How long does Revolution take to kill fleas

Why choose REVOLUTION® (selamectin) to protect your patients from fleas? Here are just a few reasons:

  1. Kills adult fleas for a full month—and prevents flea eggs from hatching.
  2. Reduces flea blood feeding.4
  3. It's easy to administer.
  1. Doesn't require separation time from other pets or other family members after application.
  2. Gives cat owners the peace of mind that comes from knowing REVOLUTION is veterinarians' #1 choice for protection against fleas.1

To get—and keep—fleas under control, a monthly preventive should kill adult fleas for a full month and prevent flea eggs from hatching.

  • REVOLUTION killed ≥90% of adult fleas within 24 hours and >99% within 48 hours.2 At 30 days after treatment, REVOLUTION showed better residual activity against adult fleas than did Advantage® or Frontline® Plus.2
  • Controlling eggs controls the biggest part of the flea cycle. Within 48 hours of dosing, REVOLUTION reduced production of flea eggs by >95%. By 72 hours, it reduced egg production by 99.98%.3

The itching and irritation caused by flea blood feeding is a source of frustration for cats and their owners. Once administered, REVOLUTION inhibits that feeding—even before the adult fleas die.

  • REVOLUTION effectively reduced flea feeding for the duration of a 28-day study.
  • Frontline® Top Spot and Advantage were only effective through days 7 and 14, respectively.

Advantage® is a trademark of Bayer. Frontline® Plus and Frontline® Top Spot are trademarks of Merial.

How long does Revolution take to kill fleas

Revolution® flea treatment for cats is the first FDA-approved, topical parasite control product of its kind for cats. It controls six major pests to make cats healthier and more comfortable - indoors or outside.

There are many flea prevention products on the market, each, like Revolution, with their own method of action and ingredients.

According to the product overview, the active ingredient in Revolution is Selamectin. It is known as a "macrocyclic lactone compound." The substance is known to prevent the development of heartworm when it is given within a month of exposure to the Dirofilaria immitis larvae. When Revolution is applied to a cat's skin, the selamectin enters the bloodstream. it will then relocate within the body to protect the feline from heartworm and other parasites.

For example:

  • Fleas and mites: Selamectin travels from the bloodstream to the skin to treat adult flea infestations.
  • Worms: These parasites are killed when they feed on the animal's blood and ingest the active ingredient.

The directions indicate that an owner should:

  1. Locate a spot directly at the back of the cat's neck just above the shoulders.
  2. Part the fur.
  3. Squeeze the entire tube directly on one spot.

The correct dosage, based on each cat's weight, can be found in a table on the Revolution website under the Administration directions.

How long does Revolution take to kill fleas

In the same product overview, the manufacturer claims side effects are rare and offers the following facts.

  • Less than one percent of cats experience digestive upset.
  • About one percent of felines also had hair loss at the site where the medication was applied, but the loss was temporary.

The warnings on the product itself indicate that some pets may experience the following side effects, but that these issues are temporary and usually occur immediately after application.

  • Stiff or clumping fur
  • Slight discoloration
  • Powdery residue

According to, the product was tested on six-week-old kittens in dosages of up to 10 times the normal dose. Even at the highest dosage tested, no adverse reactions were noted in the studies. This extreme dosage was given for testing purposes only. You should always follow package instructions for how much to administer to your cat. If you are uncertain of the correct dosage, it is best to consult with a veterinarian.

Make sure that you only use Revolution formulated for cats on your feline friend. Using a similar product for dogs could produce a toxic reaction in a cat. Pfizer, the maker of Revolution, offers a number of suggestions to help avoid unwanted side effects and ensure that the medication is as effective as possible. A few of these warnings include:

  • Make sure the entire contents of the tube is emptied.
  • Do not administer more frequently than once a month.
  • Do not skip months because your cat will be unprotected from parasites.
  • Do not apply to skin that is irritated or has an open wound.
  • Do not apply if the cat's fur is wet.

If you miss a dose, apply as soon as you when you remember. Do not give a double dose. Never apply two different kinds of preventative at the same time.

Unfortunately, reviews are very mixed, with some indicating more cons than pros. Some reviewers have even claimed the product hurt or killed their cat. For others, it seems like it is just a waste of money. However, on some websites, the reviews have been incredibly positive that the product does a fabulous job treating fleas. In particular, they love that the product does more than help with fleas - but also other types of parasites and worms. With such a mixture of feedback, it is best to discuss the risks with your vet and compare options. Most likely the product can be successful in treating your cat as long as you consider any unique situations with your cat's health.

Most veterinary offices keep the product in stock, so you should be able to purchase it directly from your local vet's office. It's a good idea to work with your veterinarian the first time you treat your cat with a new product and watch closely for any side effects. Once you determine the product's safety and effectiveness for your pet, you may want to shop around for the best price. If you prefer to order online, you can order from one of the following sources.

  • 1800PetMeds
  • Discount Pet Meds
  • Pet Shed
  • Vet RX Direct

You will need a prescription from your veterinarian to purchase Revolution. If you decide to shop around to find cheaper prices online, most online pharmacies will be able to contact your veterinarian to verify your prescription, or they may have you email or upload a copy of your valid prescription.

Some owners may believe that their pets don't need protection from fleas, mosquitos and other pests because they keep their cats indoors. However, parasites can make their way into homes and infest pets. A study of cats in North Carolina diagnosed with heartworm found that only 28 percent were indoor only cats. So in the long run, it may be best to err on the side of prevention rather than wait for your pet to develop a problem. Ask your vet for advice.

Date Posted:4 October 2019 

How long does Revolution take to kill fleas
How long does Revolution take to kill fleas

Revolution Plus for cats is a great product.   Pet owners and their cats have been happily using Revolution for cats for years - but now they have the option of upgrading to Revolution Plus.  Revolution Plus is a superior product as it also does ticks and has dual action protection.  .Buy Revolution Plus   

What is different between Revolution and Revolution Plus for cats?  

The difference between Revolution and Revoluion plus for cats is that Revolution for cats only contains the active Selamectin which is a member of the avermectin group of parasiticides.    Revolution Plus contains the actives Selamectin and Sarolaner.  Sarolaner is a member of the isoxazoline class of parasiticides.    Both Selamectin and Sarolaner will kill fleas, mites and lice.    Therefore Revolution Plus has the benefits of dual action protection against these parasites.   These parasites dont stand a chance.   By adding the Sarolaner it also gives Revolution Plus tick killing power! 

How fast does Revolution Plus work?

Fleas -  Revolution Plus starts killing fleas within 6 hours of application and will have the cat nearly 100% flea free within 24 hours.  The cat will be protected for 5 weeks from fleas.   As the product kills the fleas so fastthey are unable to lay any eggs which breaks the flea life cycle.  Of course any existing eggs and larvae you have in your environment are still going to hatch but they will be quickly killed by the Revolution Plus and wont be able to breed.    This is the same with any flea treatment that you start on.   You will still see fleas for a short period until the ones in the environment are killed.  They are pesky creatures but be assured that with your cat on Revolution plus and all other animals in your household on flea control you will get on top of them.

Ticks -  For many of us this is the most exciting thing about this product.    To be able to protect out cats from deadly paralysis ticks is so important.  Cats generally do badly with tick paralysis,  it is more often than not fatal.   Revolution Plus is effective against ticks after 24 hours.  Your cat will be protected for 5 weeks.  It is important to always check your cats daily for ticks and this product does not claim 100% efficacy.  ( All the scientific data is pretty close :)  

Heartworm - Heartworm is spread from cats and dogs via mosquitos, so it does not matter whether your cat has contact with other animals or not.  The dreaded mosquito carries this the microfilariae (baby worms)  that they infect your cat with, they then grown to large worms that live in the heart and destroy it.   Revolution Plus must be given monthly to protect your cat from Heartworm.   Revolution Plus can safely be given to cats that already have Heartworm - it is not effective against mature heartworms, it will not kill them.  It is good veterinary practice that if your cat is over 6 months and  has not been on heartworm prevention to get a test done at the vet.   Cats generally dont show signs of heartworm disease until it is too late.  

Worms  -  Revolution Plus will protect your cat against Hookworms and Roundworms. It is very important your cat is treated for Roundworm and it is easily transferred to people and can migrate to the liver, lungs, brain and eyes.  If it migrates to the eyes blindness can occur.  Children are often at most risk, however anybody can be affected.  Revolution Plus does not do tapeworm.  It is good practice to give your cat tapeworm treatment every 3 months.    The Tapeworm tablets are small, inexpensive and easy to give .  

Ear Mites -  A single does of Revolution Plus will  be effective in treating ear mites and keeping them away

Lice -   Protection for your cat for a full month.  

Revolution Plus has been tested and has proven safety with other frequently used vererinary products such as anthelmentics, anti biotics, anti inflammatories, parasiticides and vaccines.   If your cat is on Veterinary prescribed medication it is always a good idea to check with your vet.  

Revolution Plus has not been tested for safety during pregnancy and lactation or in animals used for breeding.   

Things to remember

  • Only apply to dry hair.  Do not apply to your cat if its wet
  • Do not give to kittens under 8 weeks of age or weighing less than 1.25kg
  • Wash hands after handing 
  • Do not touch the area it has been applied to or let children play with the cat until its dry

Buy Revolution Plus here.