's deepest known shipwreck for the first time.

A report on racism commissioned by the UK has drawn criticism from upholders of racial equality.

Cherry blossoms in Kyoto, Japan have bloomed at their earliest date in 600 years.

The Suez Canal is finally open again after the giant vessel that had blocked it for a week is refloated.

Scientists say asteroids will not be a danger to Earth for the next 100 years.

The torch relay for the Tokyo Olympics is finally under way.

Farmers in the UK have a new pest to worry about - stink bugs.

Help may soon be at hand for those who are losing or have lost their hair.

Pigs may be more intelligent than we thought. They may be able to play video games.

Authorities are urging those looking for love on the Internet to be cautious.

Coca-Cola has teamed up with company to make a paper bottle.

Denmark has come up with a practical idea to help its clean energy needs.

Pop music from South Korea (K-pop) has become very popular around the world.

A puppy born with severe abnormalities has survived its first week.

The long-eared jerboa is the animal with the biggest ears relative to its body size.

Iceland has experienced 18,000 earthquakes in the space of a week.

The United Kingdom is being criticized for cutting the amount of aid it gives to Yemen. The UK's foreign office said it would cut the amount of humanitarian aid to Yemen by...

A disturbing new crime is emerging worldwide that should be of concern to dog owners - dog theft.

Governments around the world may create "vaccine passports" to help open up societies.

A study investigated the effects on our health of extended spells of video-conferencing.

The Japanese government now has a "minister of loneliness". It is the first time Japan has had such a minister. Japan's Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga created the role in early...

A team of scientists explored the question of whether dogs have self-awareness.

A new study shows that 86 per cent of the world's rivers have been damaged by human activity.

Staff at a university have been requested to avoid the use of certain gender-related words.

The Swedish furniture maker IKEA has released its new range of products - gaming furniture.

The energy giant Royal Dutch Shell has announced it has passed its peak production of oil.

A university professor in Singapore gave a two-hour online lecture but didn't realize he was on mute.

A house billed as "the skinniest" in London is on the market for $1.3 million.

Scientists say they have discovered what could be the smallest reptile in the world.

The military junta that overthrew Myanmar's government on February the 1st has blocked access to Facebook.

The founder of, Jeff Bezos, will step down from his role as CEO.

The UAE will grant citizenship to foreign residents who "add value" to the nation.

If you have trouble sleeping, it could be because of a full moon.

The International Olympic Committee is "confident" the Games will go ahead in July.

A band has played what is being called the 'World's First Space Bubble Concert'.

A candy company in Canada is searching for people to taste and review its original creations for the sweet sum of $30 an hour.

A company in Israel says it has created a lithium-ion car battery that people can charge in just five minutes.

Joe Biden has promised to re-establish global alliances in his first speech as U.S. President.

A new wearable device can let other people know your mood.

Australian citizens are angered at the sight of preferential treatment being given to tennis stars.

The mayor of Paris wants to turn the Champs-Elysees avenue into an "extraordinary garden".

A restaurant manager delivered hundreds of dumplings to snowbound drivers.

Reporters are saying the Duke and Duchess of Sussex have abandoned social media.

A new study shows that while identical twins can look perfectly alike, it is not a perfect similarity.

A taxi driver in Taiwan is offering free rides in exchange for singing a karaoke song.

A British man who broke lockdown rules to be with his girlfriend has spoken to newspapers.

Astronomers and space engineers are predicting that 2021 will be a great year for space exploration.

Online learning is set to continue in 2021.

For billions of people around the world, January the 1st, 2020 seemed like a great day.

An enormous iceberg heading toward the island of South Georgia has broken up into three large chunks.

Scientists believe early human beings may have hibernated.

A scientist has found the 'right' way to cut a Christmas cake.

Forty countries have blocked air, sea and land travel to and from the United Kingdom.

Botanists have just decided on the world's ugliest orchid.

The United Nations has given a special award to a festival in South Korea.

Healthcare clowns emerging in hospitals around the globe.

The British Museum in the U.K. has reported record levels of historical discoveries this year.

A huge protest has taken place in India in what could be the largest demonstration in human history.

Japan is going to use artificial intelligence (AI) to match couples and help residents find love.

Singapore has approved the production, sale and consumption of meat manufactured in a lab.

A dog had to go on a diet. He is a beagle called Wolfgang. He was three times heavier than normal.

Lawyers across the globe are drafting regulations to make ecocide a crime.

China and South Korea are arguing over the savoury pickled cabbage dish kimchi.

Letters to Santa contain emotional outpourings that provide an insight into how the coronavirus pandemic is troubling young minds.

Thousands of football fans paid their final respects to football legend Diego Maradona.

Archaeologists working in the city of Nazareth have unearthed what they believe to be the childhood home of Jesus Christ.

Scientists in Israel say they have conducted tests to successfully stop and reverse the biological ageing process.

Moose are becoming a problem on Canada's roads because they are licking salt from cars.

A group of language experts in Japan is troubled by how the government uses English.

A team of researchers is trying to find out what the sixteenth century smelt like.

Fifteen Asian and Pacific countries have signed the world's biggest free trade deal.

A hotel company in the Maldives is offering guests a once-in-a-lifetime vacation.

Researchers say they have developed a vaccine that has a 90 per cent success rate in protecting against COVID-19.

Poor diet and nutrition may be behind an average height gap of 20cm between the tallest and shortest children.

Kamala Harris has made history by becoming the first woman in U.S. history to be Vice President.

The Japanese gaming company Nintendo has predicted a bumper year for its Switch games console.

The 2020 U.S. presidential election made people bake cakes and bread to reduce stress.

The European Union has declared that companies and eateries can retain meat-like names for their vegetarian products.

A new study says diet versions of sugary drinks can be as bad for our heart as fizzy drinks.

Scientists have announced the breathtaking news that there is water on the Moon.

The UK government voted against giving poor children free school lunches.

Great Britain has promised to return more than 5,000 ancient artefacts to Iraq.

One solution to protecting endangered fish could be for us to eat jellyfish.

The movie 'Dragon Slayer' not only broke records in Japan and had the biggest opening weekend for any movie in the world.

Scientists recorded the shortest unit of time ever measured - a zeptosecond.

Thousands of protesters have taken to the streets in Thailand's capital Bangkok.

A travel guidebook company has released its list of the best places on Earth to visit.

Stock prices rose sharply on Monday led by shares in technology giants.

The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) is the winner of the 2020 Nobel Peace Prize.

Visa requirements in Australia just got a little tougher for foreign partners of existing residents.

The Tasmanian devil has not lived on the Australian mainland in over 3,000 years, but it is back.

This year in the USA, the autumn foliage has been adversely affected by drought conditions.

The nation of Antigua and Barbuda is offering a two-year work visa for 'digital nomads'.

Scientists have revealed that around two-fifths of the world's plants are at risk of extinction.

30th September - "Easier"

Heavy fighting has broken out between Armenia and Azerbaijan. There is a danger the fighting could lead to a bigger conflict.

28th September - "Harder"

A rat has been given a distinguished award for bravery for his services to humanity.

26th September - "Easier"

A businessman who sells bottled water is now the richest man in China.

24th September - "Harder"

The airline manufacturer Airbus has unveiled ambitious plans for the world's first zero-emission aircraft.

22nd September - "Easier"

The names of mothers in Afghanistan will be put on their children's birth certificates for the first time.

20th September - "Harder"

Thai parks will start mailing litter back to litterbug visitors.

18th September - "Easier"

A French photographer has won a top photography contest for astronomy.

16th September - "Harder"

The CEO of a mining company has resigned following the destruction of two sacred Aboriginal sites.

14th September - "Easier"

The potato chip maker Pringles has improved its packaging.

12th September - "Harder"

Transporting the vaccine across the globe will require around 8,000 747 freight planes.

10th September - "Easier"

Pope Francis has said gossiping is worse than COVID-19.

A new study reveals that most adults under 30 years old in the US are now living with their parents.

A sushi restaurant in Japan is using bodybuilders to deliver sushi to people's homes and workplaces.

The American R&B singer Akon has plans to build a city from scratch in Senegal.

The gold medal for the 44th Chess Olympiad has been shared by India and Russia.

Technology trailblazer Elon Musk has unveiled a computer chip that could pave the way to computer-to-brain interfaces in humans.

Painting one blade of a wind turbine black could help cut the number of bird deaths.

A report shows the humble full stop is "intimidating" to young people.

Scientists in Florida will release 750 million genetically modified mosquitoes into the wild.

Residents in a Swiss town got the surprise of their lives week when it started snowing chocolate.

Architects in Japan have unveiled a public toilet that is has transparent walls.

The UK has made a U-turn over the exam grades system it used for students hoping to attend university.

China is taking action to cut down on food waste.

Israel and the United Arab Emirates have agreed to normalise relations.

Gigantic "terror crocodiles" that were as large as buses once roamed the Earth.

French President Emmanuel Macron hosted a summit to encourage other world leaders to help Beirut.

Scientists from MIT have discovered why razor blades become blunt after repeated use.

Conservationists are concerned that the success of saving the panda has come at a cost to other mammals.

The on-off talks between Microsoft and the parent company of TikTok are back on again.

Three people have been charged for their alleged involvement in the hacking attack on Twitter.

Two emus have been banned from entering a hotel in Australia's Outback.

The annual Hajj is set to take place in the sacred city of Mecca, Saudi Arabia.

The glass used to make the screens on many of the world's smartphones just got tougher.

A man has proposed to his fiancée during an event that occurs just once every 6,800 years.

The United Nations has come up with a plan to help slow the spread of COVID-19.

The space agency of the United Arab Emirates has launched its historic first mission to Mars.

Scientists have developed a tiny camera that can be put on the back of a beetle.

A dam on the Blue Nile in Ethiopia is escalating tensions in the region.

The French government has agreed to give a pay rise of $9 billion to its health workers.

An 11-year-old boy has achieved fame after a video of him dancing in the rain outside his home in Nigeria went viral.

Researchers say they have discovered how humans got teeth.

An error in a prison system resulted in a man being incarcerated for five years longer than he should have.

The United Kingdom will give nearly $2 billion to help support the country's arts industry.

Scientists have come up with a new way to calculate a dog's age.

Doctors say a three-minute daily dose of the special red light could help improve age-related vision.

The campaign group "Stop Hate For Profit" has dented the market value of Facebook and Twitter.

A famous Egyptian belly dancer has been put in prison.

The world's heaviest ever sumo wrestler has given health advice to other wrestlers.

Temperatures in the Arctic Circle hit an all-time record on Saturday, with the mercury topping 38º Celsius.

More air bridges are opening to allow more people to travel

Climate change will threaten global sports events over the next three decades.

A man in Austria has been fined for farting loudly in front of police.

A Vietnamese entrepreneur has come up with an ingenious idea to help hungry people in Vietnam.

A woman received a big surprise when the duck eggs she bought from a supermarket hatched.

The UK economy has suffered its worst economic performance since a mini ice age over 300 years ago.

A statue of a former Belgian king was pulled down by anti-racism protestors.

China and India have agreed to resolve a border dispute that was a worrying source of tension between them.

Black Lives Matter protests have taken place around the world.

Scientists have discovered what they believe to be the cleanest air on Earth.

The U.S. motor vehicle manufacturer Ford Motor Company is bringing back its legendary Mustang Mach 1 car.

The killing of George Floyd in the city of Minneapolis on May the 25th has reverberated across the world.

Visitors to Japan's amusement parks should not scream on rollercoasters to stop the spread of coronavirus.

A cuckoo has just completed one of the longest migrations ever recorded by any bird.

A woman in Italy has suddenly become the owner of a Pablo Picasso painting.

The car rental company Hertz has filed for bankruptcy protection in the US.

The online retail giant Amazon has released its first ever big-budget PC game.

A regulatory body has warned universities and colleges to be honest about online lessons.

A group of penguins became a tour group for the day when they visited an art museum.

New research sheds light on how carnivorous plants like the Venus fly trap developed a taste for meat.

The boss of Twitter has told many of his employees that they can work from home forever if they want to.

Saudi Arabia is going to triple the rate of the value added tax (VAT) it imposes on goods and services.

Police from around the world have worked together to find lots of missing art.

A study has found that there are circumstances in which cool air rises.

There are some scary insects in this world. Few of them are as scary and as venomous as the Asian giant hornet.

The Game of Thrones actor Hafthor Bjornsson has set a world weightlifting record by lifting 501kg.

An aquarium in Japan is asking people to help a group of eels that are getting lonely.

A team of paleontologists has uncovered what they believe was the most dangerous place in the history of the Earth.

Google has improved its video conferencing platform Meet to be able to compete with other platforms.

Doctors around the world have issued strong warnings for people not to use disinfectant to treat coronavirus.

Netflix has more than doubled the number of new subscribers it thought it would get this year.

The governor of New York has signed a special order permitting people to get married online.

Only nine per cent of Britons want life to return to normal after the coronavirus outbreak is over.

A 99-year-old war veteran in the UK has raised over $25 million for the country's health service.

Archaeologists have discovered the oldest piece of string ever found.

The leader of the U.K. has thanked his country's National Health Service for saving his life.

A UK radio station conducted a survey and found the best year for music was 1991.

Paris has banned people exercising outdoors during the day to try and stem the surge in the number of infections.

The trade in wildlife could be greatly cut after the coronavirus pandemic has finished.

A manga exhibition proved to be the most popular show at the British Museum in 2019.

The USA could soon be encouraging Americans to wear face masks or scarves.

Scientists may soon be able to interpret what someone is saying simply by analysing their brainwaves.

A new kind of concrete could be made with moon dust and the urine passed by astronauts.

Scientists think they have found out why a dog's nose is cold.

Mayors across Italy are taking direct action to make sure people follow lockdown rules.

Conservationists have quiet cause for celebration over a rise in the numbers of the African black rhino.

The World Health Organization (WHO) is warning young people all over the world that they are also at risk from COVID-19.

The word 'caremongering' started trending after acts of kindness in Canada.

The end is coming for New York's public pay phones.

Luxury goods maker Louis Vuitton will start making sanitiser to help fight the COVID-19 virus.

The coronavirus pandemic could cut up to 50 million jobs worldwide in the travel and tourism industry.

The global spread of COVID-19 is playing havoc with sports events worldwide.

The online retail giant Amazon will start selling its cashier-less technology to any store or retail outlet that wants it.

People worldwide have been emptying supermarket shelves of toilet paper over coronavirus fears.

The spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus has made more men wash their hands more often, especially after going to the toilet.

Rising sea levels could see the demise of half of the world's beaches by the end of this century.

Japan and Hong Kong have closed their elementary, junior-high and high schools until April.

The Oscar-winning actor and director George Clooney has spoken about allegations of child labour.

The Microsoft airplane game Flight Simulator has been upgraded to include every airport in the world.

A food manufacturer in Japan has invented a new product that seems destined to become a huge, global bestseller - sliced mayonnaise.

A railway station in London has been named as the best station in Europe for passengers.

Researchers have revealed that eating a big breakfast could help us to lose weight.

Antisocial people are more likely to have smaller areas of their brain.

A new report says illegal teeth whitening is putting people at risk of serious health problems.

Scientists have launched a new search to find out if there is... anybody... out there.

Lawmakers in NYC have passed a bill to ban cashless businesses.

Brazil has asked its security forces to help fight deforestation in the Amazon.

Six thousand couples decided not to let the coronavirus deter them from celebrating their happy day.

Finland is giving new parents more time to spend with their babies.

The livelihood of farmers and other food growers in East Africa is under attack from locusts.

A higher intake of fermented soy products may be associated with a lower risk of mortality.

The U.S. military has officially unveiled the uniforms for its newly created Space Force.

The U.K. government's new coin to mark Brexit is at the centre of an argument about punctuation.

Pasta has been reclassified as a vegetable in U.S. schools.

Astronauts on the International Space Station have made the universe's first ever space-baked cookies.

Scientists have discovered that stress is one factor in turning our hair grey.

The world is preparing for a possible major outbreak of a new deadly virus.

China has unveiled ambitious plans to drastically reduce single-use plastics by 2025.

Everyone knows the names of big killers like cancer, but one in five deaths is due to sepsis.

Scandinavia has ranked as the best place in the world to raise children, with Denmark being number one.

A Japanese billionaire is looking for a "special someone" to join him on a trip to the moon in 2023.

There is a newly-found menace on the roads that could be harming our health - brake pads.

Queen Elizabeth's grandson Prince Harry has decided to leave the UK.

Senegal's Sadio Mane has been named as the Confederation of African Football's Player of the Year.

The Japanese government will make its border stronger after ex-Nissan CEO Carlos Ghosn fled to Lebanon.

Iran has promised it will get revenge for the assassination of its general Qassem Soleimani.

Doctors have a new tool to use when diagnosing breast cancer. It is called Google Health.

As the clock struck twelve to herald the arrival of the 2020s, people wondered what the new decade will bring.

A technology website has released its list of the most influential video games of the decade.

Astronomers worry that 46,000 new satellites will obscure our view of space.

A new study shows that chimpanzees could appreciate music.

Like something from science fiction or a horror movie, a neurosurgeon said head transplants could be possible by the year 2030.

Researchers have found that people who go to live concerts, shows and museums can live longer.

Donald Trump has been impeached by the House of Representatives in the USA.

Mariah Carey has got to number one in the music charts with her classic song "All I Want For Christmas Is You".

A revolutionary new plastic could help to prevent bacteria and superbugs causing disease and illness.

Climate activist Greta Thunberg has been named TIME magazine's Person of the Year for 2019.

The people of Bougainville in Papua New Guinea have voted overwhelmingly for independence.

Finnish woman, 34, to be world's youngest prime minister

Firefighters in the Australia are battling what is being dubbed a "mega-fire" north of the city of Sydney.

A health group has warned people to be careful about how much sugar is in their drinks in coffee shops.

A defender of the use of the apostrophe has quit his decades-long battle for the correct use of the punctuation mark.

A world champion has retired because he has decided humans cannot beat computers at his game.

Researchers have debunked a myth about the importance of stretching before jogging.

China is now the country with the most diplomatic posts around the world.

Pope Francis has called on nations to end their nuclear arms race while on a tour to Japan.

The computer giant Apple has removed all customer reviews from several of its online Apple stores.

Coldplay has announced it will not be going on tour to promote its latest album because of possible environmental damage.

Many people in Bangladesh are finding it difficult to buy onions

The allure of shopping at home for bargains and treats can turn into an addiction.

Scientists say a major threat to humans is the falling numbers of insects and the extinction of many species.

Bolivia has a new leader. She is opposition senator Jeanine Áñez.

Many airlines use "fuel-tankering" to save money but it is very bad for the environment.

Saudi Aramco, the world's biggest oil producer, will float its shares on the Saudi Stock Exchange.

Ten of Japan's famous bullet trains will be scrapped after getting caught in floods.

The technology company Microsoft has said it successfully trialed a four-day working week in Japan

The United Nations Secretary-General has told world leaders to end their addiction to coal.

Many top chefs in New York City are up in arms over a proposed ban on foie gras.

A new study claims that the origin of modern humans is in Botswana.

Scientists in Russia got a shock when their phone bill arrived.

Uluru, the world's largest monolith, is now officially off-limits to tourists and climbers.

Researchers from a university in the UK have found that playing soccer can damage mental health.

The majority of the most-wanted fugitives in Europe are women.

Scientists have discovered the world's fastest ant. It is the Saharan silver ant.

Donald Trump has asked Turkey to end its military actions in northern Syria.

People who walk more slowly at the age of 45 may be more likely to age faster.

The Prime Minister of Ethiopia Abiy Ahmed has won the Nobel Peace Prize.

The United Kingdom's government is thinking about banning all food and drink on public transport.

Astronomers have promoted Saturn as the planet with the most moons.

A man who is paralyzed from below his shoulders has been able to walk using a robotic suit.

TripAdvisor has decided to stop selling tickets to attractions and aquariums that have marine creatures.

New research suggests that people who live close to the ocean or sea are happier.

Local governments in the UK have warned consumers about the use of some skin-lightening creams.

30th September - "Easier"

There is a new destination on the world tourism map - Saudi Arabia.

28th September - "Harder"

A woman ended up in hospital after eating a large amount of the spicy condiment wasabi by mistake.

26th September - "Easier"

New research says eating nuts could be a valuable, tasty and nutritious slimming aid.

24th September - "Harder"

Hospitals in the United Kingdom are adapting to help people who suffer from dementia.

22nd September - "Easier"

The Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau, has apologized for a photo of him in brownface.

20th September - "Harder"

Merriam-Webster has added a new definition of the pronoun "they" to its famous Webster's Dictionary.

18th September - "Easier"

Oil prices soared on Monday after the drone attacks on oil plants in Saudi Arabia.

16th September - "Harder"

There is good news for parents who are in two minds about the merits of using time-outs.

14th September - "Easier"

Scientists have discovered a new species of electric eel that is truly shocking.

12th September - "Harder"

Scientists say they have unearthed details of how the dinosaurs were wiped out 65 million years ago.

10th September - "Easier"

A 73-year-old woman in India has given birth to twins.

South Korea asked for a ban on the Rising Sun Flag at the Tokyo 2020 Olympics.

A new online technique called deepfake is causing people to be worried about more fake news.

There has been a dramatic increase in the popularity of veganism around the world in the past decade.

The cruise of a lifetime set sail from London on Sunday.

Bears have a particular penchant for the best quality, most expensive honey.

Positive thinkers are more likely to live longer than negative thinkers.

There is international agreement on the protection of 18 threatened species of sharks and rays.

Fires are burning in the Amazon rainforest at an alarming rate.

Many of us believe that having children is the key to happiness and a perfect family life.

U.S. President Donald Trump has said he is interested in buying the territory of Greenland.

Researchers have come up with a useful tactic to deter seagulls from stealing your picnic sandwiches.

A language expert says using a full stop to end sentences in text messages can look rude

U.S. gymnast Simone Biles is continuing to make history with her jaw-dropping feats.

A former leader of the UK warned the union of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland could end.

Lebanon's only English-language daily newspaper published an edition on Thursday without any news.

Scientists have found fossils that once belonged to a giant parrot.

Hong Kong's leader Carrie Lam has voiced her concerns about the ongoing protests taking place in Hong Kong.

A dentist in Chennai, India has removed 526 miniature teeth from the mouth of a seven-year-old boy.

Ethiopia has broken the world record for the largest number of trees planted in one day.

Football fans in South Korea are planning to sue Italian soccer giants Juventus and its star player Cristiano Ronaldo.

Young people in Great Britain are watching less and less news on television.

Hundreds of huge wildfires have broken out all across the Arctic Circle.

Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson became the UK's new Prime Minister.

A team of rescuers is working hard to help airlift thousands of salmon in Canada to safety.

Alan Turing, the man widely recognised as being the father of modern computer science, will appear on a United Kingdom banknote.

Egypt has opened two of its oldest pyramids, about 40 kilometers south of Cairo.

The world's largest education publisher, Pearson, has said it will gradually phase out printed textbooks.

New research shows that insects feel pain but not the same kind of pain that humans feel.

Relations between the USA and Turkey have soured following the purchase by Turkey of a Russian missile defense system.

Technology has taken another step in helping us with our healthcare. We can now ask the digital device Alexa for advice.

Relations between the UK and USA have soured after the leak of diplomatic cables.

A woman in England is selling her bathwater. It is so popular that the water has sold out.

Japan has resumed commercial whaling after a hiatus of over three decades.

Scientists are warning that people who smoke are in danger of damaging their eyes.

Scientists say they believe they are close to finding a cure for baldness.

Holland's national railway company is going to compensate victims of the Holocaust.

Kim Kardashian West has angered people in Japan after launching a new line of lingerie called 'Kimono Intimates'.

Training as part of a sports team is the best way to improve all-round fitness.

The UK is being powered more by zero-carbon fuels than fossil fuels.

Wildlife experts have discovered an unusual animal that they believe could be a new species - a 'cat-fox'.

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg is expected to unveil details to create a new global crypto-currency.

Scientists say that smartphones are changing the shape of people's skulls.

Tensions are rising in the Middle East over the latest attacks on oil tankers.

The world-famous Inca site Machu Picchu in Peru is going to get an airport.

Drones are flying to the defence of tortoises that are being killed by ravens in California's Mojave Desert.

UNICEF has issued a report estimating that 115 million boys and men were married as children.

The Chinese technology company Huawei will set up Russia's 5G communications network.

Candy and chocolate manufacturers in the UK may have to stop using cartoon characters on their products.

Scientists across the world are puzzled as to why there are flashes appearing on the surface of the moon.

Burnout has been defined by the WHO as a medical problem.

A TV channel is under fire for one of its programmes that follows the lives of couples with a big age difference.

Scientists are hoping to find a universal cure for snakebite.

Two high-profile groups in the USA have filed a lawsuit to challenge the near-total abortion ban in the state of Alabama.

A city in Japan is having a problem with sand graffiti.

University students receiving their diplomas at a college in the USA got the surprise of their lives.

Over a million viewers of the Game of Thrones TV show signed a petition to get the final season to be remade.

Doctors in Belgium have stated that raising children on a vegan diet is "unethical" and should be a criminal offence.

San Francisco has become the first city in the USA to ban facial recognition software.

The quality of medical care you receive from doctors could depend on the time of the day you visit a hospital.

Cuba's government has announced that it is starting the rationing of food and other basic products.

An online store has come under a storm of criticism for selling items with images of Auschwitz.

Garbage collectors in the Turkish capital Ankara are recycling the books they find in the trash.

Scientists say they have greatly advanced the possibility of being able to reproduce the body's organs via the use of 3D printing.

A university in Japan has said it will no longer hire teachers who smoke.

A professor at a university in Norway believes a beluga whale found in the Arctic Ocean could be a spy.

A Japanese emperor has abdicated for the first time in more than 200 years.

UNICEF has reported that measles cases worldwide have surged by 300% in the first three months of 2019.

Football players in the UK's Premier League clubs were paid over $3.7 billion last season.

The police in London have arrested more than 1,000 protestors in the past week.

At least 207 people have been killed and 450 hurt in separate explosions in Sri Lanka.

A father in Australia is being hailed as a hero after saving his baby son from the jaws of a wild dingo.

People have donated over one billion dollars to help rebuild the Notre Dame cathedral in Paris.

Japan has started removing fuel rods from the stricken Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant.

There is good news for fans of the Star Wars movies. There will be another episode. It will be the ninth film.

Astronomers have taken the first ever photograph of a black hole. It is located in a far, distant galaxy called M87.

A family from New Zealand had a shock when they found a hidden camera in their hotel room.

Scientists have discovered that different genres of music affect the way cheese matures.

This year will see one of the world's biggest ever dinosaur digs. Paleontologists from across the globe will go to a special site.

Saudi Arabia's government has announced it will invest a whopping $23 billion in a massive makeover for its capital city, Riyadh.

Women across Japan are fed up with having to wear high-heeled shoes to work.

It looks like login usernames and passwords are set to be replaced by a more secure system called Web Authentication.

All new cars sold in Europe from 2022 will have technology to limit their speed.

A new study shows that paper books are better than e-books for bedtime reading.

Head teachers at schools in the UK do not have enough money to pay for cleaners or canteen staff.

A study discovered that balloons were the deadliest kind of plastic for seabirds.

More and more companies around the world are telling staff they do not need to wear a suit and tie.

Women in Germany will be able to enjoy cheaper rail travel on Monday.

People are angry because the video of the massacre at a mosque in Christchurch is still on social media sites.

Aircraft manufacturer Boeing has grounded the entire global fleet of its 737 Max aircraft.

The inventor of the World Wide Web said he was worried about how people are using it.

New research shows that taking the dog for a walk can have its downsides for seniors.

Finland's entire government has resigned. It wanted to pass some laws on social welfare and healthcare reform.

Entrepreneur, social media star and model Kylie Jenner has become the world's youngest self-made billionaire.

Would you like to be able to see in the dark? One day this might be possible.

A company has successfully launched its first satellites in a project aimed at delivering "affordable" Internet access to every corner of the globe.

Tensions are growing between India and Pakistan. Many people are worried that the two nuclear-armed countries are heading for war.

The United Nations has launched an appeal to raise $4.2 billion in aid to help alleviate the humanitarian crisis in Yemen.

School children around the world have been going on strike. They are unhappy that their governments are doing too little to fight climate change.

News is emerging that Karl Lagerfeld's pet cat could inherit millions of dollars.

A 19-year-old woman who ran away from the U.K. to join ISIS has been stripped of her British citizenship.

The Japanese government has introduced a bill to recognize the country's ethnic Ainu minority group.

Scientists have found that people who go to bed before 11pm may do better in life

The airplane maker Airbus has announced plans to cease production of its A380 aircraft.

Polar bears on an island in Russia are scaring people in a small town. At least 52 polar bears have been seen.

The African Union has unveiled a statue of Ethiopia's Emperor Haile Selassie I.

A man in India is suing his parents because they did not ask him if he wanted to be born.

Russia has responded to the USA withdrawing from an arms treaty by announcing it has plans to build more missiles.

A new study shows that we could learn vocabulary while we are sleeping.

The United Kingdom has objected to the European Union's use of the word "colony" to describe the island of Gibraltar.

Much of mid- and northeastern America is in the middle of a deadly cold snap.

A new diplomatic spat has broken out between China and the USA over the treatment of the technology giant Huawei.

Workers in India are moving over 300 crocodiles from their home because they are too near a new tourist sight.

New research suggests that people's genes are key to helping them stay slim.

Germany may put a speed limit on its world famous autobahn network of highways.

The combined fortune of 26 of the world's richest people is equal to the total wealth of the 3.8 billion poorest people.

The video game Fortnite is more popular than television, movies and streaming videos among young people.

It sounds like a dream come true for anyone looking to get on the property ladder - a home for one euro.

For the first time ever, plants from Earth are growing on the moon.

The teenage Saudi asylum seeker who fled Saudi Arabia two weeks ago has been granted asylum by Canada.

The Republic of Macedonia has decided to change its name to the Republic of North Macedonia.

The world-famous credit card company Mastercard is removing its name from its company logo.

There is new technology that means we may no longer need to go to the optician for an eye test.

China has become the first nation ever to successfully land a spacecraft on the far side of the moon.

The United States and Israel have officially quit UNESCO.

There are reports that the year 2019 will be the best ever.

The year 2018 is coming to an end. For some people it was a great year, and for other people it wasn't so great.

The U.S. government will partially shut down over Christmas due to a lack of agreement the border wall with Mexico.

A drone shut down England's second largest airport for 30 hours earlier this week.

There is still a long way to go before women achieve economic equality with men. Centuries, in fact.

Newspapers in England are reporting that subway train drivers get paid more than pilots, doctors, police officers and nurses.

The famous children's TV show Sesame Street has a new character to highlight the plight of homeless children.

Japan will use ninja to help boost tourism over the next few years. Ninja will help to promote the 2020 Tokyo Olympics.

France is experiencing social unrest it has not experienced for generations.

Japan is changing its immigration policy because it needs workers. Japan is an aging society. This means it does not have enough workers.

The passport of the United Arab Emirates has risen to the top spot on the list of the world's most powerful passports.

A man from Norway has photographed a rare white reindeer calf - in time for Christmas.

A court in Australia has judged that the use of the word "Kiwi" to describe a person from New Zealand is not discriminatory.

Scientists now believe that Algeria and not East Africa is the cradle of civilization.

The United Nations has officially recognized reggae as an "Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity".

Elon Musk, has said that people need to work over 80 hours per week to "change the world".

Scientists have come up with a revolutionary new idea to save planet Earth from global warming.

New research suggests that our DNA helps us to decide whether we prefer coffee or tea.

The new autobiography penned by the former First Lady of the USA Michelle Obama has stormed to the top of the bestseller lists.

A new artwork has been unveiled in Doha, Qatar. The new artwork was created by the British artist Damien Hirst.

The legendary rock 'n' roll singer Elvis Presley has been posthumously awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom.

The UK Prime Minister Theresa May is battling to save the Brexit divorce deal with the European Union, and her job.

The campaign group A health group wants to ban the 'freakshake' milkshake that is packed with 'grotesque' levels of sugar.

Using social media too much and posting many selfies have caused a rise in narcissism, according to a new study.

New photographs have been released to mark the centenary of the end of the First World War on November 11, 1918.

The Disgusting Food Museum opened earlier this week in Malmo, Sweden.

The USA has re-imposed tough economic sanctions on Iran.

Several airports in Europe will start giving lie detector tests to passengers.

A study from Stanford University in the USA reports that babies of older fathers may be more likely to have health problems.

Earth is losing wildlife at a faster rate than at any time in history. This is according to the new "Living Planet Report".

A French stuntman who specializes in scaling skyscrapers has been banned from climbing any building in the UK.

The Montreal Museum of Fine Arts in Canada has teamed up with a group of doctors to help sick people.

A caravan of more than 7,000 migrants is embarking on a thousand-kilometre journey through Mexico to the USA.

The world's longest sea bridge has opened. It links Hong Kong and Macau to mainland China.

Barcelona's world-famous La Sagrada Familia basilica has finally been given a building permit 136 years late.

The tissue company Kimberly-Clark is putting an end to its "Mansize" brand of tissues after people said the name was sexist.

The disappearance of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi is descending into greater mystery.

New research shows that nicer people are likely to be poorer than people who are not so nice.

The Malaysian government has stated it intends to abolish the death penalty in a move that has been welcomed by human rights campaigners.

France's government has asked Google to blur all images of French prisons on the Internet.

There is public outcry in Australia over controversial plans to use the Sydney Opera House as a "billboard" to advertise a horse race.

Tokyo's world-famous Tsukiji fish market has closed after 83 years of trading. It shut permanently at noon on Saturday.

A university in the UK has voted to replace hand clapping with 'jazz-hand waving'.

Restaurants in the UK will soon have to give all tips to their staff.

The University of Baghdad has made it onto the Times Higher Education World University Rankings.

28th September - "Easier"

A poor potato harvest in Europe this summer could mean French fries are up to three centimeters shorter than usual.

24th September - "Harder"

Rugby players with tattoos are being asked to cover them up during next year's World Cup in Japan.

20th September - "Easier"

A sushi restaurant in Germany has banned a customer for eating too much food.

16th September - "Harder"

Tanzania's President John Magufuli has advised women in his country to stop taking birth control pills.

12th September - "Easier"

The USA is going to spend up to $2 billion on artificial intelligence weapons.

The sportswear maker Nike has announced it will use American football player Colin Kaepernick in its advertising campaign.

Astronauts and cosmonauts on the International Space Station have fixed a hole in the shell of the International Space Station.

Scientists have revealed that air pollution may be responsible for a significant reduction in intelligence.

Doctors in the United Kingdom have some new advice for people with coughs.

Tens of thousands of Muslims in Australia have gathered to pray for rain for Australia's drought-afflicted farmers.

The new prime minister of Pakistan, Imran Khan, has made many promises to change his country.

Russia's Foreign Minister suggested the U.S. dollar could be losing its status as the world's most important currency.

The prime minister of Tonga has challenged leaders of other Pacific nations to lose weight.

A theme park in France has established a novel and environmentally-friendly way of keeping its grounds free of litter.

The United Kingdom's former Foreign Minister Boris Johnson has been accused of racism.

More people are seeking and having facial procedures to look like their Snapchat selfies.

Scientists say they have uncovered details about who built the 5,000-year-old prehistoric monument Stonehenge.

France has voted to ban smartphones and personal tablets from schools.

Over half of British people take tea bags with them when they leave Britain to go on holiday or go on a business trip.

Many people cannot sleep without using a fan, but scientists say this could be bad for us.

What does the Sun sound like? Perhaps you have never thought about what kinds of sounds the Sun makes, but scientists have found out.

Doctors are warning people to use suntan lotion correctly or risk serious burns or skin damage.

A university in South Africa has decided to no longer use titles such as Mr‚ Ms or Mrs.

Space enthusiasts will soon have the chance to purchase a piece of space exploration history.

Researchers have found the world's oldest example of bread in Jordan.

Mexico's president-elect Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador is leading by example in his country's austerity drive.

France beat Croatia 4-2 in the final of the FIFA World Cup in Moscow on Sunday night.

Humanity is set to enter a new era of transport as a flying car could go on sale next year.

Scientists have found out that bright pink is the oldest known colour.

Scientists in the Amazon rainforest have come across a new wasp that could encourage Hollywood to make a horror movie.

The president of the Philippines, Rodrigo Duterte, has made people angry. He said he would resign if anyone can prove that God exists.

Images of an American trophy hunter posing for a photo next to a black giraffe that she had shot and killed in South Africa have caused outrage online.

There is good news about the twelve boys and their football coach who are trapped in a Thai cave.

A simple TV advertisement for a razor has created great debate online. The ad simply shows women shaving real body hair

The Chinese government is putting a limit on how much pay its movie stars get.

A Russian billionaire has attended his inauguration as leader of humankind's first ever nation in space.

British singer Sting has called world leaders "half-men and cowards" for their failure to solve the refugee crisis.

A BBC team has filmed disturbing footage of the devastating impact plastic pollution is having on seabirds.

Algeria has turned off its Internet all over the country to stop students cheating in high school exams.

A former U.S. soccer player has justified his support of rivals Mexico at the Russia World Cup.

A politician in the United Kingdom has blocked a new law on upskirting from being passed.

Japan's government has lowered the age at which people become adults. It is the first time since 1876 that this has happened.

U.S. President Donald Trump and North Korean Supreme Leader Kim Jong-un could be in line for a Nobel Peace Prize.

Pope Francis has given a stark warning to around 50 of the world's top oil company executives about the threat to humanity from fossil fuels.

Scientists at the Canadian company Carbon Engineering have said they are close to making carbon capture work.

Women are on the rise in Spanish politics. Spain's newly-formed government consists of eleven women and six men.

A French swimmer will try to become the first person to swim across the Pacific Ocean.

Authorities in China are asking couples who file for divorce to take an exam to reduce the rising divorce rate.

Malaysians have helped their government with its money problems. They gave nearly $2 million to help the country.

Hotter weather leads to lower exam results, and may reduce learning in both the short term and long term.

A South Korean pop act has reached number one in the U.S. album charts for the first time ever with their new album, "Love Yourself: Tear".

It might not be everyone's cup of tea, but scientists say cockroach milk could become a new superfood.

Scientists from New Zealand will use a special technique to see if there really is a Loch Ness Monster.

There are 7.6 billion people on Earth, but they represent just 0.01% of all living things.

Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz has announced that anyone can enter a Starbucks cafe in the USA without needing to make a purchase.

The USA's space agency NASA has confirmed that human activity is responsible for a massive redistribution of freshwater across Earth.

British researchers say they are close to finding a cure for the common cold.

Time travelers have been invited to attend the memorial service for Professor Stephen Hawking.

America's Federal Communications Commission, the FCC, has fined a man who they say placed nearly 100 million robocalls.

Malaysia's former leader Mahathir Mohamad has staged a remarkable political comeback to end the six-decade rule of the Barisan Nasional party.

Climate scientists from the University of Sydney in Australia say tourism causes over 8 per cent of greenhouse gasses.

The number of children in Japan has fallen to its lowest number since records began.

A new report says Singapore to Kuala Lumpur is the world's busiest international air route.

New research suggests that to achieve native-like proficiency in a new language, people should start learning before the age of ten.

All villages in India now have electricity. India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi made the announcement on Monday.

Historic talks have taken place between the leaders of North and South Korea, aided by the dish of cold noodles.

A new device will encourage children to say "please" and "thank you".

Have you ever wondered why children always seem to have bags of energy and never run out of steam?

There is a special job opening for eight people who love riding motorbikes, enjoy long, hot summers, and like feeling the wind in their hair.

The king of the tiny African nation of Swaziland has changed his country's name to eSwatini.

The American rapper and songwriter Kendrick Lamar has become the first non-classical or jazz musician to win the prestigious Pulitzer Prize for music.

One of China's largest social media sites has reversed a ban on content related to LGBT issues.

A new study says that going to bed late may be bad for our health. It may even shorten our life.

Japanese researchers have discovered enough reserves of rare-earth metals (REMs) to satisfy global demand for up to 700 years.

Saudi Arabia will soon have its very first national orchestra and opera, with the help of France.

Brazil's former President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva is in jail after surrendering to authorities on Saturday night.

The First Lady of Iceland, Eliza Reid, has turned heads at a movie awards ceremony by wearing a charity shop jacket.

A special vault storing the world's most precious seeds has now amassed over one million different plant varieties.

A study shows that new technology is reducing children's ability to use a pencil or pen.

Robots are taking over more and more aspects of our lives, and jobs. The latest occupation at risk is carpentry.

Fans of the USA's National Football League (NFL) will soon be able to watch male cheerleaders for the first time ever.

The USA is worried about China and Russia developing hypersonic missiles that can travel between five and twenty times the speed of sound.

Facebook boss Mark Zuckerberg apologized for the data breach that was revealed last week. He took out full-page advertisements in broadsheet newspapers to make his apology.

The world is waiting to see if a trade war breaks out between the USA and China. Stock markets in Asia did badly in Friday's trading because investors are worried.

Conservationists and animal lovers are in mourning today for the loss of Sudan the rhinoceros.

The world-famous physicist and cosmologist Stephen Hawking published an important paper before he died last week.

A top British official has said the UK government should set a target date for everybody in England to speak English.

Students in the USA took part in a protest on Wednesday. Tens of thousands of high-schoolers walked out of their schools to protest against gun violence.

A revolutionary, low-cost use of 3D printers to construct houses may help the homeless in developing countries.

Scientists from the World Health Organization (WHO) say the world is possibly at risk from a deadly disease.

A historic summit between U.S. President Donald Trump and Supreme Leader of North Korea Kim Jong-un will take place.

Technology has come to the rescue of Japanese farmers. Engineers have invented the 'Super Monster Wolf' to scare away animals.

Thailand will soon close one of its world famous beaches in an effort to reverse the damage done to its coral.

A pregnant woman got into trouble while she was using the Metro in Paris. She was given a 60-euro fine for walking the wrong way.

A new report shows that no country in Africa will meet goals set to end childhood malnutrition by the year 2030.

Archaeologists in Egypt have discovered a huge cemetery hidden under the sands south of Cairo.

An increasing number of companies are announcing plans to sever ties with the USA's National Rifle Association.

The online accommodation booking company Airbnb is going upmarket. It is moving into the luxury travel market.

Fashion designers and clothing experts are wondering how a new suit might change their industry.

The new superhero movie Black Panther is breaking box office records. It is the highest moneymaking debut ever for a February film.

Everyday household items such as toothpaste, deodorant and perfume contain volatile compounds that help to cause pollution.

A passenger on a flight in the USA was asked to leave the airplane because she complained about a crying baby.

An American woman has been diagnosed with the rare Foreign Accent Syndrome after waking up with a British accent.

An early species of humans who lived between 120,000 and 35,000 years ago were not as good at drawing as early modern humans.

Parents of a Tokyo elementary school are up in arms at being asked to pay $730 for their child's school uniform.

The tiny city-state of Monaco on France's Mediterranean coastline is having problems finding space for rich people.

Scientists have warned of the potential threat from Earth's magnetic poles flipping upside down.

Chinese women are spending over $30 million a month on a dating app on which the partners are virtual boyfriends.

All prisoners in the U.S. state of New York are to be given free tablet computers.

Banana farmers in Japan have created a special technique for growing bananas with a peel we can eat.

A team of elite mountain climbers from Poland made a hazardous night rescue on the 8,126-meter-high Nanga Parbat mountain in the Pakistani Himalayas.

There have been crazy scenes in supermarkets across France. Shoppers have been fighting and punching each other to buy jars of the hazelnut spread Nutella.

Centipedes use venom that packs a serious punch that can cause rapid paralysis and death in insects and small animals.

Four Japanese tourists are very angry after a restaurant in Venice, Italy charged them €1,100 ($1,350) for a steak dinner.

Scientists have changed their estimation of when adolescence ends and adulthood starts.

South and North Korea have agreed to use the same flag at next month's Winter Olympics.

Spain is set to replace the USA as the world's second most popular tourist destination.

Scientists have an idea that could help us get to sleep faster. All you need is a pen and paper and write a to-do list.

US President Donald Trump has caused outrage worldwide after he reportedly made racially charged comments.

A street-food seller in Bangkok wants to give back a top international chef's award.

A school in the USA asked for 50 male volunteers to substitute for absent fathers in an event called "Breakfast with Dads".

The new Tottori Wagyu Complete Cow bento box contains 4.5kg of beef and costs $3,000.

The huge surge in the popularity of online shopping is creating chaos on the streets of our cities.

Over 300 women in Hollywood have joined together to fight sexual harassment.

The year 2018 is just days old, but already there are indications it will be a great 12 months.

The United Kingdom is doing a lot to increase its use of renewable energy. It is moving away from fossil fuels.

Scientists have found out why certain smells recall feelings of nostalgia and can recall distant memories.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has said that too much gaming is officially a mental health problem.

Researchers have found that singing in groups could have positive effects on reducing anxiety and depression.

A cafe in London has started a personalized way of making coffee. It is a new form of barista art called the "selfieccino".

Scientists have cast new light on the effects our diet has on our mental health.

Scientists have created plants that glow in the dark. They are hoping to produce plants that can light up our lives.

Scientists believe there is a possibility that aliens are listening to us on Earth.

A former Facebook executive has said social media is doing great harm to society around the world.

A video of a starving and emaciated polar bear collapsing in Canada's wilderness has gone viral on the Internet.

Scientists from Oxford University in the UK believe they have found a bone that belonged to Santa Claus.

Donald Trump has announced that the USA officially recognizes that Jerusalem is the capital city of Israel.

The United Nations boss has said he is horrified by reports of slavery in Libya.

Scientists are highlighting the damage that glitter does to our seas, oceans and environment.

South Korea is going to write off the debts of as many as 1.6 million people. The government wants to help people on low incomes.

Scientists from two of the USA's elite universities have pioneered a new method of creating artificial muscles.

French President Emmanuel Macron has started a new project to try and bring an end to violence against women.

The amount and brightness of light from towns and cities around the world is at a high level.

An American scientist is going to try and prove his belief that the Earth is flat.

The United Kingdom's Queen Elizabeth II celebrated her 70th wedding anniversary on Monday

Thousands of people are in the streets of Zimbabwe asking for President Robert Mugabe to resign.

The operators of Tokyo's Tsukuba Express line apologized for one of its trains leaving 20 seconds too early.

Millions more people around the world have high blood pressure.

Scientists have discovered where bugs most like to live in your house.

A Chinese media company has bought the hugely popular social video app for $1 billion.

Scientists have developed a breathalyzer to test people for malaria.

New research shows that it is bad for children to watch TV, tablet or mobile phone screens before bedtime.

Australia's high-speed, state-of-the-art broadband network is under attack from thousands of birds.

A new study shows that some poor people in Hong Kong live in tiny homes.

New Zealand's government has announced a ban on the purchase of homes by foreigners.

An 18-year-old girl in Japan is suing her local government after her school told her to dye her hair black.

Australia's Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce has been disqualified from his governmental position because he held dual citizenship.

The United Arab Emirates is starting a new programme to teach a million people computer coding.

China has reversed an import ban on several types of cheese that get their flavor (and distinctive smell) from bacteria.

A new study has found that pollution is now the world's biggest killer. One in six deaths worldwide is because of pollution.

There has been a steep rise in reports of self-harm among young teenage girls.

Potato chip lovers in New Zealand could be in for a big shock. New Zealand is facing a possible potato shortage in the next few months.

The first scheduled commercial airplane has landed on the remote British island of St Helena in the middle of the South Atlantic.

A new study has found that mothers all over the world speak to their babies in the same way.

Three Chinese women were left stranded at a South Korean airport after immigration officials said their passport photos did not match their faces.

Everyone knows that many young children don't like eating their greens. A new study may have an answer about why this is.

The boss of Europe's biggest low-cost airline has promised better pay to stop pilots leaving the company.

The 2017 Nobel Prize in chemistry has gone to three scientists for their work on photographing molecules.

A general strike in Spain's region of Catalonia on Tuesday brought large parts of Barcelona to a standstill.

A new law in Austria means there is now a ban on full-face veils.

There is new advice for older people to keep their strength up and live longer – carry your own shopping.

29th September - "Easier"

Scientists say that many of the world's plants are in danger of dying out – of becoming extinct.

27th September - "Harder"

New research shows that many people are not sleeping enough and that this is having a serious impact on health.

25th September - "Easier"

U.K. police have said a man who put a bomb on a London subway train bought most of the parts for the bomb online.

23rd September - "Harder"

A new hotel in Taiwan has opened to cater to the needs of gamers.

21st September - "Easier"

A new study says today's teenagers are growing up more slowly than previous generations.

19th September - "Easier"

According to new research, men who are bald or going bald should not worry about their looks.

Scientists from Oxford University in England have discovered that the written use of the zero is 500 years older than previously thought.

15th September - "Easier"

The United Nations has said Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar are facing a "catastrophic" humanitarian situation.

13th September - "Harder"

The world-renowned Cambridge University is considering abolishing handwritten exams after 800 years.

11th September - "Easier"

Archaeologists in Egypt have found a tomb that has three mummies inside it. The ancient tomb is over 3,500 years old.

A record-breaking hurricane is causing death and destruction as it passes through the Caribbean and heads towards the U.S. state of Florida.

Vladimir Putin has warned that the crisis over North Korea could cause a "planetary catastrophe".

UNICEF has warned that an estimated 16 million children are in urgent need of life-saving support in the South Asia floods.

A new study from Nottingham University in the UK has found that yawning is contagious.

Staff at Ireland's national broadcaster RTE are angry at being told to pronounce words according to the Queen's English.

A Nigerian engineer and neuroscientist has created a revolutionary new computer that has artificial intelligence (AI).

Floyd Mayweather has won what was billed as the fight of the century, and the richest fight in boxing history.

The search engine Google will soon start a service that lets people check their mental health online.

The government of Chile has rejected plans for a billion-dollar mining project because it would disrupt marine life.

Many Jews in Britain want to leave the country because of an increase in anti-Semitism hate crimes.

New research shows that binge-watching television can adversely affect your health.

A Chinese businessman treated 5,000 people to a free bowl of noodles.

New research suggests that using smiley face emojis in work emails could jeopardize your career.

A German man has started swimming to work after he got fed up with commuting.

U.S. President Donald Trump has given North Korea another warning over its plans to fire its weapons.

The medical world sees another example of science fiction coming true.

New research suggests that loneliness and social isolation may increase the risk of dying early by 50 per cent.

A child protection charity is urging parents to ask their children for permission before uploading photos of them.

America's space agency NASA has an exciting new job opening to protect Earth from aliens.

A man in New Zealand has taken road traffic safety into his own hands. He illegally painted yellow parking-restriction lines on the road outside his house.

Honolulu in Hawaii has become the first major American city to ban pedestrians from walking across the road while looking at mobile phones.

President Donald Trump's desire to ban transgender people from serving in the USA military has already run into problems.

Police officers in London have been given 1,000 special kits to deal with acid attacks.

A Singaporean graphic novelist has won three of the comic industry's equivalent of the Oscars.

A five-year-old girl in London was fined $200 by a local government in London for selling cups of lemonade.

An airline worker in the USA has broken the world record for the world's longest-serving airline mechanic.

It seems like common sense to most parents to make sure their baby is always in a clean place.

A new study has revealed that a tiny, water-dwelling creature is likely to live until the end of the Earth.

Scientists say house dust could make us fat. They say that people should keep their house clean if they want to avoid putting on weight.

There is potentially good news for coffee lovers. Drinking three or more cups of coffee a day may help people live longer.

Scientists have discovered new things about the atmosphere and environment on Mars.

A company in the USA has launched a chocolate powder that it says people can snort to get high.

The car company Volvo has said it will start making all-electric cars. All new cars it makes from 2019 will have an electric motor.

Workers at the United Kingdom's central bank, the Bank of England, have voted to stage a four-day strike.

Starbucks has opened a new coffee shop in Japan's ancient capital of Kyoto. It is unlike any other Starbucks in the world.

Australia's world-famous Great Barrier Reef has been assigned a monetary value for the first time.

The president of the African Development Bank, Akinwumi Adesina, has won the 2017 World Food Prize.

The World Taekwondo Federation has changed its name to simply World Taekwondo.

Scientists believe they know why birds' eggs are different shapes.

Scientists have found dozens of strange-looking deep-sea creatures off the coast of Australia.

YouTube has announced a plan "to fight online terror". It will find dangerous videos and delete them.

The rapper Jay Z has been recognized for his prolific and influential songwriting career by being inducted into the Songwriters Hall of Fame.

Scientists have developed a drug that can copy the effects of sunlight. The new drug tricks the skin into making it darker.

Researchers have discovered that people eat more vegetables if the veggies have trendy labels.

There will be more mixed-gender events and more women at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics.

Sesame Street and IBM have teamed up to create a revolutionary new app for kids to learn vocabulary.

Indonesia has embarked on the task of counting its islands in order to better protect its territory and marine resources.

Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Bahrain, the United Arab Emirates, Libya and Yemen have all cut relations with Qatar.

Elon Musk leaves Donald Trump's business advisory council after the US pulls out of the Paris Agreement.

A new report says the world is slightly more peaceful than it was a year ago.

Finland is planning to reform its education system so that young Finns are better prepared for the digital age.

The world's first robot police officer has started working. Its name is 'RoboCop' and it went into service for the Dubai Police earlier this week.

A new report says fitness trackers are not so accurate in measuring the amount of calories our body burns while exercising.

Scientists believe they have found how flamingos stand on one leg. This has puzzled scientists for decades.

Memes are becoming a growing part of our everyday life and popular culture, especially online.

A German policewoman, Bibiana Steinhaus, will become the first female to referee in Europe's top leagues.

Holland's King Willem-Alexander has just revealed he has been secretly flying planes for the Dutch carrier KLM.

Microsoft has said the WannaCry ransomware cyber-attack happened because America's National Security Agency keeps cyber-weapons on its computers.

China's President Xi Jinping has outlined an ambitious project to regenerate global growth.

The world-famous Maori war dance, the haka, and being bilingual may help Maori people keep dementia away.

President Trump has fired James Comey, the now former Director and boss of the FBI.

The singer Nicki Minaj has told her millions of Twitter followers she would pay university tuition fees for some of them.

Researchers have discovered that swearing and using bad or profane language can increase one's physical strength.

Scientists are working on a new pill that could help people who do no exercise.

The Abu Dhabi government has opened a special cafe for its employees that is dedicated to their happiness.

The British government has said that a third of the food the world produces is wasted and that this is unacceptable.

A natural solution to the growing crisis of plastic waste in the environment may be at hand via a tiny caterpillar called a waxworm.

China's navy is growing stronger and stronger. On Wednesday, it launched its first aircraft carrier that it built completely on its own.

Female workers in the UK are to be offered an unusual perk by their employers. British companies are considering offering egg freezing as a perk.

Working families in two towns in Germany will get government help with the housework.

A new study has shown that physical activity and exercise are 'contagious' because of social media.

The Vice President of the USA, Mike Pence, said on Monday that US-North Korea relations have changed.

A high school in Canada has come under fierce criticism on the Internet for a women's studies course it offered to its female students.

An American airline is in trouble for the way it treated one of its passengers.

Villagers living in the area known as 'Old Holland' outside of Amsterdam have got together with local tour companies to create rules of conduct for tourists.

There is a new scam on the Internet for those looking for love. Criminals are trying to trick people by using old love letters.

Researchers have discovered that the Tsimane people in Bolivia have almost no risk of serious heart disease.

A new kind of fast food is having a big impact in Australia. It has helped to bring Australian people together.

A report from Japan says unrealistic sales quotas are being imposed on many part-time workers.

Could shampoo be a thing of the past? is it necessary?

The International Cloud Atlas has recognized 'new' types of cloud for the first time since 1987.

New research suggests that the children of older mothers grow up to be happier.

A number of airports in the Middle East have started implementing the ban on taking laptop computers on board planes.

Scientists from Bristol University in the UK say they have found a way to mass produce blood.

A funeral home company in Japan is offering a 15 per cent discount on funeral services to any driver over 75 who quit driving.

A park in Beijing has started a trial to try and save toilet paper and prevent thieves from stealing it.

The international sandwich chain Subway is suing a TV station following a report that said its chicken was only half chicken.

The Earth's climate could have something to do with the shape of our nose.

Social media websites in Germany could be in for fines of up to 50 million euros for removing illegal content too slowly.

The man who created the World Wide Web, Sir Tim Berners-Lee, has warned of the dangers of the Internet.

The UN says the world is facing its biggest humanitarian crisis since 1945.

A new study says pretty much anyone can have an upgraded memory if they train their brain.

Signals at ten pedestrian crossings in the city of Melbourne now show walking red and green people in dresses.

Scientists have been discussing whether planets in the TRAPPIST-1 solar system could contain life.

Japan's government has backed an initiative to ease the pressure on Japanese workers and simultaneously boost consumer spending.

Radio listeners in Bulgaria can now start listening to modern music again.

A new study confirms that mothers get less sleep than fathers.

Scientists have conducted tests on mice showing that fasting could have many health benefits.

Carlos Ghosn has announced that he will step down as Nissan Motor's president and CEO.

Scientists have invented a super-slippery surface that can be put on the inside of bottles.

The former head of Microsoft, Bill Gates, has warned that the world could be in great danger from bio-terrorism.

We may have to change our thinking about how many continents there are. Geologists say there is an eighth continent - Zealandia.

A new study suggests that marital bliss has beneficial health effects. The research is from Carnegie Mellon University in the USA.

A team of engineers has created a super-thin material that could help keep buildings cool.

There is a new Batman movie in the making and a director for it could be announced soon.

The High Court in Kenya has blocked the Kenyan government's attempt to close the largest refugee camp in the world.

The television maker Vizio has agreed to pay $2.2 million to settle claims that it collected data from 11 million people without their consent.

Many models have to get down to a very unhealthy weight to keep their modeling agency happy.

Researchers from the University of Michigan in the USA have found that the brain of astronauts changes shape during spaceflight.

Starbucks boss Howard Schultz has said his company would employ 10,000 refugees over the next five years.

New figures reveal that as many as 500,000 people attended the Women's March on Washington on January 21st.

Scientists from the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists (BPA) have said the end of the world has come a little closer in the past year.

For whatever reason, people assume dogs are more intelligent creatures than cats. This notion has been called into question by scientists in Japan.

People who eat seafood may be also eating tiny pieces of plastic. The small pieces of plastic are called microplastics.

The city of Manchester in England has embarked on an ambitious plan to plant three million trees.

Ants are some of the most impressive creatures on this planet. There are so many things we do not know about them.

There is good news for lovers of hot and spicy food – the chili inside it can help you live longer.

The world's eight richest men have as much money as half the world. Eight billionaires are as rich as the 3.6 billion poorest people in the world.

The animal rights pressure group PETA has purchased shares in the French luxury goods company Louis Vuitton.

A group of researchers from Sweden has unlocked one of nature's biggest secrets. The scientists worked out how spiders make such strong silk.

There is good news for those who only have time to exercise at the weekend – the so-called 'weekend warriors'.

Everyone knows that zombies only exist in horror movies. Or do they? A new article predicts that imaginary zombies would kill almost everyone on Earth in just 100 days.

Doctors are now telling us what grandparents have known for decades - don't stick anything smaller than your elbow into your ears.

New research says that language barriers are holding back science around the world.

A new crisis is looming between the USA and Russia over U.S. allegations that Russia hacked Hillary Clinton's emails during the U.S. election.

Japan's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has visited the United States naval base at Pearl Harbor in Hawaii.

An airport in Japan has taken toilet cleanliness to a new level. A company has installed "toilet paper" for smartphones.

A new study from Harvard University shows that female doctors are slightly better than their male colleagues, but get paid less.

Britain's Prince Harry has said he wants to make a difference in the world.

For the first time, scientists have unlocked the secrets to one of the world's most recognizable but least understood fish – the seahorse.

A Syrian refugee who could hardly speak a word of English two years ago has just passed his school exams in Australia with flying colours and is in the top 4 per cent of all graduates in Melbourne.

The government of Venezuela has seized nearly 4 million children's toys from a toy distributor. It will give the toys to children.

Ivory Coast has adopted a revolutionary new system of postal addresses that contain just three words.

A father in Mexico got a surprise after he posted an invitation to his daughter's 15th birthday party on Facebook - 1.2 million people have said they would attend the party.

Amazon just unveiled what it describes as the world's most advanced shopping technology.

People in the U.S. state of North Dakota are angry because an oil company is building a giant pipe near their land.

Thailand has a new king after Crown Prince Maha Vajiralongkorn, 64, accepted an invitation from parliament to succeed his father.

A charity has released a series of Christmas cards with a difference. They have traditional Christmas scenes from the Holy Land but they also contain images of the war in Syria.

India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi has outlined his controversial plan to make India a cashless society.

A new study shows that having a low social status can be bad for our health.

An Internet campaign has come to the rescue of 80-year-old man in the USA who was reduced to selling firewood on the roadside to try and pay for his wife's medical bills.

The USA has put into space the world's most advanced and powerful weather satellite. Scientists say it will revolutionize how we predict the weather.

The residents of a town cut off by last week's New Zealand earthquake have received a somewhat unusual but welcome air delivery.

Plant biologists have thought of a clever new way to increase the size of crops by as much as 20 per cent.

Mathematicians are using their analytical skills to understand what makes the perfect cup of coffee.

Israel's government has approved a bill to make mosques quieter. Mosques may not be able to use loudspeakers.

A study from Stanford University in the USA suggests that very stressful events affect the brains of boys and girls in different ways.

World leaders have congratulated Donald Trump on his surprise win in the U.S. Presidential election on Tuesday.

Many of India's big cities are experiencing such hazardous air pollution that it almost defies belief.

There are calls to end the semi-annual practice of Daylight Saving Time - putting our clocks backwards and forwards an hour in the spring and autumn.

The former chief of NATO, Anders Fogh Rasmussen, has said America needs to be the world's policeman to make the world a safer place.

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has introduced a new law to get people to read more.

New research suggests that eating green vegetables can ward off the signs of aging.

A 30-second video from a railway company in Japan has made many women angry. The video is aimed at stopping women from putting on make-up while riding on trains.

The Charities Aid Foundation has just stated that Myanmar and Iraq are home to the world's most generous and helpful people.

A new report from a British market research company says there is a "wave of micro crime" in the country.

An expert believes she has uncovered the secret of what dogs dream about. Among other things, dogs dream about their owners.

The president of the Philippines Rodrigo Duterte has announced his country will move away from the USA and work more closely with China.

The Swedish furniture giant IKEA has banned old people from dating at its store in Shanghai, China.

Teenage drivers are still the most likely to crash, according to a new study. Teen drivers are 1.6 times more likely to be in a traffic accident than adult drivers.

Nigeria's President Muhammadu Buhari is in hot water over sexist remarks he made about his wife belonging in his kitchen.

Four scientists have won the 2016 World Food Prize for developing a way to grow sweet potatoes that have extra amounts of Vitamin A.

Samsung has warned owners of the Galaxy Note 7 to turn off their phone after more reports of the device catching fire.

Researchers from the U.S. space agency NASA are currently trying to find out what kind of plants could grow in the red soil on Mars.

It will come as little surprise to many that girls spend 40 per cent more time performing unpaid household chores than boys.

A report from the United Nations (UN) says the world needs another 69 million teachers by the year 2030.

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump is in trouble again following revelations about his tax returns.

Pakistan's major cinemas have banned Indian movies in Pakistan's biggest cities.

30th September - "Harder"

A well-known modeling agency has claimed that male models are paid as much as 75 per cent less than female models.

27th September - "Easier"

Researchers say that feeding eggs and peanuts to babies may stop them getting allergies when they are older.

24th September - "Harder"

Watching sad movies can sometimes be just what the doctor ordered and may increase our tolerance to pain.

21st September - "Easier"

A new survey suggests that people who use the Internet too much may have mental health problems.

18th September - "Harder"

History was made at the recent New York Fashion Week. For the very first time, there was a collection in which every model walked down the catwalk wearing a hijab.

15th September - "Easier"

Humans may not be the only ones to use grammar and vocabulary to speak and communicate. Scientists believe dolphins also use words and sentences to speak to each other.

12th September - "Harder"

There is a fresh but tentative hope for a cessation of hostilities in Syria. The United States, Russia and Syria have signed an agreement.

Facebook has reversed its decision to block a famous photograph of the Vietnam War on its website.

University graduates hoping to get a job as an investment banker in London could be disappointed if they wear brown shoes to their job interview.

A poll taken in the USA shows people have different opinions on why kids go to school.

Authorities in Hawaii are proposing a ban on the popular tourist activity of swimming with dolphins off the Hawaiian coast.

Colombia's government signed a peace deal with the rebel group FARC. The deal ends 52 years of fighting.

Couples might want to put a little extra effort into their marriage just before March and August every year.

Scientists studied the pieces of material that were on the body of a man who died in Europe 5,300 years ago.

It's official – July was the hottest month on Earth since scientists started recording the planet's temperatures.

Humans have learnt many things from nature that help us in our daily life. The latest thing is self-repairing clothing.

A new study shows that teenagers who regularly played games online improved their test scores at school.

New research shows that people who read a lot live longer. The study was carried out by researchers from Yale University.

A new study shows that men are better than women at making up after a fight.

The worldwide banking company Goldman Sachs has made predictions about how many medals different countries will win at the 2016 Rio Olympics.

Millions of people around the world take dietary supplements in the belief that they will boost their health.

New research shows that office workers and other people who sit down a lot must exercise for one hour a day.

The government of New Zealand has declared war on countryside pests. It wants to make the country predator-free by 2050.

A photo of the three-year-old son of Britain's Prince William has made animal rights groups angry.

A road safety organisation in Australia has created a mock-up of the perfect body needed to survive a car crash.

An employee of the Trump Organisation has admitted plagiarism in helping to write Melania Trump's speech.

The Turkish government is increasing its efforts to detain those it deems responsible for the weekend's failed coup attempt.

Researchers in Britain are telling schools that children should be doing more learning outdoors.

The new British Prime Minister Theresa May has caused a stir around the world with her appointment of the UK's new Foreign Secretary.

A woman had to go on her honeymoon alone because her husband could not get a visa for the trip.

The Japanese games giant Nintendo has released an app that is taking the world by storm with an augmented reality game called Pokemon Go.

The car company Toyota is shutting down two elevators at its global headquarters to save money.

A small town in Italy has passed legislation requiring people to use only silent fireworks in displays and celebrations.

The government of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) has advised its citizens not to wear the country's traditional clothes when travelling overseas.

Plants are a lot smarter than we thought. According to researchers, they are capable of making intelligent decisions.

A company in the USA is paying its employees to sleep more. Staff at the insurance company Aetna will get $300 a year extra.

A new report says that playing simple card games can help stroke patients with their recovery just as much as virtual reality gaming.

A very scary slide has opened to the public in Los Angeles. It is on the outside of a building, 70 stories high.

The United Kingdom has voted to leave the European Union in what is being seen as a political earthquake.

Fraudsters are using a new method to trick people into parting with their money.

Last year was the worst year on record for the number of people who became refugees.

Scientists say it could take at least 1,500 years before humans make contact with species of aliens.

A restaurant in the city of Modena, Italy, has been named as the best restaurant in the world.

Hundreds of gay men eager to give blood in the wake of the Orlando nightclub shooting have been turned away by blood centers.

People in Britain will soon vote on whether or not to stay in or leave the European Union (EU).

Scientists have come up with a smart but simple way to deal with carbon dioxide emissions, by turning them back into stone.

Police in Sudan have arrested one of the world's most wanted people smugglers.

Voters in Switzerland have overwhelmingly rejected a proposal that would have meant introducing a guaranteed basic monthly income for all citizens.

Muhammad Ali, perhaps the world's greatest ever sporting legend, passed away on Friday, aged 74.

The website Breaking News has upgraded its pages to be easier to use on mobile phones and tablets.

Police in the US state of Ohio are going to look into the shooting of a 17-year-old gorilla at Cincinnati Zoo. They will investigate the facts around the killing of Harambe the gorilla.

NASA has successfully inflated a new, experimental room for crew members to use in space.

There is a lot of anger on social media because of an advertisement for a Chinese detergent. Some newspapers are saying it could be the most racist advert ever.

A British businessman has developed a product that helps people test drinks they think might have been drugged, or 'spiked'.

On Friday, U.S. President Barack Obama will become the first American president to visit the Japanese city of Hiroshima.

Researchers have discovered there could be a good reason why women spend so long in the morning getting ready for work.

A British firm has developed a new product to help us save money. The product is a wristband that gives us an electric shock if we spend too much money.

Scientists have come up with a revolutionary new use for wood. They have devised a way to make it transparent.

An abandoned puppy has been given a new home and a new job. The 7-week-old pup was left at the stadium of ...

A 72-year-old woman from Amritsar, India is celebrating the birth of her first child. Daljinder Kaur and her husband Mohinder Singh Gill, 79, posed for photos...

One of the word's most famous beer companies is changing the name of its best-selling beer. Budweiser is going to be called 'America'.

Scientists have cast new light on why some men have deeper voices than others. It was traditionally thought that...

The Russian arms maker Kalashnikov is branching out into fashion. The weapons manufacturer is one of Russia's most famous companies.

An Italian court has ruled that food theft brought about by hunger is not illegal. Italy's highest court of appeal...

Football fans in the English city of Leicester have been celebrating a fairytale win for their club. Leicester City won England's Premier League for the first time.

A British princess has made her debut as a model on the front cover of the fashion magazine Vogue.

A group of business people has opened a kind of gym for robots. The group is headed by Elon Musk, who is the boss of the electric car company Tesla Motors.

Venezuela has taken a drastic step to deal with the country's growing energy problems. It has told all state employees to...

A health group in Japan is worried about people with eating disorders. The Japan Society for Eating Disorders (JSED) said that most people...

An international team of scientists has discovered a huge coral reef in the Amazon River. The team from the universities of Georgia in the USA and Rio de Janeiro in Brazil...

The rock superstar Prince has died at the age of 57. He passed away on Thursday at his home in Minneapolis.

Over-the-counter (OTC) medicine is a common part of our lives. Many of us pop into the local pharmacy for cold and headache tablets, cough syrups or allergy treatments.

A new McDonald's restaurant that will soon open in the USA will offer all-you-can-eat French fries. The new store in St. Joseph, Missouri, is set to open in July.

The Czech Republic is planning to adopt a snappy short-form name to ensure it has an easier time at home and around the world.

An ancient mummy that was found in Mongolia has gone viral online because it seems to be wearing Adidas boots. Many people have been tweeting that...