How to know that you re in love

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At the beginning stages of love, you may feel knots in your stomach or lose your appetite. Estudio13G/Getty Images

If you've asked your friends how to know if you love someone, it's likely that they said something along the lines of "You'll just know," or "When you know, you know." 

For some people, it really is that easy. But not everyone experiences love the same way. And for others, more practical advice might be needed to help you identify your feelings. 

If you're looking for some concrete indications, here are nine signs that you might love someone romantically. 

If you love someone, it's likely that you think about them quite a bit, to the point where they might be the only thing on your mind before you go to sleep and the first thing you think of upon waking, says David Khalili, MA, LMFT, couples therapist in private practice. 

Thinking about them is pleasant and makes you feel good because being in love — especially in the early throws of it — activates reward centers in the brain responsible for releasing dopamine, a compound responsible for pleasure.

In fact, some experts refer to love as being a "natural addiction."

When you love someone, it's only natural that you feel an urge to take care of them, comfort them, and protect them – and you want them to do the same for you. 

"You are expressing your love for them by providing them with the types of comfort you know or can reasonably expect that they'll appreciate," says Khalili.

Being in love comes with the opportunity for both you and your partner to grow. 

Your partner may push you to be the best version of yourself, and you may learn that you're more capable of self-reflection and adjustment when you love someone, says Krista Miller, LMFT, couples therapist at Align Couples Therapy. 

Even challenges that you face together can help you grow and feel closer to one another.  

When you love someone, you'll want to show it often to continue to cultivate a loving relationship and let your partner know you care about them. 

Depending on you and your partner's love languages, you might have unique ways of showing your affection for your partner, whether that's through physical touch, acts of service, quality time, gifts, or words of affirmation. 

A nice bonus is that intimacy is healthy for you. "High levels of intimacy correlate negatively with depression and positively with immune function and cardiovascular health," researchers reported in a 2016 review.

When you have a healthy sense of self-love, self-esteem, and self-compassion, you are probably in a place where you aren't seeking out someone to "complete" you. Rather, you need someone who complements you.

You'll know that you love someone because you genuinely enjoy spending time with them and caring for them, which is different from liking someone simply because they make you feel better about yourself, says Miller. 

Since this may also be a sign of lust, make sure you're experiencing this along with all the other signs of being in love so you know it's more than just sexual attraction. 

"You're craving their touch, smell, taste, or whatever you can get," says Khalili. You want to feel bonded and attached to the person you love, and this is one way to do that. 

Researchers suggest that love, as a whole, originated from the fundamental, physical urge to procreate. But humans have managed to distinguish between lust and love, which is clear from studies that indicate each affects very different areas of the brain.

There is some truth to the term "lovesick." Khalili says you might feel physical symptoms such as knots in your stomach or a loss of appetite. 

A 2016 paper found that experiencing such symptoms may be due to higher levels of the stress hormone norepinephrine being released in early stages of love. 

These feelings may be especially prominent in the earlier stages of falling in love. 

You might start picturing future dates, adventures, trips, a marriage, or starting a family with the person you love, Khalili says. It might be hard to picture a life without them in the future. 

"Whatever it might entail, it's showing that you're excited about this person and you feel safe enough to include them into your future," says Khalili.

Relationships aren't easy – they take active work from both partners in order to thrive. 

Miller says one way to know you love someone is if you are absolutely willing to put in the work over a prolonged period of time.

More importantly, each person in the relationship feels grateful to have the opportunity to put in the work. And this goes back to the idea that love, from a strictly biological viewpoint, is based around reward centers of the brain responsible for feel-good compounds like dopamine and oxytocin. 

Be on the lookout for signs like an urge to take care of your partner, motivation to show affection, and willingness to put in work when you're trying to figure out whether you love someone romantically or not. 

Everyone experiences love differently, but these signs are good indicators that you're on that path with your partner. 

While falling in love can be absolutely amazing, be sure to stay vigilant and be aware of any red flags to make sure your relationship is healthy. 

How to know that you re in love
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Co-authored by Tara Vossenkemper, PhD, LPC

Last Updated: August 29, 2022 References Approved

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This article was co-authored by Tara Vossenkemper, PhD, LPC. Dr. Tara Vossenkemper is a Licensed Professional Counselor and the Founder and Managing Director of The Counseling Hub, LLC, a group counseling practice located in Columbia, Missouri. She is also the Founder of and a Business Consultant with Tara Vossenkemper Consulting, LLC, a consulting service for therapy practice owners. With over nine years of experience, she specializes in using the Gottman Method of relationship therapy with couples on the brink of divorce, who have conflict, or who feel disconnected from one another. Dr. Vossenkemper holds a BA in Psychology from The University of Missouri, Saint Louis, an MA in Counseling from Missouri Baptist University, and a PhD in Counselor Education and Supervision from The University of Missouri, Saint Louis. She has also completed Level 3 training in the Gottman Method Couples Therapy approach and has been formally trained in both the Prepare-Enrich Premarital Couples Counseling approach and the PREP Approach for couples counseling.

wikiHow marks an article as reader-approved once it receives enough positive feedback. This article received 15 testimonials and 81% of readers who voted found it helpful, earning it our reader-approved status.

This article has been viewed 3,476,315 times.

There are many different kinds of love[1] and there's no single way to know whether you're really feeling it — or just in the throes of a serious infatuation. Still, if you pay attention to how you feel and act around your special someone, you should be able to figure out whether you're really in love. If you want to know how to do it, just follow these steps.

Part 1 Part 1 of 3:Noticing What You Think

  1. How to know that you re in love
    How to know that you re in love


    See if you can’t picture a future without your loved one. If you’re really in love, then you shouldn't be able to picture your future without them. Whether at night, or in the morning, or with your friends, the fact that you can't stop means you're in love, and may have found "the one". Whether thinking of moving to a new city, having children, spending a year abroad, or reaching any of your future goals, you should be thinking of doing these things with your significant other by your side. If you can’t imagine going through life without your significant other — not just next summer, or next year, or whenever— then you may be truly in love. Here are some other signs that you’re truly in love:

    • If you can't think about starting a new chapter of your life, whether it's a new job or a move to a new place, without your loved one at your side.
    • If you've thought about having children but can't imagine having kids with anyone other than your loved one.
    • If you can't imagine growing old without your loved one by your side.

  2. How to know that you re in love
    How to know that you re in love


    See if you can’t go a few hours without thinking of your loved one. To be in love, you don’t have to be obsessive about your loved one; in fact, quite the opposite is true. If you have a healthy loving relationship, then you should be able to spend time apart from your loved one without obsessing over what they're doing every five seconds.[2] However, if you can go a whole weekend, or a whole month, without your loved one once crossing your mind, then you may like them a lot, but you may not necessarily have reached the love stage yet. Here are some other signs that you’re really in love:

    • If you read a book or see a movie without your loved one, you may wonder what they would think of it.
    • If you're trying on clothes without your special someone, you may think about how they would like your new look.
    • If you call or text your loved one just because you want to say hi or hear their voice, then you may be falling in love.

  3. How to know that you re in love
    How to know that you re in love


    See if you truly value the opinions of your loved one. If you’re really in love, then you won’t just be thinking of your loved one as a perfect object that should be worshipped, but as a living, breathing human being with an interesting perspective and many unique opinions. If you’re really in love, then you should value your loved one’s opinion and should care about what they think, whether it’s about your next career move or the political situation in your country. Though you don’t have to care what they think about absolutely everything, if you don’t truly value the input of your loved one, then you may not be in love yet. Here are some signs that you’ve truly found the one:

    • If you take your loved one's ideas into account when you're making a big decision, then you take your partner seriously enough to be in love.
    • If you're in a difficult social situation and value your special someone's opinion of what you should do, then you may be falling in love.
    • If you care what your loved one thinks about the news, politics, art, or anything else that truly matters to you, then you may be falling in love.

  4. How to know that you re in love
    How to know that you re in love


    See if your loved one makes you want to be a better person. If you’re really in love, then you shouldn't just be completely comfortable in your status quo, even if you’re very content with your loved one. Though being happy with the relationship you have and the person that you are is essential, being with your loved one should make you want to take your life to the next level and to be the best person you can possibly be—eventually. Here are some more signs that you’re truly in love:

    • If you want to read more, know more, care more, and just to be a more well-rounded person not just to please your loved one but because they really motivate you to want to change your life in a positive way, then you may be in love.
    • If you want to work on addressing your flaws and developing your character just from being around your loved one, then you may be falling in love.

  5. How to know that you re in love
    How to know that you re in love


    See if you feel like the best version of yourself when you’re with your loved one. If you’re in love, then the person you love should bring out the best in you. After all, if you’re in love, then you should want to be with the person you’re with for the rest of your life, so that person should make you feel like your best self. If you feel like you can never fully be who you are,[3] or that you’re inadequate in some way when you’re around your loved one, then you may not be in love. Here are some signs that you’ve fallen in love:

    • If you feel at your most handsome or beautiful when you're around your loved one, even if you're just rocking a casual look.
    • If you feel like you're at your smartest and sharpest when you're talking something through with your partner.
    • If you feel you're most confident around your loved one, and never have to worry if you're going to sound stupid when you begin to say something.

  6. How to know that you re in love
    How to know that you re in love


    See if you’re aware of your loved one’s flaws – and are okay with them. If you’re really in love, then you should be able to see your significant other as a real live human being with real human flaws – not as a god or a goddess. If you insist that your loved one is perfect, then you have a real problem. But if you’re comfortable admitting that your loved one can be a bit selfish or isn’t the world’s greatest listener, then you have a more realistic perspective on the relationship and are much more likely to be in love for real.

    • Being aware of your loved one's flaws doesn't mean you shouldn't help them address them if that's the right thing to do.
    • If you can't possibly think of two or three things that make your special someone less than perfect, then you may not be truly seeing the person for who they are.
    • If you and your loved one are comfortable enough with each other to laugh about one another's flaws, then you're more likely to be really in love.

Part 2 Part 2 of 3:Noticing What You Do

  1. How to know that you re in love
    How to know that you re in love


    See if you take pleasure in helping your loved one. Love is about give and take. If you’re in love, then you should enjoy the giving just as much as the taking. You should take pleasure in making your loved one lunch, giving them a ride when they need one, or even doing your loved one’s laundry if they're having a rough week. Though you shouldn't get taken advantage of, you should be able to enjoy helping your loved one when they need it and be prepared to be helped in return. Here are some more signs that you're really in love:

    • If you feel good about getting your special someone coffee or surprising them with a dessert from your favorite bakery without feeling like you're wasting your precious time or money.
    • If you enjoy teaching your loved one how to do something, whether it's to make the perfect burger or to solve a complicated math problem.

  2. How to know that you re in love
    How to know that you re in love


    See if your loved one makes you laugh. Love doesn't have to be so serious all the time. Sure, you can spend hours staring longingly into the eyes of your loved one, but that can get a little boring. If you’re really in love, then you should be able to goof off and laugh with your loved one and to enjoy the sense of humor of your loved one. Though neither of you has to be comedians for your relationship to work, it helps to be able to laugh with each other from time to time. This shows that you’re comfortable enough (and happy enough) with each other to be in love.

    • If your special someone has the ability to make you crack up even when you're in the worst of moods, then you may be falling in love.
    • You are in love when you engage and share experiences by attempting to be playful, joking, and laughing at things together.

  3. How to know that you re in love
    How to know that you re in love


    See if you enjoy doing the little things with your loved one. True love isn't like an episode of The Bachelor — though taking a helicopter ride with your loved one or having a romantic picnic in a vineyard can be intensely romantic and an incredible experience, real love means being able to find the fun in the mundane things with your loved one, from having a beer or two at your local bar to buying kitty litter and stopping to get ice cream on the way home. Here are some signs that you truly appreciate all of the time you spend with your loved one:

    • If you like just sitting around and watching your favorite TV show with your loved one.
    • If you like stepping out to get ice cream with your loved one as much as you like enjoying a delicious fancy four-course meal together.
    • If you enjoy a night in with your loved one as much as you like the occasional extravagant date.

  4. How to know that you re in love
    How to know that you re in love


    See if you’ve made it through the tough times. Love isn’t a bed of roses, though if you’re truly in love, the good days should far outnumber the bad, and you should be comfortable staying in your relationship during less-than-ideal circumstances, from a job loss to the death of a loved one. Tough situations can test the strength of your relationship, and if you’ve never had to overcome a significant hurdle with your loved one, then you may not have enough information to know if you’re in love yet.[4]

    • If you were able to work through a tough problem in your relationship, whether it was trying to make it work with one of your insanely busy schedules or dealing with one person's disappointment in a major life event, then your relationship should be stronger for it.
    • If you were able to stay strong during the death of a loved one, then you're more likely to feel truly in love.

  5. How to know that you re in love
    How to know that you re in love


    See if you’re willing to step out of your comfort zone for your loved one. If you’re really in love, then you should be willing to try something new and unexpected for your loved one, even if it makes you a little scared or queasy. This doesn’t mean that you should walk across hot coals or embarrass yourself just to win over the person you love, but it does mean that you should be ready to take a far-away trip to see your loved one’s distant relatives in Guatemala or go on a hike or two with your loved one if he’s obsessed with hiking.[5]

    • If you're willing to do something that you thought you would never do, such as learn a new language or learn to swim, because it's really important for your loved one, then you're more likely to be in love.
    • If you've found yourself being more comfortable with being uncomfortable, with or without your loved one, then you may be in love.

  6. How to know that you re in love
    How to know that you re in love


    See if you’re willing to compromise for your loved one. If you’re really in love, then you should know that you can’t always get your way. If your loved one is always giving in to your demands because you’re so stubborn, then you’re not really in love. Being in love means getting what you want sometimes, and letting your loved one get what he/she wants sometimes; or better yet, finding a solution that makes both people happy.

    • If you're in love, then you should not only be able to compromise with your loved one, but you should feel good about reaching a decision together, instead of feeling like you didn't really get what you wanted.
    • If you're really in love, then both people should be able to compromise, instead of one person doing all the giving in every time.

  7. How to know that you re in love
    How to know that you re in love


    See if you’re comfortable with maintaining your individuality. If you’re really in love, then you shouldn't turn into a clone of your loved one, copying all of their interests and hobbies and shedding anything that gave you pleasure before you started your relationship. Instead, you should be able to maintain your sense of self while growing together with the person that you love.[6] If you’re truly in love, then you should be doing the following things:

    • Being comfortable hanging out with your friends without your special someone, and letting them do the same.
    • Being okay with maintaining your own interests, such as yoga or soccer, even if your special someone doesn't do them.
    • Being happy having some alone time instead of always hanging out with your significant other.

Part 3 Part 3 of 3:Noticing What You Say

  1. How to know that you re in love
    How to know that you re in love


    See if you can truly say what’s on your mind in front of your loved one. If you’re really in love, then you shouldn't hold back when you talk to your loved one. This doesn't mean that you should tell them every little thing that’s bothering you or nag them because you feel like you’re being honest, but it does mean that you should be comfortable enough in your relationship to be able to bring up something that’s bothering you, or sharing your true feelings, without feeling like it’s not worth it because your loved one will be bored, angry, or just won’t care.[7]

    • If you can tell your partner exactly how you feel about something without worrying that you sound immature or stupid, then you may be falling in love.
    • If you're okay with cracking a joke, no matter how corny it may be, then you and your loved one are on the same page.

  2. How to know that you re in love
    How to know that you re in love


    See if you’re happy to spend hours talking about nothing with your loved one. If you’re really in love, then you and your loved one don’t have to have deep discussions about the meaning of life or about the status of your relationship all the time. A lot of love lies in the little things, and most of your conversation won’t be earth-shattering or celestial, and that’s perfectly okay.

    • If you’re really in love, then you should be happy dissecting the latest episode of Breaking Bad with your loved one, or making small talk during a baseball game, and feeling that it’s enough.
    • If you've gotten off the phone with your loved one after laughing the whole time and wondering, "What did we just talk about?" then you may be in love.

  3. How to know that you re in love
    How to know that you re in love


    See if you’re comfortable revealing your weaknesses to your loved one. If you’re truly in love, then you should be comfortable enough to let your loved one see the real you, even if that means showing your less-than-flattering side. If everything you say is devised to make your significant other like you or want to be with you even more, then you’re not comfortable with them enough to be really in love.

    • If you’re willing to open up and talk about your past mistakes or grievances, then you’re more likely to be in love.
    • You don't have to tell the person you love every last thing that has caused you pain, but you should be able to feel better after mentioning it. If you're in love, you'll accept each other, flaws and all.

  4. How to know that you re in love
    How to know that you re in love


    See if you’re always finding new ways to compliment your significant other. If you’re really in love, then when you feel the urge to compliment your partner, you should feel a fresh thought come to mind. If all you can think of is, "You’re so hot" or "You’re so funny," then you have to dig deeper to find why you really love the person you’re with. You should be able to compliment the strong suits of the person you’re with — inside and out.

    • If you're always finding yourself pleasantly surprised by the seemingly endless good qualities that your loved one demonstrates, then you may be in love.
    • If you often tell the special someone things you love about them — and really mean it — then you may be in love.

  5. How to know that you re in love
    How to know that you re in love


    If you're in love, then you will notice them for their inner beauty, not (only) their outer beauty.


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About This Article

How to know that you re in love

Co-authored by:

Tara Vossenkemper, PhD, LPC

Licensed Professional Counselor

This article was co-authored by Tara Vossenkemper, PhD, LPC. Dr. Tara Vossenkemper is a Licensed Professional Counselor and the Founder and Managing Director of The Counseling Hub, LLC, a group counseling practice located in Columbia, Missouri. She is also the Founder of and a Business Consultant with Tara Vossenkemper Consulting, LLC, a consulting service for therapy practice owners. With over nine years of experience, she specializes in using the Gottman Method of relationship therapy with couples on the brink of divorce, who have conflict, or who feel disconnected from one another. Dr. Vossenkemper holds a BA in Psychology from The University of Missouri, Saint Louis, an MA in Counseling from Missouri Baptist University, and a PhD in Counselor Education and Supervision from The University of Missouri, Saint Louis. She has also completed Level 3 training in the Gottman Method Couples Therapy approach and has been formally trained in both the Prepare-Enrich Premarital Couples Counseling approach and the PREP Approach for couples counseling. This article has been viewed 3,476,315 times.

Co-authors: 220

Updated: August 29, 2022


Article Rating:81% - 15 votes

Categories: Featured Articles | Falling in Love

Article SummaryX

To tell if you’re really in love with someone, pay attention to the way you think about them. If you find yourself thinking about the other person all the time, or if you can’t imagine your future without them, then there’s a good chance you’re in love with them. Consider how you feel about their opinions, too. Do you really value what they think and what they have to say? If you have to make a big decision, do you ask them for their input? If so, then you probably love and care about them. It’s also a good sign if you notice the other person’s flaws, but you accept them for who they are anyway. Check your own behavior as well. When you’re in love with someone, you’ll want to be the best version of yourself around them. Pay attention to whether you enjoy helping them and spending time with them—even when you’re not doing anything that exciting together. You might also find that you’re more willing to step outside of your comfort zone or make compromises for someone you love. Also, you’ll feel more comfortable opening up to them and truly being yourself. Being in love isn’t always easy, so pay attention to how you feel and behave in good times as well as bad. If you’re able to make it through rough patches together and still come out feeling good about your relationship, then there’s a good chance you’re in love. For more advice from our Relationships co-author, including how to see if you’re okay with your significant other’s flaws, keep reading.

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    "I like the way it was broken up into parts: what you think, do, and say. That made it easy to follow. Also that it gave specific examples was also helpful. It was written in a non-definitive way by saying, "You MAY be in love," which is more honest."

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