How to see someones Facebook Marketplace rating

When I first started out, you needed at least 5 ratings to be able to see them. This of course may have changed since then, MP changes things constantly and you get no warning.

Since then, my ratings come and go. And some people leave me written and star ratings but for whatever reason they are not populated, lost in the MP abyss or something. Sometimes you are just able to see your star rating, sometimes you are able to see star rating AND written review ratings, and sometimes you can't see any of it lol. It changes all the time, at least for me. Currently, I can only see my star rating, not written reviews.

Despite countless reasons to leave Facebook, there's one feature that keeps me on the site: Facebook Marketplace, a section where you can buy and sell items such as furniture, cars, and vintage lamps.

Facebook Marketplace is essentially a ripoff of Craigslist with one very big difference: It's linked to your public Facebook profile. While the anonymity of Craigslist is an appeal for some, being able to see who you are selling to or who you are buying something from is preferred by many people.

Historically, Facebook Marketplace has made it very easy to see who exactly you're buying from or selling to by including their full name and a link to their Facebook profile, but I noticed recently that there's been a change to the site's design. It is now more difficult to see the buyer or seller's last name and profile. Not ideal when it's someone you're possibly inviting to your home.

When someone initiates interest in an item, that conversation will now appear in a "Marketplace" subsection of Messenger. Fortunately,you still canfind the Facebook profile of the person you are buying something from or selling something to. It's just a little bit more difficult.

Here are the directions for how to find a Facebook profile for someone you're dealing with on Facebook Marketplace.

First, click on the Messenger icon in the top right hand corner of your Facebook, or open up the Messenger app.

How to see someones Facebook Marketplace rating

Click on "Messenger" to access conversations you are having in Marketplace. Credit: Screenshot: Facebook

Click on the Marketplace conversation in Messenger to show all interactions you've had with people on Marketplace.

How to see someones Facebook Marketplace rating

In Messenger, click on the "Marketplace" tab. Credit: Screenshot: Facebook

Next, select the conversation you're having with a buyer or seller.

How to see someones Facebook Marketplace rating

Select the conversation from the "Marketplace" tab in Messenger. Credit: SCREENSHOT: FACEBOOK

After opening the conversation, click on the small carrot (if you're on desktop) or the three dots (if you're using the mobile app) next to the person's first name and the title of the item being sold. This will bring up the "Chat Settings."

How to see someones Facebook Marketplace rating

Click on the "Chat Settings" to view who you are having a conversation with on Facebook Marketplace on Messenger. Credit: SCREENSHOT: FACEBOOK

Once in Chat Settings, click on "Members" (or "See Group Members" in the mobile app) to reveal the full names of everyone in that conversation. (This should be you and the seller/buyer you are trying to make a deal with.)

How to see someones Facebook Marketplace rating

Under "Chat Settings" click on Members to reveal the user's full name and to see a link to their Facebook profile. Credit: SCREENSHOT: FACEBOOK

How to see someones Facebook Marketplace rating

Click "See Group Members" on Facebook Messenger. Credit: SCREENSHOT: FACEBOOK messenger

Now you can see the person's full name. By clicking on the three dots next to their full name on desktop (or clicking on their name on the mobile app), you can message them, visit their public Facebook profile, or block them.

How to see someones Facebook Marketplace rating

Under "Members," click on the three dots to visit the Facebook user's profile. Credit: Screenshot: Facebook

It's unclear why Facebook, a company notorious for changing the design of their products, decided to bury this particularly useful feature. Sure, being able to see someone's profile can lead to potential abuse from bad actors on Facebook, but it also gives many people a little bit of peace of mind to be able to see someone's full name and Facebook profile before meeting up to make a transaction.

No matter what, you should always use caution when meeting up with random people from the internet in person, even if you're just buying someone's old computer monitor. If possible, always meet someone you plan on exchanging goods with in a well-lit public location during the day. Don't go alone if you can help it and tell a friend if you do.

We reached out to Facebook to ask why and when these changes were made to Marketplace, and we'll let you know if we hear back.

How do you check someones Marketplace rating on Facebook?

Seller reviews can be seen in a seller's commerce profile and in the individual listing to which they relate.

Can you look up what someone is selling on Facebook Marketplace?

Yes, you can. However, you can't search for a seller using their name on the Marketplace. Instead, you can use the available filters to narrow down the listing based on the location of the seller and the category of the items they offer.

How do you see Marketplace rating?

You can view your reviews in your developer account or on the App details page in the App Marketplace. In your developer account, navigate to App Marketplace > Listings. Next to your app, click the More dropdown menu and select View listing details. Navigate to the Ratings & Reviews tab.

Can you see feedback on Facebook Marketplace?

Marketplace users can see your seller reviews on your commerce profile. Seller reviews for an individual listing can also be seen in that listing. Your replies to these reviews are also public and can be deleted at any time. See seller reviews that someone has given you.