How to find the admin of a Facebook group

If you cannot locate your Facebook Group, Facebook Page, or LinkedIn Company when you go to connect Profiles in SmarterQueue, you may need to confirm you are an admin!

In This Article

  • How To Check If You're An Admin On Facebook
  • How To Check If You're An Admin On LinkedIn

How To Check If You're An Admin On Facebook

Facebook Page

  • Navigate to the Facebook page
  • Click "Settings" on the left-hand side
    • Note: If you still can't navigate to settings, then you are not an admin!

How to find the admin of a Facebook group

  • Click "Page Roles" on the left-hand side menu

How to find the admin of a Facebook group

  • Scroll down to "Existing Page Roles"
  • Your profile should show up as an admin

If you cannot complete these steps, then you are not an admin of the Facebook Page. 🐰

Facebook Group

  • Navigate to the Facebook Group
  • Click "Members" in the menu under the group's name

How to find the admin of a Facebook group

  • Your profile should show up under "Admins"
  • Click the "..." 3 dots next to your profile
  • The option "Remove as Admin" should show up
    • Note: Please, don't click to remove yourself as an Admin, this is just necessary to verify that you are an admin 😊

How To Check If You're An Admin On LinkedIn

  1. Click the 'Me' icon at the top of your LinkedIn homepage.
  2. Below 'Manage', you can see the correct Page. You’ll be directed to the Page tab of your admin center.

Managing a group on Facebook can be challenging if you’re doing everything by yourself. You need at least one other person to help you edit and publish your content, manage comments, members, and create reports based on page metrics. 

Fortunately, Facebook lets you add people as admins or moderators of your group. The admin role can access the group and has full control over group roles, settings, posts, comments, ads, and more.

Table of Contents

If the person no longer works in your company, or you feel the group has lost its relevance, you can remove the admins and close the group altogether.

How to find the admin of a Facebook group

In this guide, we’ll walk you through the steps you need to take to add or remove an admin from a Facebook group on your computer or mobile device.

How to Add an Admin to a Facebook Group

A Facebook group admin has full access and control over the group. The admin can perform all the following functions:

  • Make someone else an admin or moderator.
  • Remove other admins or moderators.
  • Manage group settings such as the group name, privacy settings, cover photos, and more.
  • Approve or deny membership requests or posts in the group.
  • Remove and block people from the group, posts, and comments on posts.
  • Pin and unpin a post.

How to find the admin of a Facebook group

If you’re ready to give someone else the admin role on your Facebook group, here’s how to go about it on your computer or mobile device. 

Add an Admin to a Facebook Group from a Computer

You can add an admin to a Facebook group from your Windows PC or Mac using the steps below.

Note: You must be a current group admin to make another group member an admin.

  1. Select Groups from your Facebook News Feed in the left menu.

How to find the admin of a Facebook group

  1. Next, select your group under the Groups you manage section. Select See More if you can’t see the Groups option.

How to find the admin of a Facebook group

  1. Select Members just under your group’s cover photo or select More if you can’t see the Members option.

How to find the admin of a Facebook group

  1. Find the person you want to make an admin and then select More (three dots) next to their name.

How to find the admin of a Facebook group

  1. Select Add as admin.

How to find the admin of a Facebook group

  1. Tap Send Invite.

How to find the admin of a Facebook group

Note: A group member has to visit the Facebook group to be made an admin. Once you add them as an admin, they have full access and control over the group activities and settings.

Cancel an Invitation to Make Someone an Admin of a Facebook Group

If you accidentally sent an invitation to be an admin to the wrong person or you no longer want them to be an admin, you can cancel the invitation using these steps.

  1. Go to the group page, tap Members, and then scroll to the Invited admins & moderators section.

How to find the admin of a Facebook group

  1. Select More next to the invitee’s name.

How to find the admin of a Facebook group

  1. Next, select Cancel admin invite.

How to find the admin of a Facebook group

  1. Select Cancel invite to confirm the action. 

How to find the admin of a Facebook group

How to Remove an Admin from a Facebook Group on Desktop

If you want to take back control over the group or you plan to shut it down, you can easily remove an admin using these steps. 

  1. Open the Facebook group and select Members.

How to find the admin of a Facebook group

  1. Scroll to the Admins & Moderators section and tap More (three dots) next to the name of the person you want to remove as admin.

How to find the admin of a Facebook group

  1. Select Remove as admin.

How to find the admin of a Facebook group

  1. Tap the blue Confirm button to complete the process.

How to find the admin of a Facebook group

How to Add an Admin to a Facebook Group Using the Facebook App

You can add someone as an admin to your Facebook group from your Android device or iPhone. Here’s how.

Add an Admin to a Facebook Group on Android

If you’re using an Android phone or tablet, use these steps to add an admin to your Facebook group.

  1. Tap the menu (three horizontal lines) in the top-right corner of the Facebook app.

How to find the admin of a Facebook group

  1. Next, tap Groups.

How to find the admin of a Facebook group

  1. Tap Your Groups.

How to find the admin of a Facebook group

  1. Select the Facebook group under the Groups you manage section. Tap See more if you can’t see the Groups option.

How to find the admin of a Facebook group

  1. Next, tap the badge icon at the top right corner of the group page.

How to find the admin of a Facebook group

  1. Tap Members.

How to find the admin of a Facebook group

  1. Find the name of the person you want to add as an admin and then select More (three dots). 

How to find the admin of a Facebook group

  1. Tap Add as admin.

How to find the admin of a Facebook group

  1. Next, tap Send Invitation to confirm the action. The person will receive a notification with the invite, and once they confirm, they’ll be added as an admin on your Facebook group.

How to find the admin of a Facebook group

Add an Admin to a Facebook Group on iPhone

If you’re using an iPhone, use these quick steps to add an admin on your Facebook group.

  1. Tap the menu > Groups. 

How to find the admin of a Facebook group

  1. Next, tap Your Groups.

How to find the admin of a Facebook group

  1. Select your Facebook group from the list. 

How to find the admin of a Facebook group

  1. Next, tap the badge icon.

How to find the admin of a Facebook group

  1. Under Members tap See all.

How to find the admin of a Facebook group

  1. Next, tap the name of the person you want to add as admin and then tap Make (name of invitee or member) admin.

How to find the admin of a Facebook group

  1. Tap Confirm to complete the process.

How to find the admin of a Facebook group

Cancel an Invitation to Make Someone an Admin of a Facebook Group From the Facebook App

You can cancel the invitation to make someone a Facebook group admin using these steps.

  1. Go to the main page of your Facebook group and tap on the group name. 

How to find the admin of a Facebook group

  1. Next, tap See all next to the Members section.

How to find the admin of a Facebook group

  1. Tap the Invited tab.

How to find the admin of a Facebook group

  1. Find the name of the person you invited to be an admin of the Facebook group and tap on More (three dots).

How to find the admin of a Facebook group

  1. Tap Remove Invitation.

How to find the admin of a Facebook group

  1. Next, tap Remove Invitation again to confirm the action, and the person will no longer be invited to join the group.

How to find the admin of a Facebook group

How to Remove an Admin from a Facebook Group Through the Facebook App

If you no longer need the services of the admin you added, you can remove them easily from your Facebook group in a few quick steps. 

  1. Tap the badge icon at the top right side of the screen. 

How to find the admin of a Facebook group

  1. Next, tap Members under Tool Shortcuts.

How to find the admin of a Facebook group

  1. Tap More (three dots) next to the name of the person that you want to remove as admin.

How to find the admin of a Facebook group

  1. Next, tap Remove as Admin.

How to find the admin of a Facebook group

  1. Tap Remove admin to confirm the action.

How to find the admin of a Facebook group

Manage Your Facebook Group Successfully

Having a Facebook group admin who can handle everything about the group makes it easier for you to manage your growing community. 

Whatever your reason for adding or removing an admin from your Facebook group, leave a comment and let us know if this guide helped you achieve your goal.