How to link a Facebook Page to a group

How to link a Facebook Page to a group

You've got a Facebook Page for your business and you've got a Facebook group for your community, how do you link them together? Until recently you couldn't. The good news is you can now link your Facebook Page and Your Facebook group, plus there are some unexpected benefits!

In this post, you'll discover how to link your Facebook Page and Facebook community, and then I'll share what I've noticed so far. There's plenty of screenshots so you can link your group and page as you read. If you have any questions, please leave a comment. Of course, if you like the post feel free to share it with your Facebook group and add value to your group members.

Step One – Visit your Facebook Page

Make sure you are your Page's admin, or you may not be able to access the sections you need to. The next step is to click the settings option.

How to link a Facebook Page to a group

Step Two – Click Edit

Yep, step two is a fast one and all you have to do is click the edit option.

How to link a Facebook Page to a group

Step Three – Add a Tab

You'll now reach the area where you can edit your Facebook Page's template and tabs. You're going to add a new tab, so scroll down to the bottom of the page… Click add a tab

How to link a Facebook Page to a group

Step Four – Add the Facebook Groups Tab

A window will pop up (if it doesn't you may have disabled pop-up windows in your browser. If you enable pop-ups in your settings, you can try again).

How to link a Facebook Page to a group

Step Five – Return to your Facebook Page's home page.

Then click the “groups” tab. You'll find this underneath all your other tabs

How to link a Facebook Page to a group

Step Six – Linking Your Group to Your Facebook Page

Facebook will now present you with the option to either link the group associated with your page, or to create a group.

How to link a Facebook Page to a group

Step Seven – Choose Your Group

As I've already got several groups, I'm going to choose that option. Another window will pop up, and here you can select your group. Once you've selected your group, the next step is to click the link button. After 2 or 3 seconds, you'll have a green tick appear instead of the link button. This indicates your group is now linked to your Facebook page. Hurrah!

How to link a Facebook Page to a group

Step Eight- You're all done!

In the groups' tab on your Facebook page you will now see this:

How to link a Facebook Page to a group

That's it! Your Facebook Page and Facebook Group can be linked together in 8 quick steps and takes about 5 minutes to complete from start to finish.

The Unexpected Benefits From Linking Your Facebook Page and Your Facebook Group

The first unexpected benefit was that the fans on your Facebook page are invited to join the group. This appears in the notifications. If I'd have known this was going to happen, I may not have experimented a little before connecting the right group to the correct page.

When you comment in your Facebook group you now reply as your Facebook Page. Don't worry, this shows up on your group's wall like this:

How to link a Facebook Page to a group

If you've ever wanted to use your Facebook Page to manage your group you can now can. Yay!  This also gives your community a brand recognition boost. You can also comment in your group as your Facebook page.

How to link a Facebook Page to a group

As you can see on the screenshot, another of the Facebook Page admins can leave a comment, and the Group admins can see who left the comment. This means entrepreneurs can now outsource their community management and build their brand with ease. If you'd like to outsource your group management, then get in touch here.

How to link a Facebook Page to a group

Your group's cover image now displays a linked sign and the name of your Facebook Page. The name is clickable. It's now easier for your group members to message you via your Facebook page rather than personally messaging you. Whilst you may lose some of the personal touches, you will find it easier to keep your business Facebook and personal Facebook separate.

I'm not often excited about Facebook improvements or changes. With this change, I can really see Facebook becoming a powerful business tool beyond Facebook ads.

What do you think? Will you be linking your Facebook Page and Group together?


Tap the Groups tab below your Page's cover photo, if it's visible. If it's not visible, manage your Page's tab and sections and then go back to your Page and tap the Groups tab. Tap Link your Group. Tap Link next to the group you want to link your Page to.

How can a Facebook page join a 2022 group?

Once you find the group you want to join, click on the + Join Group button located right next to the Group name. Then you choose if you'd like to join the Group as your personal profile or as a Page, then click Join Group. And that's it! You've successfully joined a Facebook Group as your Facebook Page.

What does linking a page to a group mean?

Classic Pages. A Page linked to a group will be an admin of the group. A Page admin's role in the linked group will depend on their Page role. Page admins can manage roles for groups linked to their Page.

Why can't my Facebook page join a group?

If the Group admin decides to NOT allow pages to join – then a Page can NOT join a group (unless the Admin changes the rules). Joining from your personal profile is your only option.